Posting messages to external Javascript via mshtml - javascript

I am attempting to communicate with an externally linked javascript file from the DOM using mshtml.
I figured using postMessage found in IHTMLWindow6 would be the easiest way but I am not receiving the messages in my external javascript file.
Here is my C++ code that posts the message:
if (!htmlDocu->get_parentWindow(&htmlWin2) && htmlWin2)
IHTMLWindow6 * htmlWin6;
if (!htmlWin2->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLWindow6, (void **)&htmlWin6) && htmlWin6)
VARIANT varBstr;
varBstr.vt = VT_BSTR;
varBstr.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"*");
BSTR str1 = SysAllocString(L"the message");
htmlWin6->postMessage(str1, varBstr);
Here is my javascript code that should be receiving the message but is not:
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
alert('got message'); /* Never happens. Why? */
alert(event.origin); /* Never happens. Why? */
alert(; /* Never happens. Why? */
}, false );
I believe the error is in the C++ as I am able to send a message event inside of the javascript with no issues:
window.addEventListener('load', function(event) {
alert('sending message');
window.postMessage("lalala", "*");
}, false);
Could anyone provide where I can find good C++ example of using postMessage() via IHTMLWindow6?

Related client receives everything except for one emitter

I have got client and server code. Every message is being received except for one handler: when i send the following to the client:
socket.on('loginb', function(login) {
var a = bedrijven.filter(function(e) {
return e.bedrijfsnaam == login.bnaam && e.pwd == login.pwd;
if (a[0] == null||a.length!=1||a==undefined) {
socket.emit('wow', false);
} else {
socket.emit('wow', a[0]);
everything until "412" will be logged, but the message won't be received. This is how the listener looks at the client side:
socket.on('wow', function(login) {
26 is never getting logged.
The strange thing is: the emitter and the listener are on the same place as other emitters and listeners i have, and work the same. However, this does not work while the rest does.
I also tried replacing socket.emit('wow', a[0]); by socket.emit('wow', 'string'); but no difference.
I found the answer thanks to #jfriend00's comment.
Indeed, the problem was that the client did not receive the socket message because the page refreshed after the submit. This was prevented by adding a return statement at the end of the submit function.

Porting Chrome extension to Edge

I have created a chrome extension to enable clipboard data access. The solution is explained in details here Implementing 'Paste' in custom context menu. Now the problem is how to port this extension to Edge. There is a tool for that I know I used it, and maybe it is working, but my problem is how to "consume" this extension, what is equivalent to chrome.runtime.sendMessage in Edge? In Chrome I used this - the part 'Sending messages from webpages', but in Edge I just can't find anything similar. Thanks for your time and help.
There is runtime.sendMessage() in Edge too.
The thing to keep in mind is that the runtime object is defined on the browser object, not chrome.
Sends a single message to event listeners within your extension or a different extension.
If sending to your extension, omit the extensionId argument. The runtime.onMessage event will be fired in each page in your extension, except for the frame that called runtime.sendMessage.
If sending to a different extension, include the extensionId argument set to the other extension's ID. runtime.onMessageExternal will be fired in the other extension.
Extensions cannot send messages to content scripts using this method. To send messages to content scripts, use tabs.sendMessage.
This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.
I managed to solve this. There is no way (at least I couldn't find it) to communicate from web page with extension background script (and only the background script can get data from the clipboard and has the 'browser' object defined). So what I did, I communicated with content script and content script communicated with background script. Here is the code.
contextMenuPaste: function () {
if (getBrowserName() == 'EDGE') {
direction: "from-page-script"
}, "*");
window.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
if (event.source == window && && == "from-content-script") {
console.log('Data in page script',;
window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
// If message came from page-script send request to background script to get clipboard data
if (event.source == window && && == "from-page-script") {
message: "getClipboardData"
function(clipboardData) {
// Send clipboard data to page script
function messagePageScript(clipboardData) {
direction: "from-content-script",
message: clipboardData
}, "*");
function(req, sender, callback) {
if (req) {
if (req.message) {
if (req.message == "installed") {
console.log('Checking is extension is installed!');
else if(req.message = "getClipboardData") {
console.log('Get clipboard data');
return true;
function getDataFromClipboard() {
var bg = browser.extension.getBackgroundPage();
var helperTextArea = bg.document.getElementById('sandbox');
if (helperTextArea == null) {
helperTextArea = bg.document.createElement("textarea");
helperTextArea.value = '';;
// Clipboard data
var clipboardData = '';
clipboardData = helperTextArea.value;
helperTextArea.value = '';
return clipboardData;
But there is one tiny issue. This code works if I have a break-point set on line
and it doesn't if I don't have that break-point. I thought it is a trimming issue, added pauses, delayed executions but nothing helped. I will start a new question for that issues and will copy solution here (if I find one).

Chrome Message passing. Uncaught Error: Error connecting to extension

So I'm very new to Chrome's message passing, and I'm trying to use it to have my background page be alerted when the DOM of a page is modified (using some injected js).
I'm only trying to have one way communication, but if I open up console on the tab while the extension is running, it tells me "Uncaught Error: Error connecting to extension [my extension id]."
For simplicity, I'll say my background page's background.js has these lines of code:
if (modified == "true") {
alert("modified message recieved");
And my content script is:
function subtreeModified(){
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({modified: "true"});
alert("modified message sent");
document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", subtreeModified, false);
I've been testing this, and whenever the page DOM is modified, I get a bunch of alerts that say "modified message sent," but none that say "modified message recieved." Thoughts/tips?
You aren't declaring and using the arguments sent to the receiver's event listener. Your modified argument is sent as a property on an argument passed to your callback. That's where you have to get it from when using your code. Also, I added a console.log() at the start of your callback so you can see if it's getting called:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message) {
console.log("received message");
if (message.modified == "true") {
alert("modified message recieved");
Note: it's a little odd to be passing strings for true and false. Why not just use booleans?

Injected HTML accessing the Chrome API and global variables

I'm working on a Chrome Extension, and I'm new to the process. The extension I'm working on injects an HTML sidebar into the page, injects java-script functions to the header, then let's the user press the buttons on the sidebar to create/save my extension's data.
However, when I want to save the information, I use localStorage, however, the localStorage always saves with respect to the current website. How can I use localStorage to save with respect to our extension?
Furthermore, I would like to use some global javascript variables in the chrome-extension. Where do these belong? I know I can't currently access them from the injected Javascript.
I've looked into message passing, and I've had some trouble with it. I'm not sure how it works in the scope of injected javascript into a page's header. I've tried working with this example, but my extension doesn't seem to catch the message.
// This function is called in the injected header javascript.
function sendToExtension() {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('page javascript sending message');
window.postMessage({ type: 'page_js_type',
text: "Hello from the page's javascript!"},
'*' /* targetOrigin: any */);
}, 10);
// This is installed in a background script.
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
console.log('content_script.js got message:', event);
You have to use Chrome's sendMessage function and onMessage listener. See below:
function sendToExtension() {
console.log('Sending message');
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ext: "myExtension"}, function(response) {
// Listener - Put this in the background script to listen to all the events.
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.ext) {
console.log('Message received from ' + request.ext);
sendResponse({ack:'received'}); // This send a response message to the requestor

Server-Sent Events using Poco::Net::HTTPRequestHandler

I'm trying to "stream" data to an HTML5 page using server-sent events.
This tutorial was quite helpful to get the client side working.
But for the server side, I'm doing something similar to the HTTPServer example in
The tutorial gave me the following idea for the request handler's code:
void MyRequestHandler::handleRequest (HTTPServerRequest &req, HTTPServerResponse &resp)
resp.add("Content-Type", "text/event-stream");
resp.add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
ostream& out = resp.send();
while (out.good())
out << "data: " << "some data" << "\n\n";
and the HTML5 page's source:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo">hello</p>
var msgCounter = 0;
var source;
var data;
if(typeof(EventSource) !== "undefined")
source = new EventSource('/stream');
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Event source created";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Are you using IE ?";
source.addEventListener('message', function(e)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Message received (" + msgCounter + ") !<br/>"+;
}, false);
The good thing is that, when opening the html page, the data gets streamed and I get a correct outpout (the text between the tag gets updated as expected.
The problem is that when I close the page in the browser, the POCO program crashes, and I get the following message in the console:
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Process returned 3 (0x3) execution time : 22.234 s
Press any key to continue.
(I'm using Code::Blocks, that's why the return value and the execution time are displayed)
Event when I put the while() loop between try{ }catch(...){} the program still crashes without entering the catch (same thing happens when I put the entire main()'s content in between try/catch )
The main program contains only these instructions:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
MyServerApp myServer;, argv);
return 0;
I want to know what could cause that crash and how I can fix it, please.
Thank you in advance for your help :)
For anyone interested, I was able to deal with this issue by registering my own error handler that simply ignores the exception thrown when an SSE-client disconnects:
#include <Poco\ErrorHandler.h>
// Other includes, using namespace..., etc.
class ServerErrorHandler : public ErrorHandler
void exception(const Exception& e)
// Ignore an exception that's thrown when an SSE connection is closed.
// Info: When the server is handling an SSE request, it keeps a persistent connection through a forever loop.
// In order to handle when a client disconnects, the request handler must detect such an event. Alas, this
// is not possible with the current request handler in Poco (we only have 2 params: request and response).
// The only hack for now is to simply ignore the exception generated when the client disconnects :(
if (string(e.className()).find("ConnectionAbortedException") == string::npos)
class ServerApp : public ServerApplication
int main(const vector<string>& args)
// Create and register our error handler
ServerErrorHandler error_handler;
// Normal server code, for example:
HTTPServer server(new RequestHandlerFactory, 80, new HTTPServerParams);
return Application::EXIT_OK;
However, I must say that this is an ugly hack. Moreover, the error handler is global to the application which makes it even less desirable as a solution. The correct way would be detect the disconnection and handle it. For that Poco must pass the SocketStream to the request handler.
You can change your code to catch Poco Exceptions:
try {
MyServerApp myServer;
return, argv);
}catch(const Poco::Exception& ex) {
std::cout << ex.displayText() << std::endl;
return Poco::Util::Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE;

