How to pass a value from a service, to a component's method - javascript

I've got a service that I use to share data between 2 components. That part works flawlessly, but now I need to call a method of component A, when something triggers on the service (and pass a value to that component). How can I do this? I read on older questions that this is a wrong approach but since Im a noob I dont know what to search for a solution.
Do I need to use observables?

I think Joseph's idea is the way to go.
Here's how I'd implement it:
class FooService {
private _newEvents = new Subject();
newEvents$ = this._newEvents.asObservable();
addNewEvent (ev) {;
// Allow `A` class to communicate with `B` class
class A {
addEvent (ev) {
class B {
private subscription: Subscription;
ngOnInit () {
this.subscription = this.fooService.newEvents$
.subscribe(e => {})
ngOnDestroy () {
Note that if your B class subscribes to multiple observables, you should unsubscribe from them using, among other solutions, takeUntil.

Observables / Subjects are one way. You would have one Subject in the service, and would use .next(value) on it to exchange values. Each component which is interested in the value may subscribe to that subject.
Example: (taken from RxJS docs
//your Service
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
const subject = new Subject<number>();
//Component A (and others as well)
next: (num) => console.log(num)
//this should work as well with prettier syntax:
service.subject.subscribe(sum =>
//Component B //passing number 7 to Component A
Whenever you create a subscription, make sure to always unsubscribe! Else you might end up with stacks of subscriptions, which will all get triggered simultaneously in the very same component.
From personal experience, I found it more helpful to outsource any functions and variables that could be considered as global into a dedicated service, if possible. If you directly read the variables of a service from your components (and modify them if necessary), you'll have the same effect. That works as long as you keep a proper service structure. Some examples of dedicated services with global use are:
Translations (TranslationService)
Rights Management (PermissionService)


Typescript RXJS Subject await async susbscriptions

Suppose I have two completely independent pieces of code in two completely unrelated classes that subscribe to the same Observable in a service class.
class MyService {
private readonly subject = new Subject<any>();
public observe(): Observable<any> {
return this.subject.pipe();
class A {
constructor(private readonly service: MyService) {
service.observe().subscribe( async (value) => {
await this.awaitAnOperation(value);
console.log('Class A subscription complete', value);
class B {
constructor(private readonly service: MyService) {
service.observe().subscribe( (value) => console.log('Class B subscription complete', value));
The issue that I am now facing is that when the service emits an event, the log of class B will come before A, even though A subscribed first. What I need is that all methods are ran and finished before going to the next one. I know if A were to be synchronously than my question would be solved, but A does need to run an async operation AND Bcan only log after A has logged.
A and B are completely unaware of eachother and should be as well. In e.g. C# we can run an async method synchrnonously by using GetAwaiter().Wait(); and is not considered a bad practice since when it needs to run on the main thread. An equivalent TS/JS option would be nice.
A subscribes before B. It is simply the chronological order of subscribing that should also execute. I know this is by default emitted in that sequence, but the fact remains that running a subscription method on a different thread would continue the main thread to the next subscription. This is what I need to avoid somehow.
I had a similar issue that I solved with an operator I called forkConcat. Instead of subscribing multiple times, I made multiple operators and chained them so that source$.pipe(operatorA) would happen and complete before source$.pipe(operatorB) started, and that would complete before source$.pipe(operatorC) started, and all three completed before dealing with the next value from source$.
My code looked like this...
) )
where forkConcat is defined as
import { merge, Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, Operator } from 'rxjs/operators';
Creates an operator that will fork several operators from the same input, and not proceed until all those things are done.
First Argument:
If those things should be done in turn, send concat as the first argument.
If each operator should be done in parallel, use merge (or undefined) as the first argument.
To return an array of each operators' final values per value received by forkConcat, use forkJoin.
You could also use combineLatest, etc.
All other arguments are operators.
type Combiner<T> = (...array$: ObservableInput<T>[]) => Observable<T>;
export function forkConcat<T,R>(combiner: Combiner<T> = merge, ...arrayOperators: Operator<T, R>[]) {
return concatMap<T,R>((x) => {
try {
const x$ = of(x);
const o = arrayOperators
.filter(op => !!op) // ignore falsy arguments
.map(op => x$.pipe(op));
return o.length ? combiner(...o) : x$;
} catch (e) {
throw new ForkConcatError(x, e, combiner, arrayOperators);
class ForkConcatError<T> extends Error {
readonly receivedValue: T,
readonly innerError: Error,
readonly combiner: Combiner<T>,
readonly arrayOperators: Operator<T, R>[]
) {
It worked. But I've also got to tell you...
I threw it away
I slowly began to realize that the need for forkConcat was a sign that I should be doing things differently. I haven't seen your code but when you say they shouldn't know about each other yet one affects the other, I highly suspect you should consider the same. If, instead of global/shared variables, you had global/shared subjects and observables where the one that emitted to B was...
concatMap(x => concat(
of(x) // B should receive the same value A did.
... then you wouldn't have this issue and your code would be cleaner.
In my case, I went a different route. I made a State interface, and then instead of passing source values through my operators, I passed {source: Source, state: State} objects. This way, there was no longer any global variables at all! Every operator could be a pure function (or pure function plus side effects) using only the combined value/state pairs emitted into them. State errors were much harder to make! To use this tactic, start thinking of your A and B as operators (that don't know about each other) instead of subscribers (that don't know about each other) and your future self will likely be happier.
But just in case I'm wrong about that advice, you now have forkConcat.
You can do that by combining the two Observables using switchMap rxjs operator. it will be guarantied that the second Observable B will not started unless the first one A is done.
Here a good example to this scenario in the section addressed "Combining Observables in series":

React and Mobx - Load API data on load?

I have to validate that the user is logged in, using some token, that currently in the next example will already be set, for testing.
I have two options that I can think of.
Option 1
Do it on store's constructor:
export class MyStore {
#observable token = "sometoken";
#observable authenticated = false;
constructor() {
checkAuth() {
fetch("http://localhost:3001/validate/" + this.token)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
this.authenticated = data.validated;
// catch etc
Option 2:
Do it in my component's that uses the data, componentDidMount method.
Both of the ways work, but what is really the best practice to handle such state?
I would definitely go for the first option. If you don't always need the authentication - for example some parts are public - then just don't call this.checkAuth() in the store constructor. If all parts need authentication, then it looks good like this.
Option 2 should be avoided because that would make unnecessary roundtrips to the server to re-validate a token which was already validated. And in general MobX gives great tools to minimize the use of lifecycle methods and write a cleaner code.

RxJS Register event sources and buffer events dynamically

I'm currently trying to get a Register/Subscribe system to work with RxJs.
The situation is that I have component A with several sub components A1, A2, A3, ... The amount has to be dynamic. What I want to do now is that whenever an event I will call "somethingChanged" occurs (which is already distributed through an Observable) all sub components A1, ... will do some processing and then return some information (a state) as an event I'll call newStates to the parent action A probably using another observable. For this to work the sub components first have to register themselves to the "event manager" as children of A so that these events can be processed accordingly.
First idea
My first idea for this was to use a bufferCount on the newStates observable with the count being the amount of registered sub components. The problem is that the sub component registering and the parent component subscribing to the newStates observable is happening at almost the same time, the parent even being slightly faster which means the amountSub is usually 0 which breaks this attempt.
registerSubComponent() {
getParentObservable() {
return newStates.bufferCount(amountSub).mergeMap();
Second idea
The second attempt was to use the somethingChanged Event and use that to initialize a takeLast to get the last items when they should be thrown. The problem is again as i will run into race condition as sub components take longer to throw their newStates events meaning I'll get old values.
registerSubComponent() {
getParentObservable() {
return => newStates.takeLast(amountSub);
Third idea
So currently my only idea would be to catch the newStates event in the event manager, store the states in an array and check everytime if all registered components send them by looking at the array length. When all states are in i could then send the saved states and reset the array.
registerSubComponent() {
getParentObservable() {
return newParentObservable;
newStates.subscribe(state => {
if(savedStates.length == amountSub) {;
savedStates = [];
Is this the only way or am I missing something so it could be done easier/with observables?
Btw: This is all pseudo code as my actual code also has to support multiple parent components in one manager making it cumbersome to read through.
It sounds like you want change detection up the tree. Using the following method with an angular service sounds like it might be what you need:
I found a solution on this guy Jason Watmore's blog that describes using rxjs Observables and Subjects. Using this method allows data changes to easily propagate up and down the angular inheritance tree to any component you want
Jason's Post
Accompanying Plunkr
You declare a service as a provider at the module.ts level with 3 methods:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
export class MessageService {
private subject = new Subject();
sendMessage(message: string) {{ text: message });
clearMessage() {;
getMessage(): Observable<any> {
return this.subject.asObservable();
This service needs imports of Observable and Subject from rxjs
In each component you want to share data with:
create a subscription object in the constructor which calls the service.getMessage() function
call rxjs subscription.unsubscribe() in ngOnDestroy for each component so you aren't leaking memory
you can hook in a function to handle the incoming subscription updates
When you have data you want to share with your other components:
Create a public method which calls the service.sendMessage() method
This will send your updated data to each component and fire those functions you've hooked in to handle the changed data
I believe the blog post I linked to and the plunkr from the post say it best and have really helped me move data around efficiently in my own app but if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them

Performance of an angular 2 application with Firebase

I have been creating a web application using angular2 with firebase (angularfire2),
I want to know if my development method is optimized or not.
When user select a group, I check if he is already member of the group.
ngOnInit() { => {
if(auth) {
this.userConnected = auth;
this method is work, but when I place the function AlreadyPaticipe(,this.userConnected.uid) outside getGroupById(this.idgroup).subscribe() ,I get an error group is undefinded ,I now because angular is asynchrone. I don't khow how I can do it?. How I can optimize my code ?,How I can place the function AlreadyPaticipe(,this.userConnected.uid) outside getGroupById(this.idgroup).subscribe()
Thanks in advance.
Everything as stream :
Well first, you shouldn't subscribe that much, the best practice is to combine your observables into one and subscribe to it just once, because everytime you subscribe, you need to cleanup when your component is destroyed (not for http, neither ActivatedRoute though) and you end up managing your subscription imperatively (which is not the aim of RXjs). You can find a good article on this topic here.
You must think everything as a stream, all your properties are observables :
this.user$ =; //not sure of the share, I don't know firebase, don't know what it implies...$ = => params["idgroup"])
.switchMap(groupID => this.groupService.getGroupById(groupID)).share();
// I imagine that AlreadyPaticipe return true or false, but maybe i'm wrong
this.isMemberOfGroup$ = Observable.combineLatest($,
this.user$.filter(user => user !== null)
).flatMap(([group, user]) => this.AlreadyPaticipe(groupID, user.uid));
You don't even have to subscribe ! in your template you just need to use the async pipe. for example:
<span>user: {{user$|async}}</span>
<span>group : {{group$|async}}</span>
<span>member of group : {{isMemberOfGroup$|async}}</span>
Or if you don't want to use the pipe, you can combine all those observable and subscribe only once :
this.subscription = Observable.combineLatest($,
).do(([group, user, memberofGroup]) => { = group;
this.user = user;
this.isMemberofGroup = memberofGroup;
in this case, don't forget to this.subscription.unsubscribe() in ngOnDestroy()
there is a very handy tool on rxJS docs (at the bottom of the page) that helps you to choose the right operator for the right behavior.
I don't care about streams, I want it to work, quick n' dirty :
If You don't want to change your code too much, you could use a Resolve guard that will fetch the data before your component is loaded. Take a look at the docs:
In summary, you want to delay rendering the routed component until all necessary data have been fetched.
You need a resolver.

What are RxJS Subject's and the benefits of using them?

I found the rxJS docs define them as
What is a Subject? An RxJS Subject is a special type of Observable that allows values to be multicasted to many Observers. While plain Observables are unicast (each subscribed Observer owns an independent execution of the Observable), Subjects are multicast.
and it goes on to give examples but I'm looking for a basic ELI5 explanation. From my understanding is it helps handle and define items in a sequence. Is that correct?
I think it would be most helpful to me and others to see a simple function with and without defining an rxJS Subject to understand why it's important?
The easiest way to understand it is to think of a Subject as both a producer and a consumer. It's like an open channel where someone can send a message on one end, and any subscribers will receive it on the other end.
Sender | => => => => Subscriber
-----------------------+ +-----------
Message => => => => => => => => => => => Subscriber
-----------------------+ +-----------
| => => => => Subscriber
In code terms say you have a service with a subject
class MessageService {
private _messages = new Subject<Message>();
get messages: Observable<Message> {
return this._messages.asObservable();
sendMessage(message: Message) {;
Note the messages getter returning the Subject as an Observable. This is not required. The Subject is already an observable, and anybody could subscribe directly to the Subject. But I think the asObservable pattern is used as a way to limit what users can do with it, i.e. so users only use it to subscribe to, and not emit to. We save the emitting for the sendMessage method.
Now with this service in place, we can inject it into different components, and this can be a way for two (or more) arbitrary components to communicate (or just receive arbitrary event notifications).
class ComponentOne {
constructor(private messages: MessageService) {}
onClick() {
this.messages.sendMessage(new Message(..));
class ComponentTwo {
constructor(private messages: MessageService) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.messages.messages.subscribe((message: Message) => {
this.message = message;
Angular's own EventEmitter is actually a Subject. When we subscribe to the EventEmitter, we are subscribing to a Subject, and when we emit on the EventEmitter, we are sending a message through the Subject for all subscribers.
See also:
Subject vs BehaviorSubject vs ReplaySubject in Angular
Subjects are useful when the code you're in is the one that is actually originating the observable data. You can easily let your consumers subscribe to the Subject and then call the next() function to push data into the pipeline.
If, however, you are getting data from other source and are just passing it along (perhaps transforming it first), then you most likely want to use one of the creation operators shown here, such as Rx.Observable.fromEvent like so:
var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'click');
clicks.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
This allow you to stay in the functional paradigm, whereas using a Subject, while it has its uses, is considered by some to be a smell that you're trying to force imperative code into a declarative framework.
Here is a great answer that explains the difference in the two paradigms.
If you want the most simple explanation ...
Observables are usually the result of something. The result of an http call, and whatever you do with a pipe returns an observable.
But what is the source of those things? Ever wondered how you hook your user events into the whole rxjs thing? The main feature of subjects is that you can call the next() method on them.
When doing reactive programming, the first step is usually to make a list of possible subject you will have.
For instance: lets say we have to make a todo-list app.
We will probably have a couple of variables in our component:
public deleteItem$ = Subject<TodoItem> = new Subject();
public addItem$ = Subject<TodoItem> = new Subject();
public saveList$ = Subject<TodoItem[]> = new Subject();
and in our applicatiuon we will hook these up like this:
<button (click)="deleteItem$.next(item)">Delete</button>
Using rxjs, we will use operators like merge/combineLatest/withLatestFrom to handle these subjects and define our application logic.
I'll see if I can find the time to make a small example.
You can find a study of the semantics of subjects here.
All answered I see are correct. I'll just add that the term subject comes from the observer pattern (cf. As such a subject is sort of a relay, it receives something on one end, and emit it on any of its ends (subscriptions).

