Adding sound(s) on mouse click - javascript

I'm creating a helper GNOME extension for my theme. The helper extension was meant to be used to add some sounds when I click a button, however, I can't find a solution (and an extension) that shows how to add the sounds and how to call them.
Actually, I found some questions and articles that explains how to add an audio function, but most of it requires HTML.
I've tried using this code (through the Looking Glass and the extension.js file) from here, which says that it doesn't require HTML things:
function playSound() {
var audio = new Audio('/path/to/audio/file');;
However, it returned unknown function error for Audio():
ReferenceError: Audio is not defined
Can someone help me? Thanks!

If you are using GNOME Shell >= 3.32 you can use MetaSoundPlayer:
const Gio =;
let player = global.display.get_sound_player();
// Themed sound
player.play_from_theme('phone-incoming-call', 'arbitrary description', null);
// Sound File
let soundFile = Gio.File.new_for_path('/some/path/sound.ogg');
player.play_from_file(soundFile, 'arbitrary description', null);
Or there are global functions in GNOME Shell <= 3.30 (old docs):
// Themed sound
global.play_theme_sound(0, 'phone-incoming-call', 'arbitrary description', null);
// File name
global.play_sound_file(0, '/some/path/sound.ogg', 'arbitrary description', null);
There is a gnome-shell commit showing examples of both here.


JavaScript play() function does not working in Chrome

I created an audio object and want to play it when user leave the window. So, my code is here:
$('body').on('mouseleave', function(){
var audio = new Audio( 'quite-impressed.mp3' )
It works well in Firefox. It also works in Chrome if I click in the page and then leave mouse outside of the body. But, when I leave the mouse without clicking in the page an error showed in the console and the audio does not play
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first.
But, in this example site it works fine without interacting with the page. How can I make it possible? Thanks in advance.
It seems they use an AudioContext to play that sound.
Chrome did came back a few months ago about blocking the AudioContext API, because a lot of fair uses were not prepared for such restriction and thus got broken by it.
But M71, which will get released in December 2018 will reenable that restriction, you can read about it here:
// this will work in Chrome < 70 but not af
onmouseout = e => {
const ctx = new AudioContext();
const osc = ctx.createOscillator();
Outsourced live example, since Stacksnippets are always granted the user gesture anyway:
Try this: = new Audio( 'quite-impressed.mp3' )
$('body').on('mouseleave', function(){
This worked for me on Chrome 77:
On address bar: chrome://settings/content/sound
Turn off "Allow sites to play sound (recommended)"
Turn it on again
if your js play function is not running and if your code is correct then this may help,you have to allow your browser to get that sound file
just goto settings =>privacy and security => site-settings =>sound.
and then add your local url at add to play section..

Add HyperLink With Word JavaScript API

I'm having difficulties to add an HyperLink to my Word Document using the Javascript API. I've look to Doc and I can't find any hints how to accomplish my duty...
Here is my Question: What is the best way to add an HyperLink inside a Word Document using the Javascript API.
And Here is what I tried: Word.RequestContext) => {
var range = context.document.getSelection();
context.load(range, "hyperlink");
return context.sync().then(() => {
range.font.highlightColor = '#FFFF00';
range.hyperlink = "C:\My Documents\MyFile.doc";
I've added the highlightColor just to have a visual that my changes are being sync. Everything seems fine but the Hyperlink property is not being updated. Am I missing something?
And If you guys are wondering what's this syntax, I'm using TypeScript.
Good, if you don't mind i will reply in JavaScript :)
Setting a hyperlink to a file must work (provided that the file exists :) ). I have this simplified example working successfully, btw you don't need to load the range for setting this.
Also hyperlinks is now supported as preview, so please make sure that you are running an updated (latest) version of Word (go file and install updates) and most importantly make sure you are using the preview CDN for Office.js which is here: {
// Insert your code here. For example:
context.document.getSelection().hyperlink = "C:\My Documents\MyFile.doc";
return context.sync();

Set Notification Icon in Gnome Shell >= 3.16 (Custom Extension)

I've forked a Gnome Shell Extension, as I want to modify it to fit my personal preferences. I want to send a notification each time an event occurs. Sending the notification itself is fairly easy with Main.notify(summary, text). However, I just can't find out how to set a custom icon. [EDIT: The following is wrong. I looked up bad code]According to the github repo of gnome-shell I can define an icon via an optional parameter: Main.notify(summary, text, params), where params will be checked in MessageTray.js l.367:
params = Params.parse(params, { gicon: null,
secondaryGIcon: null,
bannerMarkup: false,
clear: false,
soundName: null,
soundFile: null });
if (params.gicon || params.clear)
this.gicon = params.gicon;
So I tried to use the following command:
Main.notify(summary, text, {gicon: myicon});
But the {gicon: myicon} part is ignored completely and the default icon is used :-/.
I'm new to Javascript and GNOME programming, so pls don't hate me :-)
Is using Main.notify() recommended generally, or is it deprecated?
Cheers, Maphardam
I think that Main.notify() is generally recommended, as it is used in some of the "official" extensions.
However, Main.notify() only takes two parameters (msg, details) and thus you cannot use this function to set a custom icon.
You can however copy the source of Main.notify() and adapt it to your own needs. Inside the following function the source of the notification is set to a newly created source with a custom icon.
function notify(msg, details, icon) {
let source = new MessageTray.Source("MyApp Information", icon);
let notification = new MessageTray.Notification(source, msg, details);
For example you could call it with notify("MyApp", "Test", 'folder-symbolic');.

AngularJS + HTML5 record audio file

I'm looking for a simple solution to record audio file and upload it to s3.
My web searches come up to find:
WebRTC-Experiment which is the most popuplar solution i could find.
it also have a working example in the following link :
I also found ngCamRecorder which wasn't supported by firefox yet.
I'm looking for a simple solution + working example, and suggestion.
Which solution is most popuplar to use with AngularJS?
if you can provide your own example or link to a working example that i can use.
if you also used S3 i would like to know how you can push the file to S3, and get the link to the controller.
The solution i found, throw error, and include a working example without the code itself explained.
I also would like to know how to push it to s3.
This is the code i implemented from the example:
$scope.start_recording = function()
navigator.getUserMedia(session, function (mediaStream) {
window.recordRTC = RecordRTC(MediaStream);
}, function(error){console.log(error)});
$scope.stop_recording = function()
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true}, function(mediaStream) {
window.recordRTC = RecordRTC(MediaStream);
It simply throw an error: undefined is not a function on recordrtc.js line 641
if(!mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length) throw 'Your stream has no audio tracks.';
obviously mediaStrem is null.
There's an AngularJS wrapper for this, it's a simple directive that supports HTML5 (RecorderJS), Cordova Media and Flash.
Usage is straightforward
<ng-audio-recorder audio-model="someModel" auto-start="false">
<!-- controls -->
<button ng-click='recorder.startRecording()'>Start</button>
<button ng-click='recorder.stopRecording()'>Stop</button>
You can see the full usage here:
I got the same issue and figured it out. The function argument in the success function of navigation.getUserMedia() is supposed to be "MediaStream" instead of "mediaStream".

Checking if user has a certain extension installed

I just found out that the Screen Capture by Google extension makes my website's window.onresize event not fire.
I want to perform a javascript check to see if the user has ScreenCapture installed and if so, warn the user of the problem.
A year ago I think I heard of some javascript code that could do this, maybe using some google API, but I don't remember.
Any insight on this? I haven't developed any extensions so I don't really know how they work.
So I have been asked to show some code. As seen in my previous question ( window.onresize not firing in Chrome but firing in Chrome Incognito ), the problem occurs on any window.onresize event function, so I don't think my code really matters.
Also, there is quite a lot of my code, I don't know how much of it to paste or if it would be helpful.
var debounce = function (func, threshold, execAsap)
var timeout;
return function debounced () {//alert("1.1 Y U NO WORK?");
var obj = this, args = arguments;
function delayed () {
if (!execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = null;
if (timeout)
else if (execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
window.onresize = debounce(function (e) { //alert("1.2 Y U NO WORK?");
flag = true;
var point ={width:1,height:1});
// does something here, but only once after mouse cursor stops
}, 100, false);
I would like to stress that the problem is not due to the debounce. window.onresize = t; function t (e) { alert("wtf?");} won't work either.
Here's the result:
var screenCapture = null;
var screenCaptureImg = document.createElement("img");
screenCaptureImg.setAttribute("src", "chrome-extension://cpngackimfmofbokmjmljamhdncknpmg/images/arrow.png");
* Add event listeners for both "load"- and "error"-event
* Set the variable showing the existence of the extension by
* setting it to "true" or "false" according to the fired event
screenCaptureImg.addEventListener("load", doLoad, false);
function doLoad(e){
screenCapture = true; //removeImgTag(e);
alert("I've so cleverly detected that your Chrome has the ScreenCapture extension enabled. \n\nThis extension interferes with my website's DOM and long story short, it won't be able to scale properly.\n\nSo please disable it. \nConsider this extension: \"Disable All Extensions Plus\", it's a handy selective disabler.");
screenCaptureImg.addEventListener("error", function(e){
screenCapture = false; //removeImgTag(e);
}, false);
function removeImgTag(e) {
Note that I couldn't get removeImgTag to work, because (at least in chrome), I don't seem to have access to the document object in order to create or remove elements from my page, from within these event functions. This is also why I'm displaying an alert instead of elegantly writing up a document.getElementById("something").innerHTML=...
To detect if an extension is installed in Chrome, you can check for a known resource included in the extension such as an image. Resources for the extension are referenced using the following URL pattern:
The basic detection technique involves creating a hidden image tag and attaching load and error events to it to see if the image loads (as described here for Firefox):
extensionImg.setAttribute("src", "chrome-extension://<INSERT EXTENSION ID HERE>/images/someImage.png"); // See below for discussion of how to find this
* Add event listeners for both "load"- and "error"-event
* Set the variable showing the existence of the extension by
* setting it to "true" or "false" according to the fired event
extensionImg.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
extensionExists = true;
}, false);
extensionImg.addEventListener("error", function(e) {
extensionExists = false;
}, false);
function removeImgTag(e) {
Check the installation directory of the extension in the Chrome configuration to find a likely target for detection. On my Linux workstation extensions are located in:
You can see that I have 3 extensions installed right now:
~/.config/chromium/Default/Extensions$ ls
cpecbmjeidppdiampimghndkikcmoadk nmpeeekfhbmikbdhlpjbfmnpgcbeggic
The odd looking names are the unique IDs given to the extension when it is uploaded to the Chrome webstore. You can obtain the ID either from the webstore or by going to the Extensions tab (wrench -> Extensions) and hovering over the link to the extension in question, or "Screen Capture (by Google)" in this case (note the asterisked extension ID):**cpngackimfmofbokmjmljamhdncknpmg**
In the extension directory there will be one or more versions; you can ignore this. Within the version directory is the actual content of the extension:
~/.config/chromium/Default/Extensions/cpngackimfmofbokmjmljamhdncknpmg/5.0.3_0$ ls
account.js images page.js sina_microblog.js
ajax.js isLoad.js picasa.js site.js
background.html _locales plugin style.css
editor.js manifest.json popup.html ui.js
facebook.js notification.html sha1.js upload_ui.js
hotkey_storage.js oauth.js shortcut.js
hub.html options.html showimage.css
i18n_styles page_context.js showimage.html
In the case of the Screen Capture extension there are a number of images to use:
~/.config/chromium/Default/Extensions/cpngackimfmofbokmjmljamhdncknpmg/5.0.3_0/images$ ls
arrow.png icon_128.png icon_save.png print.png
copy.png icon_16.png line.png region.png
cross.png icon_19.png loading.gif screen.png
custom.png icon_32.png loading_icon.gif sina_icon.png
delete_account_icon.png icon_48.png mark.png toolbar_bg.png
down_arrow.png icon_close.png picasa_icon.png upload.png
facebook_icon.png icon_copy.png popup_bg.jpg whole.png
These can be referenced under this URL:
This technique obviously depends on the stability of the content of the extension. I recommend using an image that looks likely to remain through all versions.
As mentioned above, the same technique can be used to detect Firefox extensions. In this case the content URL looks like this:
On my Linux workstation Firefox extensions are located in:
~/.mozilla/firefox/<USER PROFILE ID>/extensions
Where <USER PROFILE ID> looks something like this: "h4aqaewq.default"
You can see that I have 2 extensions installed right now, one of which is a directory installation and the other of which is a XPI (pronounced "zippy") file:
~/.mozilla/firefox/h4aqaewq.default/extensions$ ls
{3e9a3920-1b27-11da-8cd6-0800200c9a66} staged
The "staged" directory is where Firefox keeps extensions that will be updated (I think). The GUID directory with the brackets is a directory-based extension installation, and the .xpi file is Firebug.
Note: XPI is going away (see the link above). It's basically a zip file that can be opened and inspected by anything that understands zip. I used Emacs.
Finding the extension ID in Firefox is a bit more involved. Go to "Tools -> Add-ons", click the Extensions tab, click the "More" link next to the extension description, then click the "reviews" link to go to the Firefox extension site and get the ID from the URL (note the asterisked extension ID):**firebug**/reviews/?src=api
There's probably an easier way to do this; suggestions welcome.
TODO: how to find a likely image in a Firefox extension.
As an extra note, in Chrome you can only communicate with an extension via the shared DOM of the page: Host page communication

