So I am trying to create a CTA(call to action) adding three cards into my wordpress site. I am trying to insert PHP and ACF functions so that it shows my image, currently it displays the title and the body text of these cards but doesn't show any image? How do I fix it?
In my acf, I have created four sub field types: "cta_image", "cta_title", "intro_text" and "cta_link". In my code editor, I have inserted the following functions and so far on my wordpress site, it shows the title and the intro text but I don't know how to put an image.
if ( have_rows( 'ctas' ) ) :
// Loop through rows (parent repeater).
while ( have_rows( 'ctas' ) ) :
<div class="title-wrapper">
<?php if ( get_sub_field( 'cta_title' ) ) : ?>
<h2><?php the_sub_field( 'cta_title' ); ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="body-text">
<?php print_r(get_sub_field('intro_text')); ?>
Every time I insert functions to show the image, it gives a database error or simply doesn't show any image. The final work is supposed to look like the image down below. Mine shows just the title and body text all in a single line.
Have you tried using this bit of code directly from the documentation?
<?php $image = get_sub_field('cta_image');
if( !empty($image) ): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image['url']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
I have a site on Blogger. I share book quotes on this site. At the same time, as of today, I started to share poems. The section below shows all my posts:
I want to create a separate area for poems and show the publications with the tag "Poetry" here. What should I do?
I imagine you are using WordPress to create your blog, in this case you need to create a loop by calling some variables that you want to display, such as number of posts, titles, thumbnail, etc.
Below I will leave a snippet of my website code and a print of how it is displayed on the front-end
<?php query_posts( array( 'post_type'=> 'noticias', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'orderby' => 'title', 'order' => 'ASC' ) ); ?>
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" style="text-decoration: none; color: #303030;">
<?php the_post_thumbnail('medium', array('class' => 'indicacao')); ?>
<h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
<?php wp_reset_query(); ?>
I suggest you take a look at the WordPress documentation and the forum, where you can get more information about it.
If not WordPress, please provide more information about your code.
Note: I am not promoting the products listed on the screenshot as it is not functional yet.
I am making a Woocomerence+Worpress site theme to my customer and i code it with pinegrow editor.
I have tree owls carousel slider in main page and its front-page.
Carousel 1 purpose = Show customer latest product, what are added. Left to right
Carousel 2 purpose = Show customer most highest rated product. Left to right
Carousel 3 purpose = Show customer products that are on sale. Left to right
Problem = my php.code works but don't go to right cards in slider, Do I need own codes for each card?, or is there better way to do it? and how I can change code to make Carousel 2 and 3 work like it
<div class="card-body">
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'product',
'stock' => 1,
'posts_per_page' => 3,
'orderby' =>'date',
'order' => 'DESC' );
$loop = new WP_Query( $args );
while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); global $product; ?>
<div class="span3">
<a id="id-<?php the_id(); ?>" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php if (has_post_thumbnail( $loop->post->ID )) echo get_the_post_thumbnail($loop->post->ID, 'shop_catalog'); else echo '<img src="'.woocommerce_placeholder_img_src().'" alt="My Image Placeholder" width="65px" height="115px" />'; ?><h4><?php the_title(); ?></h4><span class="price"><?php echo $product->get_price_html(); ?></span></a>
<?php woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart( $loop->post, $product ); ?>
Arvosteluja: <?php echo $product->get_review_count(); ?>
<!-- /span3 -->
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php wp_reset_query(); ?>
I'm working to create a classifieds site. On the search page will be presented multiple products cards. Each product card can have more than one image. When that happens, I will uses a slider.
To build this slider, I'm using a jquery library (bxslider). The application is based on WordPress.
So far, everything was going well. Cards and slider working. But when I have more than one card (post), the slider controls change the position on all cards. Of course, since the selector is the same for everyone.
Then I added the post ID to the ID selector, making every single card. But now must do jQuery understand that there are several unique cards for him to apply the function that creates the slides within each card.
My PHP Code
$id = get_the_ID();
<div id="card-slider-<?php echo $id?>">
$images = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'vdw_gallery_id', true);
foreach ($images as $image) { ?>
<div class="card-slide-item">
<img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( $image, 'imob-thumbs' ); ?>">
<?php }
<div class="card-slide-prev"></div>
<div class="card-slide-next"></div>
My jQuery
(function( $ ){
$.fn.sliderID = function() {
var sliders = [];
sliders = $('[idˆ=card-slider-]').length;
console.log('sliders ids', sliders);
})( jQuery );
Instead of giving each slider an individual id card-slider-{id}, consider to give them all a common class card-slider and initiate the slider plugin on all elements that have that class. You can pass along the ids of the prev/next selectors (which you can e.g. store in a data attribute) in the initialization arguments of the slider:
Slider initiation
$( ".card-slider" ).each(function( index ) {
var slider_id = $(this).data('id');
$( this ).bxSlider({
nextSelector: '#card-slide-'+slider_id+'-next',
prevSelector: '#card-slide-'+slider_id+'-prev',
$id = get_the_ID();
<div class="card-slider" data-id="<?php echo $id; ?>">
$images = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'vdw_gallery_id', true);
foreach ($images as $image) { ?>
<div class="card-slide-item">
<img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( $image, 'imob-thumbs' ); ?>">
<?php }
<div id="card-slide-<?php echo $id; ?>-prev"></div>
<div id="card-slide-<?php echo $id; ?>-next"></div>
I just found this script and I wanted to add it into my template.. All good, I added the script from functions.php into my template functions.php, copied the js file in my template folder and added that line from your_template.php into my template page where my posts are shown, the button appear but it doesnt work..
I have every file loaded, I checked but still it does nothing..
<?php if (have_posts()) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="post-box">
<div style="float:left; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-right:20px;"> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID); } else { echo my_post_thumbnail_html(); } ?> </div>
<div class="post-title"> <?php the_title(); ?> </div>
<div class="post-content"> <?php excerpt(10); ?> </div>
<br clear="all" />
<?php endwhile; ?>
<a class="load_more" data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('load_posts') ?>" href="javascript:;">Load more</a>
<?php else : ?>
<p><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.'); ?></p>
<?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>
This is my code.. I dont know what to do..
You must have a loaded content template.
Once, you create a template and add new page with this template. Your page link example:
This template containt only post loop. You can develop this template with $_GET params(numberposts, category etc.)
function loadMore(e, numberposts) {
$('.show-more', e).text('Loading...');
$('<div>').load('<?php echo get_bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/get_loop_template.php?s=' + numberposts, function(r) {
$('.list-articles .btn-getmore').remove();
This function get your posts, remove current "getmore-buton" than insert posts and add new "getmore-buton".
I've been trying to make this feature work for many days now and it's driving me nuts!
I have a single page theme in WP and in one of them there is a div on the left with a list of the posts in the site and on the right, a div that should display the content of the clicked post.
I found this question and followed up the linked tutorial and was partially successful.
I managed to bring the content dinamically, and all I want is being displayed but it seems the order of the tasks are wrong. Heres how it's acting:
I click on the link.
the current content goes away.
the loading span appears correctely.
the SAME content fades in.
after 1 second or so the current content is replaced with the new content and the address bar does not change at all.
Here's the code I have:
$(document).ready(function() {
var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
var href = $('.controle nav li a').each(function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var aCarregar = hash+'.html #atr-conteudo';
$('.controle nav li a').click(function() {
var aCarregar = $(this).attr('href')+' #atr-conteudo';
$('#atracoes').append('<span id="carregando">Carregando...</span>');
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href'));
function carregarConteudo () {
function mostrarNovoConteudo () {
function esconderCarregando () {
return false;
index.php (the dynamic content part)
<div class="main" id="atracoes">
<div class="controle">
$args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 20);
$myposts = get_posts( $args );
foreach ( $myposts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php endforeach;
<div id="atr-conteudo">
<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
<div id="atr-texto">
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<?php the_content(); ?>
single.php (the part I'm plucking with ajax)
<!-- article -->
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
<!-- post thumbnail -->
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail()) : // Check if Thumbnail exists ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php the_post_thumbnail(); // Fullsize image for the single post ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- /post thumbnail -->
<div id="atr-texto">
<!-- post title -->
<?php the_title(); ?>
<!-- /post title -->
<?php the_content(); // Dynamic Content ?>
<?php edit_post_link(); // Always handy to have Edit Post Links available ?>
You're calling the functions before you pass them to jQuery to execute, instead of allowing jQuery to execute them:
function carregarConteudo () {
function mostrarNovoConteudo () {
(Notice they no longer have () after the function names)