Changing CSS styles of Forms in React via onSubmit - javascript

I am using react-bootstrap and am trying to get my Form.Control to change its CSS stylings on form submission. When submission occurs I can see in my console the formStyle changing between the two, however it doesn't re-render with these new styles when I believe it would with the state change.
Any explanation would be extremely helpful.
render() {
const lockedStyle = {
backgroundColor: "#26607d",
color: "#ffffff",
const unlockedStyle = {
backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
color: "#26607d",
let formStyle = lockedStyle;
const swap = event => {
if (this.state.isLocked) {
formStyle = unlockedStyle; // Change to Unlocked
this.setState({ isLocked: false });
} else {
formStyle = lockedStyle; // Change to Locked
this.setState({ isLocked: true });
return (
<Form onSubmit={swap}>
placeholder="First Name"
<Button type="submit">Swap Styles</Button>

to cause a re-render there should be a state change, but everytime you re-render you set formstyle to be lock-style in let formStyle = lockedStyle;
try moving formStyle to a state variable then applying this.state.formStyle to the style, then you can remove the isLocked and leave only formStyle as state. and just toggle between the states in the swap.
look at the example below.
but for the best practice it is good to leave the render method to render and move all the variables outside, because once you define them you should always remember that render() occurs on every state change(setState).
const unlockedStyle = .....
const lockedStyle = ....
export class ComponenetName extends React.Component {
this.state = {
this.swap = this.swap.bind(this) //binding swap to this object for careful state changing , for future state changing from other components.... good practice
swap = event => {
this.setState((prevState) => {return {formStyle:(prevState.formStyle==lockedStyle? unlockedStyle : lockedStyle)}})```
render() {
return (
<Form onSubmit={this.swap}>
placeholder="First Name"
<Button type="submit">Swap Styles</Button>

you might be able to skip using varible "formstyle" by directly setting the style in FormControl?
style={this.state.isLocked ? lockedStyle : unlockedStyle}


update parent's state fom child component using onChange

I am trying to update the number of event from the parent component by using an input form from the child component, but there is something I am not seeing it either doesn't work or shows undefined
class App extends Component {
state = {
numberOfEvents: 32,
updateNumberOfEvents = (eventNumber) => {
this.setState({ numberOfEvents: eventNumber });
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<NumberOfEvents updateNumberOfEvents={this.updateNumberOfEvents} />
class NumberOfEvents extends Component {
state = {
numberOfEvents: 32,
handleInputChanged = (event) => {
const value =;
numberOfEvents: value,
render() {
const numberOfEvents = this.state.numberOfEvents;
return (
<div className="numberOfEvents">
<label for="fname"> Number of Events:</label>
export default NumberOfEvents;
numberOfEvents: value,
}, () => {
The details are here.
While this answer does make it work and correctly highlights that setState calls are asynchronous, I would suggest removing the local state inside NumberOfEvents entirely, as you currently have multiple sources of truth for your form.
Update your onChange handler:
handleInputChanged = (event) => {
and pass down the value from the parent:
and use that value inside your child component:
Having one source of truth is less error prone and easier to maintain, as illustrated by your current bug.
I agree with hotpink but i tried your code on does not show the value undfined. Here is the link
Check console

How to focus a specific component on page load in React using hooks? [duplicate]

What's the react way of setting focus on a particular text field after the component is rendered?
Documentation seems to suggest using refs, e.g:
Set ref="nameInput" on my input field in the render function, and then call:
But where should I call this? I've tried a few places but I cannot get it to work.
#Dhiraj's answer is correct, and for convenience you can use the autoFocus prop to have an input automatically focus when mounted:
<input autoFocus name=...
Note that in jsx it's autoFocus (capital F) unlike plain old html which is case-insensitive.
You should do it in componentDidMount and refs callback instead. Something like this
class App extends React.Component{
render() {
defaultValue="Won't focus"
ref={(input) => { this.nameInput = input; }}
defaultValue="will focus"
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>
Focus on mount
If you just want to focus an element when it mounts (initially renders) a simple use of the autoFocus attribute will do.
<input type="text" autoFocus />
Dynamic focus
to control focus dynamically use a general function to hide implementation details from your components.
React 16.8 + Functional component - useFocus hook
const FocusDemo = () => {
const [inputRef, setInputFocus] = useFocus()
return (
<button onClick={setInputFocus} >
<input ref={inputRef} />
const useFocus = () => {
const htmlElRef = useRef(null)
const setFocus = () => {htmlElRef.current && htmlElRef.current.focus()}
return [ htmlElRef, setFocus ]
Full Demo
React 16.3 + Class Components - utilizeFocus
class App extends Component {
this.inputFocus = utilizeFocus()
return (
<button onClick={this.inputFocus.setFocus}>
<input ref={this.inputFocus.ref}/>
const utilizeFocus = () => {
const ref = React.createRef()
const setFocus = () => {ref.current && ref.current.focus()}
return {setFocus, ref}
Full Demo
As of React 0.15, the most concise method is:
<input ref={input => input && input.focus()}/>
If you just want to make autofocus in React, it's simple.
<input autoFocus type="text" />
While if you just want to know where to put that code, answer is in componentDidMount().
componentDidMount() {
In most cases, you can attach a ref to the DOM node and avoid using findDOMNode at all.
Read the API documents here:
React 16.3 added a new convenient way to handle this by creating a ref in component's constructor and use it like below:
class MyForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.textInput = React.createRef();
componentDidMount() {
render() {
<input ref={this.textInput} />
For more details about React.createRef, you can check this article in React blog.
Starting from React 16.8, useRef hook can be used in function components to achieve the same result:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
const MyForm = () => {
const textInput = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<input ref={textInput} />
The React docs now have a section for this.
render: function() {
return (
ref={function(input) {
if (input != null) {
}} />
I just ran into this issue and I'm using react 15.0.1 15.0.2 and I'm using ES6 syntax and didn't quite get what I needed from the other answers since v.15 dropped weeks ago and some of the this.refs properties were deprecated and removed.
In general, what I needed was:
Focus the first input (field) element when the component mounts
Focus the first input (field) element with an error (after submit)
I'm using:
React Container/Presentation Component
Focus the First Input Element
I used autoFocus={true} on the first <input /> on the page so that when the component mounts, it will get focus.
Focus the First Input Element with an Error
This took longer and was more convoluted. I'm keeping out code that isn't relevant to the solution for brevity.
Redux Store / State
I need a global state to know if I should set the focus and to disable it when it was set, so I don't keep re-setting focus when the components re-render (I'll be using componentDidUpdate() to check for setting focus.)
This could be designed as you see fit for you application.
form: {
resetFocus: false,
Container Component
The component will need to have the resetfocus property set and a callBack to clear the property if it ends up setting focus on itself.
Also note, I organized my Action Creators into separate files mostly due to my project is fairly large and I wanted to break them up into more manageable chunks.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import MyField from '../presentation/MyField';
import ActionCreator from '../actions/action-creators';
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
resetFocus: state.form.resetFocus
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
clearResetFocus() {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MyField);
Presentation Component
import React, { PropTypes } form 'react';
export default class MyField extends React.Component {
// don't forget to .bind(this)
constructor(props) {
this._handleRef = this._handleRef.bind(this);
// This is not called on the initial render so
// this._input will be set before this get called
componentDidUpdate() {
if(!this.props.resetFocus) {
return false;
if(this.shouldfocus()) {
// When the component mounts, it will save a
// reference to itself as _input, which we'll
// be able to call in subsequent componentDidUpdate()
// calls if we need to set focus.
_handleRef(c) {
this._input = c;
// Whatever logic you need to determine if this
// component should get focus
shouldFocus() {
// ...
// pass the _handleRef callback so we can access
// a reference of this element in other component methods
render() {
return (
<input ref={this._handleRef} type="text" />
Myfield.propTypes = {
clearResetFocus: PropTypes.func,
resetFocus: PropTypes.bool
The general idea is that each form field that could have an error and be focused needs to check itself and if it needs to set focus on itself.
There's business logic that needs to happen to determine if the given field is the right field to set focus to. This isn't shown because it will depend on the individual application.
When a form is submitted, that event needs to set the global focus flag resetFocus to true. Then as each component updates itself, it will see that it should check to see if it gets the focus and if it does, dispatch the event to reset focus so other elements don't have to keep checking.
As a side note, I had my business logic in a "utilities" file and I just exported the method and called it within each shouldfocus() method.
This is not longer the best answer. As of v0.13, this.refs may not available until AFTER componentDidMount() runs, in some odd cases.
Just add the autoFocus tag to your input field, as FakeRainBrigand showed above.
Ref. #Dave's comment on #Dhiraj's answer; an alternative is to use the callback functionality of the ref attribute on the element being rendered (after a component first renders):
<input ref={ function(component){ React.findDOMNode(component).focus();} } />
More info
Using React Hooks / Functional components with Typescript, you can use the useRef hook with HTMLInputElement as the generic parameter of useRef:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
export default function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const inputReference = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<input ref={inputReference} />
Or if using reactstrap, supply inputReference to innerRef instead of ref:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { Input } from 'reactstrap';
export default function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const inputReference = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<Input innerRef={inputReference} />
Note that none of these answers worked for me with a material-ui TextField component. Per How to set focus to a materialUI TextField? I had to jump through some hoops to get this to work:
const focusUsernameInputField = input => {
if (input) {
setTimeout(() => {input.focus()}, 100);
return (
This is the proper way, how to autofocus. When you use callback instead of string as ref value, it is automatically called. You got your ref available than without the need of touching the DOM using getDOMNode
render: function() {
return <TextInput ref={(c) => this._input = c} />;
componentDidMount: function() {
You don't need getInputDOMNode?? in this case...
Just simply get the ref and focus() it when component gets mounted -- componentDidMount...
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
class myApp extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
<input ref={input => { this.nameInput = input; }} />
ReactDOM.render(<myApp />, document.getElementById('root'));
You can put that method call inside the render function. Or inside the life cycle method, componentDidUpdate
I have same problem but I have some animation too, so my colleague suggest to use window.requestAnimationFrame
this is ref attribute of my element:
ref={(input) => {input && window.requestAnimationFrame(()=>{input.focus()})}}
AutoFocus worked best for me. I needed to change some text to an input with that text on double click so this is what I ended up with:
<input autoFocus onFocus={this.setCaretToEnd} value={this.state.editTodo.value} onDoubleClick={this.updateTodoItem} />
NOTE: To fix the issue where React places the caret at the beginning of the text use this method:
setCaretToEnd(event) {
var originalText =; = ''; = originalText;
Found here:
<input type="text" autoFocus />
always try the simple and basic solution first, works for me.
To move focus to a newly created element, you can store the element's ID in the state and use it to set autoFocus. e.g.
export default class DefaultRolesPage extends React.Component {
addRole = ev => {
const roleKey = this.roleKey++;
focus: {$set: roleKey},
formData: {
roles: {
$push: [{
id: null,
name: '',
permissions: new Set(),
key: roleKey,
render() {
const {formData} = this.state;
return (
<GridForm onSubmit={this.submit}>
{, idx) => (
<GridSection key={role.key}>
<TextBox value={} onChange={this.roleName(idx)} autoFocus={role.key === this.state.focus}/>
This way none of the textboxes get focus on page load (like I want), but when you press the "Add" button to create a new record, then that new record gets focus.
Since autoFocus doesn't "run" again unless the component gets remounted, I don't have to bother unsetting this.state.focus (i.e. it won't keep stealing focus back as I update other states).
Simple solution without autofocus:
<input ref={ref => ref && ref.focus()}
onFocus={(e)=>e.currentTarget.setSelectionRange(e.currentTarget.value.length, e.currentTarget.value.length)}
ref triggers focus, and that triggers onFocus to calculate the end and set the cursor accordingly.
Ben Carp solution in typescript
React 16.8 + Functional component - useFocus hook
export const useFocus = (): [React.MutableRefObject<HTMLInputElement>, VoidFunction] => {
const htmlElRef = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
const setFocus = React.useCallback(() => {
if (htmlElRef.current) htmlElRef.current.focus();
}, [htmlElRef]);
return React.useMemo(() => [htmlElRef, setFocus], [htmlElRef, setFocus]);
Warning: ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .getDOMNode() of a DOM node; instead, use the node directly. This DOM node was rendered by App.
Should be
componentDidMount: function () {
The simplest answer is add the ref="some name" in the input text element and call the below function.
// here field_name is ref name.
<input type="text" ref="field_name" />
After trying a lot of options above with no success I've found that It was as I was disabling and then enabling the input which caused the focus to be lost.
I had a prop sendingAnswer which would disable the Input while I was polling the backend.
gettingQuestion ? 'Loading...' : 'Type your answer here...'
onChange={event => dispatch(updateAnswer(}
// disabled={sendingAnswer} <-- Causing focus to be lost.
Once I removed the disabled prop everything started working again.
Read almost all the answer but didnt see a getRenderedComponent().props.input
Set your text input refs
According to the updated syntax, you can use this.myRref.current.focus()
Focus using createRef for functional components
To developers using Functional Components. This seems to suit. Focus happens on inputfield after clicking on the button. I've attached CodeSandbox link too.
import React from 'react';
export default function App() {
const inputRef = React.createRef();
return <>
<input ref={inputRef} type={'text'} />
<button onClick={() => {if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus() }}} >
Click Here
That one worked for me:
<input autoFocus={true} />
Updated version you can check here
componentDidMount() {
// Focus to the input as html5 autofocus
render() {
return <input type="text" ref={(input) => { this.inputRef = input }} />
Since there is a lot of reasons for this error I thought that I would also post the problem I was facing. For me, problem was that I rendered my inputs as content of another component.
export default ({ Content }) => {
return (
<div className="container-fluid main_container">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-sm-12 h-100">
<Content /> // I rendered my inputs here
This is the way I called the above component:
<Component Content={() => {
return (
<input type="text"/>
}} />

React - state doesn't update in class component even though the message printed on the screen changes

I have an App component which holds an input. Every time I type in the input, the value of the input updates and a Message component prints a different message, depending on how long the input is. At the same time, a third component called Character print to the screen every letter of the string, individually. The desired behavior is that when I click on one of the letters, it gets removed from the string, the new string is displayed on the screen and the input also gets updated with the new string.
I used some console.logs to debug and everything seems to be happening as expected, until the last step when I am trying to update the state, but for some reason, it doesn't get updated.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { text: "" };
render() {
const handleUpdateText = event => {
const inputLength = this.state.text.length;
const toArray = this.state.text.split("");
const handleDeleteLetter = index => {
toArray.splice(index, 1);
const updatedArray = toArray.join("");
this.setState({ text: updatedArray });
return (
<input type="text" onChange={handleUpdateText} />
<Message inputLength={inputLength} />
{, index) => (
deleteLetter={() => handleDeleteLetter(index)}
class Message extends React.Component {
render() {
const { inputLength } = this.props;
let codeToPrint = "The text is long enough!";
if (inputLength <= 5) {
codeToPrint = "The text is not long enough!";
return <p>{codeToPrint}</p>;
class Character extends React.Component {
render() {
const { theLetter, deleteLetter } = this.props;
return (
display: "inline-block",
padding: "16px",
textAlign: "center",
margin: "16px",
backgroundColor: "tomato"
The complete code is here:
I don't really understand what am I doing wrong and I have a feeling is somehow related to a life cycle method. Any answer could help. Thank you.
State is getting updated, you just need to pass value prop to the input so that input's value can be in sync with your state
<input type="text" value={this.state.text} onChange={handleUpdateText} />
And you're not seeing updated state just after setting it because setState is asynchronous. That's why the console statement just after the setState statement shows the previous value.
Also you should move functions out of your render method, because everytime your component re-renders, new functions would be created. You can declare them as class properties and pass their reference
handleUpdateText = event => {
render() {
return (
<input type="text" onChange={this.handleUpdateText} />

DRY react input handling causes cursor to jump

I was trying to DRY up my react forms a bit, so I wanted to move my basic input-handling function to a utility module and try to reuse it. The idea was to update an object that represented the state, return it in a Promise, and then update the state locally in a quick one-liner.
import handleInputChange from "./utility"
class MyInputComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: {
title: ""
render() {
return (
onChange={e => handleInputChange(e, this.state).then(res => {
export const handleInputChange = (event, state) => {
const { id, value } =;
return Promise.resolve({
data: {,
[id]: value
It seems to work fine, however the issue is that the input's cursor always jumps to the end of the input.
If I use a normal local input handler and disregard being DRY, then it works fine.
For example, this works without issue regarding the cursor:
class MyInputComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: {
title: ""
handleInputChange = event => {
const { id, value } =;
data: {,
[id]: value
render() {
return (
Any idea why the cursor issue would happen when I tried to be DRY? Is the promise delaying the render, hence the cursor doesn't know where to go? Thanks for any help.
I'm a little confused with what you are trying to do in the long run. If you want to be DRY maybe your react component could look like this
render() {
return (
this way you pass everything in and it stay stateless and everything is handle at a high component
however doing the way you have asked could you not use something like the below and you would not need to use a promise to return an object?
onChange={e => this.setState(handleInputChange(e, this.state))}

React.js - input losing focus when rerendering

I am just writing to text input and in onChange event I call setState, so React re-renders my UI. The problem is that the text input always loses focus, so I need to focus it again for each letter :D.
var EditorContainer = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function () {
$(this.getDOMNode()).slimScroll({height: this.props.height, distance: '4px', size: '8px'});
componentDidUpdate: function () {
$(this.getDOMNode()).slimScroll({destroy: true}).slimScroll({height: 'auto', distance: '4px', size: '8px'});
changeSelectedComponentName: function (e) {
// = $(;
render: function () {
var style = {
height: this.props.height + 'px'
return (
<div className="container" style={style}>
<div className="row">
<div className="col-xs-6">
{this.props.selected ? <h3>{}</h3> : ''}
{this.props.selected ? <input type="text" value={} onChange={this.changeSelectedComponentName} /> : ''}
<div className="col-xs-6">
<ComponentTree editor={this.props.editor} components={this.props.components}/>
Without seeing the rest of your code, this is a guess.
When you create a EditorContainer, specify a unique key for the component:
<EditorContainer key="editor1"/>
When a re-rendering occurs, if the same key is seen, this will tell React don't clobber and regenerate the view, instead reuse. Then the focused item should retain focus.
I keep coming back here again and again and always find the solution to my elsewhere at the end.
So, I'll document it here because I know I will forget this again!
The reason input was losing focus in my case was due to the fact that I was re-rendering the input on state change.
Buggy Code:
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
class SuperAwesomeComp extends React.Component {
state = {
email: ''
updateEmail = e => {
this.setState({ email: });
render() {
const Container = styled.div``;
const Input = styled.input``;
return (
placeholder="Gimme your email!"
So, the problem is that I always start coding everything at one place to quickly test and later break it all into separate modules.
But, here this strategy backfires because updating the state on input change triggers render function and the focus is lost.
Fix is simple, do the modularization from the beginning, in other words, "Move the Input component out of render function"
Fixed Code
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
const Container = styled.div``;
const Input = styled.input``;
class SuperAwesomeComp extends React.Component {
state = {
email: ''
updateEmail = e => {
this.setState({ email: });
render() {
return (
placeholder="Gimme your email!"
Ref. to the solution:
If it's a problem within a react router <Route/> use the render prop instead of component.
<Route path="/user" render={() => <UserPage/>} />
The loss of focus happens because the component prop uses React.createElement each time instead of just re-rendering the changes.
Details here:
I had the same symptoms with hooks. Yet my problem was defining a component inside the parent.
const Parent =() => {
const Child = () => <p>Child!</p>
return <Child />
const Child = () => <p>Child!</p>
const Parent = () => <Child />
My answer is similar to what #z5h said.
In my case, I used Math.random() to generate a unique key for the component.
I thought the key is only used for triggering a rerender for that particular component rather than re-rendering all the components in that array (I return an array of components in my code). I didn't know it is used for restoring the state after rerendering.
Removing that did the job for me.
Applying the autoFocus attribute to the input element can perform as a workaround in situations where there's only one input that needs to be focused. In that case a key attribute would be unnecessary because it's just one element and furthermore you wouldn't have to worry about breaking the input element into its own component to avoid losing focus on re-render of main component.
What I did was just change the value prop to defaultValue and second change was onChange event to onBlur.
I got the same behavior.
The problem in my code was that i created a nested Array of jsx elements like this:
const example = [
<input value={'Test 1'}/>,
<div>Test 2</div>,
<div>Test 3</div>,
render = () => {
return <div>{ example }</div>
Every element in this nested Array re-renders each time I updated the parent element. And so the inputs lose there "ref" prop every time
I fixed the Problem with transform the inner array to a react component
(a function with a render function)
const example = [
<myComponentArray />
render = () => {
return <div>{ example }</div>
The same issue appears when i build a nested React.Fragment
const SomeComponent = (props) => (
<label ... />
<input ... />
const ParentComponent = (props) => (
<SomeComponent ... />
<div />
I solved the same issue deleting the key attribute in the input and his parent elements
// Before
className='invoice_table-input invoice_table-input-sm'
key={ Math.random }
defaultValue={pageIndex + 1}
onChange={e => {
const page = ? Number( - 1 : 0
// After
className='invoice_table-input invoice_table-input-sm'
defaultValue={pageIndex + 1}
onChange={e => {
const page = ? Number( - 1 : 0
The answers supplied didn't help me, here was what I did but I had a unique situation.
To clean up the code I tend to use this format until I'm ready to pull the component into another file.
const MyInput = () => {
return <input onChange={(e)=>this.setState({text:}) />
<MyInput />
But this caused it to lose focus, when I put the code directly in the div it worked.
<input onChange={(e)=>this.setState({text:}) />
I don't know why this is, this is the only issue I've had with writing it this way and I do it in most files I have, but if anyone does a similar thing this is why it loses focus.
If the input field is inside another element (i.e., a container element like <div key={"bart"}...><input key={"lisa"}...> ... </input></div>-- the ellipses here indicating omitted code), there must be a unique and constant key on the container element (as well as on the input field). Elsewise, React renders up a brand new container element when child's state is updated rather than merely re-rendering the old container. Logically, only the child element should be updated, but...
I had this problem while trying to write a component that took a bunch of address information. The working code looks like this
// import react, components
import React, { Component } from 'react'
// import various functions
import uuid from "uuid";
// import styles
import "../styles/signUp.css";
export default class Address extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
address1: "",
address2: "",
address1Key: uuid.v4(),
address2Key: uuid.v4(),
address1HolderKey: uuid.v4(),
address2HolderKey: uuid.v4(),
// omitting state information for additional address fields for brevity
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ [`${}`]: })
render() {
return (
<div className="labelAndField" key={this.state.address1HolderKey} >
<label className="labelStyle" for="address1">{"Address"}</label>
<input className="inputStyle"
key={this.state.address1Key} ></input >
<div className="labelAndField" key={this.state.address2HolderKey} >
<label className="labelStyle" for="address2">{"Address (Cont.)"}</label>
<input className="inputStyle"
key={this.state.address2Key} ></input >
{/* omitting rest of address fields for brevity */}
Sharp-eyed readers will note that <fieldset> is a containing element, yet it doesn't require a key. The same holds for <> and <React.Fragment> or even <div> Why? Maybe only the immediate container needs a key. I dunno. As math textbooks say, the explanation is left to the reader as an exercise.
I had this issue and the problem turned out to be that I was using a functional component and linking up with a parent component's state. If I switched to using a class component, the problem went away. Hopefully there is a way around this when using functional components as it's a lot more convenient for simple item renderers et al.
I just ran into this issue and came here for help. Check your CSS! The input field cannot have user-select: none; or it won't work on an iPad.
The core reason is: When React re-render, your previous DOM ref will be invalid. It mean react has change the DOM tree, and you this.refs.input.focus won't work, because the input here doesn't exist anymore.
For me, this was being caused by the search input box being rendered in the same component (called UserList) as the list of search results. So whenever the search results changed, the whole UserList component rerendered, including the input box.
My solution was to create a whole new component called UserListSearch which is separate from UserList. I did not need to set keys on the input fields in UserListSearch for this to work. The render function of my UsersContainer now looks like this:
class UserContainer extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
render={() => (
Hopefully this helps someone too.
I switched value prop to defaultValue. That works for me.
// before
<input value={myVar} />
// after
<input defaultValue={myVar} />
My problem was that I named my key dynamically with a value of the item, in my case "name" so the key was key={${}-${index}}. So when I wanted to change the input with as the value, they key would also change and therefore react would not recognize that element
included the next code in tag input:
ref={(input) => {
if (input) {
onChange={(e) => validEmail(}
ref={(input) => {
if (input) {
onChange={(e) => validEmail(}
I had a similar issue, this is fixed it.
const component = () => {
return <input onChange={({target})=>{
} />
const ThisComponentKeptRefreshingContainer = () => {
<component />
const ThisContainerDidNot= () => {
<> {component()} </>
As the code illustrate calling the component child like an element gave that re-rendering effect, however, calling it like a function did not.
hope it helps someone
I had the same problem with an html table in which I have input text lines in a column. inside a loop I read a json object and I create rows in particular I have a column with inputtext.
I managed to solve it in the following way
import { InputTextComponent } from './InputTextComponent';
//import my inputTextComponent
var trElementList = (function (list, tableComponent) {
var trList = [],
trElement = undefined,
trElementCreator = trElementCreator,
employeeElement = undefined;
// iterating through employee list and
// creating row for each employee
for (var x = 0; x < list.length; x++) {
employeeElement = list[x];
var trNomeImpatto = React.createElement('tr', null, <td rowSpan="4"><strong>{employeeElement['NomeTipologiaImpatto'].toUpperCase()}</strong></td>);
trList.push(trElementCreator(employeeElement, 0, x));
trList.push(trElementCreator(employeeElement, 1, x));
trList.push(trElementCreator(employeeElement, 2, x));
} // end of for
return trList; // returns row list
function trElementCreator(obj, field, index) {
var tdList = [],
tdElement = undefined;
//my input text
var inputTextarea = <InputTextComponent
value={obj[columns[field].nota]}//initial value of the input I read from my json data source
tdElement = React.createElement('td', { style: null }, inputTextarea);
var trComponent = createClass({
render: function () {
return React.createElement('tr', null, tdList);
return React.createElement(trComponent);
} // end of trElementCreator
//my tableComponent
var tableComponent = createClass({
// initial component states will be here
// initialize values
getInitialState: function () {
return {
impattiComposite: [],
serviceId: window.sessionStorage.getItem('serviceId'),
serviceName: window.sessionStorage.getItem('serviceName'),
form_data: [],
successCreation: null,
//read a json data soure of the web api url
componentDidMount: function () {
this.serverRequest =
url: Url,
type: 'GET',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({ id: this.state.serviceId }),
cache: false,
success: function (response) {
this.setState({ impattiComposite: });
error: function (xhr, resp, text) {
// show error to console
console.error('Error', xhr, resp, text)
alert(xhr, resp, text);
render: function () {
React.createElement('table', {style:null}, React.createElement('tbody', null,trElementList(this.state.impattiComposite, this),))
//my input text
var inputTextarea = <InputTextComponent
value={obj[columns[field].nota]}//initial value of the input I read //from my json data source
impattiComposite={tableComponent.state.impattiComposite}//impattiComposite = my json data source
/>//end my input text
tdElement = React.createElement('td', { style: null }, inputTextarea);
tdList.push(tdElement);//add a component
import React from 'react';
export class InputTextComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
idImpatto: props.idImpatto,
value: props.value,
noteType: props.noteType,
_impattiComposite: props.impattiComposite,
this.updateNote = this.updateNote.bind(this);
//Update a inpute text with new value insert of the user
updateNote(event) {
this.setState({ value: });//update a state of the local componet inputText
var impattiComposite = this.state._impattiComposite;
var index = this.state.idImpatto - 1;
var impatto = impattiComposite[index];
impatto[this.state.noteType] =;
this.setState({ _impattiComposite: impattiComposite });//update of the state of the father component (tableComponet)
render() {
return (
Simple solution in my case:
<input ref={ref => ref && ref.focus()}
onFocus={(e)=>e.currentTarget.setSelectionRange(e.currentTarget.value.length, e.currentTarget.value.length)}
ref triggers focus, and that triggers onFocus to calculate the end and set the cursor accordingly.
The issue in my case was that the key prop values I was setting on the InputContainer component and the input fields themselves were generated using Math.random(). The non-constant nature of the values made it hard for track to be kept of the input field being edited.
For me I had a text area inside a portal. This text area was loosing focus. My buggy portal implementation was like this:
export const Modal = ({children, onClose}: modelProps) => {
const modalDOM = document.getElementById("modal");
const divRef = useRef(document.createElement('div'));
const ref = divRef.current;
return ()=>{
const close = (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
return (
<div className="modal" onClick={close}>
<div className="modal__close-modal" onClick={close}>x</div>
const Parent = ({content: string}: ParentProps) => {
const [content, setContent] = useState<string>(content);
const onChangeFile = (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
return (
Turned out following implementation worked correctly, here I am directly attaching modal component to the DOM element.
export const Modal = ({children, onClose}: modelProps) => {
const modalDOM = document.getElementById("modal");
const close = (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
return (
<div className="modal" onClick={close}>
<div className="modal__close-modal" onClick={close}>x</div>
modalDOM || document.body)
Turns out I was binding this to the component which was causing it to rerender.
I figured I'd post it here in case anyone else had this issue.
I had to change
label="Post Content"
label="Post Content"
Simple fix since in my case, I didn't actually need this in renderField, but hopefully me posting this will help someone else.
Changing text in the input of some control can cause parent control rerendering in some cases (according to binding to props).
In this case focus will be lost. Editing should not has effect to parent container in DOM.

