VUE template problem to center text with text-center - javascript

I have problem to center h1 tag category.title with bootstrap property "text-center" in vue.js component, the title appears in left side. Everything else, for example category.description is centering correctly. It looks like only title refuses to be influenced by any align.
<div class="row" v-for="category in laravelData">
<h1 class="text-center">{{ category.title }}</h1>
<p class="text-center pb-3">{{ category.description }}</p>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6" v-for="project in category.project">
<div class="projects-thumb">
<img :src="/img/ + photo.filename" class="img-responsive" alt="" v-for="photo in">
<h3 class="pt-3">{{ project.title }}</h3>
<p class="mt-2 p-3">{{ project.description }}</p>
export default {
data() {
return {
category: {},
laravelData: {},
id: '',
succmsg: true,
showmodal: false,
actionmsg: '',
methods: {
projectList() {
var id = _.last( window.location.pathname.split( '/' ) );
axios.get('/api/category/'+ id).then((response) => {
this.laravelData =;
mounted() {
Maybe the problem is because of several loops in this template?


Nuxt error window is not defined when refreshing the page

Everything works fine but when i reload the page i get the error window is not defined
I have added it to plugins and I have tried both ssr:false and mode:'client'
I think the problem is Nuxt doesn't apply the config to the Vue when reloading the page and use the server side to render the code.
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/lightbox.js', ssr:false }
this is the plugin file
// plugins/lightbox.js
import GLightbox from 'glightbox'
import '../node_modules/glightbox/dist/css/glightbox.css'
this is a single page that is using the Glightbox library
<div class="main">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="container">
<h2 class="heading">{{ data.title }}</h2>
<p>{{ data.description }}</p>
<div class="gallery">
<div v-for="item in data.images" :key="">
<!-- <img class="image" :src="item.image" alt=""> -->
<a #mouseenter.prevent="setLightBox" :href="item.image" class="glightbox">
<img :src="item.image" class="image">
import GLightbox from 'glightbox'
export default {
// transition:'slide-fade',
async asyncData({ $axios, params }) {
const data = await $axios.$get(`api/v1/projects/${}`)
return { data }
return {
lightbox: ''
methods: {
this.lightbox = GLightbox({
touchNavigation: true,
loop: false,

Bind element inside a for loop Vue not working properly

In the following Vue Component I want to loop through dwarfs array. And as long as I am in the current component, everything is fine (TEST) and also all the following properties are correct.
Currenct_Component.vue :
<h2>Stamm: {{ tribeName }}</h2>
<div class="card-container">
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem;" v-for="dwarf in dwarfs" :key="">
<!-- TEST -->
#close="showModal = false"
<!-- <img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="Card image cap">-->
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title" ref="dwarfName">{{ }}</h3>
<ul class="dwarf-details">
<li><strong>Alter:</strong> {{ dwarf.age }}</li>
<ul v-for="weapon in dwarf.weapons">
<li><span>Name: {{ }} | Magischer Wert: {{ weapon.magicValue }}</span></li>
<li><strong>Powerfactor:</strong> {{ => weapon.magicValue).reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + currentValue) }}</li>
<button class="card-button" #click="showModal = true"><span class="plus-sign">+</span> Waffe</button>
<button id="backBtn" #click="onClick">Zurück</button>
import Modal from './NewWeaponModal.vue';
export default {
data() {
return {
showModal: false,
components: { appModal : Modal },
props: ['tribeName', 'dwarfs'],
methods: {
onClick() {
notifyApp() {
this.showModal = false;
But when I bind the element dwarf to the Child Component <app-modal/> it changes to the next dwarf in the array dwarfs (TEST) - (So as the result when i add a new weapon in the modal-form it gets added to the second dwarf...):
Child_Component.vue :
<div class="myModal" v-show="showModal">
<div class="modal-content">
<span #click="$emit('close')" class="close">×</span>
<h3>Neue Waffe</h3>
<!-- TEST -->
<p>{{ targetDwarf }}</p>
placeholder="Magischer Wert..."
<button #click.prevent="onClick">bestätigen</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
weaponName: '',
magicValue: '',
props: ['showModal', 'targetDwarf'],
methods: {
onClick() {
if(this.weaponName !== '' &&
Number.isInteger(+this.magicValue)) {
let newData = {...this.dwarf};
newData['weapons'] = [
"name": this.weaponName,
"magicValue": Number.parseInt(this.magicValue)
this.$"https://localhost:5019/api", newData)
.then(data => data.text())
.then(text => console.log(text))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
} else {
alert('You should fill all fields validly')
It looks like you have the <app-modal/> component inside of the v-for="dwarf in dwarfs" loop, but then the control for showing all of the modal components created by that loop is just in one variable: showModal. So when showModal is true, the modal will show each of the dwarfs, and I'm guessing the second dwarf's modal is just covering up the first one's.
To fix this, you could move the <app-modal /> outside of that v-for loop, so there's only one instance on the page, then as part of the logic that shows the modal, populate the props of the modal with the correct dwarf's info.
Something like this:
<div class="card-container">
<div class="card" v-for="dwarf in dwarfs" :key="">
<div class="card-body">
#click="() => setModalDwarf(dwarf)"
<!-- Move outside of v-for loop -->
#close="modalDwarfId = null"
export default {
data: () => ({
modalDwarfId: null,
methods: {
setModalDwarf(dwarf) {
this.modalDwarfId =;
onDwarfWeaponAdd() {
You could then grab the correct dwarf data within the modal, from the ID passed as a prop, or pass in more granular data to the modal so it's more "dumb", which is the better practice so that the component isn't dependent on a specific data structure. Hope that helps
Courtesy of #Joe Dalton's answer, a bit alternated for my case:
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem;" v-for="dwarf in dwarfs" :key="">
<button class="card-button" #click="setModalDwarf(dwarf)"><span class="plus-sign">+</span> Waffe</button>
#close="showModal = false"
import Modal from './NewWeaponModal.vue';
export default {
data() {
return {
showModal: false,
currentDwarf: null,
components: { appModal : Modal },
props: ['tribeName', 'dwarfs'],
methods: {
setModalDwarf(dwarf) {
this.currentDwarf = dwarf;
this.showModal = true;

How to pass object data from parent to child components?

I would like to know how to make the contents object visible in the video.vue component.
This is the Video.vue components. This component is where I want to access the content object that is defined in the Home.vue component.
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'Video Section'
This is the Home.vue component:
<div class="container">
<div class="column is-one-third" v-for="content in contents.results" :content="content" :key="">
<div v-show="loaded" class="loader"></div>
<div class="card" >
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image">
<img :src="imageUrl + content.backdrop_path" alt="Image">
<div class="card-content">
<div class="media">
<div class="media-left">
<figure class="image is-25x25">
<img id="poster-image" :src="imageUrl + content.poster_path" alt="Image">
<div class="media-content">
<p id="movie-title" class="title is-4 no-padding">{{content.original_title}}</p>
<p><span class="title is-6"><i class="fas fa-star">{{" " + content.vote_average}}</i></span></p>
<p class="subtitle is-6"><i class="fas fa-calendar-alt">{{" " + content.release_date}}</i></p>
<div class="content">
{{ content.overview }}
<div class="background-icon"><span class="icon-twitter"></span></div>
<div id="footer-card-icons">
<i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i>
export default{
data: () => ({
contents: [],
baseurl: '',
apikey: '16667866c29ba1bc29e687b4892b8d5c',
imageUrl: '',
loaded: true,
created: function(){
fetchData: function(){
console.log('fetch data')
this.$http.get(this.baseurl + '/discover/movie?api_key=' +
this.apikey + '&sort_by=popularity.desc').then(response =>{
this.contents = response.body;
this.loaded = false;
As Emile’s commented, you should use props in order to be able to pass data from parent to child component.
In your Home.vue, add:
<videos :content=“contents”></videos>
But if your contents data type is Array:
<videos v-for=“content in contents” :key=“” :content=“content”></videos>
Notice that if you use v-for to loop a component, you need to add key attribute also.
Finally, in your Video.vue, you need to define the props like below:
<p>{{ content.overview }}</p>
export default {
props: [‘content’],
data() {
return {
title: 'Video Section'
Remember, props are reactive. It will respond to any updates or changes in content.
UPDATE: It seems you have not properly declared your component. See codepen link. Better if you could declare any other components as Single File Components as explained here.

Vue JS dynamic modal with components

in news.twig
{% extends 'layouts.twig' %}
{% block content %}
<section class="ls section_padding_bottom_110">
<div id="cart" class="container">
<script type="text/x-template" id="modal-template">
<transition name="modal">
<div class="modal-mask" v-if="active" #click="close()">
<div class="modal-wrapper">
<div class="modal-container">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3>${ }</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
${ item.body }
modal #${ }
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="modal-default-button" #click="close()">
{% endblock %}
I have 2 components and 1 Vue in my js.
var Hub = new Vue();
'modal', {
template: '#modal-template',
delimiters: ['${', '}'],
data: function() {
return {
active: false,
item: {
id: '',
name: '',
body: ''
methods: {
open: function (item) { = true;
this.item = item;
close: function () { = false;
mounted: function() {
this.$nextTick(function () {
Hub.$on('close-modal', this.close);
Vue.component('cart', {
props: {
materials: { type: Array, required: true},
type: { type: String, required: true}
computed: {
isPoints() {
return this.type == 'paymentPoints';
isNews() {
return this.type == 'news';
template : `
<div class="row masonry-layout isotope_container">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 isotope-item" v-for="item in materials">
<div class="vertical-item content-padding topmargin_80">
<div class="item-media">
<img v-bind:src="item.image" alt="">
<div class="media-links p-link">
<div class="links-wrap">
<i class="flaticon-arrows-2"></i>
<a v-if="!isNews" v-bind:href="item.image" class="abs-link"></a>
<button #click="openModal(item)" #keyup.esc="closeModal()">more</button>
<div class="item-content with_shadow with_bottom_border">
<span v-if="isNews" class="categories-links" style="font-size:20px;">
<a rel="category" href="#modal1" data-toggle="modal">
<div v-if="isPoints">
<hr class="light-divider full-content-divider bottommargin_10">
<div class="media small-icon-media topmargin_5">
<div class="media-left">
<i class="fa fa-map-marker grey fontsize_18"></i>
<div class="media-body">
<div class="media small-icon-media topmargin_5">
<div class="media-left">
<i class="fa fa-phone grey fontsize_18"></i>
<div class="media-body">
<div v-if="isNews" class="text-center">
<hr class="light-divider full-content-divider bottommargin_10">
<span class="date">
<i class="flaticon-clock-1 grey"></i>
<time class="entry-date">
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#cart',
name: 'cart',
delimiters: ['${', '}'],
data: {
complated: [],
continuing: [],
planned: [],
points: [],
infoSlider: [],
news: []
methods: {
openModal: function (item) {
Hub.$emit('open-modal', item);
closeModal: function () {
created() {
axios.get(url).then(res => {
var proje =[0];
this.complated = proje.complated;
this.continuing = proje.continuing;
this.planned = proje.planned;
this.points =;
this.infoSlider =İnfos; =;
.catch(e => {
When I click openModal(item) button give me error ;
Property or method "openModal" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property. See:
I can not use the openModal function in component.
I can use the function in news.twig without any problems, but then I can not use the component. Can you help me?
You are using openModal in cart component, but that method is defined in root component.
According to Vue's documentation:
Everything in the parent template is compiled in parent scope;
everything in the child template is compiled in the child scope.
in my case need to define variable in vuejs
like this
export default {
name: "MegaMenu",
props: {
categories: Array,

VueJS props are undefined in component

I am trying to integrate VueJS with my frontend for my Django applications. I have the following Vue code in a javascript file:
window.onload = function() {
Vue.component('discuss-post', {
props: ['post'],
template: `<div class="card">
<div class="grid-x margin-x">
<div class="cell small-4">
<img class="avatar-img" :src="">
<p style="font-family: Abel;font-size: 24px">{{ }}</p>
<div class="grid-x margin-x">
<div class="cell small-4">
<p style="font-family: Abel;font-size: 18px">{{ post.content }}</p>
var postDiv = new Vue({
el: "#post-div"
And the following code in an HTML file:
<div class="card-section">
{% for feed in feeds %}
{% for post in feed %}
<div id="post-div">
<discuss-post post="{{ post }}"></discuss-post>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
However, when I load my page I get these errors in my console:
What in my code could be causing these errors to be raised?
For compiling template error remove/fix this tag:</<div>.
Also, you have to pass props to the subcomponent like this:
<discuss-post :post="post"></discuss-post>
For your profile value error, you have to check your JSON structure in data.
See the following example:
Vue.component('discuss-post', {
props: ['post'],
template: `<div class="card">
<div class="grid-x margin-x">
<div class="cell small-4">
<img class="avatar-img" :src="" />
<p style="font-family: Abel;font-size: 24px">{{ }}</p>
<div class="grid-x margin-x">
<div class="cell small-4">
<p style="font-family: Abel;font-size: 18px">{{ post.content }}</p>
var postDiv = new Vue({
el: "#post-div",
data: function() {
return {
post: {
content: "Post Content",
by: {
profile: {
img_url: ""
<script src=""></script>
<div class="card-section">
<div id="post-div">
<discuss-post :post="post"></discuss-post>
Isn't the information clear enough? What is </<div> in your code?
On the other hand, use v-bind if you want to pass an object. {{ }} is for text interpolation.
Correct the </<div> with </div> as stated in the answer from #Leo
assuming you have an object "post" in your vue instance
you can bind it like
<discuss-post :post="post"></discuss-post>
your post must be something like
post ={
"img_url":"some url"
"content":"some content"

