How to handle floating points in a JavaScript calculator? - javascript

Why is this not a duplicate of these great SO articles?
While the two posts linked in the comments below are excellent I am specifically looking for information that helps me to address this issue in native JS. I know that JS shouldn't be the first choice for complex math, but given the limitation that this calculator is meant to run in the browser it is the tool that I have decided to work with.
I'm trying to make a calculator with TypeScript without any libraries (like Big.js) and without using string concatenation in the inner logic of the calculator.
When a user wants to type the number 8.5:
The 8 key is pressed
The decimal key is pressed
The 5 key is pressed
Mathematically I create this number in the display with the following snippet:
8 + 5 * 0.1
This works but if I continue down the decimal places I encounter something unexpected:
8.5 + 5 * 0.01 // 8.55
8.55 + 5 * 0.001 // 8.555000000000001
What is the best way to handle this without converting the number to a string? Is there an intelligent way to impose a limit on the precision of the calculator so that it only supports accuracy to so many decimal places?
Thanks for your help!

Use .toFixed():
or .toPrecision():
depending on your needs.
Note that you don't need to convert numbers all the time. The only place to convert - is for the final output to the view. In this case we can even leave it in string format.
That is an answer to the question "how to get manage with" (like in description). About "why do we get such result" - first comment provides great answer.

The easiest way to get the Number value that is closest to what the user enters is to build a numeral in a string from the user’s keypress and then convert them with String.toNumber().
Numbers such as 8.55 or 8.555 are not exactly representable in the Number format. The closest values are 8.550000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125 and 8.55499999999999971578290569595992565155029296875. Converting the strings “8.55” and “8.555” with .toNumber() should produce these values.
Because these are the closest representable values, no calculation or algorithm can produce any closer values in the Number format.
For simple additions, subtractions, and limited multiplications, you can mimic decimal arithmetic by rounding to a desired number of decimal digits after each Number operation. However, this is generally not a feasible approach because other operations and various sequences of operations will exceed the ability to mimic decimal arithmetic reasonably.


any way of getting more than 13 decimal points in a double? C# or JS?

is there any way i can get a double to contain more than default 13 (17 in JS) decimal points in C# or JS?
Like a double with first 25 PI digits?
Standard Data Types
Both the double in C# and he normal number data type in JavaScript is stored as 64 bit number, see and
This limits the number of decimal points that can be represented.
However, there are appropriate Libraries to handle this issue
Possible Solutions
There are numerous libraries that handle large numbers and high precision floating point numbers.
see the answer here:
What is the standard solution in JavaScript for handling big numbers (BigNum)?.
See the answers here: Is there a BigFloat class in C#?

Javascript library able to support big numbers whose exponent is also a big number

I am looking for a Javascript library able to work with very, very, very big numbers (I only need a precision of a few digits after the decimal point so it should be possible) which is able to work with numbers of the form 5e+(7e+194) for example, and also print them in that form. Is there such a library out there? It would be extra sweet if it can handle as many e's as I give it (e.g. 1e+1e+...+1e+154)

Can javascript be trusted when making calculations?

I am implementing an invoice system, where everything is dynamically added on the dom through javascript and I am making some calculations on the browser itself with javascript.
for eg I am calculating each invoice line with quantity and price of unit and generating a total sum
price can be a floating point number
but I am not sure if this should be trusted or not, if someone has the same toughts about javascript please comment :)
I don't know but javascript doesn't seem to me to be trusted like other programming languages like PHP or so, this is my opinion, but if you can convince me please do
Javascript uses the same data type that almost all languages use for floating point calculations. The double precision floating point data type is very common, because processors have built in support for it.
Floating point numbers have a limited precision, and most numbers with a fractional part can't be represented exactly. However, for what you are going to use it for, the precision is more than enough to show a correct result.
You should just be aware of the limited precision. When displaying the result, you should make sure that it's formatted (and rounded) to the precision that you want to show. Otherwise the limited precision might show up as for example a price of 14.9500000000000001 instead 14.95.
According to JavaScript's specifications, all numbers are 64bit precision (as in 64bit floating point precision).
From this post, you have 3 solutions:
use some implementation of Decimal for JavaScript, as BigDecimal.js
just choose a fixed number of digits to keep, like this (Math.floor(y/x) * x).toFixed(2)
switch to pure integers, treating prices as number of cents. This could lead you to big changes across the whole project
Financial calculations usually require specific fixed rules about (for example) when and how to round (in which direction), etc.
That means you'll often maintain an internal sub-total precision until you move to a next section of your calculation (like adding the tax, as per rules set).
IEEE-754 Floating point (as used in javascript) will give you a maximum accuracy of 2^53 (if you think about it like an integer).
Now your 'job' is to pretend javascript doesn't support floating point and substitute it yourself using the simplest possible way: decrease your maximum integer range to obtain the required floating point precision and see if that resulting range is suitable to your needs. If not, then you might need an external high precision math library (although most basic operations are pretty easy to implement).
First determine your desired internal precision (incl overflow digit for your expected rounding behavior): for example 3 digits:
If this range is sufficient, then you need no other library, just multiply your input 10^float_digits and maintain that internal precision per calculation-section, while rounding each step according to the rules required for your calculation (you'd still need to do that when using a high-precision external math library).
For (visual) output, again, apply proper rounding and just divide your remaining value by 10^(floatDigits-roundingDigit(s)) and pass it through Number.prototype.toFixed() (which then just pads zero's when required).
As to your other question regarding trustworthiness of javascript vs other programming languages: one can even boot/run and use LINUX on javascript inside the browser:
Let that sink in for a moment...
Now what if I told you this even works in IE6... Pretty humbling. Even servers can run on javascript (node.js)..
Hope this helps (it didn't fit in a comment).
Other answers have addressed issues that JavaScript has with using floating point numbers to represent money.
There's a separate issue with using JavaScript for calculations involving financial transactions that comes to mind.
Because the code is executed in a browser on the client machine, You can only trust the result to the extent that you can trust the client.
Therefore you should really only rely on JavaScript to calculate something that you could take for granted if the client told you.
For instance, if you were writing an e-commerce site, you could trust code that told you what the client wanted to buy, and what the clients shipping address was, but you would need to calculate the price of the goods yourself to prevent the client from telling you a lower price.
It's entirely possible that the invoicing system you're working on will only be used internally to your organisation.
If this is the case, you can disregard this entire answer.
But, if your applications is going to be used by customers to access and manipulate their invoices and orders, then this is something you'd have to consider.

Make JavaScript Math.sqrt() print more digits

If I write document.write(Math.sqrt(2)) on my HTML page, I get 1.4142135623730951.
Is there any way to make the method output more than 16 decimal places?
No, there is not. Mathematical operations in Javascript are performed using 64-bit floating point values, and 16 digits of precision is right around the limit of what they can represent accurately.
To get more digits of the result, you will need to use an arbitrary-precision math library. I'm not aware offhand of any of these for Javascript that support square roots, though -- the one I was able to find offhand (Big.js) only supports addition, subtraction, and comparisons.
You can use toPrecision. However, ECMA requries only a precision of up to 21 significant digits:
But keep in mind that the precision of real values on computer has some limits (see duskwuff's answer).
See also:

JavaScript 64 bit numeric precision

Is there a way to represent a number with higher than 53-bit precision in JavaScript? In other words, is there a way to represent 64-bit precision number?
I am trying to implement some logic in which each bit of a 64-bit number represents something. I lose the lower significant bits when I try to set bits higher than 2^53.
Math.pow(2,53) + Math.pow(2,0) == Math.pow(2,53)
Is there a way to implement a custom library or something to achieve this?
Google's Closure library has goog.math.Long for this purpose.
The GWT team have added a long emulation support so java longs really hold 64 bits. Do you want 64 bit floats or whole numbers ?
I'd just use either an array of integers or a string.
The numbers in javascript are doubles, I think there is a rounding error involved in your equation.
Perhaps I should have added some technical detail. Basically the GWT long emulation uses a tuple of two numbers, the first holding the high 32 bits and the second the low 32 bits of the 64 bit long.
The library of course contains methods to add stuff like adding two "longs" and getting a "long" result. Within your GWT Java code it just looks like two regular longs - one doesn't need to fiddle or be aware of the tuple. By using this approach GWT avoids the problem you're probably alluding to, namely "longs" dropping the lower bits of precision which isn't acceptable in many cases.
Whilst floats are by definition imprecise / approximations of a value, a whole number like a long isn't. GWT always holds a 64 bit long - maths using such longs never use precision. The exception to this is overflows but that accurately matches what occurs in Java etc when you add two very large long values which require more than 64 bits - eg 2^32-1 + 2^32-1.
To do the same for floating point numbers will require a similar approach. You will need to have a library that uses a tuple.
The following code might work for you; I haven't tested it however yet:
BigDecimal for JavaScript
Yes, 11 bit are reserved for exponent, only 52 bits containt value also called fraction.
Javascript allows bitwise operations on numbers but only first 32 bits are used in those operations according to Javascript standard specification.
I do not understand misleading GWT/Java/long answers in Javascript/double question though? Javascript is not Java.
Why would anyone need 64 bit precision in javascript ?
Longs sometimes hold ID of stuff in a DB so its important not to lose some of the lower bits... but floating point numbers are most of the time used for calculations. To use floats to hold monetary or similar exacting values is plain wrong. If you truely need 64 bit precision do the maths on the server where its faster and so on.

