How to update other component html text value - javascript

This is my app.component.html source code:
<button (click)="flip('+')">+</button><button (click)="flip('-')">-</button>
This is my app.component.ts source code:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { SplitFlapComponent } from './split-flap/split-flap.component';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private splitFlapComponent: SplitFlapComponent)
This is my split-flap.component.ts:
import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'split-flap',
templateUrl: './split-flap.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./split-flap.component.css']
export class SplitFlapComponent implements OnInit {
title: string;
constructor() {
this.title = 'split-flap works1!';
ngOnInit() {
This is my split-flap.component.html:
My app.component.html has two buttons, both of them pass a sign to split-flap.component, would you tell me how can I the update split-flap.component.html content? Because most of the examples for input box only, I cannot find an example for <p>.

Try like this:
Solution 1 : #Input()
<split-flap [title]="title"></split-flap>
title: string;
constructor() {
this.title = 'split-flap works1!';
#Input() title: string
Solution 2 : ViewChild()
<split-flap #child ></split-flap>
#ViewChild('child') child: SplitFlapComponent ;


Angular - How to invoke function from parent to child component

I have this situation: A parent component structured in this way:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-parent',
templateUrl: './parent.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./parent.component.css']
export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
with this html (parent has an ng-content):
<button>Click to say Hello!!!</button>
and a child component like this:
import { Component, OnInit } from "#angular/core";
selector: "app-child",
templateUrl: "./child.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./child.component.css"]
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
onSubmit() {
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {}
with this html:
<div>I'm child component</div>
From the parent component I want to click inside button to invoke onSubmit child this possible?
This is a sample; I'm creating a modal that has default buttons: "CANCEL" and "SUCCESS". On the success button I need to invoke one function declared into the childrenComponent.
This is the stackblitz example:
You can access like that
<hello name="{{ name }}"></hello>
<app-parent (clickActionCB)="clickActionCB($event)">
import { Component, VERSION, ViewChild } from "#angular/core";
import { ChildComponent } from "./child/child.component";
selector: "my-app",
templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]
export class AppComponent {
name = "Angular " + VERSION.major;
#ViewChild(ChildComponent) childRef: ChildComponent;
clickActionCB(eventData) {
this.childRef.onSubmit() ;
import { Component, EventEmitter, OnInit, Output } from "#angular/core";
selector: "app-parent",
templateUrl: "./parent.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./parent.component.css"]
export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {}
#Output() clickActionCB = new EventEmitter<string>();
clickAction() {
<button (click)="clickAction()">Click to say Hello!!!</button>
Live stackblitz URL
import { Component, OnInit } from "#angular/core";
selector: "app-child",
template: `
<div>I'm child component</div>
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
onSubmit() {
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {}
import { ChildComponent } from "../child/child.component";
selector: "app-parent",
template: `
<button (click)="onClick()">Click to say Hello!!!</button>
export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {
#ContentChild(ChildComponent) childRef: ChildComponent;
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {}
onClick() {

Angular app is compiling successfully but giving errors property does not exist in 'ng build --prod'

Angular app is compiling successfully but giving the following errors in 'ng build --prod'
ERROR in src\app\header\header.component.html(31,124): : Property 'searchText' does not exist on type 'HeaderComponent'.
src\app\dashboard\dashboard.component.html(3,72): : Property 'newsService' is private and only accessible within class 'DashboardComponent'.
src\app\dashboard\dashboard.component.html(3,72): : Property 'p' does not exist on type 'DashboardComponent'.
src\app\dashboard\dashboard.component.html(29,46): : Property 'p' does not exist on type 'DashboardComponent'.
I have used these properties in my html file as below:
<input type="text" class="form-control mr-2 align-self-center" required placeholder="Search" name="searchText" [ngModel]="searchText" value="">
<pagination-controls class="text-center" (pageChange)="p = $event"></pagination-controls>
my header.component.html file
import { Component, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter, ViewEncapsulation } from '#angular/core';
import { NgForm } from '#angular/forms';
selector: 'app-header',
templateUrl: './header.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./header.component.css']
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
filterText : string;
#Output() search = new EventEmitter();
#Output() filterButton = new EventEmitter();
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
onSubmit(form : NgForm)
this.filterText = $;
my dashboard.component.html file
import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '#angular/core';
import { NewsService } from '../shared/news.service';
import { NewsModel } from '../shared/news.model';
import { Form } from '#angular/forms';
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '#angular/core';
import { element } from 'protractor';
selector: 'app-dashboard',
templateUrl: './dashboard.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./dashboard.component.css']
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit {
articles : any;
temp : NewsModel = new NewsModel;
constructor(private newsService : NewsService) { }
ngOnInit() {
.subscribe((result) =>
this.articles = result;
this.articles.response.results.forEach(element => {
can't able to figure out where is the error exactly!
I think the error descriptions are as accurate as it can be. each of them tells you that something wrong with your component, lets examine each of them
ERROR in src\app\header\header.component.html(31,124): : Property 'searchText' does not exist on type 'HeaderComponent'.
you have searchText in HeaderComponent HTML, but not in the Component itself
SOLUTION: add searchText variable to the Component
selector: 'app-header',
templateUrl: './header.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./header.component.css']
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
src\app\dashboard\dashboard.component.html(3,72): : Property 'newsService' is private and only accessible within class 'DashboardComponent'.
all the fields you are using inside the template, must be the public field inside component itself, otherwise it will not compile
SOLUTION: change private modifier to public at newService
selector: 'app-dashboard',
templateUrl: './dashboard.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./dashboard.component.css']
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(public newsService : NewsService) { }
src\app\dashboard\dashboard.component.html(3,72): : Property 'p' does not exist on type 'DashboardComponent'.
src\app\dashboard\dashboard.component.html(29,46): : Property 'p' does not exist on type 'DashboardComponent'.
same as HeaderComponent. you are using p field but it's not defined in DashboardComponent
SOLUTION : add p field to the dashboard component
selector: 'app-dashboard',
templateUrl: './dashboard.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./dashboard.component.css']
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit {
You are trying to access from the template, variables that aren't defined in the corresponding components.
In header.component.html you are setting [ngModel]="searchText" and variable searchText isn't defined on header.component.ts. Could it be filterText variable instead?
In dashboard.component.html you are setting p = $event and variable p isn't defined on dashboard.component.ts. You also have an error about newsService being private. If you are gonna use it in the template it must be declared public when you inyect it on the constructor. I hope this helps. If you need more help is better if you provide a Stackblitz with minimum code.

Trigger Event on route change Angular 4

Hey I have two header components header.component and header-home.component so when your on the homepage you see the header-home and when your not you just see header now In my header component Ive set up an .active class that puts an underline underneath the selected nav item which works when going between the nav on the pages with the header.component but not when I click on the nav in the header-home which takes me to a page that now has header
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Router, Event, NavigationStart } from '#angular/router';
import { NgIf } from '#angular/common';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
routeHidden = true;
title = 'app';
constructor(private router: Router)
ngOnInit() { (e) => {
if (e instanceof NavigationStart) {
if (e.url === '/') {
this.routeHidden = false;
} else {
this.routeHidden = true;
<app-header *ngIf="routeHidden"></app-header>
<app-header-home *ngIf="!routeHidden"></app-header-home>
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { NgStyle } from '#angular/common';
declare var jquery: any;
declare var $: any;
selector: 'app-header',
templateUrl: './header.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./header.component.scss']
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
title: any;
image: any;
) { }
ngOnInit() {
$('ul li').on('click', function() {
basically is there a way I can grab that click event in the header-home.component and then apply the .active class to the nav item I clicked on in the header.component
any help would be appreciated!

html wont render from inside angular 2 component

I'm using a service to dynamically change the content in my header depending on the page I'm on, however when I put HTML in my component it doesn't render in the browser (see example below)
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { HeaderTitleService } from '../../services/headerTitle.service';
selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./home.component.scss']
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {
private headerTitleService: HeaderTitleService
) { }
ngOnInit() {
We strive to create things
<br> that are engaging, progressive
<br> & above all
<span class="highlight">
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { HeaderTitleService } from '../../../services/headerTitle.service'
selector: 'app-header',
templateUrl: './header.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./header.component.scss']
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
title: any;
private headerTitleService: HeaderTitleService
) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.headerTitleService.title.subscribe(updatedTitle => {
this.title = updatedTitle;
so Im trying to set the title to be a string that has html tags in it that I want to be rendered but what happens is the whole thing comes out as a string instead of how it would look like it I had put it in my home.component.html.
Is there a way I can do this??
You can set the [innerHtml] property
<h1 [innerHtml]="title"></h1>

Javascript Angular 4 eventEmitter with ngClass

I am using Angular 4 and eventEmitter to change a class name.
The class css is:
.paintRed {
background-color: red;
Now for the Angular part:
I have a button component:
import { Component, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-button',
templateUrl: './button.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./button.component.scss']
export class ButtonComponent implements OnInit {
#Output() outputEvent: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {}
sendOutEvent() {
<p (click)="sendOutEvent()">Click to Emit</p>
Finally on my app.component.ts I have:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'app';
handleEvent(value) {
and my app.component.html looks like this:
<div id="elementId">
<app-button (outputEvent)="handleEvent($event)"></app-button>
The above will successfully add the class "paintRed" to elementId but what I want to do is this:
<div ngClass="myClass">
<app-button (outputEvent)="handleEvent($event)"></app-button>
Basically I want to use ngClass to change the value sent by handleEvent($event) ...
How can I do that?
In your app.component.ts
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'app';
myClass = '';
handleEvent(value) {
myClass = value;
And your html:
<div [ngClass]="myClass">
<app-button (outputEvent)="handleEvent($event)"></app-button>

