microsoft speech recognition + nodejs - javascript

Is the nodejs cognitive services speech sdk still supported? I know how to do this for the browser based sdk, but it looks like the nodejs version doesn't work, it doesn't capture any microphone input.
Notably, there are no examples publish that use AudioConfig.fromDefaultMicrophoneInput for nodejs. The nodejs sdk works perfectly fine with AudioConfig.fromStreamInput
Here's the relevant code:
var speechsdk = require("microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk");
var subscriptionKey = ";)";
var serviceRegion = "eastus"; // e.g., "westus"
const speech_Config = speechsdk.SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(subscriptionKey, serviceRegion, "en-US");
const audioConfig = speechsdk.AudioConfig.fromDefaultMicrophoneInput();
let speech_recognizer= new speechsdk.SpeechRecognizer(speech_Config, audioConfig);
function (result) {
speech_recognizer = undefined;
function (err) {
console.trace("err - " + err);
speech_recognizer = undefined;
I get an error saying: window is not defined

For this error , Microsoft engineers has an explain for it here .
It is due to the default microphone support uses the Web Audio API to
conjure a microphone stream. The node environment doesn't support
As a workaround , for pure node code you can use a file, push or pull
stream to get audio into the speech recognition engine.
Hope it helps : )


The provided value 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer' is not a valid 'responseType

first time position a question here.
I am building an app with react native and expo and I have implemented an audio player that plays from an Icecast stream.
What I'm trying to achieve now is to get the metadata from the icecast stream so I have installed this library:
However, since it uses the http, events and stream modules form node I installed the following package to get them in react native:, which managed to get the parsing library to work.
Now, the issue I'm having is that after the icecast-parser makes the http request for the stream, I get the following errors:
"The provided value 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer' is not a valid 'responseType'."
"The provided value 'ms-stream' is not a valid 'responseType'."
After reading I think the issue is that for some reason the response coming from the request is of that type which is what gives me the error.
So I'm trying to find if there's a way to transform it or make it work and was wondering if you had an idea or could point me in the right direction?
Here's the part of the code where the error occurs:
_makeRequest () {
const request = (this.getConfig('url').indexOf('https://') === 0) ?
https.request(this.getConfig('url')) : http.request(this.getConfig('url'));
request.setHeader('Icy-MetaData', '1');
request.setHeader('User-Agent', this.getConfig('userAgent'));
request.once('socket', function (socket) {
socket.once('end', this._onSocketEnd.bind(this));
console.log("I get here")
request.once('response', this._onRequestResponse.bind(this));
console.log("I don't get here")
request.once('error', this._onRequestError.bind(this));
return this;
_onRequestResponse (response) {
console.log("not getting here")
const icyMetaInt = response.headers['icy-metaint'];
if (icyMetaInt) {
const reader = new StreamReader(icyMetaInt);
reader.on('metadata', metadata => {
this.emit('metadata', metadata);
this.emit('stream', reader);
} else {
return this;
Apparently the issue comes from the fact that the library is built for nodeJS so even if I add a package that imports the required libraries into react-native, the code won't work. Tested this with a different parsing library that was built for nodeJS too.
try suppressing the warning using this line of code
(['Warning: The provided value \'moz',
'Warning: The provided value \'ms-stream'

Enable users of a WebRtc app to download webrtc logs via javascript

I've seen the following:
However I'm looking for a way to let users click a button from within the web app to either download or - preferably - POST WebRtc logs to an endpoint baked into the app. The idea is that I can enable non-technical users to share technical logs with me through the click of a UI button.
How can this be achieved?
Note: This should not be dependent on Chrome; Chromium will also be used as the app will be wrapped up in Electron.
You need to write a javascript equivalent that captures all RTCPeerConnection API calls. rtcstats.js does that but sends all data to a server. If you replace that behaviour with storing it in memory you should be good.
This is what I ended up using (replace knockout with underscore or whatever):
connectionReport.signalingState = connection.signalingState;
connectionReport.stats = [];
connection.getStats(function (stats) {
const reportCollection = stats.result();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(reportCollection, function (innerReport) {
const statReport = {}; =;
statReport.type = innerReport.type;
const keys = innerReport.names();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(keys, function (reportKey) {
statReport[reportKey] = innerReport.stat(reportKey);
It appears that this getStats mechanism is soon-to-be-deprecated.
Reading through js source of chrome://webrtc-internals, I noticed that the web page is using a method called chrome.send() to send messages like chrome.send('enableEventLogRecordings');, to execute logging commands.
According to here:
chrome.send() is a private function only available to internal chrome
so the function is sandboxed which makes accessing to it not possible

use .net dll in electron

I am a .NET developer and new to electron and node.js.
From my electron application, I need to call one function inside a .NET class library DLL which will generate some document and will send to print.
I need to use this electron application only on the windows machine. I see plugin Edge.js, but am not sure this will work for me and also don't know how to include in my project.
Edge.js will do the trick.
See the following snippet:
var edge = remote.require('electron-edge');
var toErMahGerd = edge.func({
assemblyFile: 'ERMAHGERD.dll',
typeName: 'ERMAHGERD.Translate',
methodName: "ToErMahGerd"
document.getElementById("translate-btn").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
var inputText = document.getElementById("input-text").value;
toErMahGerd(inputText, function (error, result) {
document.getElementById("output-text").innerHTML = result;
And here is the GitHub-repo with not only good docs to dive in but a simple getting started.

How can I properly end or destroy a Speaker instance without getting `illegal hardware instruction` error?

I have a script for playing a remote mp3 source through the Speaker module which is working fine. However if I want to stop playing the mp3 stream I am encountering two issues:
If I stop streaming the remote source, eg. by calling stream.pause() as in line 11 of the code below then stdout is flooded with a warning:
[../deps/mpg123/src/output/coreaudio.c:81] warning: Didn't have any audio data in callback (buffer underflow)
The warning in itself makes sense because I'm not providing it with any data anymore, but it is outputting it very frequently which is a big issue because I want to use it for CLI app.
If I attempt to end the speaker calling speaker.end() as in line 13 of the code below then I get the following error:
[1] 8950 illegal hardware instruction node index.js
I have been unable to find anything regarding this error besides some Raspberry Pi threads and I'm quite confused as to what is causing illegal hardware instruction.
How can I properly handle this issue? Can I pipe the buffer underflow warning to something like dev/null or is that a poor way of handling it? Or can I end / destroy the speaker instance in another way?
I'm running Node v7.2.0, npm v4.0.3 and Speaker v.0.3.0 on macOS v10.12.1
const request = require('request')
const lame = require('lame')
const Speaker = require('speaker')
var decoder = new lame.Decoder()
var speaker = new Speaker()
var req = request.get(url_to_remote_mp3)
var stream = req.pipe(decoder)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
I think the problem might be in cordaudio.c (guesswork here). It seems like the buffer:written gets large when you flush it. My best guess is that the usleep() time in write_coreaudio() is mis-calculated after the buffer is flushed. I think the program may be sleeping too long, so the buffer gets too big to play.
It is unclear to me why the usleep time is being calculated the way it is.
Anyway... this worked for me:
Change node_modules/speaker/deps/mpg123/src/output/coreaudio.c:258
- usleep( (FIFO_DURATION/2) * 1000000 );
+ usleep( (FIFO_DURATION/2) * 100000 );
Then in the node_modules/speaker/ directory, run:
node-gyp build
And you should be able to use:
const request = require('request')
const lame = require('lame')
const Speaker = require('speaker')
const url = ''
const decoder = new lame.Decoder()
let speaker = new Speaker()
const req = request.get(url)
var stream = req.pipe(decoder)
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Closing Speaker')
}, 2000)
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Closing Node')
}, 4000)
... works for me (no errors, stops when expected).
I hope it works for you too.
You will want to use github issues for that module and the library it uses to make sure no one else already solved the problem and if not open a bug describing it so other module users can reference it since that is the first place they will look.
A "good" way of handling it will probably involve modifying the native part of the speaker module unless you just have a sound library version mismatch.

indexedDB with CDWKWebViewEngine in PhoneGap Build cli-6.0.0

I'm having trouble opening an indexedDB store when using CDWKWebViewEngine within an app build with PhoneGap Build 6 running on iOS 9.2. window.indexedDB is not null and appears to be of type IDBFactory but when I use the code below I get "InvalidAccessError" reported.
var request ="MyTestDatabase", 1);
request.onerror = function (event) {
alert("Database error: " +;
Has anyone been able to get indexedDB working in the environment I've described?

