Push element value from array of objects to a variable - javascript

I have some data from a collection named "service" which has data like this:
let service_data = [
"name":"Service 1",
"resource_group_ids" :
"name":"Service 2",
"resource_group_ids" : ["5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f7cfe"]
I want to push the resource_group_ids in a variable let say resource_groups. I don't want to loop resource_group_ids inside service_data.

You could use flatMap
const resource_groups = service_data.flatMap(o => o.resource_group_ids)
const service_data = [{"name":"Service 1","price":60,"resource_group_ids":["5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f78dcd","5d5e85d329782914332368c8"]},{"name":"Service 2","price":60,"resource_group_ids":["5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f7cfe"]}]
const resource_groups = service_data.flatMap(o => o.resource_group_ids)
If flatMap is not supported, use concat and spread syntax to merge the 2D array returned by map
const resource_groups = [].concat(...service_data.map(o=> o.resource_group_ids))

You can use flatMap
const extractFlat = (arr, key) => {
return arr.flatMap(e => e[key]);
let service_data = [
"name":"Service 1",
"resource_group_ids" :
"name":"Service 2",
"resource_group_ids" : ["5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f7cfe"]
const resource_group_ids = extractFlat(service_data, 'resource_group_ids');
or reduce on older environments
const extractFlat = (arr, key) => {
return arr.reduce((acc, x) => acc.concat(x[key]), []);

You can achieve this with .map(), .join() and .split()
const service_data = [
name: 'Service 1',
price: 60,
['5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f78dcd', '5d5e85d329782914332368c8']
name: 'Service 2',
price: 60,
resource_group_ids: ['5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f7cfe']
const result = service_data.map((r) => { return r.resource_group_ids;

Using .reduce:
let service_data = [{
"name": "Service 1",
"price": 60,
"resource_group_ids": ["5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f78dcd", "5d5e85d329782914332368c8"]
"name": "Service 2",
"price": 60,
"resource_group_ids": ["5d5e5dea99d9b75ff2f7cfe"]
const resource_groups = service_data.reduce(function(result, item) {
}, [])


How to filter array of objects with nested objects with specific properties?

I am trying to filter a Javascript array of objects with nested objects with specific properties. I can filter the name, slug, website, launch year without any issues. But, I can not filter the category name (category.name) which is an object within the object. Why is filtering the category name not working?
var search = "qui"; // does not work (category.name)
// var search = "Sauer"; // works (name)
var data = [{ "name": "Sauer-Metz", "slug": "ab-laborum",
"website": "https://test.com", "launch_year": 2017, "category_id": 6,
"category": { "id": 6, "name": "qui", "slug": "qui" } } ];
var results = data.filter(company => [
'name', 'launch_year', 'website', 'category.name'
].some(key => String(company[key]).toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())));
One way you can go about it is to have a value extractor like the one getKey below
const getKey = (value, key) => {
return key.split('.').reduce((acc, curr) => value[curr], '');
var results = data.filter(company => [
'name', 'launch_year', 'website', 'category.name'
].some(key => String(getKey(company, key)).toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())));
I believe you have to do a separate condition for this specific nested property, although there might be a cleaner way I don't see right now:
var results = data.filter(
(company) =>
["name", "launch_year", "website"].some((key) =>
) ||
Dot notation doesn't work like that.
const testCase1 = 'qui';
const testCase2 = 'Sauer';
const data = [
name: 'Sauer-Metz',
slug: 'ab-laborum',
website: 'https://test.com',
launch_year: 2017,
category_id: 6,
category: { id: 6, name: 'qui', slug: 'qui' },
const searchResults = (data, search) => {
return data.filter((item) => {
return (
item?.category?.name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) ||
['name', 'launch_year', 'website'].some((key) => `${item[key]}`.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()))
console.log('**CASE 1**')
console.log(searchResults(data, testCase1));
console.log('**CASE 2**')
console.log(searchResults(data, testCase2));
To use your approach you can convert 'category.name' to ['category','name'] and then use String(company[key[0]][key[1]])... whenever key is an array.
const search = "qui"; // does not work (category.name)
//const search = "Sauer"; // works (name)
const data = [{ "name": "Sauer-Metz", "slug": "ab-laborum", "website": "https://test.com", "launch_year": 2017, "category_id": 6, "category": { "id": 6, "name": "qui", "slug": "qui" } } ];
const results = data.filter(
company => [
'name', 'launch_year', 'website', ['category','name']
key =>
Array.isArray(key) ?
String(company[key[0]][key[1]]).toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) :

JavaScript modify Array of Objects and alter contained data

I am having difficulties formatting some data. Currently, I receive data in the following structure.
I essentially need to modify this or even create a new object, that takes the following structure.
id: 1, //q1
answers: [
answer: '5',
id: 2, //q2
answers: [
answer: '13',
answer: '12',
id: 3, //q3
answers: [
answer: 'test',
So the id in the above would be obtained by remove the q and getting the number in the first data object. It would then have an answers array that would have an object for each answer.
I have been attempting this but have gotten lost. I don't know if I should use loops, mapping, filters etc. To be honest, the furthest I have got so far is obtaining the keys
var modified = data.map(function(item) {
return Object.keys(item)
I have created a JSFiddle where I have been attempting to do this.
Is there any way I can achieve the data I am after?
Many thanks
Please use map function.
const data = {
const result = Object.keys(data).map(key => {
let item = {id: key.substring(1), answers: []};
if(typeof data[key] === "string")
item.answers.push({answer: data[key]});
item.answers = data[key].map(val => ({answer: val}));
return item;
const inputData = [
function answerMapper(objVal, id){
return Array.isArray(objVal)
{ id, answers: objVal.map(answer => ({ answer }))}
{ id, answers: [{answer: objVal }] }
function formatObject(obj){
return Object.keys(obj).map((k, i) => answerMapper(obj[k], i+1));
const result = inputData.map(obj => formatObject(obj));
// remove flatMap if your inputData has more than one entry
console.log(result.flatMap(x => x));
map over the first element of the data with Object.entries, grab the key and value, create a new answers array and return a new object.
const data = [{
"q1": "5",
"q2": [
"q3": "test",
const out = Object.entries(data[0]).map(obj => {
const [ key, value ] = obj;
const id = Number(key[1]);
// If the the value is an array
// return a new array of mapped data
// Otherwise return an array containing
// one object
const answers = Array.isArray(value)
? value.map(el => ({ answer: el }))
: [{ answer: value }];
// Return the new object
return { id, answers };
lets create a pure function which accepts the object in the array like so
const processObject = obj => Object.keys(obj).map(id => {
const answer = obj[id];
const answers = Array.isArray(answer) ? answer : [answer]
const answerObjectArray = answers.map(ans => ({
answer: ans
return {
id: +id.substring(1),
answers: answerObjectArray
const dataArray = [{
"q1": "5",
"q2": [
"q3": "test",
const output = processObject(dataArray[0]);

How to filter in two deep arrays

I'm looking to filter in two deep arrays, actually my JSON:
"0": {
"1": {
I would like to get something like that when I filter with the word "ric":
"0": {
But I got this result:
"0": {
My code:
dataSort.categories = the json and
event.target.value.toLowerCase() = the specific word
dataSort.categories.filter(s => s.products.find(p => p.name.toLowerCase().includes(event.target.value.toLowerCase())));
You can achieve this with a combination of reduce and filter
var input = {
"0": {
"1": {
var search = "ric"
var result = Object.entries(input).reduce( (acc, [key,val]) => {
found = val.product.filter(x => x.name.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()))
acc[key] = {...val, product: found}
return acc
There is many approach to do this, one is to map your top level array to the subArrays filtered results then filter it after:
.map(s => s.products.filter(p => p.name.toLowerCase().includes(event.target.value.toLowerCase())))
.filter(s => !!s.products.length);
You may also prefer to get a "flat" array as result because it is easier to use after :
.reduce((acc, s) => [...acc, s.products.filter(p => p.name.toLowerCase().includes(event.target.value.toLowerCase()))], []);
Please find below the code to filter out values inside the product.name and only return the value which are matching the equality condition in product array.
const json = [
product: [
uuid: "uid",
name: "Rice",
uuid: "uid",
name: "Pasta",
product: [
uuid: "uid",
name: "Milk",
const inputValue = "rIc";
const filteredArray = [];
json.map((s) => {
const item = s.product.find((p) =>
item && filteredArray.push({ product: item });
Your dataset is an Object, not an Array and the filter is an Array method. You can use reduce by looping on the object values by Object.values then filter your products array.
const data = {
'0': {
product: [
uuid: 'uid',
name: 'Rice',
uuid: 'uid',
name: 'Pasta',
'1': {
product: [
uuid: 'uid',
name: 'Milk',
const keyword = 'ric';
const dataset = Object.values(data);
const results = dataset.reduce((acc, item, index) => {
const search = keyword.toLowerCase();
const product = item.product.filter(product => product.name.toLowerCase().includes(search));
if (product.length) acc[index] = { ...item, product };
return acc;
}, {});

Change particular key in nested array to object in javascript

If the fields key in a object is array, change the first value of arrays as a key value pair object in javascript.
var obj =
{ id:1, fields:["item", "2", "list"]},
{ id:2, fields:["sample", "1", "check"]}
function newObj(obj) {
let objFields = {};
modifiedObj.fields.forEach(field => objFields[field] = field);
modifiedObj.fields= objFields;
return modifiedObj;
var result = this.newObject(obj)
Expected Output
item: "item",
sample: "sample"
Try this:
var obj =
{ id:1, fields:["item", "2", "list"]},
{ id:2, fields:["sample", "1", "check"]}
function newObject(obj) {
let objFields = {};
obj.forEach(e => {
if(e.fields && e.fields.length>0)
objFields[e.fields[0]] = e.fields[0];
return objFields;
var result = this.newObject(obj);
Here is a functional approach that makes use of Object.assign(), spread operator, and Array.map() to create the object you need.
const input = [
{ id: 1, fields: ["item", "2", "list"] },
{ id: 2, fields: ["sample", "1", "check"] }
const process = (input) => (Object.assign(...input.map(({ fields }) => (
fields.length ? { [fields[0]]: fields[0] } : {}
Your snippet was close, you just needed to clean up the variable names, and then using map makes it a bit neater too:
const obj = [
{id: 1, fields: ["item", "2", "list"]},
{id: 2, fields: ["sample", "1", "check"]}
function newObj(inputArray) {
let outputObject = {};
inputArray.map(item => item.fields[0])
.forEach(field => outputObject[field] = field);
return outputObject;
var result = newObj(obj)

How to filter array of objects in javascript?

Here is my input :
const data = [
{ group: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ topgroup: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ emptyGorup: [] }
I am converting array of object to object by using this code
method 1 :
let permissions =
data &&
data.reduce((a, b) => {
const onlyKey = Object.keys(b)[0];
a[onlyKey] = b[onlyKey].map(i => i.value);
return a;
}, {});
//Output : {group:["can view","can create"],topgroup:["can view","can create"],emptygroup:[]}
My question is that I don't want to get object property if Object property is empty []. For example, In my output, I can see object property emptygroup is [].
My expected output will be if emptygroup is []
//Output : {group:["can view","can create"],topgroup:["can view","can create"]}
How can I do this ?
Try checking the length of the array
const permissionData = [
{ group: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ topgroup: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ emptyGorup: [] }
let permissions =
permissionData &&
permissionData.reduce((a, b) => {
const onlyKey = Object.keys(b)[0];
if(b[onlyKey].length) {
a[onlyKey] = b[onlyKey].map(i => i.label);
return a;
}, {});
You can extend your current code. After you get the object you can filter out the key with empty array using filter and build object again from filtered values
let obj = {
group: ["can view"],
topgroup: ["can view", "can create"],
emptygroup: []
let finalObj = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([key, value]) => Array.isArray(value) && value.length))
You can add a condition in reduce:
let permissions =
permissionData &&
permissionData.reduce((a, b) => {
const onlyKey = Object.keys(b)[0];
if (a[onlyKey]) {
a[onlyKey] = b[onlyKey].map(i => i.value);
return a;
}, {});

