I am working on a project of Amazon Alexa of booking a table in a restaurant and I have four intents:
I am facing one issue that the linear flow of intent is not working. I have stored the previous intent in the session and checked the previous intent from the session and on that basic I am calling the next intent.
But when I say Alexa with the previous intent String in the response of the current intent, it jumps to the new intent we have called, but it throws an exception.
Actually it should work like if I say some intent String in the response of other intent then it should repeat the current intent once again.
And one more issue I am facing is that I need to append the String in the user utterance like e.g.:
Alexa: "Where would you like to go?"
User: "Go to {Restaurant Name}"
I didn't want to append this "Go to" in the restaurant name.
// Lambda Function code for Alexa.
const Alexa = require("ask-sdk");
// Book a table
const makeReservation_Handler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'makeReservation' ;
handle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
const responseBuilder = handlerInput.responseBuilder;
let sessionAttributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
sessionAttributes.tableTalkType = 1;
return responseBuilder
name: 'futureOrCurrentLocation',
confirmationStatus: 'NONE',
slots: {}
const futureOrCurrentLocation_Handler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'futureOrCurrentLocation' ;
async handle(handlerInput) {
const { requestEnvelope, serviceClientFactory, responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
let sessionAttributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
let previousIntentName = getPreviousIntent(sessionAttributes);
if (previousIntentName == 'makeReservation') {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
// const responseBuilder = handlerInput.responseBuilder;
const slotValues = getSlotValues(request.intent.slots);
const location = slotValues.locationType.heardAs;
const tableTalkType = sessionAttributes.tableTalkType;
let say = '';
// delegate to Alexa to collect all the required slots
const currentIntent = request.intent;
if (request.dialogState && request.dialogState !== 'COMPLETED') {
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
if (location == 'future location') {
say = `Future location not available at this moment. Please ask to current location.`;
return responseBuilder
} else if(location == 'current location' && tableTalkType == 1){
return responseBuilder
name: 'getRestaurantName',
confirmationStatus: 'NONE',
slots: {}
} else if (location == 'current location' && tableTalkType == 2) {
return userCreatedTableListing_Handler.handle(handlerInput);
} else {
say = `invalid input.Please try again`;
return responseBuilder
} else {
return errorIntent_Handler.handle(handlerInput);
const getRestaurantName_Handler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'getRestaurantName' ;
handle(handlerInput) {
let sessionAttributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
let previousIntentName = getPreviousIntent(sessionAttributes);
if (previousIntentName == 'futureOrCurrentLocation') {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
let slotValues = getSlotValues(request.intent.slots);
// delegate to Alexa to collect all the required slots
const currentIntent = request.intent;
if (request.dialogState && request.dialogState !== 'COMPLETED') {
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
// SLOT: restaurantname
if (request.dialogState && request.dialogState == 'COMPLETED' && slotValues.restaurantname.heardAs) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
getRestaurants(slotValues, handlerInput).then(say => {
}).catch(error => {
} else {
return errorIntent_Handler.handle(handlerInput);
const selectRestaurants_Handler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'selectRestaurants' ;
handle(handlerInput) {
let sessionAttributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
let previousIntentName = getPreviousIntent(sessionAttributes);
if (previousIntentName == 'getRestaurantName') {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
const responseBuilder = handlerInput.responseBuilder;
let slotValues = getSlotValues(request.intent.slots);
let say = '';
let restaurantListArray = sessionAttributes.sessionrestaurantList ? sessionAttributes.sessionrestaurantList : [];
sessionAttributes.previousIntent = '';
let restaurantIndex = slotValues.selectRestaurant.heardAs;
let restaurantData = {
name: '',
address: '',
restaurantlatitude: '',
restaurantlongitude: '',
restaurantImageUrl: '',
date: '',
people: '',
if (restaurantListArray.length >= restaurantIndex) {
let jsonData = JSON.parse(restaurantListArray[restaurantIndex - 1]);
if ((restaurantIndex) && (jsonData[restaurantIndex].name !== '' && typeof jsonData[restaurantIndex].name !== undefined && jsonData[restaurantIndex].name !== null)) {
let restaurantAddress1 = jsonData[restaurantIndex].location.address1 ? jsonData[restaurantIndex].location.address1: '';
let restaurantAddress2 = jsonData[restaurantIndex].location.address2 ? jsonData[restaurantIndex].location.address2: '';
let restaurantAddress3 = jsonData[restaurantIndex].location.address3 ? jsonData[restaurantIndex].location.address3: '';
restaurantData['name'] = jsonData[restaurantIndex].name;
restaurantData['address'] = restaurantAddress1.concat(restaurantAddress2, restaurantAddress3);
restaurantData['restaurantID'] = jsonData[restaurantIndex].id;
restaurantData['restaurantImageUrl'] = jsonData[restaurantIndex].image_url;
restaurantData['restaurantlatitude'] = jsonData[restaurantIndex].coordinates.latitude;
restaurantData['restaurantlongitude'] = jsonData[restaurantIndex].coordinates.longitude;
sessionAttributes.restaurantData = restaurantData;
say = `selected Restaurant name is ${jsonData[restaurantIndex].name} in ${restaurantAddress1} ${restaurantAddress2} ${restaurantAddress3}.`;
return responseBuilder
name: 'bookingDate',
confirmationStatus: 'NONE',
slots: {}
// .reprompt('try again, Please provide date')
} else {
say = 'Restaurant not available. please say again';
return responseBuilder
.reprompt('Restaurant not available. please say again')
} else {
say = 'Please select valid input.';
return responseBuilder
.reprompt('Please select valid input')
} else {
return errorIntent_Handler.handle(handlerInput);
const errorIntent_Handler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && request.intent.name === 'errorIntent' ;
handle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
const responseBuilder = handlerInput.responseBuilder;
let sessionAttributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
let say = 'Sorry. There is some problem with the response. Please say again';
return responseBuilder
I'm still trying to place an order for the voice bot to enter. I want to make a music system using youtube-dl and I always get this error saying that it doesn't know what "Voice" means in the line "message.member.voiceChannel"
I'm already getting nervous about this problem, I tried to add permissions, but it doesn't work, I want to specify that it uses Discord.js#v12
below you have all the files that I use for the command, such as message event and command class.
Error Code:
2022-06-02 05:39:42 [info] [Command] "n!join" (join) ran by "GhostStru#1982" (780808189226123294) on guild "GhostStru🌿's server" (939865905708552242) channel "#cmmds" (980923745768181831)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'voice')
at module.exports.run (C:\Users\Ghost\Desktop\NucleusNEW\commands\music\join.js:23:36)
at module.exports.runCommand (C:\Users\Ghost\Desktop\NucleusNEW\events\message\message.js:417:23)
at module.exports.run (C:\Users\Ghost\Desktop\NucleusNEW\events\message\message.js:391:20)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
This is my Join command
const { joinVoiceChannel } = require('#discordjs/voice');
const { MessageEmbed, Util } = require('discord.js');
const discord = require("discord.js")
const Command = require('../../structures/Command');
module.exports = class extends Command {
constructor(...args) {
super(...args, {
name: 'join',
aliases: ['add'],
usage: "",
category: "Music",
examples: ["join"],
description: "Join into you'r voice channel.",
cooldown: 5,
async run(client, message, args) {
const voiceChannel = message.member.voice.channel;
if (!message.member.voiceChannel) return message.channel.send({embeds: [new MessageEmbed().setColor(client.color.error).setDescription(`You must be a voice channel before using this command.`)]});
if (message.guild.me.voiceChannel && message.member.voiceChannel.id !== message.guild.me.voiceChannel.id) return message.channel.send({embeds: [new MessageEmbed().setColor(client.color.error).setDescription(`You are not in same voice channel.`)]});
try {
channelId: message.member.voiceChannel.id,
guildId: message.guild.id,
adapterCreator: message.guild.voiceAdapterCreator,
await message.react('👍').catch(() => { });
} catch {
return message.channel.send({embeds: [new MessageEmbed().setColor(client.color.error).setDescription(`An error occurred while joining the voice channel.`)]});
This is my message event
const Event = require('../../structures/Event');
const { Permissions, Collection } = require("discord.js");
const afk = require("../../models/afk");
const Statcord = require("statcord.js");
const moment = require('moment');
const discord = require("discord.js");
const config = require('./../../config.json');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const logger = require('../../utils/logger');
const nsfwplease = require('../../assets/json/nfsw.json');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Guild = require('../../database/schemas/Guild');
const User = require('../../database/schemas/User');
const Moderation = require('../../database/schemas/logging');
const Blacklist = require('../../database/schemas/blacklist');
const customCommand = require('../../database/schemas/customCommand');
const autoResponse = require('../../database/schemas/autoResponse');
const autoResponseCooldown = new Set();
const inviteFilter = require('../../filters/inviteFilter');
const linkFilter = require('../../filters/linkFilter');
const maintenanceCooldown = new Set();
const metrics = require('datadog-metrics');
const permissions = require('../../assets/json/permissions.json')
const Maintenance = require('../../database/schemas/maintenance')
module.exports = class extends Event {
constructor(...args) {
this.impliedPermissions = new Permissions([
this.ratelimits = new Collection();
async run(message) {
try {
if (!message.guild) return;
metrics.init({ apiKey: this.client.config.datadogApiKey, host: 'nucleus', prefix: 'nucleus.' });
const mentionRegex = RegExp(`^<#!?${this.client.user.id}>$`);
const mentionRegexPrefix = RegExp(`^<#!?${this.client.user.id}>`);
if (!message.guild || message.author.bot) return;
const settings = await Guild.findOne({
guildId: message.guild.id,
}, async (err, guild) => {
if (err) console.log(err)
if (!guild) {
const newGuild = await Guild.create({
guildId: message.guild.id,
prefix: config.prefix || 'p!',
language: "english"
//if (!settings) return message.channel.send('Oops, this server was not found in the database. Please try to run the command again now!');
if (message.content.match(mentionRegex)) {
const proofita = `\`\`\`css\n[ Prefix: ${settings.prefix || '!'} ]\`\`\``;
const proofitaa = `\`\`\`css\n[ Help: ${settings.prefix || '!'}help ]\`\`\``;
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Hello, I\'m Nucleus. What\'s Up?')
.addField(`Prefix`,proofita, true)
.addField(`Usage`,proofitaa, true)
.setDescription(`\nIf you like Nucleus, Consider [voting](https://top.gg/bot/980373513691090974), or [inviting](https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=980373513691090974&scope=bot&permissions=470150262) it to your server! Thank you for using Nucleus, we hope you enjoy it, as we always look forward to improve the bot`)
.setFooter('Thank you for using Nucleus!!')
// Add increment after every darn message lmfao!
// Filters
if (settings && await inviteFilter(message)) return;
if (settings && await linkFilter(message)) return;
let mainPrefix = settings ? settings.prefix : '!';
const prefix = message.content.match(mentionRegexPrefix) ?
message.content.match(mentionRegexPrefix)[0] : mainPrefix
const guildDB = await Guild.findOne({
guildId: message.guild.id
const moderation = await Moderation.findOne({
guildId: message.guild.id
guildId: message.guild.id
// maintenance mode
const maintenance = await Maintenance.findOne({
maintenance: "maintenance"
const userBlacklistSettings = await Blacklist.findOne({ discordId: message.author.id,});
const guildBlacklistSettings = await Blacklist.findOne({ guildId: message.guild.id });
const autoResponseSettings = await autoResponse.findOne({ guildId: message.guild.id, name: message.content.toLowerCase() });
if (autoResponseSettings && autoResponseSettings.name) {
if (userBlacklistSettings && userBlacklistSettings.isBlacklisted) return;
if(maintenance && maintenance.toggle == "true") return;
if(autoResponseCooldown.has(message.author.id)) return message.channel.send(`${message.client.emoji.fail} Slow Down - ${message.author}`)
.replace(/{user}/g, `${message.author}`)
.replace(/{user_tag}/g, `${message.author.tag}`)
.replace(/{user_name}/g, `${message.author.username}`)
.replace(/{user_ID}/g, `${message.author.id}`)
.replace(/{guild_name}/g, `${message.guild.name}`)
.replace(/{guild_ID}/g, `${message.guild.id}`)
.replace(/{memberCount}/g, `${message.guild.memberCount}`)
.replace(/{size}/g, `${message.guild.memberCount}`)
.replace(/{guild}/g, `${message.guild.name}`)
.replace(/{member_createdAtAgo}/g, `${moment(message.author.createdTimestamp).fromNow()}`)
.replace(/{member_createdAt}/g, `${moment(message.author.createdAt).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')}`))
}, 2000)
let language = require(`../../data/language/english.json`)
if(guildDB) language = require(`../../data/language/${guildDB.language}.json`)
moment.suppressDeprecationWarnings = true;
if(maintenance && maintenance.toggle == "true") return;
const afklist = await afk.findOne({ userID: message.mentions.members.first().id, serverID: message.guild.id});
await message.guild.members.fetch(afklist.userID).then(member => {
let user_tag = member.user.tag;
return message.channel.send(`**${afklist.oldNickname || user_tag || member.user.username}** ${language.afk6} ${afklist.reason} **- ${moment(afklist.time).fromNow()}**`).catch(() => {});
const afklis = await afk.findOne({ userID: message.author.id, serverID: message.guild.id});
if(afklis) {
if(maintenance && maintenance.toggle == "true") return;
let nickname = `${afklis.oldNickname}`;
message.member.setNickname(nickname).catch(() => {});
await afk.deleteOne({ userID: message.author.id });
return message.channel.send(new discord.MessageEmbed().setColor('GREEN').setDescription(`${language.afk7} ${afklis.reason}`)).then(m => {
setTimeout(() => {
m.delete().catch(() => {});
}, 10000);
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [cmd, ...args] = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = this.client.commands.get(cmd.toLowerCase()) || this.client.commands.get(this.client.aliases.get(cmd.toLowerCase()));
// maintenance mode
if(maintenance && maintenance.toggle == "true") {
if(maintenanceCooldown.has(message.author.id)) return;
message.channel.send(`Nucleus is currently undergoing maintenance which won't allow anyone to access Nucleus Commands. Feel free to try again later. For updates: https://discord.gg/FqdH4sfKBg`)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);
// Custom Commands
const customCommandSettings = await customCommand.findOne({ guildId: message.guild.id, name: cmd.toLowerCase() });
const customCommandEmbed = await customCommand.findOne({ guildId: message.guild.id, name: cmd.toLowerCase() });
if (customCommandSettings && customCommandSettings.name && customCommandSettings.description) {
if (userBlacklistSettings && userBlacklistSettings.isBlacklisted) return;
let embed = new MessageEmbed()
if( customCommandEmbed.image !== "none") embed.setImage(customCommandEmbed.image)
if( customCommandEmbed.thumbnail !== "none") embed.setThumbnail(customCommandEmbed.thumbnail)
if( customCommandEmbed.footer !== "none") embed.setFooter(customCommandEmbed.footer)
if( customCommandEmbed.timestamp !== "no") embed.setTimestamp()
if( customCommandEmbed.color == 'default') {
} else embed.setColor(`${customCommandEmbed.color}`)
return message.channel.send(embed)
if (customCommandSettings && customCommandSettings.name && !customCommandSettings.description && customCommandSettings.json == "false") {
if (userBlacklistSettings && userBlacklistSettings.isBlacklisted) return;
return message.channel.send(customCommandSettings.content
.replace(/{user}/g, `${message.author}`)
.replace(/{user_tag}/g, `${message.author.tag}`)
.replace(/{user_name}/g, `${message.author.username}`)
.replace(/{user_ID}/g, `${message.author.id}`)
.replace(/{guild_name}/g, `${message.guild.name}`)
.replace(/{guild_ID}/g, `${message.guild.id}`)
.replace(/{memberCount}/g, `${message.guild.memberCount}`)
.replace(/{size}/g, `${message.guild.memberCount}`)
.replace(/{guild}/g, `${message.guild.name}`)
.replace(/{member_createdAtAgo}/g, `${moment(message.author.createdTimestamp).fromNow()}`)
.replace(/{member_createdAt}/g, `${moment(message.author.createdAt).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')}`)
if (customCommandSettings && customCommandSettings.name && !customCommandSettings.description && customCommandSettings.json == "true") {
if (userBlacklistSettings && userBlacklistSettings.isBlacklisted) return;
const command = JSON.parse(customCommandSettings.content)
return message.channel.send(command).catch((e)=>{message.channel.send(`There was a problem sending your embed, which is probably a JSON error.\nRead more here --> https://nucleus.xyz/embeds\n\n__Error:__\n\`${e}\``)})
if (command) {
await User.findOne({
discordId: message.author.id
}, (err, user) => {
if (err) console.log(err)
if (!user) {
const newUser = new User({
discordId: message.author.id
const disabledCommands = guildDB.disabledCommands;
if (typeof(disabledCommands) === 'string') disabledCommands = disabledCommands.split(' ');
const rateLimit = this.ratelimit(message, cmd);
if (!message.channel.permissionsFor(message.guild.me).has('SEND_MESSAGES')) return;
// Check if user is Blacklisted
if (userBlacklistSettings && userBlacklistSettings.isBlacklisted) {
logger.warn(`${message.author.tag} tried to use "${cmd}" command but the user is blacklisted`, { label: 'Commands' })
return message.channel.send(`${message.client.emoji.fail} You are blacklisted from the bot :(`);
// Check if server is Blacklisted
if (guildBlacklistSettings && guildBlacklistSettings.isBlacklisted) {
logger.warn(`${message.author.tag} tried to use "${cmd}" command but the guild is blacklisted`, { label: 'Commands' })
return message.channel.send(`${message.client.emoji.fail} This guild is Blacklisted :(`);
let number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
if (typeof rateLimit === "string") return message.channel.send(` ${message.client.emoji.fail} Please wait **${rateLimit}** before running the **${cmd}** command again - ${message.author}\n\n${number === 1 ? "*Did You know that Nucleus has its own dashboard? `https://nucleus.xyz/dashboard`*" : ""}${number === 2 ? "*You can check our top.gg page at `https://vote.nucleus.xyz`*" : ""}`).then((s)=>{
s.delete({timeout: 4000}).catch(()=>{})
if (command.botPermission) {
const missingPermissions =
message.channel.permissionsFor(message.guild.me).missing(command.botPermission).map(p => permissions[p]);
if (missingPermissions.length !== 0) {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${this.client.user.tag}`, message.client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }))
.setTitle(`<:wrong:822376943763980348> Missing Bot Permissions`)
.setDescription(`Command Name: **${command.name}**\nRequired Permission: **${missingPermissions.map(p => `${p}`).join(' - ')}**`)
return message.channel.send(embed).catch(()=>{})
if (command.userPermission) {
const missingPermissions =
message.channel.permissionsFor(message.author).missing(command.userPermission).map(p => permissions[p]);
if (missingPermissions.length !== 0) {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${message.author.tag}`, message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }))
.setTitle(`<:wrong:822376943763980348> Missing User Permissions`)
.setDescription(`Command Name: **${command.name}**\nRequired Permission: **${missingPermissions.map(p => `${p}`).join('\n')}**`)
return message.channel.send(embed).catch(()=>{})
if(disabledCommands.includes(command.name || command)) return;
if (command.ownerOnly) {
if (!this.client.config.developers.includes(message.author.id)) return
if (command.disabled) return message.channel.send(`The owner has disabled the following command for now. Try again Later!\n\nFor Updates: https://discord.gg/duBwdCvCwW`)
if (command.nsfwOnly && !message.channel.nsfw && message.guild) return message.channel.send(`${nsfwplease[Math.round(Math.random() * (nsfwplease.length - 1))]}`)
Statcord.ShardingClient.postCommand(cmd, message.author.id, this.client);
await this.runCommand(message, cmd, args)
.catch(error => {
return this.client.emit("commandError", error, message, cmd);
} catch(error) {
return this.client.emit("fatalError", error, message);
async runCommand(message, cmd, args) {
if (!message.channel.permissionsFor(message.guild.me) || !message.channel.permissionsFor(message.guild.me).has('EMBED_LINKS'))
return message.channel.send(`${message.client.emoji.fail} Missing bot Permissions - **Embeds Links**`)
const command = this.client.commands.get(cmd.toLowerCase()) || this.client.commands.get(this.client.aliases.get(cmd.toLowerCase()));
logger.info(`"${message.content}" (${command.name}) ran by "${message.author.tag}" (${message.author.id}) on guild "${message.guild.name}" (${message.guild.id}) channel "#${message.channel.name}" (${message.channel.id})`, { label: 'Command' })
await command.run(message, args)
ratelimit(message, cmd) {
try {
const command = this.client.commands.get(cmd.toLowerCase()) || this.client.commands.get(this.client.aliases.get(cmd.toLowerCase()));
if (message.author.permLevel > 4) return false;
const cooldown = command.cooldown * 1000
const ratelimits = this.ratelimits.get(message.author.id) || {}; // get the ENMAP first.
if (!ratelimits[command.name]) ratelimits[command.name] = Date.now() - cooldown; // see if the command has been run before if not, add the ratelimit
const difference = Date.now() - ratelimits[command.name]; // easier to see the difference
if (difference < cooldown) { // check the if the duration the command was run, is more than the cooldown
return moment.duration(cooldown - difference).format("D [days], H [hours], m [minutes], s [seconds]", 1); // returns a string to send to a channel
} else {
ratelimits[command.name] = Date.now(); // set the key to now, to mark the start of the cooldown
this.ratelimits.set(message.author.id, ratelimits); // set it
return true;
} catch(e) {
this.client.emit("fatalError", error, message);
And this is my Command class
module.exports = class Command {
constructor(client, name, options = {}) {
this.client = client;
this.name = options.name || name;
this.aliases = options.aliases || [];
this.description = options.description || "No description provided.";
this.category = options.category || "General";
this.usage = `${this.name} ${options.usage || ''}` || "No usage provided.";
this.examples = options.examples || [];
this.disabled = options.disabled || false;
this.cooldown = "cooldown" in options ? options.cooldown : 5 || 5;
this.ownerOnly = options.ownerOnly || false;
this.guildOnly = options.guildOnly || false;
this.nsfwOnly = options.nsfwOnly || false;
this.botPermission = options.botPermission || ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'EMBED_LINKS'];
this.userPermission = options.userPermission || null;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async run(message, args) {
throw new Error(`The run method has not been implemented in ${this.name}`);
reload() {
return this.store.load(this.file.path);
In this "code cases" i put my personal codes, and i dont know where can i find the problem, or what can i modifiy in my code, thats all i can say..
Can someone tell me what can i do?...
Its a simple join command, and he cannot read voice.channel...
My program in a nutshell. If the trigger word is detected in the message, my application creates invoices.
The issue: Multiple calls to the trigger function. All of the requests to the API are simultaneous. This causes my data to have problems.
I have added the async and await to wait for the trigger function to complete. But it seems my calls are still being called all together.
// Links to a Facebook Live.
export const fblive = async (liveid) => {
if (liveid != null) {
try {
const reg = new RegExp("\\d{5,}");
const found = liveid.match(reg);
if (found > 0) {
console.log(found, " || ", found[0]);
let activate = false;
var userid = "";
//var accesstoken = ''
var accesstoken =''
var videoID = found;
var live_url =
"https://streaming-graph.facebook.com/" +
videoID +
"/live_comments?access_token=" +
accesstoken +
var source = new EventSource(live_url);
source.onmessage = function (event) {
var result = JSON.parse(event["data"]);
let trigger_word = result["message"].search("#");
// looking at comments
if (result["from"] != null) {
console.log("FROM ! !:", result["from"]);
} else {
console.log("ZERO FOUND");
} catch (error) {
} else {
console.log("Live ID not valid");
// Looking at every comment in a facebook live
export const readcomment = async (the_comment) => {
try {
console.log(" CALLING LIVE READ COMMENT ", the_comment);
let re = await new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(async function () {
if (the_comment.includes("#")) {
let new_string = the_comment.trim().split(" ");
console.log(new_string, " STRING SPLIT");
let customer_found = await findcust(new_string);
let item_found = await finditem(new_string);
console.log(customer_found, item_found, "WE FOUND ");
if (customer_found != false && item_found != false) {
let remove = await find_remov(new_string);
console.log(remove, "WE ARE LOOKING AT RMOVE ");
await comment_trigger(customer_found,item_found,remove)
console.log("promise for " , the_comment, " has been fullfilled")
}, 2000)
} catch (error) {
// This is when a comment was found to be the triggers words (customer id and a item name)
export const comment_trigger = async (customer, item, rmv) => {
const client = find(customer, customer_list1);
const real_item = find(item, item_list1);
try {
console.log(client, real_item);
if (client != false && real_item != false) {
let inv = await invoicesbycustomer(client.id);
if (inv == undefined || inv.length ==0) {
console.log(customer, item);
let new_Invoice = new Invoice("", client);
let new_item = new Product(real_item.id, real_item.name, 1);
await new_Invoice.addItem(new_item);
await createInvoice(new_Invoice);
} else {
// making sure there's a real invoice.
console.log("DATA TYPE IS ", typeof inv);
if (typeof inv !== "undefined") {
console.log(inv, "THIS IS INVOICE WITH CLIENT");
let oldItems = inv[0].node.items;
let NewInvoice = new Invoice(
let Itemsize = oldItems.length;
let found = false;
if (Itemsize > 0) {
for (let x in oldItems) {
if (real_item.id == oldItems[x].product.id) {
found = true;
if (found && rmv == "removeqty") {
await removeqtyitem(customer, item);
} else if (found && rmv == "removeAll") {
await removeitem(customer, item);
} else if (found) {
let aqi = await addqtyitem(customer, item);
} else {
// add item
await additems(customer, item);
} else {
await additems(customer, item);
} else {
let errmssg = "";
if (!client) {
errmssg = errmssg.concat(" ", " Client is not valid ");
console.log("client not found", errmssg);
if (!real_item) {
errmssg = errmssg.concat("", " Item not found");
} catch (error) {
Here's an example of the api being called. this is using graphql
export const deleteInvoice = async(id) => {
const invoiceId = id;
try {
const token = "zCtQa00zlorbFFum6I7Rlzc0QwMDoS";
const shema = `
mutation ($input: InvoiceDeleteInput !) {
invoiceDelete(input: $input) {
inputErrors {
//About to submit my shema to waveapps
const API_URL="https://gql.waveapps.com/graphql/public"
const bussID = "QnVzaW5lc3M6ZTIyZmVhODEtNjg5OC00N2ZiLTgzOGItYWMyYzllNDZiM2Jk";
let watch = await axios(API_URL, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: token ? `Bearer ${token}` : "",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
query: shema,
variables: {
invoiceId: invoiceId,
} catch (error) {
//console.log("return delete invoice complete")
I have used async/await and promises.
When multiple calls are made. The await and promises are still being called at the same time. Not sure what else to look at? any suggestions please. I have spent a week on this.
I created a join to create system that creates a channel when a user join and delete it when they leave. However, it only deletes if the last person that's leaving is the user who created the room. Any ideas?
const { Collection } = require("discord.js");
const voiceCollection = new Collection();
module.exports = async (Discord, client, oldState, newState) => {
const user = await client.users.fetch(newState.id);
const member = newState.guild.member(user);
if (!voiceName || voiceName === "") {
if (!oldState.channel && newState.channelID === "898245212541976667") {
const channel = await newState.guild.channels.create(user.tag, {
type: "voice",
parent: newState.channel.parent,
voiceCollection.set(user.id, channel.id);
await channel.overwritePermissions([
id: user.id,
id: member.guild.id,
deny: ["CONNECT"],
} else if (!newState.channel) {
if (oldState.channelID === voiceCollection.get(newState.id)) {
if (oldState.channel.members.size < 1) {
return oldState.channel.delete();
var newchannel_id = config.Channel_id;
var category_id = config.category;
var userchannellist = []
client.on('voiceStateUpdate', async (oldMember, newMember) => {
if (newMember.channel !== null && oldMember.channel === null && newMember.channel.id === newchannel_id || newMember.channel !== null && oldMember.channel !== null && newMember.channel.id === newchannel_id) {
var current_user = newMember.member.user;
console.log(current_user.username + 'creating the channel');
// Start the creation of the new channel
var server = newMember.guild;
let USERA = newMember.member.nickname || newMember.member.user.username;
var channel = {
type: 'voice', bitrate: 384000, parent: category_id, permissionOverwrites: [{
// permissions
id: server.id, allow: ['VIEW_CHANNEL'],
id: current_user.id, allow: ['MOVE_MEMBERS', 'MANAGE_CHANNELS']
server.channels.create('🔊' + USERA, channel).then(channel => {
//channel region
client.api.channels(channel.id).patch({ data: { rtc_region: "rotterdam" } })
// delete Chaneel
if (oldMember.channel) {
let filter = (ch) =>
(ch.parentID == category_id)
&& (ch.id !== newchannel_id)
&& (oldMember.channel == ch.id)
&& (oldMember.channel.members.size == 0);
return oldMember.guild.channels.cache
.forEach((ch) => ch.delete()
I have a 2 function,
inside my runConfigComplianceDeviceOnClick I am calling the getDeviceRunningCompliance function to get some other data and based on both the results I have to return an object,
But What I am observing my data from the getDeviceRunningCompliance (Axios request to get data) function is not returned and it executes next lines,
but when I see in the console value is updated,
How to handle this case,
how to wait for the function to execute and then go next javascript? wanted to deal with asynchronous data then proceed further to the next lines...
* #param {*} graphTable
const runConfigComplianceDeviceOnClick = graphTable => {
let selectedDevices = graphTable.dTable.store.state.selectedRowsData;
let paramSelectedDevices;
let filteredSelectedDevices;
let finalParam;
let supportedDevices = true;
let some = getDeviceRunningCompliance(selectedDevices);
console.log("getDeviceRunningCompliance some ", some)
if (some.length) {
filteredSelectedDevices = selectedDevices.map(function(device, index) {
console.log("getDeviceRunningCompliance some filteredSelectedDevices", some)
if (notSupportedFamilies.includes(device.series)) {
// console.log(i18n.no_support_available_for_aireos);
supportedDevices = false;
} else {
// console.log(i18n.label_configuration_data_not_available);
supportedDevices = true;
let valsss = some.find(x => x.id === device.id);
console.log("valsss ", valsss)
return {
id: device.id,
hostname: device.hostname,
val: device.complianceStoreStatus.complianceStatus,
collectionStatus: device.collectionStatus,
series: device.series,
supportedDevices: supportedDevices
finalParam = filteredSelectedDevices.filter(function(val, index) {
return val.supportedDevices && val.val === "NON_COMPLIANT"; // this should be enable
paramSelectedDevices = JSON.stringify(finalParam);
localStorage.setItem("selectedDevicesConfigSync", paramSelectedDevices);
if (selectedDevices.length !== finalParam.length) {
message: finalParam.length + i18n.device_out_of_sync_for_start_vs_run,
flavor: "warning",
label: i18n.toast_header_running_configuration
const getDeviceRunningCompliance = (selectedDevices) => {
let self = this;
let deviceRunningComplaince = [];
selectedDevices.forEach((val, index) => {
let obj = {};
getComplianceDetails(val.id).then(data => {
const complianceDetailsData = data;
if (complianceDetailsData) {
// this.setState({
// complianceDetailsData: data
// });
let cardStatus;
let complianceApiDataForConfig =
complianceDetailsData && complianceDetailsData.filter(config => config.complianceType === "RUNNING_CONFIG");
cardStatus =
complianceApiDataForConfig && complianceApiDataForConfig.length && complianceApiDataForConfig[0].status;
obj.id = val.id;
obj.runningStatus = cardStatus;
// return cardStatus;
// deviceRunningComplaince.push(obj);
return deviceRunningComplaince;
This is how I solved this issue. Please comment if we can do this better.
* #param {*} graphTable
const runConfigComplianceDeviceOnClick = graphTable => {
let selectedDevices = graphTable.dTable.store.state.selectedRowsData;
let paramSelectedDevices;
let filteredSelectedDevices;
let finalParam;
let supportedDevices = true;
getDeviceRunningCompliance(selectedDevices).then(function(some) {
if (some.length) {
filteredSelectedDevices = selectedDevices.map(function(device, index) {
console.log("getDeviceRunningCompliance some filteredSelectedDevices", some);
if (notSupportedFamilies.includes(device.series)) {
// console.log(i18n.no_support_available_for_aireos);
supportedDevices = false;
} else {
// console.log(i18n.label_configuration_data_not_available);
supportedDevices = true;
let valsss = some.find(x => x.id === device.id);
console.log("valsss ", valsss);
return {
id: device.id,
hostname: device.hostname,
val: device.complianceStoreStatus.complianceStatus,
collectionStatus: device.collectionStatus,
series: device.series,
supportedDevices: supportedDevices
finalParam = filteredSelectedDevices.filter(function(val, index) {
return val.supportedDevices && val.val === "NON_COMPLIANT"; // this should be enable
paramSelectedDevices = JSON.stringify(finalParam);
localStorage.setItem("selectedDevicesConfigSync", paramSelectedDevices);
if (selectedDevices.length !== finalParam.length) {
message: finalParam.length + i18n.device_out_of_sync_for_start_vs_run,
flavor: "warning",
label: i18n.toast_header_running_configuration
const getDeviceRunningCompliance = selectedDevices => {
let promiseData = selectedDevices.map((val, index) => {
return getComplianceDetails(val.id).then(data => {
let obj = {};
const complianceDetailsData = data;
if (complianceDetailsData) {
let cardStatus;
let complianceApiDataForConfig =
complianceDetailsData && complianceDetailsData.filter(config => config.complianceType === "RUNNING_CONFIG");
cardStatus =
complianceApiDataForConfig && complianceApiDataForConfig.length && complianceApiDataForConfig[0].status;
obj.id = val.id;
obj.runningStatus = cardStatus;
return obj;
return Promise.all(promiseData);
I'm trying to create a skill for Alexa that reproduces .mp3 files based on the category of the tg I choose.
I state that I never used node.js and that I looked at a course on how to create alexa skill.
Until now I have created the skeleton of the skill and I have created a database.json file that contains the various categories of news with attached links.
const Alexa = require('ask-sdk-core');
const database = require('./database');
function getCategoryStreamUrl(name) {
let category = database.find(e => e.name === name);
if (category !== null && category !== undefined) {
return category.StreamUrl;
} else {
return "";
function getCategoryUpdateDate(name) {
let category = database.find(e => e.name === name);
if (category !== null && category !== undefined) {
return category.UpdateDate;
} else {
return "";
const LaunchRequestHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'LaunchRequest';
handle(handlerInput) {
const speakOutput = 'Welcome, with this skill you can listen to our TG. You can choose a category or say Help.';
const repromptOutput = 'You can choose a category or say Help. What do you want to do?'
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const ScegliCategoriaIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
&& Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'ScegliCategoriaIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
const speakOutput = 'The TGs available are: Political, Lazio, Environment, Health, School, Pediatrics, Rehabilitation, Agriculture, Psychology and Youth. Which do you want to hear?'
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const CategoriaIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
&& Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'CategoriaIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
const filledSlots = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots;
const slotValues = getSlotValues(filledSlots);
console.log("CategoriaIntentHandler >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
const categoryName = slotValues["category"].synonym
const categoryStreamUrl = getCategoryStreamUrl(categoryName);
const categoryUpdateDate = getCategoryUpdateDate(categoryName);
var speakOutput = "";
if (categoryStreamUrl !== "") {
speakOutput = "You have chosen the TG " + categoryName + ". The TG was updated on " + categoryUpdateDate + ". " + categoryStreamUrl + ". If you want to hear other news, name another TG or you can say STOP to close this skill.";
} else {
speakOutput = "I'm sorry, the selected TG is not available. You can say the name of another TG or 'categories' to hear the list of available categories. What do you want to do?";
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.reprompt("If you want to hear more news, say the name of another TG. You can say 'categories' to listen to the list of available categories or you can say STOP to close this skill. What do you want to do?")
const HelpIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
&& Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'AMAZON.HelpIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
const speakOutput = "You can say 'categories' to listen to the list of available categories or you can say STOP to close this skill. What do you want to do?";
const repromptOutput = "If you want to stop listening, say STOP."
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const CancelAndStopIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
&& (Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'AMAZON.CancelIntent'
|| Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'AMAZON.StopIntent');
handle(handlerInput) {
const speakOutput = "Goodbye!";
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const SessionEndedRequestHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'SessionEndedRequest';
handle(handlerInput) {
// Any cleanup logic goes here.
return handlerInput.responseBuilder.getResponse();
// The intent reflector is used for interaction model testing and debugging.
// It will simply repeat the intent the user said. You can create custom handlers
// for your intents by defining them above, then also adding them to the request
// handler chain below.
const IntentReflectorHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest';
handle(handlerInput) {
const intentName = Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope);
const speakOutput = `You just triggered ${intentName}`;
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
//.reprompt('add a reprompt if you want to keep the session open for the user to respond')
// Generic error handling to capture any syntax or routing errors. If you receive an error
// stating the request handler chain is not found, you have not implemented a handler for
// the intent being invoked or included it in the skill builder below.
const ErrorHandler = {
canHandle() {
return true;
handle(handlerInput, error) {
console.log(`~~~~ Error handled: ${error.stack}`);
const speakOutput = `I'm sorry I did not understand. Say 'Help' to know the available commands.`;
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
function getSlotValues (filledSlots) {
let slotValues = {}; //
console.log('The filled slots: ' + JSON.stringify(filledSlots));
Object.keys(filledSlots).forEach(function(item) {
var name = filledSlots[item].name;
filledSlots[item].resolutions &&
filledSlots[item].resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[0] &&
filledSlots[item].resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[0].status &&
filledSlots[item].resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[0].status.code ) {
switch (filledSlots[item].resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[0].status.code) {
slotValues[name] = {
"synonym": filledSlots[item].value,
"resolved": filledSlots[item].resolutions.resolutionsPerAuthority[0].values[0].value.name,
"isValidated": true
slotValues[name] = {
"synonym": filledSlots[item].value,
"resolved": filledSlots[item].value,
} else {
slotValues[name] = {
"synonym": filledSlots[item].value,
"resolved": filledSlots[item].value,
"isValidated": false
return slotValues;
// The SkillBuilder acts as the entry point for your skill, routing all request and response
// payloads to the handlers above. Make sure any new handlers or interceptors you've
// defined are included below. The order matters - they're processed top to bottom.
exports.handler = Alexa.SkillBuilders.custom()
IntentReflectorHandler, // make sure IntentReflectorHandler is last so it doesn't override your custom intent handlers
"updateDate": "DATA",
"name": "NAME SLOT",
"titleText": "TG 01",
The problem is that now it doesn't work, in fact when I ask alexa to tell me the TG 01 she tells me:
"You have chosen the TG 01. The TG was updated on undefinied. Undefinied. another TG or you can say STOP to close this skill. "
In short, it does not recognize categoryUpdateDate or categoryStreamUrl.
What do I have to do to fix it?
You are returning the wrong data in both functions:
they should be: category.updateDate and category.streamUrl, because you are reading a JSON file. (maybe read this guide to understand better how to read and access JSON properties and so on..)
function getCategoryStreamUrl(name) {
let category = database.find(e => e.name === name);
if (category !== null && category !== undefined) {
return category.streamUrl;
} else {
return "";
function getCategoryUpdateDate(name) {
let category = database.find(e => e.name === name);
if (category !== null && category !== undefined) {
return category.updateDate;
} else {
return "";