React multiple callbacks not updating the local state - javascript

I have a child component called First which is implemented below:
function First(props) {
const handleButtonClick = () => {
props.positiveCallback({key: 'positive', value: 'pos'})
props.negativeCallback({key: 'negative', value: '-100'})
return (
<div><button onClick={() => handleButtonClick()}>FIRST</button></div>
And I have App.js component.
function App() {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState({positive: '+', negative: '-'})
const handleCounterCallback = (obj) => {
let newCounter = {...counter}
newCounter[obj.key] = obj.value
const handleDisplayClick = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<First positiveCallback = {handleCounterCallback} negativeCallback = {handleCounterCallback} />
<Second negativeCallback = {handleCounterCallback} />
<button onClick={() => handleDisplayClick()}>Display</button>
When handleButtonClick is clicked in First component it triggers multiple callbacks but only the last callback updates the state.
In the example:
props.positiveCallback({key: 'positive', value: 'pos'}) // not updated
props.negativeCallback({key: 'negative', value: '-100'}) // updated
Any ideas?

Both are updating the state, your problem is the last one is overwriting the first when you spread the previous state (which isn't updated by the time your accessing it, so you are spreading the initial state). An easy workaround is to split counter into smaller pieces and update them individually
const [positive, setPositive] = useState('+')
const [negative, setNegative] = useState('-')
//This prevents your current code of breaking when accessing counter[key]
const counter = { positive, negative }
const handleCounterCallback = ({ key, value }) => {
key === 'positive' ? setPositive(value) : setNegative(value)

You can do that but useState setter is async like this.setState. If you want to base on the previous value you should use setter as function and you can store it in one state - change handleCounterCallback to
const handleCounterCallback = ({key,value}) => {
setCounter(prev=>({...prev, [key]: value}))
and that is all. Always if you want to base on the previous state use setter for the state as function.
I recommend you to use another hook rather than useState which is useReducer - I think it will be better for you


How do I set a state to a value in localStorage?

There is a button that toggles dark and light mode, and the state of what mode the page is on is saved in localStorage. However, I cannot change the initial value of the state (dark) and I don't know why. This is done in a useEffect function but no matter what the value of dark is, it is always set to its initial value of false.
How do I set the value of the localStorage to the dark state?
function Mode() {
const [dark, setDark] = useState(false);
// localStorage.removeItem("dark");
const onClick = () => {
if (dark) {
} else {
localStorage.setItem("dark", dark);
const localDark = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dark"));
useEffect(() => {
if (localDark !== null) {
setDark(!JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dark"))); // this is what does not change the value of dark
}, []);
return (
<div onClick={onClick} className="mode">
{dark ? <Light /> : <Dark />}
Directly use the value from localStorage in useState as the default. useEffect is unnecessary here.
const [dark, setDark] = useState(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dark")));
document.body.classList.toggle('dark', dark);
The click event handler should set the localStorage dark value to the logical complement of the current value.
const onClick = () => {
localStorage.setItem("dark", !dark);
Use a function to initialize the state from local storage. Update the storage and the body's class on init, and when dark state changes:
const getLocalDark = () => !!JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dark"));
function Mode() {
const [dark, setDark] = useState(getLocalDark);
const onClick = () => {
setDark(d => !d);
useEffect(() => {
const classList = document.querySelector("body").classList;
if (dark) classList.add("dark");
else classList.remove("dark");
localStorage.setItem("dark", dark);
}, [dark]);
return (
<div onClick={onClick} className="mode">
{dark ? <Light /> : <Dark />}
Perhaps you'd be interested in a useLocalStorage hook. Here's how that can be implemented:
export const useLocalStorage = (key, initialState) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(() => {
// Initialize with the value in localStorage if it
// already exists there.
const data = localStorage.getItem(key);
// Otherwise, initialize using the provided initial state.
return data ? JSON.parse(data) : initialState;
// Each time "value" is changed using "setValue", update the
// value in localStorage to reflect these changes.
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
}, [value]);
return [value, setValue];
This hook syncs the value seen in localStorage with the value stored in memory under the value variable.
The usage looks like this (almost identical to regular useState):
export const Counter = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useLocalStorage('count', 0);
return (
onClick={() => {
setCount((prev) => prev + 1);
Increase count
However, the main caveat of this hook is that it's only really meant to be used in one component. That means, if you change the value from light to dark in one component using this hook, any other components using it won't be updated. So instead, you should look into using a similar implementation of what is demonstrated above, but using the React Context API. That way, you'll ensure your in-memory values are in sync with those stored in localStorage. Theming is one of the main uses of the Context API.
Good luck! :)

force remount on value change

I have some files that builds a cart in a dropdown for my shop website.
One file adds the selected item to an array which will be my cart. The other file is the CartDropdown component itself. My cart only show the items when I close and open it (remounting), but I want it to remount every time I add a new item.
Adding item function:
const ProductContainer = ({ productInfo }) => {
const { cartProducts, setCartProducts } = useContext(CartContext);
const cartArray = cartProducts;
const addProduct = () => {
productInfo.quantity = 1;
if (cartArray.includes(productInfo)) {
const index = cartArray.findIndex((object) => {
return object === productInfo;
} else {
// setCartProducts(cartArray)
// console.log(cartArray)
dropdown component
const CartDropdown = () => {
const { setCartProducts, cartProducts } = useContext(CartContext);
const { setProducts, currentProducts } = useContext(ProductsContext);
// useEffect(() => {}, [cartProducts])
const cleanCart = () => {
const cleanProducts = currentProducts;
for (let i in cleanProducts) {
if (cleanProducts[i].hasOwnProperty("quantity")) {
cleanProducts[i].quantity = 0;
return (
<div className="cart-dropdown-container">
<div className="cart-items">
{ => (
<div key={}>
<img src={product.imageUrl}></img>
<button onClick={cleanCart}>CLEAN CART</button>
<Button children={"FINALIZE PURCHASE"} />
How can I force the dropdown to remount every time cartProducts changes?
export const CartContext = createContext({
isCartOpen: false,
setIsCartOpen: () => { },
cartProducts: [],
setCartProducts: () => { }
export const CartProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [isCartOpen, setIsCartOpen] = useState(false)
const [cartProducts, setCartProducts] = useState([])
const value = { isCartOpen, setIsCartOpen, cartProducts, setCartProducts };
return (
<CartContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</CartContext.Provider>
product context
export const ProductsContext = createContext({
currentProducts: null,
setProducts: () => {}
export const ProductsProvider = ({children}) => {
const [currentProducts, setProducts] = useState(shop_data)
const value = {currentProducts, setProducts}
<ProductsContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ProductsContext.Provider>
You can change the key prop of the component every time you want to remount. Every time cartProduct changes, update the value of key. You can do that using a useEffect with cartProduct as a dependency.
<CartDropdown key={1} />
<CartDropdown key={2} />
Edit for more clarification:
const [keyCount, setKeyCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
}, [cartProducts]);
<CartDropdown {...otherProps} key={keyCount} />
The first issue I see is that you are not using the callback to set the state inside the context but you are doing cartProducts[index].quantity++ and react docs specify
Do Not Modify State Directly
Also after cartProducts[index].quantity++, you call setCartProducts(cartArray); not with cartProducts which you actually updated (this is also the reason why "if I do usestate(console.log('A'), [cartProducts]) its not triggering everytime i add my cart product". But anyway there is an issue even if you would use cartArray for both:
You shouldn't directly do const cartArray = cartProducts since by doing so cartArray will be a reference to cartProducts (not a copy of it) which also shouldn't be modified (because it would mean that you are modifying state directly).
So first 2 things I recommend you to improve would be:
Initialize cartArray as a cartProducts deep copy (if your cartProducts is an array of objects, spread syntax won't do it). So I would reccomand you to check this question answers for creating a deep copy.
After you make sure that cartArray is a deep copy of cartProducts, doublecheck you use cartArray to create a local newValue then set the state of the context with the same value (so basically:
The deep copy part also apply for const cleanProducts = currentProducts; (you should also create a deep copy here for cleanProducts, instead of saving the object ref).
If you are not using deep copies, your code might still work in some cases, but you might encounter weird behaviors in some other instances (and thoose are really hard to debug). Therefore is a bad practice in general not using deep copies.

How to update/add new data to react functional component object?

I am trying to create a function that updates an object in react functional component.
What i was trying to do is:
const [content, setContent] = useState({});
const applyContent = (num: number, key: string, val: string) => {
if (content[num] === undefined) {
content[num] = {};
content[num][key] = val;
But I keep getting an error stating that content doesnt have a num attribute,
In vanilla JS it would work, what am i missing to make it work with react functional component?
The setter for your component state has been incorrectly spelled. Have a look at the code below.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './style.css';
export default function App() {
const [content, setContent] = useState({});
const applyContent = (num, key, val) => {
//gets the appropriate inputs
let updatedContent = content;
let value = {};
value[key] = val;
updatedContent[num] = value; //this inserts a new object if not present ot updates the existing one.
setContent({ ...updatedContent });
return (
<h1>Click buttons to change content</h1>
<button onClick={(e) => applyContent(0, 'a', 'b')}>Add</button>
<button onClick={(e) => applyContent(1, 'c', 'd')}>Add</button>
<button onClick={(e) => applyContent(0, 'e', 'f')}>Add</button>
content is a read only value. You must not directly mutate this. Use it only to show data or to copy this data to another helper value.
setContent is a function that sets content.
There are two ways to set data
setContent(value) <-- set directly
setContent(prevState => {
return {
In second example, you will use the previous value, copy it, and then override it with new value. This is useful if you are only updating a part of an object or array.
If you you are working with a deeply nested object, shallow copy might not be enough and you might need to deepcopy your content value first. If not, then use the prevState example to only update the part of that content
const [content, setContent] = useState({});
const applyContent = (num:number,key:string,val:string) => {
const newContent = {...content} // Shallow copy content
if (content[num] === undefined) {
//content[num] = {}; <-- you cant directly change content. content is a readOnly value
newContent[num] = {}
newContent[num][key] = val;
setContent(newContent) // <-- use "setContent" to change "content" value

Nested object stored as state variable deleting newer values when older values are modified

I have a react component which passes user input value to a props function. The parent function just appends those inputs to an object. However, when an older value is modified, all the newer values are removed. Please refer to the screenshots.
This is the parent. ExamArea.js
import McqQuestion from './McqQuestion'
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import './ExamArea.css'
function ExamArea(props) {
const[currentQuesID, setCurrentQuesID] = useState(2);
const[mcqQuestionList, setmcqQuestionList] = useState([<McqQuestion returnfunc={returnFromMcqQuestion} id={1}/>]);
const[ques, setQues] = useState({});
function returnFromMcqQuestion(quesID, thisQuestion) {
var temp = {...ques};
temp["ques"+quesID] = thisQuestion;
function generateMCQ(questionid) {
return (<McqQuestion returnfunc={returnFromMcqQuestion} id={questionid}/>)
function addAnotherQuestion() {
return (
<div className="ExamArea">
<button onClick={()=>addAnotherQuestion()} class="add_another_question_button">+ Add Another Question</button>
export default ExamArea;
This is the child.
import './McqQuestion.css'
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Paper, TextField } from '#material-ui/core';
import InputBase from '#material-ui/core/InputBase';
This is the component that lets the maker create the question, and then stores the question to packedQuestion.
packedQuestipn is in a format which can be directly sent to the API to be uploaded to the database.
A basic question has question_text, question.title
Props passed: = The Question ID.
props.returnfunc = The function that gets called with packedQuestion and when everything is done.
props.returnfunc(, packedQuestion) is the thing that is called.
function McqQuestion(props) {
const [packedQuestion, setPackedQuestion] = useState({});
useEffect(()=> props.returnfunc(, packedQuestion));
/*These two variables store a local copy of packedQuestion. These variables are first updated with the information from
onChange (or a variation of it), and then packedQuestion is set to an instance of this. */
let local_question_mcq = {};
let local_answerChoices_mcq = {};
function fillUpQuestionWithDefault(){
function addOption(character, value) {
local_answerChoices_mcq[character] = value;
local_question_mcq["answer_choices"] = local_answerChoices_mcq;
function addQuestion(title, value){
local_question_mcq['title'] = value;
else {
local_question_mcq['question_text'] = value;
addQuestion(true, "Question ";
addQuestion(false, "");
addOption("a", "");
addOption("b", "");
addOption("c", "");
addOption("d", "");
local_question_mcq['title'] = "Question " +;
local_question_mcq['id'] =;
useEffect(() =>fillUpQuestionWithDefault(), []);
function optionOnInputFunc(character, value) {
local_question_mcq = {...packedQuestion};
local_answerChoices_mcq = {...local_question_mcq["answer_choices"]};
local_answerChoices_mcq[character] = value;
local_question_mcq["answer_choices"] = local_answerChoices_mcq;
function questionOnInputFunc(title, value) {
local_question_mcq = {...packedQuestion};
local_question_mcq['title'] = value;
else {
local_question_mcq = {...packedQuestion};
local_question_mcq['question_text'] = value;
function mcqChoiceGeneratingFunc() {
return (
<div class = "Opt">
<TextField onChange = {e => optionOnInputFunc('a',} label="Option A" variant="filled" multiline rowsMax={4}/>
<TextField onChange = {e => optionOnInputFunc('b',} label="Option B" variant="filled" multiline rowsMax={4}/>
<TextField onChange = {e => optionOnInputFunc('c',} label="Option C" variant="filled" multiline rowsMax={4}/>
<TextField onChange = {e => optionOnInputFunc('d',} label="Option D" variant="filled" multiline rowsMax={4}/>
return (
<Paper class="Question">
<form class="Question-form">
<a class = "editpencil">✎</a>
<InputBase class = "questionedit"
onChange = {e => questionOnInputFunc(true,}
defaultValue={"Question "}
inputProps = {{"maxlength": 40}}/>
<div class="question-text">
<TextField onChange = {e => questionOnInputFunc(false,} variant="outlined" fullWidth="true" label="Type your question"></TextField>
export default McqQuestion;
The behavior I am describing can be seen in these screenshots.
The first two screenshots are expected. Two new questions were added and their respective objects were in the console log.
Expected Behavior at the start of the state
Expected behavior when two new questions were added
When question 1 was edited while questions 2 and 3 were there, the objects for question 3 disappeared.
Why is this happening and how do I fix this?
Storing react components in state is a React anti-pattern and sure-fire way to get yourself some stale state enclosures.
Store just the data in state and render the UI from it.
Any time you are updating react state that depends on the previous state (i.e. appending an element to an array, incrementing a count/id, etc...) you don't use a functional state update.
Use a functional state update to correctly update from any previous state versus state from the previous render cycle.
Once I resolved your issues in ExamArea I was a bit thrown off by the usage of local_question_mcq and local_answerChoices_mcq. At first glance they appeared to be "state" that wasn't part of component state.
Limit the scope of utility variables such as local_question_mcq and local_answerChoices_mcq
Similar issues with the functional updates, but coupled to the overscoped local_question_mcq and local_answerChoices_mcq.
Use a functional state update to directly update packedQuestion in the onChange handlers.
Store only data in component state.
Map state to UI in render function.
Use functional state update to map previous state to next state. Use the question ID to match the question that needs to be updated and also shallow copy it.
Pass returnFromMcqQuestion as prop directly (not stored in state either).
function ExamArea(props) {
const [currentQuesID, setCurrentQuesID] = useState(2);
const [mcqQuestionList, setmcqQuestionList] = useState([{ id: 1 }]); // <-- store data only
function returnFromMcqQuestion(quesID, thisQuestion) {
setmcqQuestionList((mcqQuestionList) => // <-- functional state update => === quesID // <-- shallow copy matching question
? {
: question
function generateMCQ(questionid) {
return {
id: questionid
function addAnotherQuestion() {
setmcqQuestionList((mcqQuestionList) => // <-- functional state update
setCurrentQuesID((c) => c + 1); // <-- functional state update
return (
<div className="ExamArea">
{{ id }) => (
returnfunc={returnFromMcqQuestion} // <-- pass callback directly
+ Add Another Question
Use functional state update to map previous state to next state.
Limit the scope of local_question_mcq and local_answerChoices_mcq, move them into fillUpQuestionWithDefault and declare them const.
Make code more DRY where possible.
Fix class vs className and other various React warnings.
function McqQuestion(props) {
const [packedQuestion, setPackedQuestion] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
props.returnfunc(, packedQuestion); // <-- update state in parent
}, [packedQuestion]);
function fillUpQuestionWithDefault() {
/*These two variables store a local copy of packedQuestion. These variables are first updated with the information from
onChange (or a variation of it), and then packedQuestion is set to an instance of this. */
const local_question_mcq = { // <-- provide initial values, then override
title: `Question ${}`,
const local_answerChoices_mcq = {};
function addOption(character, value = '') {
local_answerChoices_mcq[character] = value;
local_question_mcq["answer_choices"] = local_answerChoices_mcq;
function addQuestion(title, value) {
local_question_mcq[title ? "title" : "question_text"] = value; // <-- DRY
addQuestion(true, "Question " +;
addQuestion(false, "");
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].forEach(c => addOption(c, '')); // <-- DRY
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
function optionOnInputFunc(character, value) {
setPackedQuestion((question) => ({ // <-- functional state update
answer_choices: {
[character]: value
function questionOnInputFunc(title, value) {
setPackedQuestion((question) => ({ // <-- functional state update
[title ? 'title' : 'question_text']: value
function mcqChoiceGeneratingFunc() {
return (
<div className="Opt">
return (
<Paper className="Question">
When you are calling this function from child component then ques take the value of initial state in hook that is {}. Now you are adding key quesID in temp and updating the state. So it will be an expected behavior.
function returnFromMcqQuestion(prevQues, quesID, thisQuestion) {
var temp = {...prevQues};
temp["ques"+quesID] = thisQuestion;
So you need something like this.
<McqQuestion ques={ques} returnfunc={returnFromMcqQuestion} id={questionid}/>)
useEffect(()=> props.returnfunc(props.ques,, packedQuestion));

Difference between usePreviousDistinct with useEffect and without

I needed a hook to get the previous distinct value of a specific state. It looks like this and it seems to work:
function usePreviousDistinct(state) {
const prevRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
prevRef.current = state;
}, [state]);
return prevRef.current;
I've also seen there is a usePreviousDistinct hook in the react-use package but the approach is different than mine.
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { useFirstMountState } from './useFirstMountState';
export type Predicate<T> = (prev: T | undefined, next: T) => boolean;
const strictEquals = <T>(prev: T | undefined, next: T) => prev === next;
export default function usePreviousDistinct<T>(value: T, compare: Predicate<T> = strictEquals): T | undefined {
const prevRef = useRef<T>();
const curRef = useRef<T>(value);
const isFirstMount = useFirstMountState();
if (!isFirstMount && !compare(curRef.current, value)) {
prevRef.current = curRef.current;
curRef.current = value;
return prevRef.current;
I wonder if I have not understood something or am missing something. Is my version also correct?
In my test I could not find a difference:
useEffect() together with useRef() (your version) does not show the latest value.
useRef() without useEffect() gives you the correct value, because it runs synchronously, but doesn't have the advantages that come with asynchronicity.
useEffect() together with useState() gives you the correct value, but might trigger unnecessary renders (adds potentially unnecessary overhead).
Your version looks like it works as expected, because the old value that is shown is the one that you expect to see as the new value. But the actual new value is not the one you want.
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
export const MyComponent = function(props){
const [state, setState ] = useState(0);
return <React.Fragment>
state: { state },<br />
with useEffect: { usePreviousDistinctUE( state ) },<br />
w/o useEffect: { usePreviousDistinctR( state ) },<br />
<button onClick={ function(){
setState( state + 1 );
} }>
const usePreviousDistinctUE = function( value ){
const prevRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
prevRef.current = value;
console.log('with useEffect, prev:', prevRef.current, ', current:', value);
}, [value]);
return prevRef.current;
const usePreviousDistinctR = function( value ){
const prevRef = useRef();
const curRef = useRef( value );
if( curRef.current !== value ){
prevRef.current = curRef.current;
curRef.current = value;
console.log('w/o useEffect, prev:', prevRef.current, ', current:', curRef.current);
return prevRef.current;
The values shown on the page are the same, but in the console they are different. That means the value in the useEffect() version is changed, it is only not yet shown on the page.
If you just add another hook that updates anything unrelated (leaving everything else unchanged), then the page (might*) magically show the updated value again, because the page is re-rendered and the previously already changed value is shown. The value is now wrong in your eyes, but it is not changed, only shown:
// ...
with useEffect: { usePreviousDistinctUE( state ) },<br />
w/o useEffect: { usePreviousDistinctR( state ) },<br />
anything updated: { useAnythingUpdating( state ) },<br />
// ...
const useAnythingUpdating = function(state){
const [result, setResult ] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
setResult( state );
console.log('anything updated');
return result;
*But you shouldn't rely on something else triggering a re-render. I'm not even sure this would update as expected under all circumstances.
more Details:
useEffect() is triggered at some time when react decides that the prop must have been changed. The ref is changed then, but react will not 'get informed' about a ref change, so it doesn't find it necessary to re-render the page to show the changed value.
In the example without useEffect() the change happens synchronously.
React doesn't 'know' about this change either, but (if everything else runs as expected) there will be always a re-render when necessary anyway (you will have called that function from another function that is rendered at the end).
(Not informing react about the change is basically the point in using useRef(): sometimes you want just a value, under your own control, without react doing magic things with it.)

