Passing a List<Map> through location.href - javascript

My problem is, I want to pass a parameter which is a List to my location.href
function addNewDriver()
var pEntityType = <%=c.WIDOC_ENTITY_DRIVER%>;
var pListEntities = <%=lListDrivers%>;
location.href= "<%= c.url %>do/user/groupItemForm.step1.jsp?idClient=" + <%=pIdClient%> + "&listEntities:" + pListEntities +
"&idGroup=" + <%=pIdGroup%> + "&entityType=" + pEntityType + "&<%= lBackButtonUrl %>";
This is an example in Chrome console.
var pListEntities = [{dniPerson=4444444S, surname2Person=XXX, passportPerson=null, namePerson=XXX, idGroupItem=1, idPk=1111, surname1Person=XXXX};
This is how I think "they" wanted it.
var pListEntities = [{dniPerson:4444444S, surname2Person:XXX, passportPerson:null, namePerson:XXX, idGroupItem:1, idPk:1111, surname1Person:XXXX};
"lListDrivers" is already filled with values of each driver, like dni, name, surname etc.
The problem comes because, to pass this list, values inside can't have an equal, they need a ":", but I don't know any way to change it.

Convert your List<Map> to JSON. you can use Jackson ObjectMapper to convert it and it will change your pListEntities to a JSON object.
Here is one example.


replace segment of a URL with regex

I have a button that takes a value from a checkbox and inserts it dynamically into a URL parameter. the URL looks like this:
&site=site1 is what is being updated dynamically by the value of a checkbox. My code for that looked like below at first:
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + + location.pathname +;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
The problem with the first approach is when you click the button multiple times, it just adds the new parameters to the URL, so it ends up looking like:
When I only need to change &site=site3&page=1 - I tried using a regex to select that part of the URL and replace it with the new one. My attempt at that is below:
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + + location.pathname +;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = filterSite + '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
var url = filterUrl.match(/&([^ ]*)/)[1];
console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
window.location.replace(url, filterUrl);
What this block does is remove the search query and just returns which gives a 404.
I need to somehow update a segment of a URL, and not the entire thing. I believe I need to do some sort of regex to target it and change it. What are the next steps? How can I update a certain section of a URL?
EDIT: This is where it stands now:
// apply filter, go to page
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + + location.pathname +;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = filterSite + '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
var url = filterUrl.match(/&([^ ]*)/)[1];
// console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
if (window.location.href.indexOf("&site=") > -1) {
filterSite.replace(/&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection);
} else {
but the .replace() method doesn't seem to be working.
Correct me if I got it wrong:
You have something like this: and you need to update ONLY THIS PART: &site=site1.
One way:
filterSite.replace(/&site=site\d+/,'&site=site' + filterSelection);
This works only if the updatable part of the url is ALWAYS going to be of the form &site=site<number>, ie: filterSelection is always a number
anyhow, let me know
Assuming what you mean by The .replace() method won't change the parameter, is that the URL won't change, you are right: when you do this:
filterSite.replace(/&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection);
what you are modifying is the variable filterSite, the page won't automatically reload to the new url, which I think is what you intend after seeing this other line:
replace it with:;
to make the page go to the new url
More about and its arguments
One last thing, I noticed you are using /&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection as args for replace which will not match So, unless you changed the structure of the url, you might want to look on that too.
let me know
URL Constructor
var uri = new URL( "" );
>> true
uri.searchParams.set( "site", "site2" );
uri.searchParams.set( "page", "2" );
>> ""
Browser Suport: ( ? )[ Chrome 49, Firefox 44, Opera 36, IE12 ]
I suggest you to use A POST request method and Jquery has already a method to construct that params to send based in the form

loading saving and showing json results in javascript

I have a php file called rows2.php that shows results like so after entering new fields in a database. It is simply showing the new id of the field :-
I want to load this with javascript and add the new_id to existing list with : either side of the number and display it but I seem to be struggling? Many thanks.
The javascript to load the page and get the result is :
$.getJSON("rows2.php", function(result) {
var new_id=console.log(result[0].new_id);
document.getElementById('vehicle_list').value = '' + document.getElementById('vehicle_list').value + 'new_id' + ':';
You should use
document.getElementById('vehicle_list').innerHTML = ''+document.getElementById('vehicle_list').innerHTML+'new_id'+':';
instead of
document.getElementById('vehicle_list').value = ''+document.getElementById('vehicle_list').value+'new_id'+':';
.value is used only in case of input elements otherwise you must use .innerHTML
Don't put the variable name (new_id) in quotes.
document.getElementById('vehicle_list').value = '' + document.getElementById('vehicle_list').value + new_id + ':';

Shorthand for "console.log("var: " + var)"?

It would be nice to have a super quick way to do this:
"console.log("var: " + var)"?
Tried this, but not sure if there's a way to get a variable name as a string once it's been passed in, or convert the name string to a reference to the variable...
var mLog = function(varNameStr){
console.log(varNameStr + ": " + _____);
EDIT: Judging by the results of googling "get name string of a variable js", it looks like there's no easy way to grab the name string of a variable from the reference (You have to create hash tables or other structures that make it not worthwhile.)
So, the only possible solution would be to convert a string into a reference to the variable. Is that possible in JS?
The following will do the trick. Pass it a variable name in string form.
var mLog = function(varStr){
console.log(varStr + ": " + eval(varStr));
> var strVar = 'A string variable';
> mLog('strVar');
< strVar: A string variable
> var arrVar = [1,2,3];
> mLog('arrVar');
< arrVar: 1,2,3
There is no way to "extract" the variable name, since variables aren't actually data. The closest thing you could do is use it for objects. Something like:
var obj= {
prop: 'value'
function mLog(object, prop) {
console.log(prop + ': ' + object[prop];
mLog(obj, 'prop');

Getting NaN Error and undefined Error

I have a Problem with my push function in JavaScript.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myArr = []
var len = myArr.length
$.getJSON('daten.json', function(data) {
$.each(data,function(key,value) {
for(var i = 0; i <= len; i++){
myArr.push("<p>" + value.Name+i ," ", value.Nachname+i + "</p>")
I need to convert value.Name+i like this = value.Name0, value.Name1 and so on. I got a JSON File and the Keys are Dynamic, so the first entry got Name0 the second Name1 and so on. Now I must print the JSON file on my html page, but how I can write this line:
myArr.push("<p>" + value.Name+i ," ", value.Nachname+i + "</p>")
with my var i which increment in the loop, to call the Keys in my JSON file?
Like value.Name0. Doing value.Name+i and value.Name.i does not work.
It seems to me what you're looking for is something like this:
myArr.push("<p>" + value['Name'+i] ," ", value['Nachname'+i] + "</p>")
This portion of javascript is covered pretty nicely here:
Take the object property in a variable, use condition to check if it has value or not then concat it
var nameval =;
then use in your javascript variable
You need to convert your i (integer value) to string prior to adding it.
value.Name + i.toString()
here's the jfiddle link:

access javascript variable into the .ashx page

I have a JavaScript, which returns 2 variables. I just want to access those variables in the generic handler(ashx) page but I can't. Can anybody give some suggestion?
var myArray = [txt, value];
var url = "insertComments.ashx?dat=" + myArray.join();
Change your Javascript :
var url = "insertComments.ashx?datTxt=" + txt + "&" + "datValue=" + value;
and in handler access that values with :
string txt = context.Request.Params["datTxt"];
string val = context.Request.Params["datValue"];

