Compiling an Angular 1.x project - javascript

So I've been handed an Angular 1.5.6 project that has source files and compiled files but nothing to instruct how to compile the source files. Is there a standard approach I'm missing to do this? There's no buildfile, package.json, angular.json file in the src directory.

Question is quite general.
Not sure about any 3rd party libs may be present and require some additional transformation, but angular app source files probably may be just be joined altogether(maybe after transpiling with Babel) and injected into HTML with <script> right after angular.js itself.
Also if you see something like strange "ngInject"; strings or comments you will probably need ng-annotate module to autogenerate dependencies for modules. It may be run in combination with gulp or Babel.


Angular 2 Bundling and Minification

I watch a lot of tutorials of angular 2, and I couldn't some questions:
1- Should I use webpack for minification and bundleling?
2- Should I minify and bundle the js of the components itselfs.
3- Should I minify and bundle the js services that the components expose e.g.
personService.js is used in person.ts?
4- What happens with the path
of the service I provide inside the component, now it will be in one
file located in another place? Should I change the path of the
service called in the component depending on if I'm in development o
How are you currently handling module loading for your applications? I'm not as familiar with webpack, but SystemJS offers a builder/bundler that will do all of this for you then all you need to include in your html is the script for your bundled/built file.
I haven't used Webpack but SystemJS worked well for me. Gulp can be used to build, minify, and bundle all your code using a system.config.js to worry about the file locations of your source and dependencies.
Here is an example of Tour of Heroes where all the Typescript source is bundled into one JS file.
Angular CLI now makes all of this really easy, supporting bundling and minification (using WebPack underneath, but without any need to set it up), and Ahead-of-Time template compilation, which massively reduced the bundle size.
See: Angular 2: Reduce app size (in addition to bundling/minification)
It also sets up development and production environments, which you can import into components if you have different settings in dev vs. prod, and you can make your own custom environments and use those too.

Can Webstorm automatically include project js files in html, or merge them into one?

I am using Webstorm a start a angularjs project. I've created a lot of *.js files. I have the include them using the tag one by one in the html files. whenever I created a new js file, I have to create the script tag.
The things I needed is just like gulp-concat, but without minifying. minified code are hard to debug.
Can anyone help on this? Thanks!
WebStorm doesn't have any built-in functions for combining files... But there are plenty of different tools on the web - plus you can create your own batch files for this.
I can suggest using Grunt grunt-contrib-concat task ( It supports merging files. You can run the task using Node.js run configuration, or configure it as a file watcher, or use Grunt console.
Browserify ( is one more way to go - it allows using commonjs-style syntax when developing front-end applications, combining the files into a single file for production
Or, try Webpack ( - it's a modern powerful module bundler

Dynamically pull in dependencies for angular project

So I am working with a couple of different Angular starter kits, but I have yet to find one that automatically puts in the script src, for the vendor resources such as angular formly, bootstrap, etc., in the index.html. I am trying to make it so my dependencies in my module can work.
Anyone know of any good grunt or gulp build that would take care of this?
I believe grunt-wiredep is what you are looking for. It will inject your bower dependencies into your 'index.html'.
however if you are trying to include JS dependencies into a stand-alone angular module meant to be used with different HTML applications, you will need to concatenate those dependencies into a single deployable JS file. This can be easily done with grunt-contrib-uglify.

How to bundle CommonJS modules into a single UMD library file?

I'm writing a JS library and organizing the code in a hierarchy of CommonJS modules connected with require calls. Then in addition there are also external dependencies (like Underscore).
How can I bundle all my library modules into a single file (CommonJS+AMD) excluding the external dependencies which should remain as require calls?
I've experimented with Browserify and came close with --standalone and --external but when using Browserify again on the application that is using this bundled library it gets confused with the remaining require calls inside the bundled lib. And when I get rid of them with something like Derequire it will also strip out the require calls to external dependencies.
I tried to figure out how other libraries approach this but they mostly seem to have some custom concatenation scripts. Is there a simpler solution? Seems like it should be a common enough use case.
Try what you're already doing with standalone and external, then when you bundle the second time pass the noParse option to browserify (e.g. browserify({noParse: ['/abs/path/to/first/bundle']})). Or you could try minifying the first bundle. See also this answer.

Creating app.min.js file using Grunt

I currently have a Node.js project that has a couple dependencies (request, bluebird, etc.) that I include in my project with RequireJS, such as var Promise = require('bluebird');.
I have a Gruntfile that concatenates and uglifies all the files I've created into one big, minified file which works. However, they still have the RequireJS statements. For someone to use my project, they'd need to download my project, run npm install, and then they would have all the required dependencies.
I'd like to have a app.min.js as a standalone file, with all the required modules concatenated into this file itself, without a user needing to install depencies or import my whole project. Is there a way, using Grunt, that I can dump the source code of each module depencency (and in turn, their dependencies) into one concatenated, minified file, along with my code (which I've done this to already).
Try grunt uglify.
Here's a good tutorial as well

