Jest: Vue Component can't find mocked function - javascript

I'm mocking a ES6 class which is used inside my Vue Component:
export default class DataUploadApi {
// Get uploaded files
static async getUploadedFiles() : Promise<Object> {
return WebapiBase.getAsync({uri: DATA_UPLOAD_ENPOINTS.FILES});
I've been following along with this document, but I think my syntax is slightly off with my mock:
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import DataUploadApi from '../webapi/DataUploadService';
import FileDownloadList from '../components/file-download-list.vue';
const mockGetUploadedFiles = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({json: JSON.stringify(uploadedFilesObj)});
jest.mock('../webapi/DataUploadService', () => jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({getUploadedFiles: mockGetUploadedFiles})));
describe('file-download-list component', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// #ts-ignore
DataUploadApi.mockClear(); // dont use # imports on mocks.
describe('renders correct markup:', () => {
it('without any uploaded files', () => {
const wrapper = mount(FileDownloadList, {});
This test passes. However, in the snapshot I can see that the API called failed with this error message:
_DataUploadService.default.getUploadedFiles is not a function
What have I done wrong with the function mock? Thanks in advance!

There seemed to be a few issues with my code:
Mocking the API
Using an internal mockImplementation seems to cause issues, and is not required if you don't need the additional mock functionality.
jest.mock('#/apps/gb-data/webapi/DataUploadService', () => ({
getUploadedFiles() {
return Promise.resolve({ uploaded_files: {} });
Changes to the test
Both flushPromises and nextTick are required.
it('with uploaded files', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FileDownloadList, {
stubs: fileDownloadListStubs,
await flushPromises();
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();


Vitest mock modules function in only one test and use the actual function in others

The following is an abstraction of my problem and thus does not make too much sense:
Given I have a simple utility callMethodIf that's returning the return of another imported method (blackbox).
import { blackbox } from '~~/utils/blackbox';
export const callMethodIf = (condition) => {
return blackbox(condition);
export const blackbox = (condition) => {
return { called: condition };
How would I run one test case which calls the actual implementation of blackbox() and another one where I mock the return value of blackbox()?
I tried to do it that way:
import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest';
import { callMethodIf } from '~~/utils/call-method-if';
describe('Call method if', () => {
it('returns "called: true" if condition is true', () => {
const result = callMethodIf(true);
expect(result).toEqual({ called: true });
it('returns mocked blackbox return object', () => {
vi.mock('~~/utils/blackbox', () => ({
blackbox: vi.fn().mockReturnValue({ mock: true })
const result = callMethodIf(false);
expect(result).toEqual({ mock: true });
Both tests work if I run only one of them, but they don't work when combined.
Running vi.clearAllMocks() or vi.resetAllMocks() don't help.
Defining a global mock and overwriting it in my first test doesn't work either:
import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest';
import { callMethodIf } from '~~/utils/call-method-if';
vi.mock('~~/utils/blackbox', () => ({
blackbox: vi.fn().mockReturnValue({ mock: true })
describe('Call method if', () => {
it('returns "called: true" if condition is true', () => {
vi.mock('~~/utils/blackbox', async () => ({
blackbox: (await vi.importActual('~~/utils/blackbox')).blackbox
const result = callMethodIf(true);
expect(result).toEqual({ called: true });
it('returns mocked blackbox return object', () => {
const result = callMethodIf(false);
expect(result).toEqual({ mock: true });
Okay, after lots of trial and error I finally got it to work. I can't really tell why my previous tries do not work tough.
Working solution:
import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest';
import { callMethodIf } from '~~/utils/call-method-if';
describe('Call method if', () => {
it('returns "called: true" if condition is true', async () => {
const blackbox = await import('~~/utils/blackbox');
blackbox.blackbox = (await vi.importActual('~~/utils/blackbox')).blackbox;
const result = callMethodIf(true);
expect(result).toEqual({ called: true });
it('returns mocked blackbox return object', async () => {
const blackbox = await import('~~/utils/blackbox');
blackbox.blackbox = vi.fn().mockReturnValue({ mock: true });
const result = callMethodIf(false);
expect(result).toEqual({ mock: true });
When using TypeScript consider typing the importActual() return like that:
blackbox.blackbox = (await vi.importActual<typeof import('~~/utils/blackbox')>('~~/utils/blackbox')).blackbox;
I also ran in to this problem with using Vite. After a lot of trail and error I have managed to get the mocking of a module function working by using the following code:
describe('MyComponent works as expected', () => {
it('Shows loading when loading', async () => {
const graphql = await import('#/models/generated/graphql')
graphql.useGetAllQuery = vi.fn().mockReturnValue({ loading: true, error: null, data: null })
render(<MyComponent />)
The function that I am mocking is this one (which is auto generated for my Graphql service):
export function useGetAllQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetAllQuery, GetAllQueryVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useQuery<GetAllQuery, GetAllQueryVariables>(GetAllDocument, options);
I do not really understand why this works, but it does. I hope that this code snippet might help some.

How to test an imported function returning a Promise in Jest?

I have this very simple function, and I must write a test. The goal is to fulfill the coverage threshold.
import { lambdaPromise } from '#helpers';
export const main = async event => lambdaPromise(event, findUsers);
The lambdaPromise() function returns a Promise. I am trying to mock it, then tell if it was called. Here's what I have:
import { main, findUsers } from '../src/lambdas/user/findUsers';
import { lambdaPromise } from '#helpers';
const mockEvent = {
arguments: {
userDataQuery: {
email: ''
const mockLambdaPromise = jest.fn();
jest.mock('#helpers', () => ({
lambdaPromise: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => mockLambdaPromise)
describe('findUsers', () => {
it('should have a main function', async () => {
const mockPromise = main(mockEvent);
expect(mockLambdaPromise).toBeCalledWith(mockEvent, findUsers);
Now mockLambdaPromise never gets called. How to fix that?
Your mock returns a function, but you didn't call that function. The following makes it pass.
jest.mock("./helpers", () => ({
lambdaPromise: jest
.mockImplementation((a, b) => mockLambdaPromise(a, b)),
The complexity of that mock can be reduced by just mocking the resolved value with a spy:
import { main, findUsers } from "./findUsers";
import * as helpers from "./helpers";
describe("findUsers", () => {
it("should have a main function", async () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(helpers, "lambdaPromise").mockResolvedValue();
await main(mockEvent);
expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(mockEvent, findUsers);

Is it possible to clear the mock of a module in JEST?

I want to mock the function forgotPassword inside the module authenticationPlugin/App, So i am doing this
jest.mock("authenticationPlugin/App", () => ({
forgotPassword (email: string) {
const msg='success'
return msg
Now i want to clear the mock of authenticationPlugin/App and have a different implementation for the forgotPassword method
So i did this
jest.mock("authenticationPlugin/App", () => ({
forgotPassword (email: string) {
throw new Error(<any>{'err':{'message':'Network Error'}})
Now i expect the forgotPassword method to have a different implementation after clearing the mocks in for the module authenticationPlugin/App but it doesn't change...
If you want to have a different implementation for the mock in each test, you can use jest.fn instead.
Expanding on your code, it could look like this:
it('returns success', () => {
authApp.forgotPassword = jest.fn((email: string) => {
const msg='success'
return msg
// Your test code here.
test('returns error', () => {
authApp.forgotPassword = jest.fn((email: string) => {
throw new Error(<any>{'err':{'message':'Network Error'}})
// Your test code here.

Mock Axios to test .catch()

I have been trying to write tests to test a axios call but now need to test the catch part.
I have been able to do the then by mocking axios like so but can't seem to get a way to test catch. I have followed many different examples from stack overflow and the web.
jest.mock('axios', () => jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData })));
but that will always return a good result so can't test the catch. The bit of code I want to test is: goToUrl() is just a window.location.assign(url) but imported.
.then(({ data: { bundles } }) => {
this.setState({ showUpdatingPrices: false });
.catch(() => goToUrl(bundlesUrl));
In my test for .then() part I do this:
const fetchedBundles = await fetchBundlesFromApi(
However if I follow examples like this one Mocking Axios with Jest in React - mock function not being called I can't manually mock get if I put a mock axios file in a folder __mocks__ then a lot of the test suit fails so I just want to mock it in this one test file.
here is one of the examples I tried doing:
jest.mock('axios', () => ({
get: () => jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData })),
default: () => jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData })),
but the tests error with TypeError: (0 , _axios.default) is not a function
Here is my fetchBundlesApi function:
const fetchBundlesFromApi = params => axios(`${bundleRoute}/bundles${params}`);
EDIT: catch test
it('should redirect if api fails', async () => {
const networkError = new Error('Some network error');
const goToUrl = jest.fn();
let error;
try {
await fetchBundlesFromApi('?params');
} catch (err) {
error = err;
in my component I import goToUrl like so:
import { goToUrl } from 'Helpers';
You can make use of Jests ability to pop implementations off once they've run i.e. mockImplementationOnce and friends.
import axios from 'axios';
// default implementation
describe('#fetchBundlesFromApi', () => {
it('returns data from API', async () => {
const fetchedBundles = await fetchBundlesFromApi('?params');
it('redirects on failure', () => {
// override behaviour for this one call
// verify your failure test

Jest: Change output of manual mock for different tests within a test suite

Let's say I have the following two files:
// index.js
import { IS_IOS } from 'common/constants/platform';
export const myFunction = () => (IS_IOS ? 'foo' : 'bar');
// index.test.js
import { myFunction } from './index';
jest.mock('common/constants/platform', () => ({ IS_IOS: true }));
describe('My test', () => {
it('tests behavior on IOS', () => {
// --> Here I want to change the value of IS_IOS to false
it('tests behavior if NOT IOS', () => {
As you see my mocking function returns IS_IOS: true. I want it to return IS_IOS: false after my first test. How would I do that?
I also tried an adaptation of the solution here but I couldn't get it work, because there the mock returns a function:
module.exports = {
foo: jest.genMockFunction();
whereas my mock should return a boolean value which is not called inside the file I'm testing.
That's what I did here:
// common/constants/__mock__/platform
export const setIsIos = jest.fn(val => (IS_IOS = val));
export let IS_IOS;
// index.test.js
import { IS_IOS, setIsIos } from 'common/constants/platform';
describe('My test', () => {
it('tests behavior on IOS', () => {
it('tests behavior if NOT IOS', () => {
Oddly when console-logging, i.e. console.log(IS_IOS); I get the expected values. The test however seems to use the original value, i.e. undefined.
Add jest.resetModules() to the beforeEach() call of that describe() test suite:
describe('EventManager', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
Additionally I found A more complete example on how to mock modules with jest here

