Vis.js throwing exception after switching to network version - javascript

I am using vis.js 4.18.1 currently for a project, which is running on IE11. So far everything worked good, but now I'm trying to add extra functionality for adding edges, etc, and when working on the events, I didn't have my controlNodeDragEnd event fired and I thought its not in my version yet and anyway it would be better to use the latest version (I already had a lot of work done, when i realized I am using the old github project)...So, long story short, I downloaded the latest vis-network.js and the corresponding CSS file. Exchanged it with the old ones and now I get the following error when trying to display my diagram:
SCRIPT5007: Object.getPrototypeOf: 'this' is not an Object
vis-network.js (7074,9)
I am not using npm, I need the js file in my project, am I missing some dependencies maybe?
Didn't change anything else, all my networks were displayed without error in 4.18 and 4.21.

The reason is a known bug, already in progress:
Closing question, this should fix it, when finished.


Internet Explorer 11 SyntaxError in ckeditor.js

I am getting a weird issue only in IE11 - works fine when I turn emulator on for IE10 - where when I hover over my CKEditor, I receive literally hundreds of SyntaxError ckeditor.js (129,54), sometimes the numbers in the quote is (126,54).
The console errors shows when I hover the mouse into the ckeditor field, and returns a new but same error message every pixel I move the cursor. Hence why in a simple scroll or pass through with my cursor in the ckeditor field, I can get hundreds of errors.
My main issue at hand, is the ckeditor.js file is similar to this - - in that it looks minified. Is there an un-miny version online anywhere?
Secondly, I am posting this to see if anyone has any obvious points I am overlooking, or advice for debugging CKeditor.
Here is unminified version:
You can clone the repository, be sure that you checkout to stable branch such as 4.7.3. Useful might be also install package with npm.
Then take a look into samples folder. There is regular index.html file which use local ckeditor.js, so you should be able to build similar test page for yourself and track the error.

Polymer 2.0 webcomponents-loader.js is missing Edge polyfill

We currently updated a project from Polymer 1 to the Polymer 2/ hybrid version.
I know that webcomponents-hi-sd-ce.js is the polyfill for edge.
When testing the page on Microsoft Edge I now get an error indicating that could not be found (404).
The same error occurs when loading the project with webcomponents-lite.js
I couldn't find similar cases so I figured this might be a issue in Polymer 2. I tried importing the script directly by myself but that didn't help either.
I would appreciate if someone could help me out here or share his experience with a similar problem.
The exact error from Edge v.38:
HTTP500 + for some reason the file path is shown incorrect even though it is actually right in my folder.
Debugging the loader, I've found the following issue:
For each absent native platform feature (as determined by the loader) an acronym will be appended to the polyfill URL.
Unfortunately, for some combinations of features—-as with MS Edge—-the resulting path is unavailable.
This might have been resolved meanwhile, but I've moved on to just using webcomponents-lite (since we're only supporting Edge).
There seems to be an issue with webcomponentsjs (version ~1.0), that applies to webcomponents-loader and webcomponents-lite. It should work whenever you load the app with F12-Tools closed.
See for details, especially July 27th's comment.
you should use the webcomponents-loader like so
<!-- Load polyfills; note that "loader" will load these async -->
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
also a missing map file should actually be no problem as this is "just" used while debugging to see "readable" code instead of the compressed version.
also depending on your Edge version you may need to transpile your code to es5 using polymer build.

PhpStorm and JavaScript: I'm getting "Cannot find declaration to go to"

I'm playing with my simple NodeJS project in PhpStorm and suddenly the control-click navigation stopped working. When I click on a required file path, I just get message Cannot find declaration to go to. For example:
var Controller = require('./lib/Controller');
The file is definitely there as the program runs without problems. And if I control-click some global function or object (like "require" itself), the navigation works, the definition of the function/object is opened.
It affects now all my NodeJS/JavaScript projects. Is it possible that I simply disabled some kind of code analysis?
I have recently upgraded from PhpStorm 7 to EAP (to get grunt support) and then to 8.0.1. The problem appeared somewhere during the upgrades. I just can't tell exactly when.
The problem was that the NodeJS plugin was disabled and in my case marked as "incompatible" with current PhpStorm version. Apparently, NodeJS is necessary for navigation through require statements.
It wasn't possible to update the plugin for some reason, so I simply reinstalled it and the problem was fixed.

How to fix "g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined" errors after updating dataTables and ColReorder plugins?

I just downloaded the latest versions of DataTables and ColReorder (primarily to make use of the new html5 data- attribute for sorting).
After doing so, I am getting this error: "TypeError: g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined" referencing ColReorder.js.
I have tried with a variety of options, and have set up various minimal test tables and run into the problem in all of my cases (so long as ColReorder is called). This stops the ColReorder, and anything called after it, not to work.
Debug info here:
Any tips? I am stuck.
on further investigation, it appears to happen only when state save is set to true.
State save is a required feature, however, so I can't just turn it off.
Ok, well despite not getting an answer on the DataTables help forum, this appears to have been a known issue, addressed with this Git commit:
Solution: download the commit or link to the latest nightly build via the CDN.

NPAPI plugin problems in Windows 7

I have a NPAPI plugin which I have written and been using for some time with Firefox 3.x with no problems.
The object is defined as follows -
<object class="someClass" id="pluginobj" type="application/x-plugintype"></object>
I then call methods on it using the following format -
if( document.getElementById("pluginobj") != null )
This is how I understand it should be done and has always worked fine. However, I recently installed this same plugin on a Windows 7 machine (with the same version of Firefox) and it now fails to find the functions defined in the plugin, so I get the following error -
Error: document.getElementById("pluginobj").someMethod is not a function
Nothing has changed at all within the plugin, this errors occurs for any method that is called, not a particular one, and it still works fine on Windows XP machines with no problems.
Very confused! Could anyone help? Thanks.
Note: I've also tried logging inside my plugin and it appears it's not even getting in to the NP_Initialize and NP_GetEntryPoints methods.
I have seen some suggestions around that it could be to with dependencies and libraries being linked to the plugin, but i'm not sure what could be missing on win 7?
Dependency Walker is showing a error saying that the "side-by-side configuration information is incorrect"?
Are you linking to other DLL files from your npapi plugin? Windows 7 works differently in how it finds DLL files, though I don't know the details. The times I've seen this with plugins in the past the problem was that on windows 7 one of the dll files couldn't be found. You could try copying dependency dll files to your system32 directory (not permanently, just to see if that's the issue). I would expect that there it would be able to find it.
If that's the issue, I unfortunately am not certain how to fix it, but it might help.
Another possibility based on the side-by-side configuration issue thing is that your visual studio project is creating a manifest that is telling windows that it requires a specific version of one of the DLLs that isn't there on windows 7. See:
I think I've resolved that issue in plugins before by disabling the manifest. I'm not sure; I've never had this issue with the way that FireBreath generates npapi plugin dlls, so I haven't needed to worry about it in the last year. You might consider looking at FireBreath, which works on both IE and Firefox (activex and npapi) and has a very good community for tracking down issues like this.

