How to send (Screen sharing stream) via SIPJS to the other caller - javascript

I'm using SIPJS to make calls between 2 callers using web browser.
Now i want to add (Screen sharing) feature , so far i managed to open chrome screen sharing window and i get the stream and played it in video element.
But what i really need is to send this stream to the other caller so he can see my screen sharing.
What I've tried so far:
After i get the (screen sharing stream) i pass it to session.sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection , and then catch the stream (or track) using these events onTrackAdded , onaddTrack , onaddStream , onstream
But none of there events get anything.
Also tried to send the stream with video constraint before the call start
video: {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: 'desktop',
// chromeMediaSourceId:,
maxWidth: window.screen.width > 1920 ? window.screen.width : 1920,
maxHeight: window.screen.height > 1080 ? window.screen.height : 1080
optional: []
Even tried to send the stream with video constraint
.then(function(stream) {
//We've got media stream
console.log("----------then triggered-------------");
var options = {
sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: {
constraints: {
audio: true,
video: stream
pub_session = userAgent.invite(reciver_name,options);
.catch(function(error) {
also didn't work.
Here is my Code
First get the screen sharing stream and send it to the other user
// Get screen sharing and send it.
.then(function(stream) {
//We've got media stream
console.log("----------then triggered-------------");
var pc = session.sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection;
stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {
pc.addTrack(track, stream);
.catch(function(error) {
Then catch that stream at the other side
// Reciving stream or track
userAgent.on('invite', function (session) {
session.on('trackAdded', function() {
console.log('-------------trackAdded triggered--------------');
session.on('addTrack', function (track) {
console.log('-------------addTrack triggered--------------');
session.on('addStream', function (stream) {
console.log('-------------addStream triggered--------------');
session.on('stream', function (stream) {
console.log('-------------stream triggered--------------');
But still get nothing from that code above
So how can i pass that stream or track to the other caller after the call starts ?
thank you so much

I Found the solution from some great gentlemen in SIPJS groups
Hope the answer will help someone as it helped me
var option = {video: {mediaSource: 'screen'}, audio: true};
var pc = session.sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection;
var videoTrack = streams.getVideoTracks()[0];
var sender = pc.getSenders().find(function(s) {
return s.track.kind == videoTrack.kind;
console.log('found sender:', sender);
}, function(error){
console.log("error ", error);


Is there a way to acess usb camera feed rather than internal cameras on video capture?

I currently have a form with a file input that accepts video captures. By default it opens the devices internal camera, in this case, a tablets front camera. The problem is that I have a endoscopic industrial camera connected to the tablets usb port, the camera works fine on third party apps, but i would like to use it for the video capture input, meaning that i want to use the endoscopic camera to record the video rather than the internal ones. Is this possible with HTML5 capture and javasrcipt?
I already tried all variations of getUserMedia() but they all result in accessing the internal cameras only.
Here is the code that im using for testing.
<video width="1280" height="720"></video>
<p onclick="capture()">capture</p>
const constraints = {
audio: false,
video: {
deviceId: '3caac644b0fa5838e6e720169a3b3c52e18f449625455e65924eb112a22f8bd9',
width: { ideal: 1280 },
height: { ideal: 720 }
function capture(){
.then((mediaStream) => {
const video = document.querySelector('video');
video.srcObject = mediaStream;
video.onloadedmetadata = () => {;
.catch((err) => {
// always check for errors at the end.
console.error(`${}: ${err.message}`);

How to parse the data from a webRTC stream?

I am trying to get into the core of the webRTC stream an access the raw data that is coming into the client. I am in react-native and am creating the stream as such:
if (!stream) {
(async () => {
const availableDevices = await mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const {deviceId: sourceId} = availableDevices.find(
// once we get the stream we can just call .switchCamera() on the track to switch without re-negotiating
// ref:
device => device.kind === 'videoinput' && device.facing === 'front',
const streamBuffer = await mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: true,
video: {
mandatory: {
// Provide your own width, height and frame rate here
minWidth: 500,
minHeight: 300,
minFrameRate: 30,
facingMode: 'user',
optional: [{sourceId}],
This streamBuffer that is coming in is a URL, example: 52815B95-4406-493F-8904-0BA74887550C.
I have yet to find a way to actually access the data behind this url. I know that in reactJS, they send the url to a video element and that parses the data and spits out a jpeg image. I am trying to implement my own version of that parsing. However, I can't seem to find a way to even access the bit data that is coming into through the stream. Thanks in advance for any advice.

How to find out reason for MediaStreamTrack.onended event

I have a website that is used to take pictures, user has to take one picture with main camera and then second picture (selfie) with front camera. All those pictures are saved as blobs in db and can be viewed in a separate page.
Issue: sometimes one of the photos are plain black and it seems that mediaStreamTrack ends randomly which causes the image to arrive to DB as plain black. (this mostly happens with iPhones, but I have seen desktops with win10 have the same issue since I log userAgent and made a function that logs some events like 'camera permission requested', 'permission granted', 'stream ended').
Is there a way to obtain why onended event was fired?
function startVideo(facingMode = 'environment') {
if (this.mediaStream && facingMode === 'user') {
// stop previous stream to start a new one with different camera
const videoEl = video.current;
const canvasEl = canvas.current;
video: {
facingMode === "user" ? { exact: facingMode } : facingMode,
height: {
min: 720,
max: 720
width: {
min: 720,
max: 1280
advanced: [{ aspectRatio: 1 }]
audio: false
.then((stream) => {
if (this.mediaStream !== stream) this.mediaStream = stream;
videoEl.srcObject = this.mediaStream;;
this.mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0].onended = () => {
console.log('stream ended unexpectedly');
this.sendUserLog('stream ended');
.catch((error) => {
if ( === 'OverconstrainedError') {
this.sendUserLog('camera quality too low')
} else {
console.log("An error occurred: " + error));
this.sendUserLog('permission denied');
I also tried to log the onended event, but it only shows the source mediaStream properties and and type: 'ended', but I already know that since the event fired.
Also since most of these cases happen with mobiles, it seems implausible that camera was disconnected manually.

WebRTC merge video MediaStreamTracks into one on client side

How i can merge 2 video streams into one on client side, and send it through WebRTC PeerConnection?
For example i have 2 video streams like this
navigator.getUserMedia({ video: true }, successCamera, error); // capture camera
function successCamera(streamCamera) {
vtCamera = streamCamera.getVideoTracks()[0]
navigator.getUserMedia({ // capture screen
video: {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: 'screen',
maxWidth: 1280,
maxHeight: 720
}, successScreen, error);
function successScreen(streamScreen) {
vtScreen = streamScreen.getVideoTracks()[0]
mergedVideoTracks = vtScreen + vtCamera; // How i can merge tracks in one??
finallyStream = streamScreen.clone()
finallyStream.removeTrack( finallyStream.getVideoTracks()[0] )
finallyStream.addTrack( mergedVideoTracks )
finallyStream // I need to send this through WebRTC PeerConnection
function error(error) {
As you can see i have vtScreen and vtCamera as MediaStreamTracks. I need to set screen as background, and camera as small frame in right bottom corner. And send it through WebRTC PeerConnection as one stream
Yes, i can merge it on canvas, but i don't know how i can send this canvas as MediaStreamTrack. =(

How to detect if microphone permissions have been granted in chrome

I would liked to detect whether or not microphone permissions have been granted on my site when it loads without actually running something like the following:
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: active},
Is there a simple API to detect whether the user has permanently granted microphone access to my application (which runs over https)?
microphone has been added to the Permission API even if it's not yet available on Safari nor Internet Explorer.
You could hope that it would be accessible from the permission api, but it isn't :(
Perhaps in the feature this could work like the rest of this:
// { name: 'camera' }
{ name: 'microphone' }
// { name: 'geolocation' }
// { name: 'notifications' }
// { name: 'midi', sysex: false }
// { name: 'midi', sysex: true }
// { name: 'push', userVisibleOnly: true }
// { name: 'push' } // without userVisibleOnly isn't supported in chrome M45, yet
console.log(permissionStatus.state); // granted, denied, prompt
permissionStatus.onchange = function(){
console.log("Permission changed to " + this.state);
Old answer
The only way i see it possible is if you keep track of this yourself with a key/value item in localStorage when you ask for permission.
Unfortunately it doesn't notify you when it has been changed
// initialization
if( localStorage.getItem('voice_access') === null ){
// just assume it is prompt
localStorage.setItem('voice_access', 'prompt');
// Then somewhere
navigator.getUserMedia({ audio: true }, function (e) {
// In chrome, If your app is running from SSL (https://),
// this permission will be persistent.
// That is, users won't have to grant/deny access every time.
localStorage.setItem("voice_access", "granted");
}, function (err) {
if ( === 'PermissionDismissedError') {
localStorage.setItem('voice_access', 'prompt')
if ( === 'PermissionDeniedError') {
localStorage.setItem('voice_access', 'denied')
You could go the extra mile and build a nice little wrapper with this code above and extend/replace the permission api to handle more enum names and create a broadcast api to tell the other tabs when it changes. but why make it so complicated...? The localStorage can't be 100% trusted. it can be changed anywhere any time both with permission and storage cleared
you already got the polling method for checking permissions.
here is some information from MDN:
and some more:
here is an example:
navigator.getMedia (
// constraints
video: true,
audio: true
// successCallback
function(localMediaStream) {
var video = document.querySelector('video');
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(localMediaStream);
video.onloadedmetadata = function(e) {
// Do something with the video here.
// errorCallback
function(err) {
console.log("The following error occured: " + err);
navigator.getUserMedia is now obsolete, replaced by MediaDevices.getUserMedia, which returns a promise. If the promise gets rejected you get an DOMException with indication of the problem. Insufficient permissions is one of the options there.
Details here:
I guess this would be helpful:
function isMicrophoneAllowed(){
name: 'microphone'
return permissionStatus.state !== 'denied';

