How can I send email with PDF file on my Wix website - javascript

I want to send the email with PDF file. But the PDF file should automatically generate with the user input value.
I have tried to solve that problem. But I couldn't find customize email field section. For the more, there isn't a feature to send the email with PDF file.
I have tried to inject my own JavaScript and PHP code. But I can't handle my website code. I could see just HTML Dom. And I could add my own HTML and CSS code. In another way, I try to built my own Wix plugin. But I couldn't find a way to built my own plugin.
How can I solve this problem? I want to know is it possible or impossible.

Corvid ( allows you to add javascript to your Wix Site and add custom functionalities. If you want to generate dynamic PDF files based on your site user's input I suggest you use a PDF Generator API, an example of how to implement this can be found here:


Use PDF form button to screenshot form and attach it in outlook

what I currently have in place is a button that when clicked, sends the full form via email. The recipient of the pdf can then modify the form. I do not want that. I don't want him to be able to edit the fields afterwards. Do I need JavaSript?
Probably not.
You need to send a different PDF that isn't editable.
If you are generating the PDF using Javascript, then you should consult the docs for your library to see how to remove editable fields.
But if you created the PDF in a more traditional way, such as authoring it in a word processor and then exporting it as a PDF, then you'll need to create a second PDF that doesn't have editable fields.
It sounds like you want to send the person a "finalized" version of the form; this probably means you need to generate this second PDF on demand. That code usually lives on the web server (or in the cloud), and would be written in whatever languages your server supports. If your server is running Node, then you actually would do this with Javascript.
But if it's any other language (I've done this with PHP), you would do the work in that language and then respond with the just-generated PDF, which your web-based JS would then download.

Wordpress Custom JS Location

We decided to go to another provider and rebuild the website. Accidently, we moved the old domain as well and we can't access the wordpress backend nor the frontend anymor. Now for the new page, I need a Custom javascript code I entered on a specific page with Elementor. Where can I find my old code now without accessing the homepage? I have FTP and Database access.
Where do you put the code? Depending on the answer you need to look at different locations.
Afaik elementor doesn't support custom js nativly. You can bypass that with a html widget or custom plugin. If you used elementors gui for that it's probably stored like all other elementor related content inside wp_post_meta of your database.
If you don't know the page where it was used I would suggest to export the database as sql and use an editor to search for a text string related to the code (for example the url of the ajax request).
If you know the page you can do the same but faster. Look for the id of the post with the code, search for it in wp_post_meta and go on like mentioned before.
If you havn't used elementors gui the script could lie inside a directory on the server probably inside your theme.

I have requirement to generate HTML to PDF and save the PDF to SharePoint Document Library using Javascript

We have one requirement where we need to generate HTML to PDF and store it on document Library.
So far we are able to generate the HTML to PDF but not able to store it in SharePoint Document Library.
Note: we are using kendo plugin for PDF conversion, Kendo giving SaveAs option to save the PDF locally, our requirement to store the PDF in SharePoint Environment.
Code Snipped:
If anyone did similar requirement in past Please revert back to me.
We are Interested to achieve the solution with Client side programming. MS flow is not in scope as of now.
You could upload the file to sharepoint library via rest api:
create a file and add it to a folder.
And below is a sample:
How to Upload File in Document Library in SharePoint Using REST API & jQuery

Create CSV file using javascript or any other native script?

I am new to nativescript, I need a simple application to be created for iOS, using a form (some text fields) I need to create a csv file and send it to some email address as an attachment. Can someone please share some code snippet or documentation to do that?

Populate DIV dynamically from external Javascript using data from database

I am developing a plugin for displaying a list of images in others' website. I intend to provide them only one url (probably a JS link) which they need to embed in their site so that they will see those images. These list of images would come from my database. Can you please tell me if such a functionality is achievable using Javascript?
Javascript is client only and for those security reasons you cannot and should not connect to a database from js. What you can do is use a webpage to produce those images and use your script to inject the page into their sites. You can do this via an iframe or an object tag.

