Rotating comet around planet - javascript

I'm trying to make a simple game. Tell me how to make object (comet) fly and rotate around orbit of another object (planet). I could only make the comet turn and fly toward the planet, but it is necessary that when a certain distance is reached, the comet starts to rotate around the planet’s orbit.
if ( >= 100) {
let targetQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
let rotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotationMatrix.lookAt(this.mesh.position,, this.mesh.up);
if (!this.mesh.quaternion.equals(targetQuaternion)) {
let step = 0.01;
this.mesh.quaternion.rotateTowards(targetQuaternion, step);
} else {
//how to make a comet(this.mesh) fly around the orbit of the planet(

The simplest way to make one object orbit another is to utilize parent-child relationships. If you add a child to an object it shares a transformation, so when the parent is rotated the child is rotated with it - and when the child has a large translation offset, it effectively "orbits" the parent.
Very simple example of this:
init() {
this.planet = new Mesh(new SphereBufferGeometry(100))
this.satellite = new Mesh(new SphereBufferGeometry(5))
this.satelliteCenter = new Object3D()
update() {
this.satelliteCenter.rotateY(Math.PI / 2000) // one full revolution every 1000 frames


THREE.js updating object matrix after setting position with Raycaster

I have a run into a problem with FPS camera controls in a three.js scene. I'm using a Raycaster to determine the camera group position based on it's intersection with the scene along the Y axis (a poor man's gravity if you will =) and then apply user input to move around. The camera group position keeps getting reset to the intersection location on every frame, essentially gluing you to the spot.
I'm assuming this is either an updateMatrix() problem or a that a Vector3 is getting passed by reference somewhere, but for the life of me I can't seem to put my finger on it. I need some help... I hope this code is clear enough to help understand the problem :
renderer.setAnimationLoop((event) => {
if (clock.running) {
const update = () => {
// velocity
const velocity = new THREE.Vector3();
velocity.x = input.controller.direction.x;
velocity.z = input.controller.direction.y;
if (velocity.z < 0) {
velocity.z *= 1.4;
// gravity
if (scene.gravity.length() > 0) {
const origin = new THREE.Vector3().copy(character.view.position);
const direction = new THREE.Vector3().copy(scene.gravity).normalize();
const intersection = new THREE.Raycaster(origin,direction).intersectObjects(scene.collision).shift();
if (intersection) {;;
// rotation
const rotation = new THREE.Euler();
rotation.x = input.controller.rotation.y;
rotation.y = input.controller.rotation.x;,rotation.y,0);
// velocity.applyEuler(rotation);
const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();;
// collision
const origin = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(character.view.matrixWorld);
const direction = new THREE.Vector3().copy(velocity).normalize();
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(origin,direction);
for (const intersection of raycaster.intersectObjects(scene.collision)) {
if (intersection.distance < 0.5) {
// face normals ignore object quaternions
const normal = new THREE.Vector3().copy(intersection.face.normal);
const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().extractRotation(intersection.object.matrixWorld);
// normal
// step
const delta = 0.001 / clock.getDelta();
// apply;
The camera setup is a lot like the PointerLockControls helper, the camera being a child of a Group Object for yaw and pitch. The controller input is defined elsewhere as it can come from the mouse or a gamepad, but it returns normalized values.
To be more precise, the part that is causing the problem is here :
// gravity
if (scene.gravity.length() > 0) {
const origin = new THREE.Vector3().copy(character.view.position);
const direction = new THREE.Vector3().copy(scene.gravity).normalize();
const intersection = new THREE.Raycaster(origin,direction).intersectObjects(scene.collision).shift();
if (intersection) {;;
if I comment out;, for example, the camera moves like it's supposed to (except of course it's flying), but otherwise it moves a frame's worth of distance and then gets reset back to the intersection point on the next frame.
I have tried all manner of updateMatrix(), updateMatrixWorld(), updateProjectionMatrix(), and Object.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true, but alas no joy.
I apologise for using a copy/paste of my code rather than a testable case scenario. Thank you for your time.
Holy cow, I feel dumb... const origin = new THREE.Vector3().copy(character.view.position); returns local space coordinates, of course it gets reset to the origin!
replacing it with const origin = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(character.view.matrixWorld); gives me the proper result
There's a lesson in there somewhere about staring blankly et your code for too long. I hope at least that this question helps someone out there one day.

three.js: jumpy animation (– due to float imprecision?)

I'm using three.js on a separate canvas on top of a openlayers map. the way I synchronize the view of the map and the three.js camera (which looks straight down onto the map) works fine, and looks like this:
function updateThreeCam(
group, // three.js group — has camera in it
view, // ol3 view
map // ol3 map
) {
// get visible part of map
const extent = getViewExtent(view, map);
const h = ol.extent.getHeight(extent);
const mapCenter = ol.extent.getCenter(extent);
// calculates how for away from the ground the camera has to
// be to match the currently visible part of the map
const camDist = h / (2 * Math.tan(constants.CAM_V_FOV_RAD / 2));
camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); // needed?
group.position.set(...mapCenter, camDist);
however, when I am animating the flight of an object from in front of the camera down to the ground, the movement is not smooth: the vertical movement is jumping a lot.,output
this is the animation code:
// construct a spline to animate along
const waypoints = [
const pathSpline = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(waypoints);
// const pathSpline = new THREE.LineCurve3(...waypoints);
startTime =;
// [...]
function animate() {
const diff = - startTime;
const t = diff / aniDuration;
// sample curve at `t`
const pos = pathSpline.getPointAt(t);
// update position
renderer.render(scene, camera);
what is weird is that I don't really see the jumps in the sampled positions:
as you can see the map coordinates tend to be very big numbers. that's why I thought it might be a float precision issue. — dividing everything by 1000 indeed seems to help. there is just two new problems with that:
the foreshortening effect is way less drastic / not realistic anymore
panning does not work as expected anymore: the rectangle on the ground does not stay in its position,output

Three.js: Looking to spawn objects and animate the objects on a curve

I am trying to spawn a set of objects on a setInterval and give each of these objects their own animation on a path (currently using requestAnimationFrame to do so). I managed to add one object and animate this on a path. With this code:
var psGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(3,2,10,1);
var psPlane = new THREE.Mesh(psGeometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0x0000ff}));
function animatePaper(obj = psPlane, offset= 0.007)
if(counter <=( 1-obj.geometry.vertices.length/2 *offset))
for (var i=0; i < obj.geometry.vertices.length/2; i++)
obj.geometry.vertices[i].y = curvePath.getPoint(counter + i * offset).y;
obj.geometry.vertices[i].z = -0.5;
obj.geometry.vertices[i + obj.geometry.vertices.length/2].y = curvePath.getPoint(counter + i * offset).y;
obj.geometry.vertices[i + obj.geometry.vertices.length/2].z = -2.5;
obj.geometry.vertices[i].x = curvePath.getPoint(counter + i * offset).x;
obj.geometry.vertices[i + obj.geometry.vertices.length/2].x = curvePath.getPoint(counter + i * offset).x;
obj.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
counter += 0.005;
function animate() {
animatePaper(psPlane, 0.007);
Example can be found here:
Since this animates the object along the curvePath (see jsfiddle example), I figured that spawning these objects on an interval and applying the above code should work. Wrong!.
I tried: creating a function spawning objects and applying the above code:
setInterval(drawSheets, 1000);
function drawSheets()
var psGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(3,2,10,1);
var psPlane = new THREE.Mesh(psGeometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0x0000ff}));
setInterval(function(){animatePaper(psPlane, 0.007);}, 30);
I also tried on the basis of this answer:
setInterval(objArray.forEach(function(obj){setInterval(function(){animatePaper(obj);},300);}), 3000);
Spawning multiple objects on an interval and animate each of these objects seperately over a curve.
Hopefully anyone could help me out! Cheers.
Version: Three.js r82
** EDIT: ** Small refinement. After another small test (jsfiddle). I found out that when I use setInterval on a function, it shares the same variable (thus speeding up the animation). Since this is part of the problem I would like to ask if someone knows how to make these variables local to an object.
Consider creating an array containing each of your Path and Plane objects (or perhaps one array for Paths and one array for Planes) along with their distinctive offsets or other values, then loop though these in an update function in your animation loop, running each through your animatePaper function.
In pseudo code:
var planesAndMeshesArray = [
{ path1 : (your plane here), plane1 : (your curved mesh here), offset : (an offset value), extrudeSettings : (your settings object here) },
{ path2 : (your plane here), plane2 : (your curved mesh here), offset : (an offset value), extrudeSettings : (your settings object here) },
{ path3 : (your plane here), plane3 : (your curved mesh here), offset : (an offset value), extrudeSettings : (your settings object here) },
- create a loop to write the above array with random values in an appropriate range to suit the effects you're looking for
- loop through the above array to add each of the meshes and planes to the scene
function update() {
- update each object by looping through the above array through your `animatePaper` function. It works as a handy set of pointers to each of the objects in your scene - if you change them in the array, they will change in your scene.
- also update your controls
function animate() {
Going one step further, you can write object-oriented Javascript to create each of your curve-and-paper objects. I'd recommend starting with the array first and adding further complexity as needed.

Trying to workout how to use quaternions to rotate a camera that is moving along a path to look in new direction vector

I am trying to rotate the camera smoothly and without altering the y-vector of the camera direction, i can use look at, and it changes the camera direction in a flash, but this is not working for me, I would like a smooth transition as the direction of the camera changes. I have been reading up, and not understanding everything, but it seems to me that quaternions are the solution to this problem.
I have this.object (my camera) moving along a set path (this.spline.points). The location of the camera at any one time is (thisx,thisy, thisz)
I have cc[i] the direction vector for the direction I would like the camera to face (formerly I was using lookat(cc[i]) which changes the direction correctly, but too quickly/instantaneously)
Using info I have read, I have tried this below, and it just resulted in the screen going black at the point when the camera is due to move.
Could anyone please explain if I am on the right track, how to correct my code.
var thisx = this.object.matrixWorld.getPosition().x.toPrecision(3);
var thisy = this.object.matrixWorld.getPosition().y.toPrecision(3);
var thisz = this.object.matrixWorld.getPosition().z.toPrecision(3);
var i = 0;
do {
var pathx = this.spline.points[i].x.toPrecision(3);
var pathz = this.spline.points[i].z.toPrecision(3);
if (thisx == pathx && thisz == pathz){
this.object.useQuaternion = true;
this.object.quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(thisx, thisy, thisz, 1);
var newvect;
newvect.useQuaternion = true;
newvect.quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(thisx+cc[i].x, thisy+cc[i].y, thisz+cc[i].z, 1);
var newQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
THREE.Quaternion.slerp(this.object.quaternion, newvect.quaternion, newQuaternion, 0.5);
this.object.quaternion = newQuaternion;
//this.object.lookAt( cc[i]);
i = cc.length;
} else i++;
} while(i < cc.length);
There is no need to call this.object.useQuaternion = true. That is default behavior.
Also, this.object.quaternion contains the current rotation, so no need to generate that either.
You might want to try a different approach - construct the rotation matrix from the spline position, lookAt and up vectors, creating a path of quaternions as a preprocessing step:
var eye = this.spline.points[i].clone().normalize();
var center = cc[i].normalize();
var up = this.object.up.normalize();
var rotMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().lookAt(eye, center, up);
You could then create the quaternions from the rotation matrix:
var quaternionAtSplineCoordinates = [];
quaternionAtSplineCoordinates.push(new THREE.Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(rotMatrix));
Once you have that path, you could apply the quaternion to the camera in your animation loop - provided you have a large enough number of samples. Otherwise, you could consider using slerp to generate the intermediate points.

2D top-down minimap

I'd like to make a minimap of my rpg game.
Is making a minimap as simple as dividing all object dimensions, velocities, and coordinates by however large you want the minimap?
For example below... You have a size of 1000x1000px, a canvas (viewport) of 500x500px, the player is located in the center of the viewport... If you wanted a minimap half the size of the actual world, you would do:
Player/Viewport x,y velocity/2
Player/Viewport x,y coordinates/2
Canvas, world, and all objects' width and height are divided by 2
That way the rendering of the minimap on the world and the velocities are scaled accurately? Am I missing anything?
EDIT: Something like this?
function miniMap() {
$("#mini_map").text("hide minimap");
var minicanvas = document.getElementById("miniMap");
ministage = new createjs.Stage("miniMap");
minicam = new createjs.Shape();"white").drawRoundRect(0, 0, 100, 40, 5);
//blip representation of Player
player_blip = new createjs.Shape();"yellow").drawRoundRect(0, 0, 11.2, 12, 1);
animal_blip = new createjs.Shape();"red").drawRoundRect(0, 0, 24.4, 21.6, 1);
player_blip.x = players_Array[0].x/5;
player_blip.y = players_Array[0].y/5;
animal_blip.x = animalContainer.x/5;
animal_blip.y = animalContainer.y/5;
minicam.x = players_Array[0].x-110;
minicam.y = players_Array[0].y-110;
ministage.addChild(player_blip, animal_blip, minicam);
function updateMiniMap() {
player_blip.x = players_Array[0].x/5;
player_blip.y = players_Array[0].y/5;
if (ContainerOfAnimals.children[0] != null) {
var pt = ContainerOfAnimals.localToGlobal(ContainerOfAnimals.children[0].x, ContainerOfAnimals.children[0].y);
animal_blip.x = pt.x/5;
animal_blip.y = pt.y/5;
} else {
minicam.x = player_blip.x-40;
minicam.y = player_blip.y-15;
Short anwswer: "It will(most likely) work." ... but:
What you are trying to achieve is just scaling the stage/container, so you could also just use a copy of everything and put it into a container and scale it down to 0.5, but that is not the purpose of a minimap.
Objects of the minimap should only be a representation of the object in the 'real' world and should therefore not have any velocity ect.(that should especially not be updated separately from the 'real' world) - while your approach will probably work, you'd allways have to keep track and update every property, this will get messy quickly or even lead to differences if you miss some tiny things.
A more 'clean'(and simple) approach to this would be, that each minimap-object has a reference to the object in the 'real' world and on each tick, it just reads the x/y-coordinates and updates its' own coordinates based on the minimap-scale.
Another thing is the graphics: Scaling-operations can be costly(performance wise), especially when they are done each frame, so IF you use the same graphics for the minimap you should at least used a cached DisplayObject and not have the graphics scaled each frame.

