Pass variables in calling javascript functions? - javascript

I wanna pass in some variables to my functions like int, string, and etc. I'm a C# developer and is very new in JS.
In C# we normally call a function with:
function computeGrade(int grade)
I understand that js uses var that can either be a string, int, etc.
However when I try:
function ComputeGrade(var grade)
it gives me an error that it failed to initialize the function.
Forgive me for being too naive with js.
Thanks a ton!

In js variables are just untyped name bindings. So you don't need to tell what a variable is capable of storing. Actually It just refers to any type of value.
function ComputeGrade(grade)
So here, grade is just a name binding. It does not matter what kind of value you pass this function. It will bind to grade variable.

Use var for declaring local variables. For function arguments just use the param name without var.


Differences Between Named and Unnamed Anonymous Javascript Functions

Normally, in Javascript, when I want to pass an anonymous/inline function as an argument to another function, I do one of the following.
someFunctionCall(function() {
someFunctionCall( () => {
However, I've recently inherited a codebase that uses named function as inline arguments, like this
someFunctionCall(function foo() {
I've never seen this syntax before. The function still seems to be anonymous -- there's no foo function defined in either the calling or called scope. Is this just a matter of style, or can using a named function (foo above) as an anonymous function change the behavior or state of that program?
This is specifically for a NodeJS (not a browser based program) program, and I'm specifically interested in behavior specific to using functions as parameters. That said information from behavior across platforms and runtimes is welcome.
There are at least three advantages of using named function expressions instead of anonymous function expressions.
Makes debugging easier as the function name shows up in call hierarchy.
The function name is accessible in the inner scope of the function, so it can be used for recursion
The function name itself acts like a self documentation of what the function is doing instead of reading the code.
Using those "named anonymous functions" won't change the behavior but will show the function name in stack traces which is very useful. Also the function gets callable within itself that way.
I'll give an example
Case 1:
var obj = {count: 0, counter: ()=> {this.count+=1;}}
If you do console.log(obj.count) you'll get 0
Case 2:
var obj = {count: 0, counter (){this.count+=1;}}
In 2nd case if you do console.log(obj.count) value will be one.
Hope you understood by now. Lamda expressions cannot access values with reference of this object. It can only access variables with global reference.
In case 1 if you want to make it work with lamba you have to use obj.count+=1 with name has reference.
And rest of the JavaScript function implementation remains same there is not much difference.

Using Variables as Parameter Names

Let's say I want to make a JavaScript function which sets variables to numbers, using the following format. It would not work, but why exactly? How could it be made to work?
function variableSet(varName, varValue) {
varName = varValue;
The idea is to create a variable with the name used as a parameter, and give it the value of the second parameter. How could this be done?
Not sure I understand your question. But if you need to give a variable name and it's value to overwrite the variable, it can be done like that:
In this case "this" is your context, in which variable was defined. If you need to provide the other context, you can put it as other parameter, so function will look like this:
function variableSet(varName, varValue, context) {

use this.argu to store arguments a good practice?

i am new to front-end developing,and now i am reading a lot of js code written by other in my company and find they will use this syntax to store the arguments :
function func1(argu1,argu2){
this.argu1 = argu1;
this.argu2 = argu2;
// other code run here....
for me i usually skip this and use the argument directly in my code or get a variable for the n,like this:
function func2(argu1,argu2){
var arguOne = argu1,arguSec = argu2;
// other code run here...
so i want want to ask why use this syntax to store an arguments?
is this a good practice ?and why?
Have i ever miss some concepts that i should know?
see the fiddle, written by the my co-worker who has been no longer a front-ender....
In your first example, func1 can be used to create objects. It is effectively a class definition (constructor). It can be used as follows:
function func1(argu1,argu2)
this.argu1 = argu1;
this.argu2 = argu2;
var instance = new func1('a', 'b');
Lordy lord: Instead of defining the function, and calling it at the end, try using a closure. Just keep the function definition as is, but put it in brackets:
(function new_slider (arguments)
//your code here
This way, the function is declared, and invoked at the same time, all functions defined within the main new_slider function will have access to the arguments. There is absolutely no reason to use this.argu1 to store these values. If anything, it creates global variables, which is considered bad practice.
Please google closures in JavaScript, they're extremely powerful

How do I pass a method through another method without it being called, and pass a variable object into it?

Sorry for my last question. This is the question with better formatting.
I have a method that I am passing a method through :
function method(passed_method){
eval(passed_method.replace('()', + '(' + obj + ')' );
But this returns :
SyntaxError: missing ] after element list
I'm assuming this is just some simple JSON syntactical error.
I think you probably want this:
function method(passed_method){
Note that when you're calling method, you're passing in a function reference, not a string, and you're not calling my_passed_method (there are no () after it), you're just referring to it.
Within method, you call the function via the variable passed_method, because that variable contains a function reference.
In JavaScript, functions are first class objects. Variables can refer to them, you can pass them around, etc.
Here's a complete, self-contained example:
// The function we'll pass in
function functionToPass(arg) {
display("functionToPass's arg is: " + arg);
// The function we pass it into
function functionReceivingIt(func) {
// Do it
Live copy | source
The name of a method, is at the same time, your reference to that method object. The parentheses, optionally with parameters in between them, make javascript call that method. This means your code can be rewritten to:
function method(passed_method){
So, what's going on here?
When you pass in the name my_passed_method, the javascript engine will look what that name maps to, and find that it maps to a functio object.
Than, inside the function call of method, that object is assigned to the parameter name `passed_method. Than, putting parentheses after this name will make javascript try to execute that object, which is indeed possible because this object is a function, and just like any other type, functions are what we call first class citezens. You can treat the just like any other value by assigning them to variables and passing them around.
In Javascript functions are considered objects. You may pass them as parameters to other functions, as demonstrated below.
function something(x){
function pass(func){
function pass2(func){
pass(something); //alerts hello
eval is evil; or so they say. You don't need to pass the function as a string you can just pass the function itself and then use or Function.apply to pass the argument (or just call it directly):
function method(passed_method) {
// OR:,obj);
The circumstances where eval are necessary are very rare.
Note that your code will evaluate obj as javascript, so the outputs may differ.

How to evaluate a variable to access its runtime value in JavaScript?

Ok, I don't know how to actually ask this question without showing it. (Also explains why I can't figure out how to search for it on Google.)
Given the following like of code:
dijit.byId('leftNavigationPane').onLoad = function(){setSecondaryNav(url.secondaryNavId);};
I want the variable url.secondaryNavId to be evaluated, so what I really want is it to be treated something like this:
dijit.byId('leftNavigationPane').onLoad = function(){ setSecondaryNav('item1'); };
I am sure there is probably a better way to do this, so feel free to suggest something.
Don't use eval!
You can use a self-invoking function and closures as follows:
dijit.byId('leftNavigationPane').onLoad = function(id){
return function(){ setSecondaryNav(id); };
This will execute the outer anonymous function immediately (at runtime), passing the url.secondaryNavId parameter, which will then create a closure that the inner anonymous function will use (so id will always contain the assignment-time value of the url.secondaryNavId property).
There is the JavaScript eval() function.

