How to send a file from localhost to website - javascript

I want to send a preselected file (/tmp/test.txt) to a website (upload site) and get the response (shows a link to the uploaded file).
I have googled so much and didnt get it to work.
the following easy html form is working.
<form action="http://upload-site/upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="testfile" value="select file" >
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
so i all need to send is the enctype und the file with info "testfile=test.txt" i guess ??
the form ofc wants me to select a file...what i dont want.
it has to be preselected since i want to automate the upload procedure and work with the response that gives me the link to the file.
how do i do that in php/curl/js ?

You have to use different approach to send your file to another website. You're transferring file over the server(technically over two machine). You could do it by FTP. Fortunately, PHP provides you functionality for this.
$file = 'somefile.txt'; // Path of the file on your local server. should be ABSPATH
$remote_file = 'somefile.txt'; // Path of the server where you want to upload file should be ABSPATH.
// set up basic connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server); // $ftp_server can be name of website or host or ip of the website.
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
// upload a file
if (ftp_put($conn_id, $remote_file, $file, FTP_ASCII)) {
echo "successfully uploaded $file\n";
} else {
echo "There was a problem while uploading $file\n";
// close the connection
I've never tried from localhost to website (Server). Give it try and let me know your feedback for this.

Without seeing your upload.php its hard to help you, but if you want to copy the selected uploaded file to a destination on your server and then display it in the browser you need to do something like this in the file upload.php which is your forms action.
//Get the file name
$file_name = $_FILES["testfile"]["name"];
//Create destination path
$dest = "/path/to/where/you/want/the/file/" . $file_name;
//Move the file
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["testfile"]["tmp_name"], $dest)
//View the file
echo "<script> location.href='http://someip/$dest'; </script>";
I think you need to change this
<input type="file" name="testfile" value="select file">
To this
<input type="file" name="testfile" id="testfile" value="select file">
You will notice im using JavaScript to redirect the browser to the newly uploaded file, you can also just send a new HTTP header using native PHP.
header("Location:") or die("Failed!");
You can read about what you think is the best approach for the redirect here.
I hope this helps?


Upload (not read) a .xlsx file from HTML and send it (any way) to a PHP file

I have an .xlsx file and a html file with an < input type="file">. I just need upload it and send it to a php file (with js or any other way).
The php file expects an .xlsx file (for this reason I dont parse the .xlsx.) if I load it direct in the php file, works perfectly but I need to upload through an user interface, in this case an html view.
Now the .html looks like this:
<div class="MainContainerPrice">
<form action="php/excel_to_mysql.php" method="POST">
<input type="file" name="excel" accept="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"/>
<input type="submit">
And the .php looks like this:
include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
$file = $_FILES['excel'];
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('pricesExcel.xlsx'); //the file directly uploaded that I need to send from html.
But now I have the next error:
Undefined index: excel in ...\excel_to_mysql.php on line 2.
Why doesn't recognize the name?
You need a bit of tweaking in the html and in the PHP part
<div class="MainContainerPrice">
<form action="php/excel_to_mysql.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="excel" accept="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"/>
<input type="submit">
Note the enctype="multipart/form-data". That's needed to actually send the file.
The in the PHP file
include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
$file = $_FILES['excel']['tmp_name'];
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($file); //the file directly uploaded that I need to send from html.
$_FILES['excel']['tmp_name'] contains the full path to the uploaded file, note that you can't rely on the name having the '.xlsx' extension, cause the file gets a random name for security purposes.
I strongly suggest you to use the file from within the temporary directory, and to delete it after use.
If the SimpleXLSXclass needs the '.xlsx' extension to work properly, you can try to add it to the temp file

Select file stored on web server and send as attachment in email?

I was hoping someone could help me/guide me in the right direction with this issue.
I want to create a button called "Send File". When this button is clicked, a directory on my web server is opened where multiple PDF files are stored. I must then have the option of selecting multiple files. Once I click "Okay/Confirm", a new mail must be opened on Outlook with the files added as attachments.
So it's basically like adding an attachment on your local computer through Outlook, but the only difference is the "source" of the file is in a directory on my web server.
I hope this question isn't too broad or not specific enough. I have really no idea how to go about this, so any tips are appreciated. I will attempt to write some code but I don't have a clue on how I'd do this.
Here is a quick example:
$array = array(
echo '<form action="" method="post">';
foreach($array as $file){
echo $file . '<input name="fileName[]" type="checkbox" value="' . $file . '"><br>';
echo '<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">';
echo '</form>';
This isn't possible.
There is no way for the browser to tell the user's email client (Outlook or otherwise) to start a new email with specific attachments (no matter what the source of the attachments).
Instead, you could send the email directly from the server.

Dropzone js and Verot's upload, how to upload to dynamic folder?

I'm using Dropzone.js and Verot's class.upload.php to create a simple upload file.
I want to have images upload to folders dynamically from a $_GET[] variable.
Below is the code I have, but no matter what I do, all files get uploaded to "uploads" folder.
<?php include('includes/php/class.upload.php'); ?>
<form action="upload.php" class="dropzone"></form>
$filesFolder = 'uploads';
$targetDir = dirname(__FILE__).$ds.$filesFolder.$ds.$_GET['album'];
$targetDir = dirname(__FILE__).$ds.$filesFolder;
$handle = new upload($_FILES['file']);
if ($handle->uploaded) {
$handle->image_resize = true;
$handle->image_x = 960;
$handle->image_ratio_y = true;
So, if the url is index.php?album=rocks, images should get uploaded to "uploads/rocks". But, right now all gets uploaded to "uploads".
If I change the $filesFolder variable directly to "uploads/rocks" file uploads to the intended folder.
Am I doing something wrong? or is there a better way to achieve this besides using $_GET.
The issue with your code is the $_GET['album'] does not exist based on your current code, So the extended path never gets created. You must use a hidden input in your form for a GET request. But also be advised if your plan on using this code in on a live website or software please properly secure the data with validation and sanitization.
<form action = "upload.php" method="get" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="dir" value="album"/>
<input type="submit"/>

Download file returned after uploading a file : An AJAX file converter

I'm programming a PHP function that encrypts a file using a specific key. I want the user to upload his file using the "browse..." window then get the "save as" window as a result after the php encrypting.
I'm working in full AJAX so my upload method uses a hidden form and a hidden iframe to handle the upload request.
Javascript Part :
function clickEncryptFile() {
if (!jQuery.browser.msie) {
} else {... not the matter of the question ...}
function encryptFileBrowseChange() {
The nice visible button
<button id="encryptFileButton" type="button" class="ui-..." role="button">Encrypt Now</button>
The hidden part
<form action="" id="uploadAttachmentForm" target="uploadTarget" style="display:none" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input type="file" name="encryptFileBrowse" id="encryptFileBrowse" onchange="encryptFileBrowseChange()">
<iframe id="uploadTarget" name="uploadTarget" src=""></iframe>
Now on the server side, the encryptPHP does the job and returns the encrypted file with all the required HTTP headers. But the browser does not open the "save as window"
Here is the Chrome inspector of the request
Can you help me to fill the download part of this problem ?
I wouldn't like using a temporary file on the server to be stateless and prevent orphan files when browser is interrupted. I'd really like to make this with only one query.
In the server response, Content-disposition is inline, it must be content-disposition: attachment to get the "save as " popup.
I don't delete my question as the code example is pretty and usefull.
Uploading and downloading in only one request is nice.

Create a local file from user input and list existing files

I need to use the input from a user to create a filename.html on the server they are attached to. The program normally takes the input and writes it TO an existing html file. In this one case, I need to add the ability to create the file they are writing to before they begin writing to it.
While I am wishing :) I would like to start out by showing the user a directory of the html files are already there in case someone else has already created it.
The logic of the input would be to use the data input to create the file IF the file does not already exist. If it does exist, then they would open to the pre-existing file by that name.
This is an adaptation of "Microchat" php script which normally writes to msg.html.
It works fine as-is but this one project needs the added ability of creating multiple Name.html files and then letting the user continue as normal except they will be writing to the filename they chose or created rather than the using the generic msg.html. I have been working on the assumption that I will have to create a variable of their input to use for creating the file.
The entire script for Microchat is only 144 lines. But too long to post in its entirety
It can be viewed at The area I need help with is this:
function createForm () {
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<table align="center">
<tr><td colspan="2">Please eneter a nickname to login!</td></tr>
<tr><td>Your name: </td>
<td><input class="text" type="text" name="name" /></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
<input class="text" type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Login" />
This is normally used to create the users login. I have tried a few variations on the input to achieve a variable for creating a file but sadly, I know my limits. I doubt I will find a way without help.
I am not sure what you are trying to make. Possibly you can use database for the purpose but purpose is not clear to me so I don't know. By the way you can use following approach. Then you can do customization as per your requirements.
$fileName = "newHTMLFileName";
$path= "../yourFolder/".$fileName.".html";
if (!file_exists ($path))
$code = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h1>Information</h1></body></html>";
$handle = fopen ($path, "w");
$write = fwrite ($handle,$code);
echo "created";
echo "already created";

