How to set collider with world bounds (Phaser)? - javascript

I'm using
I just learned how to set a collider function:
this.physics.add.collider(enemies, platforms, function (enemy) {
gameState.score += 10;
But I would like to do the same thing without the platform. Instead of the platform, I would like to use the world bounds.
I know you can set world bounds like this:
I've tried:
this.physics.add.collider(enemies, this.worldBounds, function (enemy) {
gameState.score += 10;
But this doesn't work.
Any ideas?

I have found a solution for you:
First, set your enemy's sprite to collide with the setCollideWorldBounds(true) like so:
Second, turn the option for your enemy's sprite to listen for WorldBound events like so:
enemy.body.onWorldBounds = true;
Third & lastly, set the "wordbounds" event listener & make the enemy disappear like so:'worldbounds', function(body) {
// Checks if it's the sprite that you'listening for
if (body.gameObject === this) {
// Make the enemy sprite unactived & make it disappear
}, enemy);


Phaser3 framework javascript: current anims index

In phaser 3 framework, what syntax do I use to check the current frame index?
I want to make a hit area appear only when the player's sprite sheet reaches a certain index(the index displaying the motion of 'attack'). I want to accomplish this through detecting its current frame index.
How can I do this?
You could use the sprite events like: Phaser.Animations.Events.ANIMATION_UPDATE, details in official phaser documenation
player.on(Phaser.Animations.Events.ANIMATION_UPDATE, function (anim, frame, gameObject, frameKey) {
// Here you can check for the specific-frame
if(frameKey == "show_hit_area_frame"){
// ... show hitarea
// alternatively: with the index of the frame
if(frame.index == 7){
// ... show hitarea
In this selected Event, you can also check the current frame, for other properties of the frame object (details in official documenation), if you don't know/have the specific framekey/index.
The solution is found.
//hitbox solution:
//hitboxB listener
gameState.playerB.on('animationstart-kill', function () {
console.log("finish kill <3")
gameState.hitBoxB.x = gameState.playerB.flipX ? gameState.playerB.x + 120 : gameState.playerB.x - 120;
gameState.hitBoxB.y = gameState.playerB.y;
// gameState.hitBoxB.visible = true;
gameState.playerB.on('animationcomplete-kill', function () {
console.log("kill <3")
gameState.hitBoxB.x =0 ;
gameState.hitBoxB.y = 0;
// gameState.hitBoxB.visible = false;

Extreme Novice needing assistance with mousePressed() event

I am VERY new to P5.js/processing (taking programming for artists). I am trying to make a crude game where an image (Jar Jar) bounces across the screen and another image (lightsaber) that moves with the mouse and when the mouse attached image goes over the bouncing image then the lightsaber will be mirrored and activate a sound. If this at all makes sense...
I have the bouncing image part down so far, but I am unable to make the mousePressed() function work. like I mentioned, I need the "lightsaber.png" to flip when the mouse is pressed. Also, when the mouse is pressed and is directly over the JarJar image, how would I add a score count and sound event?
Thank you!
here is my code so far:
let jarJar;
let jarJarX=5;
let jarJarY=5;
let xspeed;
let yspeed;
let lightSaber;
function preload() {
jarJar = loadImage('jarjar.png');
lightSaber= loadImage ('lightSaber.png');
function setup() {
xspeed=random (15,22);
yspeed=random (15,22);
function draw() {
image (lightSaber,mouseX,mouseY,100,100);
image(jarJar,jarJarX,jarJarY, 140, 200);
jarJarX= jarJarX+xspeed;
if (jarJarX<=-300|| jarJarX>=width+200){
jarJarY= jarJarY+yspeed;
if (jarJarY<-200|| jarJarY>=height+200 ){
//picture mirrors when mouse pressed
if mouseClicked(){
//score counter coordinate with lightsaber hitting image
Let it be known that I'm not proficient at javaScript. This said, your question is quite simple so I can help anyway.
Some framework will have simple ways to mirror images. Processing likes to scale with a negative number. I re-coded some of your stuff to accommodate my changes. The main changes goes as follows:
I added a method to draw the lightsaber so we can "animate" it (read: flip it for a couple frames when the user clicks around).
I added a 'score' global variable to track the score, and a way for the user to see that score with the text method.
I added a method called "intersect" which isn't very well coded as it's something I did back when I was a student (please don't hurt me, it works just right so I still use it from time to time). For more details on how simple collisions works, take some time to read this answer I wrote some time ago, there are nice pictures too!
I added a mouseClicked method. This method will act like an event, which means that it will be triggered by a specific call (a left mouse button click in this case). This method contains the code to check for a collision between the squares which are the images. If there's an overlap, the score will increase and jarjar will run in another direction (this part is a bonus to demonstrate that this is the place where you can get creative about the collision).
I commented the code so you can get what I'm doing more easily:
let jarJar;
let jarJarX=5;
let jarJarY=5;
let xspeed;
let yspeed;
let lightSaber;
let flipLength;
let score = 0;
function preload() {
jarJar = loadImage('jarjar.png');
lightSaber= loadImage ('lightSaber.png');
function setup() {
createCanvas(700, 700);
function draw() {
drawLightSaber(); // this way I can deal with the lightsaber's appearance in a dedicated method
image(jarJar, jarJarX, jarJarY, 140, 200);
jarJarX= jarJarX+xspeed;
if (jarJarX<=-300|| jarJarX>=width+200) {
jarJarY= jarJarY+yspeed;
if (jarJarY<-200|| jarJarY>=height+200 ) {
//score counter coordinate with lightsaber hitting image
fill(200, 200, 0);
text('Score: ' + score, 10, 40);
function drawLightSaber() {
if (flipLength) { // if the number is > 0 this will be true
flipLength--; // measure how ling the saber is flipped in frames # ~60 frames per second
push(); // isolating the translate ans scale manpulations to avoid ruining the rest of the sketch
translate(mouseX + 100, 0); // makes the coordinates so once flipped the lightsaber will still appear at the same location
scale(-1.0, 1.0); // flip x-axis backwards
image (lightSaber, 0, mouseY, 100, 100);
pop(); // ends the sequence started with 'push();'
} else {
image (lightSaber, mouseX, mouseY, 100, 100);
function runJarJarRun() {
xspeed=random (5, 10);
yspeed=random (5, 10);
function mouseClicked() { // this method will trigger once when the left mouse button is clicked
flipLength = 10;
if (intersect(jarJarX, jarJarY, 140, 200, mouseX, mouseY, 100, 100)) {
runJarJarRun(); // as a bonus, jarjar will run in another direction on hit
// you could totally put some more special effects, like a flash, a sound, some 'mesa ouchie bad!' text, whatever speaks to you
function intersect(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) {
let checkX = false;
let checkY = false;
if ( (x1<x2 && (x1+w1)>x2) || (x1<(x2+w2) && (x1+w1)>x2+w2) || (x1>x2 && (x1+w1)<(x2+w2)) ) {
checkX = true;
if ( (y1<y2 && (y1+h1)>y2) || (y1<(y2+h2) && (y1+h1)>y2+h2) || (y1>y2 && (y1+h1)<(y2+h2)) ) {
checkY = true;
return (checkX && checkY);
If there's something you don't understand, let me know in a comment and I'll be happy to elaborate. Good luck and have fun!
Hi and welcome to stack overflow. One thing to keep in mind when submitting here (or any forum where you're looking for help with code) is to post a minimal reproducible example. You'll be much more likely to get useful responses.
You'll also want to separate out your questions, as they each have multi-step responses.
Your first question is about how to get your sketch to display something when you press the mouse down. Your syntax isn't quite correct there. Here's a minimal example of how to check for a mouse held down.
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
if (mouseIsPressed == true) {
ellipse(100, 100, 100, 100);
Just a quick note that I tried to make this as 'novice-friendly' as possible. The == true is optional and not usually included.

rotate a globe with the mouse

I can determine where on a globe the user has clicked.
When the user first clicks the mouse button down, I can store where they have clicked; lets call it the pin.
Then, as they drag the mouse around, I want to put the pin under the mouse cursor.
Here is some code that seems to roughly keep the pin under the mouse pointer, but doesn't correctly maintain the globe; it flickers and spins randomly. Sometimes it flips the axis entirely so the globe is momentarily back-to-front.
function evtPos(evt) {
if(!scene.ortho) return null;
var x = lerp(scene.ortho[0],scene.ortho[1],evt.clientX/canvas.width),
y = lerp(scene.ortho[3],scene.ortho[2],evt.clientY/canvas.height), // flipped
sqrd = x*x+y*y;
return (sqrd > 1)?
function onMouseDown(evt) {
pin = evtPos(evt);
function onMouseMove(evt,keys,isMouseDown) {
if(!isMouseDown) return;
var pt = evtPos(evt);
if(pin == null) pin = pt;
if(pt == null) return;
var d = vec3_sub(pt,pin),
rotx = Math.atan2(d[1],d[2]),
roty = (d[2] >= 0)?
-Math.atan2(d[0] * Math.cos(rotx),d[2]):
Math.atan2(d[0] * Math.cos(rotx),-d[2]),
rotz = Math.atan2(Math.cos(rotx),Math.sin(rotx)*Math.sin(roty));
scene.mvMatrix = mat4_multiply(scene.mvMatrix,mat4_rotation(rotx,[1,0,0]));
scene.mvMatrix = mat4_multiply(scene.mvMatrix,mat4_rotation(roty,[0,1,0]));
scene.mvMatrix = mat4_multiply(scene.mvMatrix,mat4_rotation(rotz,[0,0,1]));
function onMouseUp(evt) {
pin = null;
Also, over time, an error seems to build up and the pin drifts further and further from the mouse pointer. I presume I should somehow compute the mvMatrix completely rather than by lots of samll increments each event?
I want the user to be able to drag the globe around to navigate naturally. All code to spin globes that I've found uses fixed speeds e.g. arrow keys, rather than 'pinning' the globe under a mouse pointer. Unity has a function Quaternion.FromToRotation(fromPos,toPos) which seems very promising but the source is not available.
One of the approaches for doing this is the arcBall algorithm. There are even JavaScript implementations available so you don't need to roll your own.

Easeljs sprite animation stuck on frame

I'm learning javascript by using the easeljs library to make a simple game, for school lessons.
I want to make a crosshair give some feedback to the player by showing a small animation while you are pointing at your target, using a hittest I made.
However, when the crosshair touches the target, the animation (should be two little triangles pointing to the middle of the crosshair) seems to be stuck on it's first frame.
Here is a bit of my code, I put both of these functions inside a ticker function. The functions do what they're supposed to do (I checked by sending a message to the console.log), but I think the animation is reset as soon as the variable "hitTestControle" is set to true, at every tick.
If you want to check out all of the code, here is a link to the "game":
function hitTest() {
if(distance(crossHair, block) < 60) {
hitTestControle = true;
} else {
hitTestControle = false;
function hitTestControl() {
if(hitTestControle == true) {
} else {
PS: There also seems to be something wrong with this hittest I used.
function distance() {
var difx = blok.x - crossHair.x;
var dify = blok.y - crossHair.y;
return Math.sqrt( (difx * difx) + (dify * dify) );
It looks like you're starting the animation... setting it to the first frame and starting it... every time hitTestControle is true. Since hitTestControle will be true as long as you're hovering over the target, the animation will never reach the second frame.
What you need to do is start the animation when you transition from hitTestControle = false to hitTestControle = true, but once that happens you just let it play automatically.
Try changing your hitTestControl() function to something like this:
function hitTestControl() {
if(hitTestControle == true && alreadyOverHit == false) {
alreadyOverHit = true;
} else {
alreadyOverHit = false;
In other words, only start the animation once, during the first frame you're detecting a hit, and then don't touch it unless you move off the target and back on.

gameQuery collision detection

it is the first time for me to explore jQuery and gameQuery for building games using JavaScript, so am asking about sth that might look very naive, but really i cant get it.
i am developing a game like Space Invader, the detection for collision between player missile and enemies not working.
This is my code:
the definition for my Enemy class
function Enemy(node){
this.node = $(node);
this.pts_value = 0;
return true;
this is the code i use to add ten enemy sprite next to each other. the enemies move together to the left and the right
$.each(new Array(10), function(index, value) {
$("#enemy_group").addSprite("enemy2_"+index,{animation: enemies[2],
posx: index * 55, posy: 0, width: 48, height: 48})
$("#enemy2_"+index)[0].enemy = new Enemy($("#enemy2_"+index));
$("#enemy2_"+index)[0].pts_value = 150;
so when i need to move the enemies, i move the enemies together, i move the group that includes all the sprites "#enemy_group"
var enemiesNewPos = (parseInt($("#enemy_group").css("left"))) + ENEMY_SPEED;
if(enemiesNewPos < PLAYGROUND_WIDTH - 550){
$("#enemy_group").css("left", ""+enemiesNewPos+"px");
} else {
} else {
var enemiesNewPos = (parseInt($("#enemy_group").css("left"))) - ENEMY_SPEED;
if(enemiesNewPos > 0){
$("#enemy_group").css("left", ""+enemiesNewPos+"px");
} else {
finally for collision detection, i want to remove the enemy sprite that the players missile has hit, each missile sprite has an added class names ".playerMissiles"
var posy = parseInt($(this).css("top"));
if(posy < 0){
$(this).css("top", ""+(posy - MISSILE_SPEED)+"px");
//Test for collisions
var collided = $(this).collision(".enemy, .group");
if(collided.length > 0){
//An enemy has been hit!
$(this).setAnimation(enemies[0], function(node){$(node).remove();});
i was following the documentation tutorial on the gameQuery website.
any help appreciated, thanks,
I can't see any problem with your code. I can only give you a few pointers:
Did you create "enemy_group" with the addGroup function?
Is "enemy_group" nested in something special like a custom div ? for the collision detection to work you need a chain of parent composed only of sprites and groups (and tiles map)
Is "enemy_group" nested in a sprite, if so it's a bad idea because you will need to add the selector for this sprite in your methode call and this sprite will be included in the colliding element list.
The same goes for the ".playerMissiles"
Just to be sure what version of gameQuery and jQuery do you use? The last version from gitHub is unstable and I wouldn't recomend using it, user 0.5.1 instead.
You could use jquery collision plugin, so you avoid doid the logic by yourself.
Hope this helps. Cheers

