How to get value out of Observable Array nested object - javascript

I have searched here for an answer to this question with no luck.
I have an observable array which contains only one entry:
I have it stored in self.user()
.then(data => {
Now I simply want to extract a few values and assign them to their own observables, BUT... I can't.
I have tried the following to get the firstName...
Does anyone know how to drill down and get to the information I want?
Thanks for looking.

You're storing the raw data you got back from your service into your array. You should access members of that data in that form. The firstName property is not an observable, it's just a string in the data property so you shouldn't be calling it as if it was an observable. The only observable in your example is apparently self.user.
Based on your screenshot your new data looks something like this:
data: {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith'
message: 'User retrieved successfully',
status: null
If you want to get the first name of this object in your user array, you'd access it like this:


Problem with retrieving data from firebase database

I have a problem retrieveing data from firebase database. The data structure is like this:
(Random key):{
text: "random text"
title: "title of some kind"
username: "username"
and the code I tried to retrieve text is:
database.ref("posts").orderByChild("post").on('value', function(snapshot){
I am new to this firebase thing, so i am sorry if it's a stupid question.
You have to change your code like this:
database.ref("posts").child(randomKey).on('value', function(snapshot){
Your snapshot is a DataSnapshot and it contains a child() method that is a DataSnapshot itself. To get your text field you just have to use chield("text") and get then the val().
First you can sort the result by using orderBy on any attributes on post.
For example
var sortedpost = firebase.database().ref('posts').orderByChild('post/text');
Or simply you can also use orderByKey to sort based on the document ID.
After this you can get the result you are looking for using on listener as below.
sortedpost.on('value', function(snapshot){

Updating Query in Firestore

I am new to Firestore, need some help on firestore update.
I have following structure and wants to update "employee name" property. Not sure how to select and update.
Name: Accounts
{Name :David,
Age :25},
Here is what I was trying to do:
let depempCollectionRef = admin.firestore().collection('DepEmployee').doc('depempid')
.update({ name: 'Scott' },{merge:true})
.then(function() { console.log("Document successfully updated!"); })
Employee is just an embedded data structure in your Firestore document – so you can't address it through the reference directly. As far as Firestore is concerned, Employee is just an attribute on the Department document as Name is.
Before I propose a solution, let me point out two things:
If using update, you don't need {merge: true}. You use {merge: true} together with set to get an update-like behavior, if the document already exists.
I wouldn't use an Array of employees. It might make more sense to store the employees in their own collection in Firestore and then just list their reference IDs (= foreign keys) here. As a general rule of thumb: try to keep your data structure flat. Also use Arrays only, if you need to maintain a certain order of items.
A) If you have a separate collection for employees, updating the name is as easy as:
employeeCollection.doc('101').update({name: 'Scott'})
B) If you want to store employee data within your department document, I would still store them as a map with IDs (instead of an Array) and then access them with dot notation:
Name: Accounts
101: {
Name :David,
Age :25
102: {
.set({ ['']: 'Scott' }, {merge:true})
C) And if you really want to store the data embedded in an Array, I believe you have to read and update the whole Array (not sure, if there is a better solution):
const employeesSnap = await depempCollectionRef.Department.get()
const updatedEmployees = changeNameOfScottInArray()
.update({ 'Employees': updatedEmployees })
I didn't test this code, but I hope you get the gist of it!
I'd recommend you flatten your data structure by creating a separate Employee collection and then just referencing them by their foreign key in your department (solution A).

In node.js how to extract uid from returned facebook providerData json array?

I've got my users signing in with facebook and that gets stored in firebase auth. In index.js i've got an onCreate function that stores some facebook related data in firestore.
When i log to cloud functions console I get this:
[ { displayName: 'xxxx xxxxx',
photoURL: '',
providerId: '',
uid: 'xxxxx725xxxxxx80' } ]
In my index.js file i've set this as
const providerData =;
This always confuses me and i've read about it a lot.
These are my questions:
Is this a javascript object? Or a JSON object? Or a JSON array?
Does this need to be parsed? eg. JSON.parse( What is JSON.parse actually doing?
To get access to the uid I have tried:
JSON.parse(providerData) - and then all the above again
var obj = JSON.parse(providerData);
console.log( obj.uid );
I know there are plenty of posts out there re: similar topics and I think i've read a lot of them.
It's an array containing a JSON object at index 0.
The javascript interpreter is automatically parsing Valid JSON as a Javascript object.
Knowing that, you can now access directly the properties of your object like this:
providerData[0].uid // <-- Your use case

get JSON object javascript

I have the Student.groovy class that hasMany Note.groovy
Student Class extend to User.groovy
I have a JavaScript function that takes as a parameter a list of notes in JSON.
The code below works.
$.each(data,function(key, value) {
But if I do alert(value.student); me is returned [object, object]
and when I put alert(value.student.toSource()); It's shown ({class: "project.Student", id: 1})
If I do alert(; It's shown undefined
You're most likely not sending back the correct JSON format to access the student's name.
As of now with the examples you have given you can only access the class and id of a given student.
value.student.class //<-- project.student //<-- 1
To be able to access the student's name you would have to have an object like so:
class: "project.Student",
id: 1,
name: "Example name"
If you think you are actually sending everything you need from the server just do a little $(document.body).append(data); or console.log(data); on your getJSON success callback so you can see clearly what you have.
I wouldn't be surpized if works by the way. Depends on your json structure.

Mongoose: Adding an element to array

I'm using Drywall to create a website.
I'm trying to add a dashboard element to the accounts section of the admin site. The dashboard element is to store an array of dashboards (strings) that the user has access to.
I've managed to successfully add the "dashboards" into the schema and store data in it.
Here's the problem:
I need to be able to add elements to the array. The way the code stands currently replaces the contents of dashboards in the database.
I know I can use $addToSet, but I'm not sure how I'd do that since the fieldsToSet variable is sent to the findByIdAndUpdate() method as a single object.
Here's the snippet of my code:
workflow.on('patchAccount', function() {
var fieldsToSet = {
name: {
first: req.body.first,
middle: req.body.middle,
last: req.body.last,
full: req.body.first +' '+ req.body.last
search: [
};, fieldsToSet, function(err, account) {
if (err) {
return workflow.emit('exception', err);
workflow.outcome.account = account;
return workflow.emit('response');
Here's a link to the original file: (lines 184-203)
fieldsToSet is a bad name (at least misleading in this case), the parameter is actually update which can take $actions like $addToSet
I don't think you want to set (only) the search field with dashboards. I'm guessing that field is used to index users for a search. So you'll probably wind up doing something like this:
fieldsToSet = {
....all the regular stuff,
$addToSet: {dashboard: req.body.dashboardToAdd}
//I'm not sure that you can add multiple values at once
Since this is setting all of the values each time I'm not sure you actually will want to add single dashboard items. Instead you might want to get the full set of dashboards the user has and set the whole array again anyway (what if they removed one?)
fieldsToSet = {
....all the regular stuff,
dashboards: req.body.dashboards
//In this case you'd want to make sure dashboards is an appropriate array

