How to open a hidden div from url with #anchor - javascript

I have a page that has a grid of staff bios, when the bios are clicked additional information is displayed in a modal. I would like to be able to display the content of specific staff when linked from another page. I would like to use plain javascript and add a #anchor in the url.
When I was building this set up I seemed to have stumbled apon this on accident, but now it won't work. The closest I have gotten is from this post: How to open a hidden div when a hash is on the URL?
/*To open the details window when the ID # is used in the url*/
var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
if (hash) {
Here is my markup:
<div class="bio-tile">
<div id="close" class="anchor"></div>
<div class="tile-inner" onclick="speakerDetails('open')">
//Thumbnail content here
<div id="open" class="speaker-details">
<div class="speaker-details-wrapper">
<span onclick="speakerDetailsClose('open')" class="speaker-close">×</span>
//details content here
Here are the scripts on the page:
/* To Allow Body and HTML scroll on load in class to be toggled */
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
var speaker;
/*To open the details window when the ID # is used in the url*/
var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
if (hash) {
/* To open Speaker Bio Pop Up and prevent body/html scroll*/
function speakerDetails(slug) {
speaker = document.getElementById(slug);
/*To Close Speaker Bio Pop Up When X close button is clicked and allow body/html scroll*/
function speakerDetailsClose(slug) {
/*To Close Staff Bio Pop Up when clicked outside of the bio container and allow body/html scroll*/
window.onclick = function(event) {
if( == speaker) {
I would like to have the page load using a url, to display one of the bio details divs on load and then be able to close it to access the other bios on the page.

You're close. Basically when you are selecting things in the DOM you need to know the elements are there. What's happening is that the code inside of your if statement around the hash is getting executed before the DOM is loaded so the element doesn't existing and is returning null.
Here is what I did to work around that; just move your the hash var and the if statement into your DOMContentLoaded event listener.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
//the DOMContentLoaded event occurred, which means the DOM is done loading.
/*To open the details window when the ID # is used in the url*/
var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
if (hash) {
// you don't have to do this extra save to a var, but it's clearer
var elem = document.getElementById(hash);

I have figured it out! Thought I would share for the rest of the SO world and thanks to bgaynor78 for getting me headed towards the right idea.
I used document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) { twice, which I am not sure if that is totally best practice.
var speaker;
var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
var tag;
/* To Allow Body and HTML scroll on load in class to be toggled */
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
/*To open the details window when the ID # is used in the url*/
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
if (hash) {
tag = document.getElementById(hash);
I then added some IF statements to reference in the scripts to close the window:
function speakerDetailsClose(slug) {
if (hash) {
else {
// the rest of the script


Use Cookies to prevent user clicking link twice

I am trying to prevent the class .activeAdv being added if the link within has it's URL stored in cookie, this cooke is added if user clicks links so basically I am trying to stop returning users clicking same link twice.
The link is by default hidden underneath a div which animates on addition of .activeAdv class, revealing link.
Current code is below along with codepen example of project. I'm guessing I need to wrap the activeAdv addClass in an IF conditional which:
Gets value of child link's href
Check to see if a matching cookie exists
Only add .activeAdv if condition returns false
I think I have the right idea and have got as far as setting cookie on click of link, I am struggling with the IF statement though, could anyone lend a hand?
<div id="on-1" class="box">
<h2>1 dec</h2>
<div class="present">
// Checks for content within .present, if TRUE adds .activeAdv animation class
return $(this).html().trim().length > 0;
// When link clicked, store its URL in cookie
$( ".present a" ).click(function() {
$.cookie($(this).attr('href'), true);
if ( '(".present").html().trim().length > 0;' ) {
if ( '(".present a").attr("href")' === "") {
After a bit of thinking I have come up with a different IF statement which may be along the right lines
// Checks if content exists
if ( '(".present").html().trim().length > 0;' ) {
// Checks if HREF of child link matches existing cookie (using a string for testing)
if ( '(".present a").attr("href")' === "") {
So if :visited CSS pseudoclass isn't sufficient (it matches visited links), you can make use of localStorage, which is much more dedicated to this purpose. I created script which can be run out the Firebug console and colors non-visited links:
(function(links) {
// Load visited links from local storage
var visited = JSON.parse(localStorage["visited"]||"[]");
// Safety check
if(!visited instanceof Array) {
visited = [];
localStorage["visited"] = [];
function setClassToLinks() {
// Remember state - asume not visited
var linkVisited = false;
// Check for inner HTML
if(this.innerHTML.trim().length > 0) {
// Check if in list of visited links
linkVisited = true;
console.log("Already visited: "+this.href);
// Skip empty links
return console.log("No inner HTML.");
// Reset color = !linkVisited?"":"red";
// And remove class
// When link clicked, store its URL in LocalStorage {
// Prevent duplicities
if(visited.indexOf(this.href)==-1) {
localStorage["visited"] = JSON.stringify(visited);
// [OPTIONAL] Update links realtime - triggers when local storage changes
window.addEventListener('storage', function (event) {
if(event.key=="visited") {
visited = JSON.parse(localStorage["visited"]||"[]");
// Change CSS
Neat aspect of my solution is, that the links automatically update when you browse in different tab (provided this tab has run the script).
The visited array may quickly grow, which is why I think cookie is such a bad idea.

Applying .click event only to links in a certain div-container

The code already creates a navigation based on a JSON-file. The url are accessible by writing data.chapter[].subchapter[].url, the according title through data.chapter[].subchapter[].title
In case you are interested in that part or want the complete code, I uploaded it there:
The goal now is to create a right sidebar which shows the links to the next and previous files in the structure. My approach is below.
What confuses me, is that back() is called until subchap is zero, when a link in #left is being clicked on. It should only be called when the previous-link is being clicked on. What do I have to change in order to achieve that?
Thanks a lot already!
var chap; //position in the array of the currently open chapter
var subchap; //position in the array of the currently open subchapter
function update_right() {
var path = data.chapter[chap].subchapter;
//Previous Page
if(subchap > 0) {
$("#prev").html("<b>Previous:</b><a href='"+path[subchap-1].url+"'>"+path[subchap-1].title+"</a><br/>");
$("#prev > a").click(back());
} else { //subchap == 0
function back() {
$(document).ready(function() // DOM needs to exist in order to be able to add stuff in there
...Navigation being built up...
//------ onClick Navigation
$('#left > ul > li > a').click(
chap = $(this).attr("data-chap");
subchap = $(this).attr("data-subchap");

Link add-on SDK panel to toolbar button

The add-on SDK attaches panels to widgets as seen here. I would like to achieve the same effect using the add-on SDK with a toolbar button instead.
The toolbar button I'm using is of the type menu-button, which means that the left side is an icon and has an oncommand listener. The right side is a drop-down arrow which shows its contents on click. Here's the code to create such a button with the add-on SDK:
const doc = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow().document;
var navBar = doc.getElementById('nav-bar')
var btn = doc.createElement('toolbarbutton');
btn.setAttribute('id', 'hylytit');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'menu-button');
btn.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1');
btn.setAttribute('image', data.url('resources/hylyt_off.png'));
btn.setAttribute('orient', 'horizontal');
btn.setAttribute('label', '');
btn.addEventListener('command', function(event) {
if (event.button===0) btnClick();
console.log(TAG+'button clicked');
}, false);
var panel = doc.createElement('panel');
panel.setAttribute('id', 'search-panel');
panel.addEventListener('command', function(event) {
console.log(TAG+'dropdown clicked');
}, false);
var label = doc.createElement('label');
label.setAttribute('control', 'name');
label.setAttribute('value', 'Article List');
var textbox = doc.createElement('textbox');
textbox.setAttribute('id', 'name');
The panel above is not an add-on SDK panel, it's a XUL panel and is severely limited in that it can't be styled with CSS. On top of this, the panel's onCommand listener never fires despite the fact that the btn's onCommand fires as expected. The XUL panel shows itself when I click the dropdown button (as long as it has children), but because I can't access its click handler, I can't just create an add-on SDK panel on click.
So my question is this. Is there a way to access the toolbar button's menu portion's click handler or is there a way to append an add-on SDK panel as a child of a toolbar button?
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of arrow panels. Is there a way to place an HTML file in one rather than having to dynamically create XUL elements? The effect I'm trying to achieve is similar to the Pocket extension, which does one thing when the button part is clicked and another when the arrow is clicked. – willlma 7 hours ago
You have 900+ rep, you should know better. It is common knowledge to create another question topic rather then ask how to do something different in a comment especially after solution acceptance.
Nonetheless, this is what you do to accomplish the Pocket toolbarbutton effect. Based on code supplied by contributor above.
Ask another question and I'll move this there and you can accept my solution there.
var doc = document;
var navBar = doc.getElementById('nav-bar')
var btn = doc.createElement('toolbarbutton');
btn.setAttribute('id', 'hylytit');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'menu-button');
btn.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1');
btn.setAttribute('image', '');
btn.setAttribute('orient', 'horizontal');
btn.setAttribute('label', '');
var toolbarbuttonPanel = doc.createElement('panel');
toolbarbuttonPanel.setAttribute('id', 'toolbarbutton-panel');
toolbarbuttonPanel.setAttribute('type', 'arrow');
var toolbarbuttonLabel = doc.createElement('label');
toolbarbuttonLabel.setAttribute('value', 'toolbarbutton panel');
var dropmarkerPanel = doc.createElement('panel');
dropmarkerPanel.setAttribute('id', 'dropmarker-panel');
dropmarkerPanel.setAttribute('type', 'arrow');
var dropmarkerLabel = doc.createElement('label');
dropmarkerLabel.setAttribute('value', 'dropmarker panel');
var mainPopupSet = document.querySelector('#mainPopupSet');
btn.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
if (event.originalTarget.nodeName == 'toolbarbutton') {
} else if (event.originalTarget.nodeName == 'xul:toolbarbutton') {
}, false);
Panels don't have an onCommand method see MDN - Panels Article
You can make your panel stylized, give it type arrow like panel.setAttribute('type', 'arrow') and then to attach to your button. I didn't give it type arrow below.
Heres the working code. Copy paste to scratchpad and set Environment > Browser then run it.
var doc = document; //to put this back in sdk do const doc = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow().document;
var navBar = doc.getElementById('nav-bar')
var btn = doc.createElement('toolbarbutton');
btn.setAttribute('id', 'hylytit');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'menu-button');
btn.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1');
btn.setAttribute('image', ''); //i made this image blank because i dont have the image and im running from scratchpad
btn.setAttribute('orient', 'horizontal');
btn.setAttribute('label', '');
var panel = doc.createElement('panel');
btn.addEventListener('command', function(event) { //moved this below var panel = doc.createElement because panel needs to be crated before we write this function
//if (event.button===0) btnClick();
//console.log(TAG+'button clicked'); //what is TAG? its undefeined for me
}, false);
panel.setAttribute('id', 'search-panel');
panel.addEventListener('command', function(event) {
console.log(TAG+'dropdown clicked'); //what is TAG? its undefeined for me
}, false);
var label = doc.createElement('label');
label.setAttribute('control', 'name');
label.setAttribute('value', 'Article List');
var textbox = doc.createElement('textbox');
textbox.setAttribute('id', 'name');
You can create a Toolbarbutton and Panel using the Addon SDK and some Jetpack modules. Try toolbarwidget-jplib and browser-action-jplib by Rob--W.
You can easy add a button to the toolbar and style the panel whatever you want with css / html:
var badge = require('browserAction').BrowserAction({
default_icon: 'images/icon19.png', // optional
default_title: 'Badge title', // optional; shown in tooltip
default_popup: 'popup.html' // optional

How to add content to a containerNode that already has its content from href using dijit.Dialog

I’m new with this javascript and dijit.
My problem: In my js-function I’m building up a dijit.Dialog, using parameters that has been sent to the function.
One of the parameters is a href to en external xhtml-file that contains only the text that’s supposed to be shown in the dialog. Now, I want to add a div with one more link to the dialog, in the containerNode (with a link that's supposed to be specific for every single user).
The problem is that I can se that the added div is there until I reach, after that it disapears. The text from the xhtml takes over. If I put it in the domNode (like the button) it shows up in the wrong place.
I've also tried another approach, to let the link be in the external href (in file three), give it an id and tried to reach it that way and manipulate it. Like this:
But it doesn't work. I get "document.getElementById(...) is null.
I would be SO happy if anyone can help me how to add the div (link) to the dialog! It doesn't matter if I
have it in file three and can reach it from file two and manipulate it,
simply adds the div in the js (in file two), or
any other way?
I have three files:
file one.xhtml (calling file two):
<li>Kontakta oss</li>
file two.js:
Xxxx.contactsDialog = function(title, href, cssClass, destroy) {
if (href) {
var options = {
title: title,
href: href
if (cssClass)
options["class"] = cssClass;
var dialog = new dijit.Dialog(options);
var div = document.createElement("div");
var bytLosen = document.createElement("a");
bytLosen.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Byt lösenord"));
bytLosen.setAttribute("href", "");
bytLosen.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
var okButton = document.createElement("button");
okButton.setAttribute("type", "submit");
okButton.setAttribute("style", "margin-top: 10px");
okButton.innerHTML = "Ok";
dojo.addClass(okButton, "button");
dojo.connect(okButton, "onclick", function() {
if (destroy) {
return true;
} else
return false;
file three.html:
<div class="popupHeader">Synpunkter och felanmälan <span style="font-weight: normal">skickas till:</span></div>
<div class="popupHeader">Länkar <span style="font-weight: normal">(till xxxx's externa hemsida)</span></div>
<div class="popupHeader">Byt lösenord</div>

jQuery conditionally change events depending on .html( 'string' ) values
Please feel free to change the heading if you think I've worded it wrong.
I'm running a wordpress site with multilingual control. And my menu/navigation is dynamic, controlled via the wordpress admin. The multilingual language plugin also changes the dynamic menu/navigation content, as well as page content.
My Contact button, which is in the dynamic navigation, opens a sliding menu using jQuery. Very simple animation using top css. The contact button is on the page twice, hence why I'm not using the .toggle for iterations. See jsFiddle.
var $button = $(".contact-button"),
// var for button which controls sliding div
$slide = $("#content-slide");
// var for the div which slides up and down
$button.on('click', function () {
// function for when button is clicked
if ($button.html() == 'Close') {
// run this if button says 'Close'
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "-269px" }, 300);
// close slide animation
// change text back to 'Contact'
} else {
// else if button says Contact or anything else
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "0" }, 300);
// open slide animation
// change text to 'Close'
Because I'm running multilingual on the site. The navigation spelling changes. See jsFiddle flag buttons for example. This is fine, the animation still runs OK, because it's using the button class 'contact-button'.
But because I'm using the .html to replace the text of the button to "Close" and then on the second iteration, back to "Contact" - obviously this is a problem for other languages, as it always changes to English 'close' and back to English 'Contact'
But my three languages and words that I need the iterations to run through are...
Contact - Close
Contatto - Cerca
Contacto - Chiudere
Can anyone help me expand my script to accommodate three languages, all my attempts have failed. The jsFiddle has the script.
The language functionality in the fiddle is only for demo purposes, so the iteration sequence can be tested from the beginning. I understand if you change the language whilst the menu is open (in the fiddle), it will confused it. But when the language is changed on my site, the whole page refreshes, which closes the slide and resets the sequence. So it does not matter.
Any pro help would be awesome thanks!!!
var $button = $(".contact-button"),
// Var for button which controls sliding div
$slide = $("#content-slide");
// Var for the div which slides up and down
$button.on('click', function () {
// function for when button is clicked
if ($button.html() == 'Close' || 'Cerca'|| 'Chiudere' ) {
// run this if button says Close or Cerca or Chiudere
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "-269px" }, 300);
// Close slide animation
$(function () {
if ($button.html(== 'Close') {
$button.html('Contact'); }
else if ($button.html(== 'Cerca') {
$button.html('Contatto'); }
else ($button.html(== 'Chiudere') {
$button.html('Contacto'); }
// Change text back to Contact in correct language
} else {
// else if button says Contact or anything else
$slide.stop().animate({ top: "0" }, 300);
// Open slide animation
$(function () {
if ($button.html(== 'Contact') {
$button.html('Close'); }
else if ($button.html(== 'Contatto') {
$button.html('Cerca'); }
else ($button.html(== 'Contacto') {
$button.html('Chiudere'); }
// Change text back to Close in the correct language
See my attempt script above which is not working on this jsFiddle.
Here's a working example:
When one of the language buttons gets clicked, it stores the strings for Contact and Close using jQuery's .data() method. Then, when the contact/close button gets clicked, it refers to those strings rather than having it hard-coded.
Here are the relevant lines of code:
$("#english").click(function() {
$("#spanish").click(function() {
$("#italian").click(function() {
if ($button.html() == 'Close') {
} else {
All you need to do to modify the "close" text appropriately is by editing the close property inside the calls to data() that occur in each of the click events.
You should never depend on label strings ... especially in a multilingual environment. Instead you should use placeholders that you store in an attribute (maybe using .data()). Then you write your own setters for the labels depending on the value of the attribute.
var myLabels = {'close': ['Close', 'Cerca', 'Chiudere'], 'contact' : ['Contact', 'Contatto', 'Contacto']};
var currLang = 2; // to select italian
// to set the label
$'mylabel', 'close');
if($'mylabel') == 'close') {
$'mylabel', 'contact');
} else {
$'mylabel', 'close');

