Nuxt JS env file - javascript

I'm using Nuxt JS 2.9.2, and am trying to use a .env file to load a unique encryption key, however, the following doesn't seem to pull the information from the env file, even after installing dotenv
env: {
encryption_key: process.env.ENCRYPTION_KEY || 'secret key 123'
The above code is inserted inside of my export default inside of the nuxt config js file, it always seems to load the secret key 123 rather than ENCRYPTION_KEY from the env file

Here are the steps to get this working:
First install dotenv with npm i -D dotenv
Next, make sure you have a .env file that looks something like:
ENCRYPTION_KEY="put your key here"
Finally, add the following to the top of your nuxt.config.js:
A word of caution
Please be aware that this will actually build your client code with ENCRYPTION_KEY in the source, so anyone could read it. If that isn't what you want, I'd recommend doing all of your encryption on the server.


Variables in .env file is not updated. How to reset

Im building an app with Quasar (vue) where I am using .env file to store my keys to the database. I was going to switch to another instance but after I changed the keys in the env file it still calls the old values of the variables. They seemd to be cached in some way.
Im using dotenv to call the env file.
I have tried of course to reset the history in browser as well as running
npm cache clean --force
How can I reset the env files?
Quasar handles env variables through quasar.config.js file, not separate .env files. See the documentation.
module.exports = function (ctx) {
return {
// ...
build: {
// passing down to UI code from quasar.config.js
env: {
? ''
: ''
As noted in the docs, if you do want to use .env files you'll have to add the dotenv package to your project and point quasar.config.js to use the env variables set with dotenv
build: {
env: require('dotenv').config().parsed

How put API key on env files in a Node.js app?

this is my first time im trying to handle " Web api ", so i took this project to get many call but after it running well, when i try to click to "search" it dosent work,
I guess the problem arises from api call because chrome inspector show me that :
I was able to understand on the different forums, for handling apis call with Node.js that must be encapsulated API calls behind "Environment variable".
That the config.js file
When i try to put on the terminal export env.API_KEY='000000000000000' it made me :
export: not valid in this context: env.API_KEY
I hope you can point me in the right direction, I very tried everything, to run it that.
I personally like to use a npm package called dotenv:
You can install it by running npm i dotenv within your api directory.
Have a file called .env within your api directory which contains all of your environment variables:
Then change config.js to load all environment variable files when it is executed by including require('dotenv').config():
module.exports = {
APP_ID: process.env.APP_ID,
API_KEY: process.env.API_KEY,
BASE_PARAMS: 'search/1?&results_per_page=20&content-type=application/json',
Note: you will also want to add .env to your .gitingore so that your sensitive API keys aren't included in your git repository

Read from file into config

I have an ember project. The root folder has a file called version which just says 1.1.0
In the root folder I also have my client folder (ember project) with a config folder and then environment.js for my app variables.
Im trying to read from the version file and add its contents in the environment.js file as a varaible.
Im currently trying like this: version: $.getJSON("../../VERSION")
but im getting the unexpected identifier error. With Node I would use: version: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../VERSION').toString().trim(),
How would I do this with ember? thanks
You'll need to get the version in environment.js and expose it as an ENV key-value pair in the ENV hash/object.
environment.js is the only[1] file with access to things outside of the frontend / browser environment.
Once you have your ENV saying what version you have (maybe via fs), you can then import the enviroment via import ENV from 'app-name/config/environment', and access your version via ENV.versionPropertyThingThatYouMade
hope this helps!
[1] there are others, but that's not important right now

Node Js Environment Specific Variables Dev/Testing/UAT

I am new to Node js, started developing the Angular application using Angular 1.2 and Node js. As of now, I have hardcoded the REST API(Java) endpoints in the node services.js. Now I want to load the base endpoint URI specific to the environment. I have tried few ways by setting a new key value for the process.env, a env file and load it. Can anyone please help me.
I have tried below approach.
Created devEnv.env file under root folder.
Added 3 key-value pairs
hostname = xyz
apikey = 123
devUrl = xyz/xyz/
Then in terminal, I am trying to add it to the source.
$ source denEnv.env
I am getting source not found.
Another way I have added the script in package.json file
"start-dev": "source devEnv.env; node server.js"
In terminal I executed
$ npm start-dev
It's also failing. Can anyone please let me know what mistake I am doing and what is the correct approach.
Thanks in advance.
There are three methods known to me:
1) .env file
You need to install dotenv package using npm install/yarn add and on top of your main file (e.g. index.js) put require('dotenv').config(). That should load your variables to node.
2) passed on a start
If you want pass a small amount of environmental variables you can try something like this in your package.json:
"start-dev": "hostname=xyz apikey=123 devUrl=xyz/xyz/ node server.js"
Advice: environmental variables should look like HOSTNAME, API_KEY or DEV_URL.
3) system environmental variables
Solution: Set environment variables from file
Your variables are most likely not being exported to the shell. To be able to source your devEnv.env script, try to modify it as follows:
export hostname=xyz
export apikey=123
export devUrl=xyz/xyz/
You most likely need to give it executable rights:
chmod +x devEnv.env
And then source it by running:
. devEnv.env
Another example can be found here: Set environment variables from file

Setting default environment variables in Heroku

I'm working on an app that connects to third-party APIs which require the use of an APP ID and SECRET KEY.
I am storing these values as environment variables in heroku, so that I don't need to expose them in my code.
If I deploy to heroku, it will use heroku's environment variables to resolve these API credentials.
If I'm working on it locally, I want to use my config.js module, and lookup the API credentials there. NOTE: This config.js file is included in my .gitignore so that these credentials never end up in the cloud.
The problematic code is this:
var api_secret = process.env.API_SECRET || require('../../config.js').secret;
When I run this locally, I've got no issues. Meaning, it is unable to resolve the environment variable, so instead it uses the secret from within config.js.
When I run it on heroku, it DOES throw an error telling me that module 'config.js' could not be found. This makes sense, because it was never pushed up with the rest of the repo, by virtue that it is in my .gitignore.
Because heroku is parsing through my code before it ever runs, the require('../../config.js') is problematic. It is trying to lookup a file that doesn't exist.
How can I solve the issue of using environment variables when deployed, and the config.js module when running locally?
On the Heroku dashboard for your application, you can set config variables. If you have the Heroku Toolbelt set up on your machine, you can also use:
heroku config:set API_SECRET=secret
See this article for more.
Edit: Think I may have misunderstood the question. I would suggest, if possible, using the dotenv npm package to set your config variables locally.
If not, another thing to check would be that the config.js package is in your package.json file, because Heroku will use this to build your dependencies.
If you do not want to push your config.js to heroky at all, you can just follow the following to determine whether the config file exists or not with a try catch and the file system module:
Check synchronously if file/directory exists in Node.js
In your case:
var fs = require('fs'),
try {
// Check whether config.js exists
config = fs.lstatSync('../../config.js');
// If we reach this line then config.js exists, yay!
api_secret = process.env.API_SECRET || require('../../config.js').secret;
// or alternatively api_secret = require('../../config.js').secret;
// depending on your logic
catch (e) {
// else config.js does not exist
api_secret = process.env.API_SECRET
To run Heroku commands programmatically, you can set up a free Ruby app and make it do what you want through API calls. Use Heroku-api. See
If you want to set Heroku commands manually, you can set env variables on Heroku either with the command heroku config:set MYVAR=MYVALUE or through the Heroku dashboard (Click on your app > settings > reveal config vars > edit).

