Jquery LOAD as alternative or similar to IFRAME - javascript

I have jquery to load user messages every 1 second but I would like to implement a solution to the messages load to act, similar as a: <iframe>, <object> or <embed> tags
}, 1000);
The problem is as it loads every 1 second I can't just use a iframe of the page, I need to keep using jquery, somebody has a solution?
I tried with:
$("#frame").attr("src", "load_chat.php");
}, 1000);
But this is not what I need, it flash the iframe all the time.
I need to make jquery load method looks like a iframe.
but the problem with using iframe is because I need jquery to refresh the frame every 1 second. some body has an idea of how to make <div id="chat"></div> have a scroll bar as iframe ?

First off all I think this is not the correct way to do this.
Read up on streams, because this type of use case is exactly what they where made for.
Then, if you have your load-chat.php loaded in an iframe, you can use the window send message method to trigger a reloadin the page by jquery.
The downside is, that your iframe should also contain a jquery instance.
Check this -> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage

I solved with the following:
$('#chat').css("overflow-y", "scroll");
If someone has a better alternative it would be appreciated.


Javascript From Console - Load a Few Pages, Then Run Function Per Page Load [duplicate]

I'd like to be able to call a jquery function once window.location has completed loading a URL. Is this possible? I can't seem to find anything online about this.
for instance:
if(parseInt(msg.status)==1) {
alert("This URL has finished loading")
You can either use window.onload of the destination page (if you have access to modify the code of that page), or you can use window.onunload to have the alert be launched when unloading the current page. You cannot execute code on the current page after the new page has been loaded.
This page demonstrates onload/onunload behavior.
window.doUnload = function(){
window.doLoad = function(){
<body onload="doLoad();" onunload="doUnload();"></body>
After a user logs in for the first time I need to load my index page to initialize everything but then need to forward them to another page for profile completion.
use window.location to redirect the user to your index, adding a query parameter (something like window.location=index.php?firstLogin=true ) and on your index redirect (using javascipt http 300, header() or whatever you are using) to the profile page after it ends loading if the parameter is set
One (ugly) method you could use is to instead of using window.location, clearing the body, adding an iframe with the relevant path and listening to its onload function.
After that you can run code inside the iframe as long as it's not cross-site scripting.
I use this method to perform small automated scripts, that can't really on third-party plugins.
Another method might be using ajax to load the page/body content. Then replacing your body with the newly loaded body and start executing the next functions.

fire event on closing the page

I wonder if i've unset($_SESSION['enough']); and want to free it up on closing the page.
[ suppose visitor is viewing page of the website pages in new tab ]
i'm using this code
<script language="javascript">
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return false;
i wonder how can i apply to fire this code unset($_SESSION['login_id']); , it might look ridicules but this is the basic idea and i'm gonna give example what can be used for
For example : media website would like members not to watching more than one video in same time so the watching page drop session and free it on closing it so can watch more! js indeed is essential for website using jwplayer so no chance of talking about members with disabled js.
In order to load the killsession.php that runs the unset() command, you can run that page with ajax with async:false
Have a look at
Ajax request with JQuery on page unload
jQuery.ajax({url:"http://localhost/killsession.php", async:false})
You can use jQuery to fire on unload with the unload function (http://api.jquery.com/unload/).
$( window ).unload(function() {
// On the unload, we can fire a request back to the server
// .get(), .post(), and .ajax() may be useful.

Chrome Extension Javascript/jQuery load page and check if changed

I'm looking for a way to load a website and then check after 1 min or so whether the content has changed, if not, repeat. This is because the website I'm trying to get content from contains javascript for loading the div I need. I thought of using some kind of iFrame, but I have no idea where to start and Google isn't helping me.
This is the code I'm running with atm and scrapUrl is a defined url so don't worry about it:
var iframe = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe'));
iframe.src = scrapUrl;
$(iframe).ready(function() {
$(iframe).load(function() {
It outputs "loaded" and after that "undefined"
So you're doing a lazy load of content in a div, and you want to know when that div has loaded? Depending how you're doing it, you'd be better to set a flag and react to the AJAX "load" event associated with that lazy load.
If you must do it the way you suggest, try this:
Create an interval (setInterval) that checks the load status, or the contents of the div
if false, do nothing. If true, clearInterval.

Load a function immediately - no access to <body>

I need to load a function as soon as a page loads, but I am working with a CMS that does not provide me access to the BODY tag. So I am not able to load it on the body, but in the content of the page. Any suggestions on the best way of loading a function in the content of the page?
I prefer to have it in regular Javascript, Jquery has been causing problems with the site as well.
You can use
window.onload = function() {
As Quentin commented, you can also use addEventListener or attachEvent.
If you don't need to wait until the DOM is ready.
<script> function_call(); </script>
Otherwise bind it to the load event with addEventListener.

Check if iFrame is loaded. ONE time. Jquery

I know there is many of possiblites when it comes to check if an iFrame content has been loaded. Although, is there anyway to limit it?
Example, if I have an iframe, and I need to check if everything has loaded, I can use the load() function. Although, if I click a NEW link inside the iframe, it will run the load() function again.
What I wish to know, is there any way to do, so jquery only checks the FIRST time the iFrame content has been loaded?
I have tried everything, nothing works.
Use jquery .one, it does the unbind work for you.
$('#iframe').one('load', function() {
Example fiddle.
You can unset the load callback again once it gets called.
$('#iframe').load(function() {
// do things which are awesome

