Can i save an html collection in one var using javascript? - javascript

i have the following html object : element
I just want to save the value in a variable. I tried using
var result = window.content.document.getElementsByClassName("glyphicon-ok")[0].getAttribute('value');
But return me null object. How can i save the element of this list in my var using javascript. The element is.
Important, check this image to check the html collection i'm trying save using javascript:

You can use querySelector to pass CSS selector inside and get the first element of the page selected by the CSS selector (if you want to get all the array, you can use querySelectorAll instead) like that:
let result = document.querySelector('glyphicon.glyphicon-ok.positive-color').value;
Edit: if it returns a null value, it's because your element doesn't have the attribute "value" set...


Cannot find labels with that class

Hi I have an array called "arrayRestado1" from which I want to extract the first element and save that value in the value property of an html input. If it extracts the value but, it does not find the input with that class so the input does not show anything.
The code is in JavaScript:
const col1_f1 = document.getElementsByClassName("col1_f1").value = arrayRestado1[0]
the function document.getElementsByClassName() returns an array of elements (an HTML Collection to be correct), not only a single DOM element.
Here's the documentation:
So with your current code you could try this:
const col1_f1 = document.getElementsByClassName("col1_f1")[0].value = arrayRestado1[0]
See the [0] after the function? This means we want the first element of the array. Doesn't matter if there is only one with the given class name col1_f1.
Otherwise you could give your inputs/elemets specific (unique) ids and then use the document.getElementById() function to get them as single elements "directly" in the first place.
More on that here:
Have a good day!

javascript getElementsByClassName from javascript variable

I'm getting some html from a angular get request and I'm trying to get some specific elements from this response. Which is a list of div's with the class "post-holder". Extracting the html works fine, but to extract each div to insert separately has some troubles.
This is the code I'm trying with:
var firstTag = '<main id="posts">';
var res = data.substring(data.indexOf(firstTag) + firstTag.length, data.indexOf('</main>'));
var html2 = $.parseHTML( res );
var x = html2.getElementsByClassName("post-holder");
The last line gives me the following error in chrome: "TypeError: undefined is not a function".
I'm guessing that getElementsByClass has some troubles with the variable generated by jquery. Is there another approach to do the same or a way to fix what I already have?
See the documentation for parseHTML:
Returns: Array
Description: Parses a string into an array of DOM nodes.
getElementsByClassName is a method on DOM elements, not on arrays. You need to loop over the array, check if each value is an element (as opposed to, for instance, a text node or a comment) and then call getElementsByClassName on the values.
Or you could just construct a jQuery object and use .find() on it instead.

querySelectorAll to find matching data-attribute

My app uses a Parse backend to keep a running list of all the concerts in my area that my friends and I are interested in.
On the main page I use a parse query display a module for each show stored in the database. As each module is created, I use this code to add a data attribute to the show's outermost div, corresponding to the show's object ID in parse:
var showId =;
$("div.show_module:last").data("showId", showId);
I'm successfully able to retrieve the showId of a specific show when the user clicks on the show's module:
$("#showsList").delegate(".showModuleBody", "click", function() {
var storeObjectId = $(this).closest("div.show_module").data("showId");
That all works great, proving that assigning the data-attribute is working.
Where I'm running into trouble is trying to find an element with a specific data attribute or a specific value for that attribute on a given page. The end goal is to get the y-offset of that div so I can scroll the page to the appropriate spot. I assumed I could use the following code to find the element, but it isn't working -
// find all elements with class .show_module
var allShows = document.querySelectorAll('.show_module');
// find all elements with showId data attribute
var showsWithShowId = document.querySelectorAll('[data-showId]');
// find all elements with a specific showId data attribute
var showToFind = document.querySelectorAll("[data-showId='2']");
The first of those 3 works, proving that all the elements I'm interested in are loaded into the page by the time I'm calling this function, but the 2nd and 3rd queries return nothing.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Is it something with syntax? Is querySelectorAll just incompatible with how I'm setting the data attribute?
I tried to include only what I figured are the salient bits of code, but if more is necessary please let me know.
Try This
For more info, look here:
Selecting element by data attribute
jQuery's .data method does not create a HTML attribute, but associates a value in its internal data store with the element.
If you want to set a data attribute with jQuery, then you need to use:
$("div.show_module:last").attr("data-showId", showId);
To get the value, you can use .data('showId') or .attr('data-showId').
(note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive, so you can also write "data-showid" instead.)

Getting Hash and Storing in Variable

I'm trying to take the hashed value from an object. What I'm basically doing is this:
target = $('a[href^="#products"]');
targetHashed = target.hash;
$targetHashed = $(targetHashed);
I'm putting the reference in "target", then getting the hashing and everything following it with ".hash" then converting the variable that contains the hashed value "targetHashed" to an object so I can do things like getting the offset, etc. Problem is that "targetHashed" is outputting undefined whenever I try to append .hash to it. Anyone know where I'm going wrong?
If you want to get the value of the href attribute of the selected elements you need to use attr so your second line would look something like.
targetHashed = target.attr('href');
But that only selects the first element, if you want to use all of them then you'll need to loop through that array.

how to access json data attribute

I have a data-attribute for several element that I'm using to store an ID and a value for each picklist values for each element. These will all be used to populate one field in a modal if one of the elements is edited.
I've added the ID and name for each option for each element into the data attribute like so:
{id:a0Dd000000RT1dOEAT,name:aa},{id:a0Dd000000RT1dPEAT,name:bb}, {id:a0Dd000000RT1dQEAT,name:cc},{id:a0Dd000000RT1dREAT,name:dd},{id:a0Dd000000RT1dSEAT,name:ee}
These represents 5 picklist options for one of the elements.
What is the syntax to extract each one? I've tried versions of:
and its not working, any suggestions? I'm obviously far from a javascript expert.
You need to JSON.parse() the value that .data() returns; then you can work with the value as a full JavaScript object.
var data = $('#elementID').data('picklistvalues');
// the attr value in the OP is not quite valid JSON
var obj = JSON.parse('[' + data + ']');
var id = obj[0].id;
It looks to me that you need to place quotes around the "id" values. These are not quite numbers and will not likely parse as anything but strings.

