Printable Vue Full Calendar? - javascript

We're porting over our old Full Calendar (FC) implementation to vue and was trying to restore the printable functionality that we utilized. But upon inspecting the FC Node modules I didn't see any CSS related to printing.
After several Google searches that yielded no results, I began to get a little nervous at the thought of having to code it out myself.
Is there a piece that I'm missing here? perhaps a separate node module that I missed in the documentation?

The upgrade guide at says
No need to use a separate tag for a print-only stylesheet. It will be automatically included within the normal core/main.css, by use of media queries
So based on that in v4 you should be able to print correctly by default without including any extra files.


Advansed xlsx spreadsheet formatting

Is there some JavaScript or Golang lib that allows to create xlsx files using some custom heavy formatting?
I'm working on an Electron app and want to generate some reports but
the most popular library doesn't provide cell formatting, that fork looses the ability to define page properties like margins and page orientation and that Golang lib as I see doesn't provide page properties too.
Can anybody show some good alternatives or show me I'm wrong?
(no C-like langs and Python please)
I am myself looking for something similar to format docx documents and I have just started trying out gooxml.
Currently it has following capabilities for Excel:
Cell formatting including conditional formatting
Cell validation (drop down combobox, rules, etc.)
Retrieve cell values as formatted by Excel (e.g. retrieve a date or number as displayed in Excel)
Formula Evaluation (100+ functions supported currently, more will be added as required)
Embedded Images
All chart types
Edit to answer comment:
As stated in the documentation, you may have to fall back to raw document manipulation should the library's API not cover a specific use case.
See CT_PageMargins.go and CT_PageSetup.go for margin and orientation...
Well it seems I've learned the lesson - after trying to use "super-hard-to-understand-and-use" jsreport-xlsx module I've remembered about one lib that didn't worked in Electron renderer and tried it to work from Electron main process.
And it works! Sometime it may be a little treaky to make it create doc exactly you want but it's much better than XLSX-style I've used before and have all features I want.
(it's second [and last I believe] time I've forget about Electron renderer is not Node.js, the true Node.js is main process)

Translating minicart and other javascript related strings in magento 2.1.3

I am learning magento 2, i have started with basics like creating module, then a theme.
Since magento does not come with slovak language i want to do some translation on frontend and later on backend.
I have succeed translating frontend where no javascript / knockout template is used, by placing sk_SK.csv into company/themename/i18n.
I have read about issue on github that in magento 2.0 translation of javascript strings does not work using this method, so i have upgraded to latest version (2.1.3), and its still not working.
I have checked vendor/magento-checkout/i18n/ where the ex. string "Go to Checkout" is defined. So I have tried the override method used also for overriding templates (created company/themename/Magento_Checkout/i18n/sk_SK.csv) and placed the translation here. it does not worked also.
Note: After each change i delete the static folder and run the command to generate static content for sk_SK then i clean the cache and flush the cache, in browser i do hard reload with cleaning cache.
Yes there are lot of topics on github, stackoverflow, docs... but i do not understand them, these answers are written i thing for super professionals.
Note 2: Theoretically i can hard-code slovak language into web/minicart/content.html (not sure if path is right) by overriding this file. But this is not solution for possible multi-language website.
Note 3:
I have did also an export using i18n, but the output is messed up. like "Hello "World"!","something" same quotes in quotes without escape.its pain to open in any excel kind of app (partly succeed with libreoffice calc) because it has long string and too much strings not friendly for developers or people who will do the translation.
What kind of answer i want to receive is like this:
1. Copy this file here, because..[explanation]
2. Edit/Add/Whatever here, because....
3. etc...
Why? I want to learn and not just copy paste.
Thank you

First step with AngularJs plug-in. Browser can't load the controller's function

Recently I've discovered AngularJS as mentioned in the title. After some lectures I'm trying to use this plug-in in order to obtain some dragNdrop feature for my web-page. I've downloaded the code from the git's master but nothing seems to work as planned. All the pages are filled with the AngularJS's syntax.
code result
I've tested the example on 3 different browsers but the result is always the same. The question is: what is the missing step for a correct browser-interpretation of the code? What do I need to include in the stock files given by the owner?
i'm not sure, but i think that the problem is that you're trying (according to attached screenshot) to load nested.html that is sort of "view page" (according to gihub repo), because of that there are no links to angular libs there. That's why try to include angular.js to your page or load index.html instead of nested/nested.html.
I hope my answer will help you to solve your problem.

Can i use Bootstrapping to style single pages within a web-app?

I'm developing a web application, and I recently discovered the need of a basic input form. The rest of my application does not have much of this, mostly single input-fields. I figured I would try to use a javascript library for validation, and ended up choosing parsley.js.
in this youtube tutorial, the tutor uses bootstrapping, a term I have come across a lot lately, but have no experience with. I figured I'd try it out in the single page of my web app.
However I get errors on the first character of the css I try to import, stating that < is an illegal token. This is of course the start of the file <!DOCTYPE html>. So in other words, the .css is found and included, it is just not accepted. This error has been repeated with a couple of different import sources now.
I've tried to look a little outside the box, to figure out why. I read posts like these:
What is bootstrapping?
Setup bootstrup file in java web application
These have led me to suspect that bootstrapping might not be meant for importing a style sheet, for a single page which is only a part of a web app, like I am trying to do.
So, is it wrong to think that I can use bootstrapping as I would import a .css file, for a single page? If not, what else might my problem be?
I forgot to tell that I am importing the css and js libraries through their online url's. If i copy them to my workspace, and import them from there, I get this error:
PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
The code of method _jspService(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) is
exceeding the 65535 bytes limit

Problem porting WordPress Editor to a non-WP application

I like the look and feel of the WordPress editor (version 2.7), and I would like to use it in another web application that is written in ASP.NET. I've used TinyMCE before, and I've even extended it in the past. However, I can't seem to get the Wordpress configuration to work!
I've downloaded the entire WordPress package and taken the TinyMCE code (from the "js" folder) and put it in my web site. It ends up giving me an error on the following line of tiny_mce.js
return f.apply(s||this,,2))
'undefined' is null or not an object.
Now, I've carefully made sure that the steps of execution are identical with the WordPress demonstration site that I've based this from.
I'm not a Javascript newbie (at all), but I can't seem to figure out why this is not working. Has anybody tried to do this before? What am I missing?
A demo of what I am talking about is here (username="admin", password="demo"). View the source, I have the three parts of Javascript that are (seemingly) required to power the editor.
Something of a stab in the dark, but I'm suspecting that there's a dependency on WP's prototype.js and you didn't bring that over with TinyMCE.
If you are able to determine which bit is undefined that might give you a clue. I tried looking at the demo with firebug, but tinymce.js was all one line, so I gave up trying to find that code.
Try putting in either some console.log() if you have firebug, or alert()s before that line, and try to see what f,s,this,arguments etc are when yu get the error, then do the same thing with a vanilla WP install and see the difference?
I suggest including the tiny_mce_src.js istead of the minified version, this way you can use firebug to debug and receive helpfull information.

