Inserted JS elements disappear after ajax reload - javascript

I am using a WP Plugin FacepWP and want to add reset to the dropdown.
I have used JS to create elements and add the function FWP.reset('country_2').
The problem I have is that when I click reset the page reloads (AJAX I think) and I lose the elements I added by JS
function addEle() {
var newElement = document.createElement("a")
newElement.className = 'wf-reset'
newElement.onclick = function() { FWP.reset('country_2')}
var insertReset = document.querySelector('.facetwp-facet-country_2 .fs-dropdown')
window.onload = addEle;
I hope for my added elements to stay on click.
I believe FacetWP uses AJAX to filter and reset but it resets my added JS elements also.
On existing archive (category, tag, shop, ) or search pages, FacetWP
will automatically attempt to add a facetwp-template CSS class around
the listing. During an ajax refresh, FacetWP will only modify content
within that container element. If your pager doesn’t change after a
FacetWP refresh, then the CSS class may need to to be manually placed
so that it surrounds both the listing and pager.
Sounds like I need to find this class and do something with it to make sure ajax reload keeps the JS I added.


Next/Prev buttons to step through div contents

First of all a disclaimer, I'm not a dev. I'm halfway through The Odin Project and have covered some HTML and CSS, but, have not yet started on JS. In order to help with my learning I've created my own blog. My aim is for each blog post to have its own stylesheet (so with each new post I learn a little more about CSS).
Anyway, I plan to write a post about the benefits of using an eReader, specifically the Kindle. I've styled the page to look like a Kindle Oasis, and I'd like the reader to be able to step through the article contents via the Kindle's next/prev buttons, but, as I'm not a dev, this is where I'm stuck. Via Stack overflow I've managed to add some JS that will display page 1, 2 and 3 via dedicated buttons for each dive element, but, what I really need is to step through x number of pages via the prev/next buttons.
Here's what I have so far: Any help would be much appreciated. What I should do of course is finish The Odin Project and come up with a solution on my own, but, I'd really like to get this Kindle article published sooner rather than later. Hence my rather cheeky request for assistance.
Here's the JS I'm currently using:
function swapContent(id) {
const main = document.getElementById("main_place");
const div = document.getElementById(id);
const clone = div.cloneNode(true);
while (main.firstChild) main.firstChild.remove();
You have the right idea and it just needs a few adjustments to get the previous/next functionality.
Currently your div IDs are following the format operation1, operation2, and so on. Since you want the previous/next functionality you'll need to change your 'swapping' function, which currently takes the full ID, to use the numeric portion only.
Add a new function which appends the number to 'operation' instead of using the whole thing:
function goToPage(pageNumber){
const main = document.getElementById("main_place");
const div = document.getElementById("operation" + pageNumber);
const clone = div.cloneNode(true);
while (main.firstChild) main.firstChild.remove();
And then change your Page 1/2/3 buttons to use goToPage(1), goToPage(2) and so on.
Now for the previous/next functionality you'll need a way to track which page you're on, so that you can figure out which page to load.
Add a variable at the top (outside functions)
var currentPage = 0;
Then add a line in your goToPage function to track the page you're on.
currentPage = pageNumber;
Now that you're tracking you can add a previous and next function.
function goNextPage(){
function goPreviousPage(){
Then call it from the previous and next buttons.
<button onClick="goNextPage()" class="next-button"></button>
<button onClick="goPreviousPage()" class="previous-button"></button>
Here's a codepen:
It's barebones and you may have to handle things like non existent div IDs.
<button class="next-button" onclick="nextContent()"></button>
<button class="previous-button" onclick="prevContent()"></button>
var pageid = 0;
var maxpage = 3;
function nextContent() {
if(pageid == maxpage) return
function prevContent() {
if(pageid == 1) return
you can try this to switch between pages. But you may need to edit the "swapContent" method more sensibly.
Track the Current Page
Whatever solution you use to render pages & links (manual hardcoded links & content vs externally-stored & auto-generated), one thing is unavoidable: You need to track the current page!
var currentPage = 0
Then, any time there's a page change event, you update that variable.
With the current page being tracked, you can now perform operations relative to it (e.g. +1 or -1)
I'd suggest making a goToPage(page) function that does high-level paging logic, and keep your swapContent() function specifically for the literal act of swapping div content. In the future, you may find you'd want to use swapContent() for non-page content, like showing a "Welcome" or "Help" screen.
function goToPage(page) {
// Update `currentPage`
currentPage = page
// ... other logic, like a tracking event or anything else you want you occur when pages change
// Do the actual content swap, which could be your existing swapContent()
You'd invoke the function like so:
goToPage(3) // Jump to a specific page
goToPage(currentPage + 1) // Go to the next page
goToPage(currentPage - 1) // Go to the prev page
You can make separate helper functions like "goToNextPage()" if you desire, but for sure you start with a fundamental page-change function first.

Hide div inside (e.g. Twitter) shadow-dom with JavaScript

Using TamperMonkey to streamline page view on my side, and wish to hide part of the externally-sourced Twitter card(s) from printing. The image in the EmbeddedTweet does not print anyway, and leaves a large empty rectangle that wastes valuable space.
The DOM looks like the image below - how would I target the DIV with class SummaryCard-image (green arrow)? It doesn't matter to me if the DIV is removed from the DOM, or just hidden with CSS.
I have tried the below methods, which do not work:
(1) Injecting CSS with .SummaryCard-image{display:none !important;}
(2) jQuery: $('.SummaryCard-image').remove();
$('.SummaryCard-image').length returns 0
(Note the #shadow-root (open), 2nd element from the top)
You need to select the shadow root first inorder to traverse to that element. You need something like this
var twitterWidget= document.querySelector('twitterwidget').shadowRoot;
twitterWidget.querySelector('.SummaryCard-image').style.display = "none";
For multiple twitter widgets
var twitterWidgets = document.querySelectorAll('twitterwidget');
var root = item.shadowRoot; root.querySelector('.SummaryCard-image').style.display = 'none';
var tabs= document.querySelector('fancy-tabs').shadowRoot
tabs.querySelector('#tabs').style.display = none

Swapping BODY content while keeping state

Dynamically swapping BODY content using jQuery html function works as expected with 'static' content.
But if forms are being used, current state of inputs is lost.
The jQuery detach function, which should keep page state, seems to be blanking out the whole page.
The following code is the initial idea using jQuery html but of course the text input value will always empty.
function swap1( ) {
$("body").html('<button onclick="swap2();">SWAP2</button><input type="text" placeholder="swap2"/>');
function swap2( ) {
$("body").html('<button onclick="swap1();">SWAP1</button><input type="text" placeholder="swap1"/>');
With not knowing what form inputs there are, how would one swap in and out these forms in the BODY and keep track of the form states?
Demo of two text inputs which should keep state when they come back into the BODY:
Edit: missunderstood use case. This covers saving the state while manipulating the DOM, instead of switching between different states.
Instead of replacing the <body>'s content by serializing and parsing HTML, learn how to use the DOM. Only replace the parts of the DOM you actually change, so the rest of it can keep its state (which is stored in the DOM).
In your case: you might want to use something like this:
function swap1( ) {
document.querySelector("button").onclick = swap2;
document.querySelector("button").textContent = "SWAP2";
document.querySelector("input").placeholder = "swap2";
function swap2( ) {
document.querySelector("button").onclick = swap1;
document.querySelector("button").textContent = "SWAP1";
document.querySelector("input").placeholder = "swap1";
<button onclick="swap1();">SWAP1</button><input type="text" placeholder="swap1"/>
(This is not optimized and should only serve as an example.)
Put the content you want to save in a node below <body>, like a simple ´` if you don't already have a container. When you want to save and replace the container, use something like:
var saved_container = document.body.removeChild(document.querySelector("#app_container");
// or document.getElementById/getElementsByClassName, depends on container
The element is now detached and you can add your secondary to document.body. When you want to get back, save the secondary content (without overwriting the first container of course), then reattach the primary content it with:

How can I change css for every DOM object in the page in SAPUI5

I have a things inspector and this things inspector has two titles. I wan to be able to change the css on this titles and make their font size a bit smaller( default fontSize is 16px and I want to drop it to 12px). I tried to get these titles class and use this method to change their size:
var element = document
.getElementsByClassName("sapUiUx3TVTitleSecond")[1]; = '12px';
var element = document
.getElementsByClassName("sapUiUx3TVTitleFirst")[1]; = '12px';
it does work and I can see the change but as soon as the page finishes loading ( page loading takes couple of second because it needs to read a json object) title sizes go back to its default.
I dont even know this is a right way to access DOM elements and change their CSS.
Please point me to the right direction of how to change DOM object css in SAPUI5 in general
You could create a new CSS file which you include in your index.html.
Just add the needed selectors with the modified attributes in this custom CSS:
.sapUiUx3TVTitleSecond, .sapUiUx3TVTitleFirst {
font-size : 12px;
Edit: if you need to change it programmatically, you could use the addStyleClass("yourStyle") method which is available to every UI element
Execute the script after dom gets completely loaded. Try like this
var element = document
.getElementsByClassName("sapUiUx3TVTitleSecond")[1]; = '12px';
var element = document
.getElementsByClassName("sapUiUx3TVTitleFirst")[1]; = '12px';

Counting classes on another page and displaying them

To save me a lot of work editing a number in when adding a document to a site I decided to use javascript to count the number of elements with a class doc .
I am two main problems:
There is trouble displaying the variable. I initially thought this was because I hadn't added function, however when I tried adding this the variable was still not displayed.
The elements with the class I want to count are on another page and I have no idea how to link to it. For this I have tried var x = $('URL: /*pageURL*/ .doc').length; which hasn't worked.
Essentially I want the total elements with said class name and this to be displayed in a span element.
Currently I have something similar to what's displayed below:
var Items = $('.doc').length;
<span id="display"></span>
Found an example of something similar here where the total numbers of articles are displayed.
This code will be added to the homepage, I want to link to the page containing this documents, I've seen this done somewhere before and if I remember correctly they used somewhere in their code. Hope this helps.
Here is a jQuery call to retrieve the url "./" (this page) and parse the resulting data for all elements with class "lsep" "$('.lsep', data)". You should get back a number greater than 5 or so if you run this from within your debug console of your browser.
$.get("./", function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
console.log("Instances of class: " + $('.lsep', data).length)
One important thing to remember is that you will run into issues if the URL your are trying to call is not in the same origin.
Here's an updated snippet of code to do what you're describing:
function ()
//var url = "/document.html" //this is what you'd have for url
//var container = $("#display"); //this is what you'd have for container
//var className = '.data'; //this is what you'd have for className
var url = "./"; //the document you want to parse
var container = $("#question-header"); //the container to update
var className = '.lsep'; //the class to search for
$.get(url, function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
$(container).html($(className, data).length);
If you run the above code from your browser's debug console it will replace the question header text of "Counting classes on another page and displaying them" with the count of instances the class name ".lsep" is used.
First, you have to wait until the document is ready before manipulating DOM elements, unless your code is placed after the definition of the elements you manipulate, wich is not the case in your example. You can pass a function to the $ and it will run it only when the document is ready.
$(function () {
//html() allows to set the innerHTML property of an element
Now, if your elements belongs to another document, that obviously won't work. However, if you have used to open another window wich holds the document that contains the .doc elements, you could put the above script in that page, and rely on window.opener to reference the span in the parent's window.
$('#display', opener.document.body).html($('.doc').length);
Another alternative would be to use ajax to access the content of the other page. Here, data will contain the HTML of the your_other_page.html document, wich you can then manipulate like a DOM structure using jQuery.
$.get('your_other_page.html', function(data) {
$('#display').html($('.doc', data).length);

