Argument passing to PM2 - javascript

I want to put in production a node service :
When I launch my application with my arguments like that : node ./backend -c "uf4m6fhnh" -s "SPNLGZsUoSpQ=" -o "8696". Everything works well.
Now I want to put it in production with PM2 :
I have tried the 2 ways to to that (CLI and JSON file) like that :
CLI version :
pm2 start backend.js --node-args="-c uf4lvm6fhnh -s SPNLGZsUoSpQ= -o 8696" --name MyAppName
and also :
pm2 start backend.js --name MyAppName -- "-c uf4lvm6fhnh -s SPNLGZsUoSpQ= -o 8696"
Config file (JSON) :
"apps": [
"name": "MyAppName ",
"script": "./backend.js",
"node_args": [
and then : pm2 start myConfigJson.json
For each of this possible solution, I have the same error in my pm2 logs :
Error: Cannot find module '/home/me/Projects/Project/uf4lvm6fhnh'
(Note that the not found module is my passed argument)
Any ideas ?

Use args instead.
node_args is an alias to interpreter_args which passes arguments to node itself, rather than the script. As a result, your command line ends up calling -c|--check on node itself instead.
See and


pa11y json configuration file for actions :

We use jenkins CI tool for automated accessibility testing provided by pa11y. As such i use the below Jenkinsfile to run the tests.
node('mypod') {
container('centos') {
env.NODEJS_HOME = "${tool 'Node-12.0.0'}"
sh "'${env.NODEJS_HOME}'/bin/node --version"
sh "npm install -g pa11y --unsafe-perm"
sh "pa11y -V"
sh '''curl -O
yum -y install ./google-chrome-stable_current_*.rpm
yum -y install libXScrnSaver
yum -y install atk java-atk-wrapper at-spi2-atk gtk3 libXt'''
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: '***', variable: 'pa11yconfig')]) {
sh "cat $pa11yconfig > config.json"
sh "pa11y --config config.json --ignore WCAG2AA.Principle3.Guideline3_2.3_2_2.H32.2 --ignore WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.Fail --ignore WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Fail --threshold 6 --reporter cli https://$URL > results.json"
It installs the necessary things to run pa11y against the specified URL on linux based node. Windows are too much of a hassle so we use linux for this implementaion.
Also to make this work for the browser to launch we use the below config.json file for pa11y to work.
"chromeLaunchConfig": {
"args": [
All of this works like a charm for any URl we provide.
Now we would like to have some advanced configurations for lets say test if login works or filling a form on a webpage of a site so may be use Actions provided by pa11y.
How should i merge Actions code into this json configuration file to achieve that.
Actions is documented under :-
Any help or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated!
Something like this:
"chromeLaunchConfig": {
"args": [
"reporter": "cli",
"threshold": 6,
"ignore:" [
"actions": [
"navigate to $URL",
"wait for $ThingToHappen"
(I also included options that you're currently passing to the CLI directly, in case that's of interest to you)

Format argument value before passing to a yarn/npm script

I have a storybook start script which I want to run for some specific folder:
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006 -s ./src"
This loads all stories from src folder. As the amount of stories becomes larger, I want to run stories only from some of subfolders:
start-storybook -p 6006 -s ./src/components/CommonComponents
start-storybook -p 6006 -s ./src/components/DashboardComponents
How can I format argument value dynamically in order to start storybook like this below?
$ yarn storybook CommonComponents
And it would turn into:
start-storybook -p 6006 -s ./src/components/CommonComponents
storybook task could be a script, and then inside the script you parse the arguments, and call start-storybook
Create a task in package.json (e.q run-storybook) and set it to execute the custom script:
"run-storybook": yarn ./path/to/script.js
#!/bin/env node
// script.js
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const args = process.argv.slice(2)
const port = args[1]
const component = args[3]
const path = `./src/components/${component}`
spawn('yarn', ['start-storybook', '-p', port, '-s', path], {
stdio: 'inherit',
shell: true
Then you can call: yarn run-storybook -p 600 -s yourcomponent
Note: make sure the script is executable: chmod +x /path/to/script.js.

Bazel: How do i use nodeJS_binary rule to do "npm run start"

How do i use the nodejs_binary rule to do a standard npm run start. I am able to run a typical node project using this rule. However i want to run a the start script in package.json. So far i have the following below in my build file
load("#build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "nodejs_binary")
name = "app",
data = [":app_files"],
entry_point = "workspace_name/src/server.js",
node_modules = "#npm_deps//:node_modules",
This does not start the server..somehow npm command is not running properly. it indicates usage of the command in incomplete.
I am currently able to do this within the WORKSPACE
bazel run #nodejs//:bin/yarn (runs yarn install and installs all node-modulse)
bazel run #nodejs//:bin/npm start (this starts the server)
In my package.json i have
"scripts": {
"start": "babel-node src/server.js",
I do i get this to work with nodejs_binary rule and subsequently node_image
I changed from using npm to using yarn..workspace_name/src/server.js.. is called now but Then i had different set of problems, babel-node was not found.
I modified the rule a bit. After careful study...I realise that there is a dependency on babel-node that is not satisfied at the time yarn run start is called. The following worked after i had run bazel run #nodejs//:bin/yarn before running the rule.
name = "app",
args = ["start"],
data = [
entry_point = "workspace_name/src/server.js",
node = "#nodejs//:bin/yarn",
node_modules = "#npm_deps//:node_modules",
It appears that "#//:node_modules" solves the babel-node dependency issue. So the rule above does not work on its needs me to do bazel run #nodejs//:bin/yarn (more like npm/yarn install to make the node_modules, which contain babel-node dependecy available when npm/yarn start is run)
So my problem is that I do not want to have to manually run bazel run #nodejs//:bin/yarn before executing my rule. how do i do this.
I suppose it would work if i stopped depending on babel-node...but then i would have to change my code to not use es6 syntax (that is a hustle). Is there a way i can do this with a genrule? or something...
What I ended up doing was that i made a babel nodejs_binary rule. Then used that to compile my source files in a gen rule
# Make babel binary
name = "babel",
entry_point = "npm_deps/node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel",
install_source_map_support = False,
node_modules = "#npm_deps//:node_modules",
# Compile source files with babel
name = "compiled_src",
srcs = [
outs = ["src"],
cmd = "$(location babel) src --out-dir $#",
tools = [":babel"],
Note that in this case src in cmd = "$(location babel) src --out-dir $#" is a folder in the :src_files filegroup.
name = "src_files",
srcs = glob([
After this it was unnecessary to use npm start, just used default node. I could just do
name = "app",
data = [":compiled_src"],
entry_point = "workspace_name/src/server.js",
node_modules = "#npm_deps//:node_modules",

npm script pass parameters/arguments to node script using yargs

Is it possible to call out to retrieve a key from yargs when using as a npm script argument?
User types in the OSX terminal:
npm run scaffold --name=blah
which executes in package.json:
"scaffold" : "node ./scaffold/index.js -- "
This results in
const yargs = require('yargs').argv
if (yargs) {
{ _: [], '$0': 'scaffold/index.js' }
This only works if I hard code in package.json "scaffold" : "node scaffold/index.js --name=blah", but I need this to be configurable.
As I stated I am using args, as it appears to make it easy to retrieve keys by name ( as opposed to an array ). Open to suggestions.
What am I missing?
update 11-07-2017
Related: Sending command line arguments to npm script
However, passing in the commandline 1: npm run scaffold name=hello
OR 2: npm run scaffold --name=hello yields:
1: { _: [], '$0': 'scaffold/index.js' }
2: { _: [ 'name=hello' ], '$0': 'scaffold/index.js' }
Still can't see a way to retrieve the property. Still undefined.
Update 13-07-2017
For the time being, I have given up. It just seem impossible. I run the script manually in the terminal.
node ./scaffold/index.js --name=blah
Image below shows executing of a node script directly as opposed to running through npm scripts. I have added node module to see if it helps ( it doesn't ). is still undefined when running through npm scripts.
Update 18-07-2017
Added github example:
Update 24-07-2017
Adding the variables before the start of the command works
myvar="hello npm run scaffold as opposed to npm run scaffold myvar="hello world"
As of npm#2.0.0, you can use custom arguments when executing scripts. The special option -- is used by getopt to delimit the end of the options. npm will pass all the arguments after the -- directly to your script:
npm run test -- --grep="pattern"
I'm not sure that it matters where the variables are added on the command line, and if this is of no concern to you, then this works:
"name": "npm-test",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"start": "node index.js"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"
Your JS file:
console.log('myvar', process.env.myvar);
And your command line command:
myvar="hello world" npm run start
So in the end, just prefix your npm script command with your argument list.
For me the following works on Node 10, 12, 14
npm run yourscript -- -- --name=bla
I do need to use -- --
"yourscript": "node bla.js"

How to transform a npm script to a grunt task?

I have the following script with my nodeJS.
"scripts": {
"start": "grunt",
"test": "node --debug --harmony node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt test"
I am running node v0.11.13 so I need to set --harmony flag. On grunt the tests are configured right if I start them with npm test, but I would prefer to have it all in a gruntfile. Is there a way to configure grunt to start the server and also run the test ?
You can create an alias task that spawns grunt with those node flags, like such:
grunt.registerTask('debug', function() {
var done = this.async();
// Specify tasks to run spawned
var tasks =, 0);
// Use the existing node path
cmd: process.execPath,
// Add the flags and use process.argv[1] to get path to grunt bin
args: ['--debug', '--harmony', process.argv[1]].concat(tasks),
// Print everything this process is doing to the parent stdio
opts: { stdio: 'inherit' }
}, done);
Then you can start the server and run tests with: grunt default debug:test
Or really any combination:
grunt server test (runs both without node flags)
grunt debug:server:test (runs both with node flags).

