Await inside loop before move to another iteration - javascript

I am trying to send message through an API using a function. When function do his duty it returns back a value which is messageLodId and it needs to be updated at Attendence in main loop. But when I execute this code, value comes undefined.
There are two questions:
1) Is the structure right?
2) If yes, please provide the answer for this problem.
//Posting SMS'/sms/', async function(req, res) {
let attendenceRecordId = parseInt(req.body.attendenceRecordId);
let result = await AttendenceRecord.findOne({where: {id: attendenceRecordId }, include: [ {model: Attendence, include: [{model: Student}
]}, {
model: Class
}], order: [['date', 'DESC']]});
if(!result) {
for await (let attendence of result.attendences){
let messageLogId = await sendSMS(attendence);
console.log("Message ID: ", messageLogId);
{ smsLogId: messageLogId },
{ where: { id: } }
{ isMessageSent:true },
{ where: { id: } }
res.send({messageSent: true});
Here is the function definition. Right now I am just returning 1.
In real world the URL returns a code.
async function sendSMS(attendence){
let message = `Respected Parent, your son/daughter ${} is absent on ${}`;
let messageURL = encodeURI(message);
let api = 'SOME VALUE';
let phone = attendence.student.fphone.substring(1, 11);
let target = `http://BASE_URL/api.php?key=${api}&receiver=92${phone}&sender=DigitalPGS&msgdata=${messageURL}`;
return 1;
}, 2000);

You should return promise from sendSMS. Resolve promise in setTimeout callback function.
function sendSMS(attendence){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let message = `Respected Parent, your son/daughter ${} is absent on ${}`;
let messageURL = encodeURI(message);
let api = 'SOME VALUE';
let phone = attendence.student.fphone.substring(1, 11);
let target = `http://BASE_URL/api.php?key=${api}&receiver=92${phone}&sender=DigitalPGS&msgdata=${messageURL}`;
}, 2000);

You should have sendSMS return a promise, and await that:
async function exec()
var records = [1,2,3];
for(var i=0;i<records.length;i++)
var messageLogId = await sendSMS(records[i]);
console.log("Result received from resolve", messageLogId);
function sendSMS(record)
// simulate an async method:
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Send sms for record", record);
}, 1000);
Note that the setTimeout here is just to demonstrate an asynchronous action. In the real world your sendSMS function will no doubt call an API, which will itself be asynchronous - just return the promise from that (or, wrap the call in a promise if the API client doesn't return one).

First, make your function Promisify. Then chunk your function and call that function in the for loop and handle with Promise.all().
const manyPromises = [];
for (const attendence of result.attendences) {
// Execution wait until all promises fulfilled/rejected
const result = await Promise.all(manyPromises);
const sendSmsAndUpdateStatus = async (attendence) => {
try {
const messageLogId = await sendSMS(attendence);
const updateObj = { smsLogId: messageLogId };
const condition = { where: { id: } };
const result = await Attendence.update(updateObj, condition);
return { result, messageLogId };
} catch (err) {
throw err;
const sendSMS = (attendence) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const message = `Respected Parent, your son/daughter ${} is absent on ${}`;
const messageURL = encodeURI(message);
const api = 'SOME VALUE';
const phone = attendence.student.fphone.substring(1, 11);
const target = `http://BASE_URL/api.php?key=${api}&receiver=92${phone}&sender=DigitalPGS&msgdata=${messageURL}`;
return resolve(1);
}, 2000);
Summary make sure your function sendSMS will return Promise, afterwards you can handle it with async/await or .then().catch() approaches.


Problem with .push with Asynchronous function

The Problem is with the uplines.push.
I always get an empty uplines array so the last part of the code doesn't run. The promises resolve later and I get the correct data. May I know how to go about doing it the correct way?
const getAllUplines = async () => {
uplines = [];
const findUser = async (userFid) => {
const userDoc = await firestore.collection("users").doc(userFid).get();
if (userDoc.exists) {
const user = {, id: };
if (user.immediateUplineFid) {
findUser(user.immediateUplineFid); //self looping
} else {
console.log("No User Found");
return null;
sale.rens.forEach(async (ren) => {
return uplines;
let uplines = await getAllUplines();
uplines = uplines.filter(
(v, i) => uplines.findIndex((index) => index === v) === i
); //remove duplicates
uplines.forEach((user) => {
if (user.chatId) {
sendTelegramMessage(user.chatId, saleToDisplay, currentUser.displayName);
console.log("Telegram Message Sent to " + user.displayName);
} else {
console.log(user.displayName + " has no chatId");
There are a few things that you have missed out while implementing the async call, which are explained in the inline comments in the code snippet.
A short explanation for what happened in your code is that in the line sale.rens.forEach you are passing an async function in the argument, which does not make any difference to the function forEach, it will execute it without waiting for it to complete.
Therefore in my answer I am using Promise.all to wait for all the async function calls to complete before returning the result.
// This is wrapped in an immediately executed async function because await in root is not supported here
(async () => {
const mockGetData = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
const sale = {
rens: [
{ userFid: 1 },
{ userFid: 2 },
{ userFid: 3 }
const getAllUplines = async () => {
const uplines = [];
const findUser = async (userFid) => {
// Simulating an async function call
const userDoc = await mockGetData();
console.log("User data received");
uplines.push(`User ${userFid}`);
const promises = [];
sale.rens.forEach(ren => { // This function in foreach does not have to be declared as async
// The function findUser is an async function, which returns a promise, so we have to keep track of all the promises returned to be used later
await Promise.all(promises);
return uplines;
let uplines = await getAllUplines();
In order to get the results of getAllUplines() properly, you need to add await to all async functions called in getAllUplines().
const getAllUplines = async () => {
uplines = [];
const findUser = async (userFid) => {
const userDoc = await firestore.collection("users").doc(userFid).get();
if (userDoc.exists) {
const user = {, id: };
if (user.immediateUplineFid) {
await findUser(user.immediateUplineFid); //self looping
} else {
console.log("No User Found");
return null;
sale.rens.forEach(async (ren) => {
await findUser(ren.userFid);
return uplines;

Resolve promise after callback it's executed

I have the following code on which I am trying to block the execution of the method _saveAddress multiple time, so I made a promise for this method.
const [pressEventDisabled, setPressEventDisabled] = useState(false);
<TouchableOpacity style={style.button_container} activeOpacity={1} disabled={pressEventDisabled} onPress={async () => {setPressEventDisabled(true); await _saveAddress(); setPressEventDisabled(false);}} >
The problem is that I want to resolve the promise after the callback method it's executed. It's there any way to wait for the dispatch function to execute or to resolve the promise inside the callback method?
This is the method for saving the address:
const _saveAddress = () => new Promise(async (resolve) => {
var valid = _validate();
if (valid) {
const address = createAddressJson();
if (addressId) {
var addressIdProperty = {
id: addressId
const newAddress = Object.assign(addressIdProperty, address);
dispatch(editAddress(newAddress, _onAddressSaveEditCallback));
} else {
dispatch(addAddress(address, _onAddressSaveEditCallback));
} else {
This is the callback method:
const _onAddressSaveEditCallback = async (success: boolean, apiValidations: any, address ? : Address, ) => {
if (success) {
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
await Navigation.pop(componentId);
} else {
Just do exactly what you say in the title. Nothing more, nothing less:
if (addressId) {
var addressIdProperty = {id: addressId};
const newAddress = Object.assign(addressIdProperty, address);
dispatch(editAddress(newAddress, async (s,v,a) => {
await _onAddressSaveEditCallback(s,v,a);
} else {
dispatch(addAddress(address, async (s,v,a) => {
await _onAddressSaveEditCallback(s,v,a);
Of course, since you are passing async () => {} to addAddress instead of _onAddressSaveEditCallback you have to call _onAddressSaveEditCallback yourself since addAddress will be calling the async () => ...
But mixing promises and callbacks like this isn't great. It leads to weird looking and sometimes confusing code. A better solution is to promisify addAddress:
function addAddressPromise (address) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
addAddress(address, (success, validations, address) {
if (success) return resolve(address);
else reject(validations)
Now you can wait for addAddress:
const _saveAddress = async () => {
// Don't create new promise here, we do it in addAddress..
// ...
let result = await addAddressPromise(address);
await _onAddressSaveEditCallback();
// ...

await for indexdb event in async function

I'm trying to return a custom object from a async function that works as wrapper for a put using indexdb.
Using Promises this is easy.
However, using async/await became more challenging...
const set = async (storeName, key, value) => {
if (!db)
throw new Error("no db!");
try {
const result = {};
let tx = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
let store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
let r = store.put({ data: key, value: value });
r.onsuccess = async () => {
result.something = true;
r.onerror = async () => {
result.something = false;
await r.transaction.complete; // ok... this don't work
// how can I await until onsuccess or onerror runs?
return result;
} catch (error) {
The ideia is to return a composed object... however all my attemps fails as onsuccess runs after returning the result.
I googled a lot and could't find a way to proper await for onsuccess/onerror events.
I know that returning a Promise is more easy as resolve(result) would end returning what I want... but i'm trying to learn to make same code using async/await.
Thank you so much,
Try this:
function set(db, storeName, key, value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let result;
const tx = db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite');
tx.oncomplete = _ => resolve(result);
tx.onerror = event => reject(;
const store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
const request = store.put({data: key, value: value});
request.onsuccess = _ => result = request.result;
async function callIt() {
const db = ...;
const result = await set(db, storeName, key, value);
Edit, since you insist on using the async qualifier for the set function, you can do this instead. Please note I find this pretty silly:
async function set(db, storeName, key, value) {
// Wrap the code that uses indexedDB in a promise because that is
// the only way to use indexedDB together with promises and
// async/await syntax. Note this syntax is much less preferred than
// using the promise-returning function pattern I used in the previous
// section of this answer.
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let result;
const tx = db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite');
tx.oncomplete = _ => resolve(result);
tx.onerror = event => reject(;
const store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
const request = store.put({data: key, value: value});
request.onsuccess = _ => result = request.result;
// We have executed the promise, but have not awaited it yet. So now we
// await it. We can use try/catch here too, if we want, because the
// await will translate the promise rejection into an exception. Of course,
// this is also rather silly because we are doing the same thing as just
// allowing an uncaught exception to exit the function early.
let result;
try {
result = await promise;
} catch(error) {
// Now do something with the result
console.debug('The result is', result);
Ultimately you'll end up wrapping IDB in a promise-friend library, but for your specific need, you could use something like this:
function promiseForTransaction(tx) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
tx.oncomplete = e => resolve();
tx.onabort = e => reject(tx.error);
And then in your code you can write things such as:
await promiseForTransaction(r.tx);
... which will wait until the transaction completes, and throw an exception if it aborts. (Note that this requires calling the helper
before the transaction could possibly have completed/aborted, since
it won't ever resolve if the events have already fired)
I can't confirm it right now but I think it should be await tx.complete instead of await r.transaction.complete;.
But a general solution that would work even if the API would not support Promises directly would be to wrap a new Promise around the onsuccess and onerror and use await to wait for that Promise to resolve, and in your onsuccess and onerror you then call the resolve function:
const set = async (storeName, key, value) => {
if (!db)
throw new Error("no db!");
try {
const result = {};
let tx = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
let store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
let r = store.put({
data: key,
value: value
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
r.onsuccess = () => {
result.something = true;
r.onerror = () => {
result.something = false;
// I assume you want to resolve the promise even if you get an error
return result;
} catch (error) {
I would furhter change it to:
try {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
r.onsuccess = resolve
r.onerror = reject
result.something = true;
} catch(err) {
result.something = false;

There is a function with a promise. Inside this function I call this function again (recursion). How to wait till recursed promise is resolved?

There are 2 functions that I need to run one-by-one: getUserPlaylists (receives Playlists) and getPlaylistTracks (receives Tracks for provided Playlist).
One response can have up to 50 tracks, so I need to use PageToken if I want to get the rest tracks. The problem is that I can not make a recursive function getPlaylistTracks to wait till the recursion is done.
function getPlaylistsWithTracks () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(function (playlists) {
async function (playlistObj) {
await getPlaylistTracks(playlistObj).then(function (tracks) {
playlistObj['tracks'] = tracks
function getPlaylistTracks (playlistObj, pageToken) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let playlistTracks = []
let requestOptions = {
'playlistId': playlistObj['youtubePlaylistId'],
'maxResults': '50',
'part': 'snippet'
if (pageToken) {
console.log('pageToken:', pageToken)
requestOptions.pageToken = pageToken
let request =
request.execute(function (response) {
response['items'].forEach(function (responceObj) {
let youtubeTrackTitle = responceObj.snippet.title
if (youtubeTrackTitle !== 'Deleted video') {
let youtubeTrackId = responceObj.snippet.resourceId.videoId
youtubePlaylistId: playlistObj.playlistId,
youtubePlaylistTitle: playlistObj.playlistTitle,
youtubeTrackId: youtubeTrackId,
youtubeTrackTitle: youtubeTrackTitle,
// Here I need to wait a bit
if (response.result['nextPageToken']) {
getPlaylistTracks(playlistObj, response.result['nextPageToken'])
.then(function (nextPageTracks) {
playlistTracks = playlistTracks.concat(nextPageTracks)
In my case in console I see the next:
> resolve
> pageToken: 123
> pageToken: 345
but, I want to see resolve the last.
How to wait till recursion is executed?
Avoid the Promise constructor antipattern, and (don't) use forEach with async functions properly.
Furthermore, there is nothing special about recursion. It's like any other promise-returning function call that you would want to wait for - put it in your then chain or await it. (The latter is considerably easier).
async function getPlaylistsWithTracks() {
const playlists = await getUserPlaylists();
for (const playlistObj of playlists) {
const tracks = await getPlaylistTracks(playlistObj);
playlistObj.tracks = tracks;
return playlists;
async function getPlaylistTracks(playlistObj, pageToken) {
let playlistTracks = []
let requestOptions = {
'playlistId': playlistObj['youtubePlaylistId'],
'maxResults': '50',
'part': 'snippet'
if (pageToken) {
console.log('pageToken:', pageToken)
requestOptions.pageToken = pageToken
let request =
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.execute(resolve); // are you sure this doesn't error?
response['items'].forEach(function (responceObj) {
let youtubeTrackTitle = responceObj.snippet.title
if (youtubeTrackTitle !== 'Deleted video') {
let youtubeTrackId = responceObj.snippet.resourceId.videoId
youtubePlaylistId: playlistObj.playlistId,
youtubePlaylistTitle: playlistObj.playlistTitle,
youtubeTrackId: youtubeTrackId,
youtubeTrackTitle: youtubeTrackTitle,
if (response.result['nextPageToken']) {
const nextPageTracks = await getPlaylistTracks(playlistObj, response.result['nextPageToken']);
playlistTracks = playlistTracks.concat(nextPageTracks);
return playlistTracks;

Trouble with async await and non async functions

I'm trying deal with a library that using async functions and am a little lost. I want to call a function that returns a string but am getting tripped up. Here's what I have so far. The ZeroEx library functions all seem to use async /await so my understanding is that I can only call them from another async method. But won't this just cause a chain reaction meaning every method needs to be async? Or am I missing something?
function main() {
var broker = zmq.socket('router');
broker.on('message', function () {
var args = Array.apply(null, arguments)
, identity = args[0]
, message = args[1].toString('utf8');
if(message === 'TopOfBook') {
broker.send([identity, '', getTopOfBook()]);
//broker.send([identity, '', 'TEST']);
//console.log('test sent');
async function getTopOfBook() {
var result: string = 'test getTopOfBook';
const EXCHANGE_ADDRESS = await;
const wethTokenInfo = await zeroEx.tokenRegistry.getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('WETH');
const zrxTokenInfo = await zeroEx.tokenRegistry.getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('ZRX');
if (wethTokenInfo === undefined || zrxTokenInfo === undefined) {
throw new Error('could not find token info');
const WETH_ADDRESS = wethTokenInfo.address;
const ZRX_ADDRESS = zrxTokenInfo.address;
return result;
The function getTopOfBook() isn't returning anything back to the main() function so the result is never being sent by the broker. The commented out broker.send() with 'TEST' is working fine however. Thanks for looking.
I tried to make the main method async so I could use await but it's giving an error that I can only use await in an async function. Could the broker.on() call be causing this?
const main = async () => {
var broker = zmq.socket('router');
broker.on('message', function () {
var args = Array.apply(null, arguments)
, identity = args[0]
, message = args[1].toString('utf8');
if(message === 'TopOfBook') {
>> var test = await getTopOfBook();
console.log('in top of book test');
broker.send([identity, '', test]);
//broker.send([identity, '', 'TEST']);
//console.log('test sent');
} catch (err) {
My current working code, thanks everyone that had advice/solutions! I obviously have to fill out the getTopOfBook() function to return an actual result still. If you have more recommendations send them my way. I'm trying to build out a backend that will get data from a geth rpc and send it to a C# GUI front end.
var main = function() {
var broker = zmq.socket('router');
broker.on('message', function () {
var args = Array.apply(null, arguments)
, identity = args[0]
, message = args[1].toString('utf8');
if(message === 'TopOfBook') {
getTopOfBook().then((result) => {
broker.send([identity, '', result])
} catch (err) {
async function getTopOfBook() {
var result: string = 'test getTopOfBook';
const EXCHANGE_ADDRESS = await;
const wethTokenInfo = await zeroEx.tokenRegistry.getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('WETH');
const zrxTokenInfo = await zeroEx.tokenRegistry.getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('ZRX');
if (wethTokenInfo === undefined || zrxTokenInfo === undefined) {
throw new Error('could not find token info');
const WETH_ADDRESS = wethTokenInfo.address;
const ZRX_ADDRESS = zrxTokenInfo.address;
return result;
The callback function needs to be async
broker.on('message', async function () {
var args = Array.apply(null, arguments)
, identity = args[0]
, message = args[1].toString('utf8');
if(message === 'TopOfBook') {
var test = await getTopOfBook();
broker.send([identity, '', test]);
//broker.send([identity, '', 'TEST']);
//console.log('test sent');
You are missing the point that async functions are just a way to write the code. Every async function what actually does is generate a promise. That is why you can await any promise and you can interact with any library that uses async without the need of using async functions yourself.
When you call an async function it should return a promise (which happens automatically on async function). A promise is nothing but an object with a then method. Such method accepts a callback, where you can handle the rest of the logic.
function main() {
var broker = zmq.socket('router');
broker.on('message', function () {
var args = Array.apply(null, arguments)
, identity = args[0]
, message = args[1].toString('utf8');
if(message === 'TopOfBook') {
return getTopOfBook().then( result =>
broker.send([identity, '', result])
) // If the broker also returns a promise, you can continue the flow here
.then(()=> console.log('test sent'))
Personally I don't like async await at all because the involve too much magic and make people to forget about the actual nature of promises and asynchronous code.
Also when dealing with promises you should always remember to return any promise you could call/generate so outer code can continue the chain and handle error messages.
Your function getTopOfBook returns a Promise, so you need to use the function then
Call that function as follow:
getTopOfBook().then((result) => {
console.log("Result:" + result);
Look at this code snippet
let sleep = (fn) => {
setTimeout(fn, 1000);
let getContractAddress = function(cb) {
return new Promise((r) => sleep(() => {
let getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync = function(str) {
return new Promise((r) => sleep(() => {
address: 'getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync: ' + str
let WETH_ADDRESS = '';
let ZRX_ADDRESS = '';
async function getTopOfBook() {
var result = 'test getTopOfBook';
const EXCHANGE_ADDRESS = await getContractAddress();
const wethTokenInfo = await getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('WETH');
const zrxTokenInfo = await getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('ZRX');
if (wethTokenInfo === undefined || zrxTokenInfo === undefined) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('could not find token info'));
const WETH_ADDRESS = wethTokenInfo.address;
const ZRX_ADDRESS = zrxTokenInfo.address;
return result;
var main = function() {
console.log('Waiting response...');
getTopOfBook().then((result) => {
console.log("Result:" + result);
}).catch((error) => {
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important
If you want to throw an error use the function Promise.reject()
Along with that call, you need either to pass the reject function or call the catch function.
In this example, we're passing the reject function:
(error) => {
If you don't pass the reject function, you need to call the catch function in order to handle the thrown error.
let sleep = (fn) => {
setTimeout(fn, 1000);
let getContractAddress = function(cb) {
return new Promise((r) => sleep(() => {
let getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync = function(str) {
return new Promise((r) => sleep(() => {
let WETH_ADDRESS = '';
let ZRX_ADDRESS = '';
async function getTopOfBook() {
var result = 'test getTopOfBook';
const EXCHANGE_ADDRESS = await getContractAddress();
const wethTokenInfo = await getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('WETH');
const zrxTokenInfo = await getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync('ZRX');
if (wethTokenInfo === undefined || zrxTokenInfo === undefined) {
return Promise.reject('Could not find token info');
const WETH_ADDRESS = wethTokenInfo.address;
const ZRX_ADDRESS = zrxTokenInfo.address;
return result;
var main = function() {
console.log('Waiting response...');
getTopOfBook().then((result) => {
console.log("Result:" + result);
}, (error) => {
}).catch((error) => {
console.log(error); // This line will be called if reject function is missing.
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important
Async function
When an async function is called, it returns a Promise. When the async function returns a value, the Promise will be resolved with the returned value. When the async function throws an exception or some value, the Promise will be rejected with the thrown value.

