Why BigInt demand explicit conversion from Number? - javascript

BigInt and Number conversions
When working with numbers in JavaScript there are two primitive types to choose from - BigInt and Number. One could expect implicit conversion from "smaller" type to "bigger" type which isn't a case in JavaScript.
When computing some combination of BigInt and Number user could expect implicit cast from Number to BigInt like in below example:
const number = 16n + 32; // DOESN'T WORK
// Expected: Evaluates to 48n
Actual behavior
Expressions operating on both BigInt and Number are throwing an error:
const number = 16n + 32;
// Throws "TypeError: Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions"
Why explicit conversion is needed in above cases?
Or in other words what is the reason behind this design?

This is documented in the original BigInt proposal: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-bigint/blob/master/README.md#design-goals-or-why-is-this-like-this
When a messy situation comes up, this proposal errs on the side of throwing an exception rather than rely on type coercion and risk giving an imprecise answer.

It's a design choice. In statically typed languages, coercion might give loss of information, like going from float to int the fractional part just gets truncated. JavaScript does type coercion and you may expect 16n + 32 to just use 32 as if it were a BigInt instead of a Number and there wouldn't be a problem.
This was purely a design choice which is motivated here in this part of the documentation

They are not "smaller" and "bigger". One has real but potentially imprecise numbers, the other has integral but precise ones. What do you think should be the result of 16n + 32.5? (note that type-wise, there is no difference between 32 and 32.5). Automatically converting to BigInt will lose any fractional value; automatically converting to Number will risk loss of precision, and potential overflow. The requirement for explicit conversion forces the programmer to choose which behaviour they desire, without leaving it to chance, as a potential (very likely) source of bugs.

You probably missed an important point:
BigInt is about integers
Number is about real numbers
Implicit conversion from 32 to 32n might have sense, but implicit conversion from floating point number e.g. 1.555 to BigInt would be misleading.


how to handle more than 20 digit number (Big integer)?

My angular program, I need to pass the number which is more than 20 digit to the API request.
num: any;
this.num = 2019111122001424290521878689;
console.log(this.num); // It displays "2.0191111220014244e+27"
I tried to change string from number as below
console.log(this.num.toString()); // It displays "2.0191111220014244e+27"
My expectation is that I need to pass the original big integer into the API request. If I pass as below, it goes as "2.0191111220014244e+27".
BTW, I tried BigInt(this.num), which gives difference number.
Suggest me
In JavaScript, big integer literals have the letter n as a suffix:
var bigNum = 2019111122001424290521878689n;
For more information, see
MDN JavaScript Reference - BigInt
If you got a large number (> SAFE_INTEGER) from an API, in JSON format, and you want to get the exact value, as as string, you unfortunately can't use JSON.parse(), as it will use the number type and lose precision.
There are alternative JSON parsers out there like LosslessJSON that might solve your problem.
You can use BigInt.
BigInt is a built-in object that provides a way to represent whole numbers larger than 253 - 1, which is the largest number JavaScript can reliably represent with the Number primitive. BigInt can be used for arbitrarily large integers.
const theBiggestInt = 9007199254740991n;
const alsoHuge = BigInt(9007199254740991);
// ↪ 9007199254740991n
const hugeString = BigInt("9007199254740991");
// ↪ 9007199254740991n
const hugeHex = BigInt("0x1fffffffffffff");
// ↪ 9007199254740991n
const hugeBin = BigInt("0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
// ↪ 9007199254740991n
BigInt is similar to Number in some ways, but also differs in a few key matters — it cannot be used with methods in the built-in Math object and cannot be mixed with instances of Number in operations; they must be coerced to the same type. Be careful coercing values back and forth, however, as the precision of a BigInt may be lost when it is coerced to a Number.
Refer to
The problem is that the number you have there is not an integer. Javascript can only store integers up to the value given by Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. In chrome, this number is 9007199254740991.
The number you have is actually a floating point number, and converting it between floating point and integer will loose some precision.

When JavaScript maximum number length more than 16,what happen ?

look at this picture.(The underLine is input.)
why the end of JavaScript Number with trailing zeros or a not predictable number?
I checked the document with https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-9.7
But I can't find anything useful for this problem.
Numbers in Javascript use Double-precision floating-point format which can represent numbers from -(2^53 - 1) and (2^53 - 1). This limits the maximum safe number (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) to 9007199254740991.
Hence any number above that will be not be represented accurately.
so the thing is there is maximum integer which can be safely manipulated in javascript after that you are supposed to get some unexpected results based on implementation
read about that max safe integer https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-number.max_safe_integer
BTW there is a new bigint type which can handle large numbers https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/05/bigint
bigint however is not a standard yet i think

Pitfalls with using scientific notation in JavaScript

This question is not seeking developer code formatting opinions. Personally, I prefer to use scientific notation in my JS code when I can because I believe it is more readable. For me, 6e8 is more readable than 600000000. That being said, I am solely looking for potential risks and disadvantages specifying numbers in scientific notation in JS. I don't see it often in the wild and was wondering if there is technical reasoning for that or if it simply because of developer's druthers.
You don't see scientific notation "often in the wild" because the only numbers that actually get typed in JS tend to be constants:
Code-centric constants (such as enums and levels) tend to be small.
Physical/mathematical constants (such as π or e) tend to be highly specific.
Neither of these benefit from scientific notation too much.
I have seen Plank's constant 'in the wild' as:
const h = 6.62607004e-34;
console.log('Plank', h);
The other place it often makes sense is time limits, for instance the number of ms in a day as 864e5. For instance:
function addDaysToDate(date, days) {
if (days === 0)
return date;
date.setTime(864e5 * days + date.valueOf());
return date;
const now = new Date();
const thisTimeTomorrow = addDaysToDate(now, 1);
console.log('This time tomorrow', thisTimeTomorrow);
I don't think there's any technical reason not to use this notation, it's more that developers avoid hard coding numbers at all.
I don't think there are any risks. You may have to be careful with numbers in strings, but if you're doing that then this syntax is a far smaller issue than, say, number localisation (for instance a DE user entering "20.000,00", expecting 2e4, but getting 2e6 thanks to invariant number formatting swapping the thousand and decimal separators).
I'd add that JS will output that syntax by default anyway for small numbers, but avoids for large numbers up to a point (which varies by browser):
console.log('Very small', 1234 / 100000000000)
console.log('Large, but still full in some browsers', 1e17 * 1234)
console.log('Large, scientific', 1e35 * 1234)
From O. R. Mapper in this question:
Human users are not the only ones who want to read numbers. It seems
D3 will throw an exception when encountering a translate
transformation that contains coordinates in scientific notation
In addition, if you want change the string representation, as opposed to just what the literal looks like in your source, you'll have to be careful with serialized/stored data.
Also, from experience, often times you can have large numbers whose significance is in their individual digits like an ID or phone number. In this case, reducing these numbers to scientific notation hurts readability.
E-notation indicates a number that should be multiplied by 10 raised
to a given power.
is not scientific exponential notation . One pitfall is that e "times ten raised to the power of" in JavaScript is not The number e the base of the natural logarithm, represented at browser as Math.E. For individuals familiar with the mathematical constant e, JavaScript e has an entirely different meaning. 6 * Math.pow(10, 8) returns expected result and does not include use of the JavaScript artifact e.
Although the E stands for exponent, the notation is usually referred
to as (scientific) E-notation rather than (scientific) exponential
notation. The use of E-notation facilitates data entry and readability
in textual communication since it minimizes keystrokes, avoids reduced
font sizes and provides a simpler and more concise display, but it is
not encouraged in publications. Submission Guidelines for Authors:
HPS 2010 Midyear

How does “+var === +var” type is number even if we use it in number string [duplicate]

Just out of curiosity.
It doesn't seem very logical that typeof NaN is number. Just like NaN === NaN or NaN == NaN returning false, by the way. Is this one of the peculiarities of JavaScript, or would there be a reason for this?
Edit: thanks for your answers. It's not an easy thing to get ones head around though. Reading answers and the wiki I understood more, but still, a sentence like
A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result even when comparing with itself. The comparison predicates are either signaling or non-signaling, the signaling versions signal an invalid exception for such comparisons. The equality and inequality predicates are non-signaling so x = x returning false can be used to test if x is a quiet NaN.
just keeps my head spinning. If someone can translate this in human (as opposed to, say, mathematician) readable language, I would be grateful.
Well, it may seem a little strange that something called "not a number" is considered a number, but NaN is still a numeric type, despite that fact :-)
NaN just means the specific value cannot be represented within the limitations of the numeric type (although that could be said for all numbers that have to be rounded to fit, but NaN is a special case).
A specific NaN is not considered equal to another NaN because they may be different values. However, NaN is still a number type, just like 2718 or 31415.
As to your updated question to explain in layman's terms:
A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result even when comparing with itself. The comparison predicates are either signalling or non-signalling, the signalling versions signal an invalid exception for such comparisons. The equality and inequality predicates are non-signalling so x = x returning false can be used to test if x is a quiet NaN.
All this means is (broken down into parts):
A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result even when comparing with itself.
Basically, a NaN is not equal to any other number, including another NaN, and even including itself.
The comparison predicates are either signalling or non-signalling, the signalling versions signal an invalid exception for such comparisons.
Attempting to do comparison (less than, greater than, and so on) operations between a NaN and another number can either result in an exception being thrown (signalling) or just getting false as the result (non-signalling or quiet).
The equality and inequality predicates are non-signalling so x = x returning false can be used to test if x is a quiet NaN.
Tests for equality (equal to, not equal to) are never signalling so using them will not cause an exception. If you have a regular number x, then x == x will always be true. If x is a NaN, then x == x will always be false. It's giving you a way to detect NaN easily (quietly).
It means Not a Number. It is not a peculiarity of javascript but common computer science principle.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN:
There are three kinds of operation
which return NaN:
Operations with a NaN as at least one operand
Indeterminate forms
The divisions 0/0, ∞/∞, ∞/−∞, −∞/∞, and −∞/−∞
The multiplications 0×∞ and 0×−∞
The power 1^∞
The additions ∞ + (−∞), (−∞) + ∞ and equivalent subtractions.
Real operations with complex results:
The square root of a negative number
The logarithm of a negative number
The tangent of an odd multiple of 90 degrees (or π/2 radians)
The inverse sine or cosine of a number which is less than −1 or
greater than +1.
All these values may not be the same. A simple test for a NaN is to test value == value is false.
The ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard specifies that Numbers are IEEE 754 floats, which include NaN as a possible value.
ECMA 262 5e Section 4.3.19: Number value
primitive value corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value.
ECMA 262 5e Section 4.3.23: NaN
Number value that is a IEEE 754 "Not-a-Number" value.
IEEE 754 on Wikipedia
The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic is a technical standard established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the most widely used standard for floating-point computation [...]
The standard defines
arithmetic formats: sets of binary and decimal floating-point data, which consist of finite numbers (including signed zeros and subnormal numbers), infinities, and special "not a number" values (NaNs)
typeof NaN returns 'number' because:
ECMAScript spec says the Number type includes NaN:
4.3.20 Number type
set of all possible Number values including the special “Not-a-Number”
(NaN) values, positive infinity, and negative infinity
So typeof returns accordingly:
11.4.3 The typeof Operator
The production UnaryExpression : typeof UnaryExpression is
evaluated as follows:
Let val be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.
If Type(val) is Reference, then
If IsUnresolvableReference(val) is true, return "undefined".
Let val be GetValue(val).
Return a String determined by Type(val) according to Table 20.
Table 20 — typeof Operator Results
| Type of val | Result |
| Undefined | "undefined" |
| Null | "object" |
| Boolean | "boolean" |
| Number | "number" |
| String | "string" |
| Object (native and does | "object" |
| not implement [[Call]]) | |
| Object (native or host and | "function" |
| does implement [[Call]]) | |
| Object (host and does not | Implementation-defined except may |
| implement [[Call]]) | not be "undefined", "boolean", |
| | "number", or "string". |
This behavior is in accordance with IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754):
4.3.19 Number value
primitive value corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary
format IEEE 754 value
4.3.23 NaN
number value that is a IEEE 754 “Not-a-Number” value
8.5 The Number Type
The Number type has exactly 18437736874454810627 (that is, 253−264+3)
values, representing the double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754
values as specified in the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
Arithmetic, except that the 9007199254740990 (that is, 253−2) distinct
“Not-a-Number” values of the IEEE Standard are represented in
ECMAScript as a single special NaN value. (Note that the NaN value
is produced by the program expression NaN.)
NaN != NaN because they are not necessary the SAME non-number. Thus it makes a lot of sense...
Also why floats have both +0.00 and -0.00 that are not the same. Rounding may do that they are actually not zero.
As for typeof, that depends on the language. And most languages will say that NaN is a float, double or number depending on how they classify it... I know of no languages that will say this is an unknown type or null.
NaN is a valid floating point value (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN)
and NaN === NaN is false because they're not necessarily the same non-number
NaN stands for Not a Number. It is a value of numeric data types (usually floating point types, but not always) that represents the result of an invalid operation such as dividing by zero.
Although its names says that it's not a number, the data type used to hold it is a numeric type. So in JavaScript, asking for the datatype of NaN will return number (as alert(typeof(NaN)) clearly demonstrates).
A better name for NaN, describing its meaning more precisely and less confusingly, would be a numerical exception. It is really another kind of exception object disguised as having primitive type (by the language design), where at the same it is not treated as primitive in its false self-comparison. Whence the confusion. And as long as the language "will not make its mind" to choose between proper exception object and primitive numeral, the confusion will stay.
The infamous non-equality of NaN to itself, both == and === is a manifestation of the confusing design forcing this exception object into being a primitive type. This breaks the fundamental principle that a primitive is uniquely determined by its value. If NaN is preferred to be seen as exception (of which there can be different kinds), then it should not be "sold" as primitive. And if it is wanted to be primitive, that principle must hold. As long as it is broken, as we have in JavaScript, and we can't really decide between the two, the confusion leading to unnecessary cognitive load for everyone involved will remain. Which, however, is really easy to fix by simply making the choice between the two:
either make NaN a special exception object containing the useful information about how the exception arose, as opposed to throwing that information away as what is currently implemented, leading to harder-to-debug code;
or make NaN an entity of the primitive type number (that could be less confusingly called "numeric"), in which case it should be equal to itself and cannot contain any other information; the latter is clearly an inferior choice.
The only conceivable advantage of forcing NaN into number type is being able to throw it back into any numerical expression. Which, however, makes it brittle choice, because the result of any numerical expression containing NaN will either be NaN, or leading to unpredictable results such as NaN < 0 evaluating to false, i.e. returning boolean instead of keeping the exception.
And even if "things are the way they are", nothing prevents us from making that clear distinction for ourselves, to help make our code more predictable and easierly debuggable. In practice, that means identifying those exceptions and dealing with them as exceptions. Which, unfortunately, means more code but hopefully will be mitigated by tools such as TypeScript of Flowtype.
And then we have the messy quiet vs noisy aka signalling NaN distinction. Which really is about how exceptions are handled, not the exceptions themselves, and nothing different from other exceptions.
Similarly, Infinity and +Infinity are elements of numeric type arising in the extension of the real line but they are not real numbers. Mathematically, they can be represented by sequences of real numbers converging to either + or -Infinity.
Javascript uses NaN to represent anything it encounters that can't be represented any other way by its specifications. It does not mean it is not a number. It's just the easiest way to describe the encounter. NaN means that it or an object that refers to it could not be represented in any other way by javascript. For all practical purposes, it is 'unknown'. Being 'unknown' it cannot tell you what it is nor even if it is itself. It is not even the object it is assigned to. It can only tell you what it is not, and not-ness or nothingness can only be described mathematically in a programming language. Since mathematics is about numbers, javascript represents nothingness as NaN. That doesn't mean it's not a number. It means we can't read it any other way that makes sense. That's why it can't even equal itself. Because it doesn't.
This is simply because NaN is a property of the Number object in JS, It has nothing to do with it being a number.
The best way to think of NAN is that its not a known number. Thats why NAN != NAN because each NAN value represents some unique unknown number. NANs are necessary because floating point numbers have a limited range of values. In some cases rounding occurs where the lower bits are lost which leads to what appears to be nonsense like 1.0/11*11 != 1.0. Really large values which are greater are NANs with infinity being a perfect example.
Given we only have ten fingers any attempt to show values greater than 10 are impossible, which means such values must be NANs because we have lost the true value of this greater than 10 value. The same is true of floating point values, where the value exceeds the limits of what can be held in a float.
NaN is still a numeric type, but it represents value that could not represent a valid number.
Because NaN is a numeric data type.
NaN is a number from a type point of view, but is not a normal number like 1, 2 or 329131. The name "Not A Number" refers to the fact that the value represented is special and is about the IEEE format spec domain, not javascript language domain.
If using jQuery, I prefer isNumeric over checking the type:
console.log($.isNumeric(NaN)); // returns false
console.log($.type(NaN)); // returns number
Javascript has only one numeric data type, which is the standard 64-bit double-precision float. Everything is a double. NaN is a special value of double, but it's a double nonetheless.
All that parseInt does is to "cast" your string into a numeric data type, so the result is always "number"; only if the original string wasn't parseable, its value will be NaN.
We could argue that NaN is a special case object. In this case, NaN's object represents a number that makes no mathematical sense. There are some other special case objects in math like INFINITE and so on.
You can still do some calculations with it, but that will yield strange behaviours.
More info here: http://www.concentric.net/~ttwang/tech/javafloat.htm (java based, not javascript)
You've got to love Javascript. It has some interesting little quirks.
Most of those quirks can be explained if you stop to work them out logically, or if you know a bit about number theory, but nevertheless they can still catch you out if you don't know about them.
By the way, I recommend reading the rest of http://wtfjs.com/ -- there's a lot more interesting quirks than this one to be found!
The value NaN is really the Number.NaN hence when you ask if it is a number it will say yes. You did the correct thing by using the isNaN() call.
For information, NaN can also be returned by operations on Numbers that are not defined like divisions by zero or square root of a negative number.
It is special value of Number type as POSITIVE_INFINITY
Why? By design
An example
Imagine We are converting a string to a number:
Number("string"); // returns NaN
We changed the data type to number but its value is not a number!

Why does typeof NaN return 'number'?

Just out of curiosity.
It doesn't seem very logical that typeof NaN is number. Just like NaN === NaN or NaN == NaN returning false, by the way. Is this one of the peculiarities of JavaScript, or would there be a reason for this?
Edit: thanks for your answers. It's not an easy thing to get ones head around though. Reading answers and the wiki I understood more, but still, a sentence like
A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result even when comparing with itself. The comparison predicates are either signaling or non-signaling, the signaling versions signal an invalid exception for such comparisons. The equality and inequality predicates are non-signaling so x = x returning false can be used to test if x is a quiet NaN.
just keeps my head spinning. If someone can translate this in human (as opposed to, say, mathematician) readable language, I would be grateful.
Well, it may seem a little strange that something called "not a number" is considered a number, but NaN is still a numeric type, despite that fact :-)
NaN just means the specific value cannot be represented within the limitations of the numeric type (although that could be said for all numbers that have to be rounded to fit, but NaN is a special case).
A specific NaN is not considered equal to another NaN because they may be different values. However, NaN is still a number type, just like 2718 or 31415.
As to your updated question to explain in layman's terms:
A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result even when comparing with itself. The comparison predicates are either signalling or non-signalling, the signalling versions signal an invalid exception for such comparisons. The equality and inequality predicates are non-signalling so x = x returning false can be used to test if x is a quiet NaN.
All this means is (broken down into parts):
A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result even when comparing with itself.
Basically, a NaN is not equal to any other number, including another NaN, and even including itself.
The comparison predicates are either signalling or non-signalling, the signalling versions signal an invalid exception for such comparisons.
Attempting to do comparison (less than, greater than, and so on) operations between a NaN and another number can either result in an exception being thrown (signalling) or just getting false as the result (non-signalling or quiet).
The equality and inequality predicates are non-signalling so x = x returning false can be used to test if x is a quiet NaN.
Tests for equality (equal to, not equal to) are never signalling so using them will not cause an exception. If you have a regular number x, then x == x will always be true. If x is a NaN, then x == x will always be false. It's giving you a way to detect NaN easily (quietly).
It means Not a Number. It is not a peculiarity of javascript but common computer science principle.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN:
There are three kinds of operation
which return NaN:
Operations with a NaN as at least one operand
Indeterminate forms
The divisions 0/0, ∞/∞, ∞/−∞, −∞/∞, and −∞/−∞
The multiplications 0×∞ and 0×−∞
The power 1^∞
The additions ∞ + (−∞), (−∞) + ∞ and equivalent subtractions.
Real operations with complex results:
The square root of a negative number
The logarithm of a negative number
The tangent of an odd multiple of 90 degrees (or π/2 radians)
The inverse sine or cosine of a number which is less than −1 or
greater than +1.
All these values may not be the same. A simple test for a NaN is to test value == value is false.
The ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard specifies that Numbers are IEEE 754 floats, which include NaN as a possible value.
ECMA 262 5e Section 4.3.19: Number value
primitive value corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value.
ECMA 262 5e Section 4.3.23: NaN
Number value that is a IEEE 754 "Not-a-Number" value.
IEEE 754 on Wikipedia
The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic is a technical standard established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the most widely used standard for floating-point computation [...]
The standard defines
arithmetic formats: sets of binary and decimal floating-point data, which consist of finite numbers (including signed zeros and subnormal numbers), infinities, and special "not a number" values (NaNs)
typeof NaN returns 'number' because:
ECMAScript spec says the Number type includes NaN:
4.3.20 Number type
set of all possible Number values including the special “Not-a-Number”
(NaN) values, positive infinity, and negative infinity
So typeof returns accordingly:
11.4.3 The typeof Operator
The production UnaryExpression : typeof UnaryExpression is
evaluated as follows:
Let val be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.
If Type(val) is Reference, then
If IsUnresolvableReference(val) is true, return "undefined".
Let val be GetValue(val).
Return a String determined by Type(val) according to Table 20.
Table 20 — typeof Operator Results
| Type of val | Result |
| Undefined | "undefined" |
| Null | "object" |
| Boolean | "boolean" |
| Number | "number" |
| String | "string" |
| Object (native and does | "object" |
| not implement [[Call]]) | |
| Object (native or host and | "function" |
| does implement [[Call]]) | |
| Object (host and does not | Implementation-defined except may |
| implement [[Call]]) | not be "undefined", "boolean", |
| | "number", or "string". |
This behavior is in accordance with IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754):
4.3.19 Number value
primitive value corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary
format IEEE 754 value
4.3.23 NaN
number value that is a IEEE 754 “Not-a-Number” value
8.5 The Number Type
The Number type has exactly 18437736874454810627 (that is, 253−264+3)
values, representing the double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754
values as specified in the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
Arithmetic, except that the 9007199254740990 (that is, 253−2) distinct
“Not-a-Number” values of the IEEE Standard are represented in
ECMAScript as a single special NaN value. (Note that the NaN value
is produced by the program expression NaN.)
NaN != NaN because they are not necessary the SAME non-number. Thus it makes a lot of sense...
Also why floats have both +0.00 and -0.00 that are not the same. Rounding may do that they are actually not zero.
As for typeof, that depends on the language. And most languages will say that NaN is a float, double or number depending on how they classify it... I know of no languages that will say this is an unknown type or null.
NaN is a valid floating point value (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN)
and NaN === NaN is false because they're not necessarily the same non-number
NaN stands for Not a Number. It is a value of numeric data types (usually floating point types, but not always) that represents the result of an invalid operation such as dividing by zero.
Although its names says that it's not a number, the data type used to hold it is a numeric type. So in JavaScript, asking for the datatype of NaN will return number (as alert(typeof(NaN)) clearly demonstrates).
A better name for NaN, describing its meaning more precisely and less confusingly, would be a numerical exception. It is really another kind of exception object disguised as having primitive type (by the language design), where at the same it is not treated as primitive in its false self-comparison. Whence the confusion. And as long as the language "will not make its mind" to choose between proper exception object and primitive numeral, the confusion will stay.
The infamous non-equality of NaN to itself, both == and === is a manifestation of the confusing design forcing this exception object into being a primitive type. This breaks the fundamental principle that a primitive is uniquely determined by its value. If NaN is preferred to be seen as exception (of which there can be different kinds), then it should not be "sold" as primitive. And if it is wanted to be primitive, that principle must hold. As long as it is broken, as we have in JavaScript, and we can't really decide between the two, the confusion leading to unnecessary cognitive load for everyone involved will remain. Which, however, is really easy to fix by simply making the choice between the two:
either make NaN a special exception object containing the useful information about how the exception arose, as opposed to throwing that information away as what is currently implemented, leading to harder-to-debug code;
or make NaN an entity of the primitive type number (that could be less confusingly called "numeric"), in which case it should be equal to itself and cannot contain any other information; the latter is clearly an inferior choice.
The only conceivable advantage of forcing NaN into number type is being able to throw it back into any numerical expression. Which, however, makes it brittle choice, because the result of any numerical expression containing NaN will either be NaN, or leading to unpredictable results such as NaN < 0 evaluating to false, i.e. returning boolean instead of keeping the exception.
And even if "things are the way they are", nothing prevents us from making that clear distinction for ourselves, to help make our code more predictable and easierly debuggable. In practice, that means identifying those exceptions and dealing with them as exceptions. Which, unfortunately, means more code but hopefully will be mitigated by tools such as TypeScript of Flowtype.
And then we have the messy quiet vs noisy aka signalling NaN distinction. Which really is about how exceptions are handled, not the exceptions themselves, and nothing different from other exceptions.
Similarly, Infinity and +Infinity are elements of numeric type arising in the extension of the real line but they are not real numbers. Mathematically, they can be represented by sequences of real numbers converging to either + or -Infinity.
Javascript uses NaN to represent anything it encounters that can't be represented any other way by its specifications. It does not mean it is not a number. It's just the easiest way to describe the encounter. NaN means that it or an object that refers to it could not be represented in any other way by javascript. For all practical purposes, it is 'unknown'. Being 'unknown' it cannot tell you what it is nor even if it is itself. It is not even the object it is assigned to. It can only tell you what it is not, and not-ness or nothingness can only be described mathematically in a programming language. Since mathematics is about numbers, javascript represents nothingness as NaN. That doesn't mean it's not a number. It means we can't read it any other way that makes sense. That's why it can't even equal itself. Because it doesn't.
This is simply because NaN is a property of the Number object in JS, It has nothing to do with it being a number.
The best way to think of NAN is that its not a known number. Thats why NAN != NAN because each NAN value represents some unique unknown number. NANs are necessary because floating point numbers have a limited range of values. In some cases rounding occurs where the lower bits are lost which leads to what appears to be nonsense like 1.0/11*11 != 1.0. Really large values which are greater are NANs with infinity being a perfect example.
Given we only have ten fingers any attempt to show values greater than 10 are impossible, which means such values must be NANs because we have lost the true value of this greater than 10 value. The same is true of floating point values, where the value exceeds the limits of what can be held in a float.
NaN is still a numeric type, but it represents value that could not represent a valid number.
Because NaN is a numeric data type.
NaN is a number from a type point of view, but is not a normal number like 1, 2 or 329131. The name "Not A Number" refers to the fact that the value represented is special and is about the IEEE format spec domain, not javascript language domain.
If using jQuery, I prefer isNumeric over checking the type:
console.log($.isNumeric(NaN)); // returns false
console.log($.type(NaN)); // returns number
Javascript has only one numeric data type, which is the standard 64-bit double-precision float. Everything is a double. NaN is a special value of double, but it's a double nonetheless.
All that parseInt does is to "cast" your string into a numeric data type, so the result is always "number"; only if the original string wasn't parseable, its value will be NaN.
We could argue that NaN is a special case object. In this case, NaN's object represents a number that makes no mathematical sense. There are some other special case objects in math like INFINITE and so on.
You can still do some calculations with it, but that will yield strange behaviours.
More info here: http://www.concentric.net/~ttwang/tech/javafloat.htm (java based, not javascript)
You've got to love Javascript. It has some interesting little quirks.
Most of those quirks can be explained if you stop to work them out logically, or if you know a bit about number theory, but nevertheless they can still catch you out if you don't know about them.
By the way, I recommend reading the rest of http://wtfjs.com/ -- there's a lot more interesting quirks than this one to be found!
The value NaN is really the Number.NaN hence when you ask if it is a number it will say yes. You did the correct thing by using the isNaN() call.
For information, NaN can also be returned by operations on Numbers that are not defined like divisions by zero or square root of a negative number.
It is special value of Number type as POSITIVE_INFINITY
Why? By design
An example
Imagine We are converting a string to a number:
Number("string"); // returns NaN
We changed the data type to number but its value is not a number!

