How to change marker labels in anychart horizontal gauge? - javascript

I am using anychart for creating a percentage horizontal gauge.
And i want to change the marker information to show what i want.
I found nothing on the documentation about it.
I'm using the javascript anychart playground (link below).
The final implementation is on Angular 5.
The original code :
(Optional) The typescript method :
createAnyChartsCustomGauges() {
let array = [];
this.listItem.forEach(item => {
// Gauge type and data
const gauge = anychart.gauges.linear();
// Set the data[item.percent]); //number
// Create the custom scale bar
const scaleBarre = gauge.scaleBar(0);
// color and style setting
const colorScale = anychart.scales.ordinalColor().ranges([
from: 0,
to: 25,
color: ['#D81E05', '#EB7A02'],
from: 25,
to: 50,
color: ['#EB7A02', '#FFD700'],
from: 50,
to: 75,
color: ['#FFD700', '#CAD70b'],
from: 75,
to: 100,
color: ['#CAD70b', '#2AD62A'],
// Add a marker pointer
const marker = gauge.marker(0);
// Add a scale
const scale = gauge.scale();
// Add an axis
const axis = gauge.axis();
// format axis labels
// set paddings
gauge.padding([0, 20]);
Actual :
Pointer 0
Value 63
Expected :
Value 63%

#gugateider was absolutely right! Also, if you don't want to use HTML styling for tooltip and disable tooltip title and separator, you can use the code below:
gauge.tooltip().format("Value: {%value}%");

You should be using the format() methods of the Tooltip class.
There's a similar example on Any charts playground
// enable HTML for tooltips
// tooltip settings
var tooltip = gauge.tooltip();
tooltip.format("Value: <b>${%value} %</b>");
Try that and see if works?


React/Anychart - chart disapears when tooltip is rendered

I am rendering a Stock/Candlestick chart using React but the issue is when I hover the cursor over a data point, the tooltip is generated but the chart is destroyed.
If I change chart.tooltip().positionMode('float'); to chart.tooltip().positionMode('point');, the tooltip doesn't render at all but the chart remains.
I have tried various different position() options and also the anchor() but none seems to have any effect on the tooltip.
take a look here for the full code
Here is the full js page for the chart
import AnyChart from 'anychart-react'
import anychart from 'anychart'
export default class Chart extends Component {
render() {
var coinId =
var coinName =
//set type of chart
var chart = anychart.stock();
//if posistion mode is 'float', chart disappears
//if position mode is 'point', tooltip doesn't render
//chart background color
// load jsonfile + function"" + coinId + "/ohlc?vs_currency=usd&days=max",
function (data) {
// create a data table
var dataTable =, 'MMM d, yyyy');
// map data
var mapping = dataTable.mapAs({ 'open': 1, 'high': 2, 'low': 3, 'close': 4 });
// set the series
var series = chart.plot(0).candlestick(mapping);
// set the series name + " Price Data");
// set the chart title
chart.title(coinName + " Price Data");
// create a plot
var plot = chart.plot(0);
// create an EMA(Exponential Moving Average) indicator with period 20
var ema20 = plot.ema(mapping, 20).series();
// set the EMA color
ema20.stroke('1, white');
// disable the scroller axis
// map "open" values for the scroller
var openValue = dataTable.mapAs();
openValue.addField('value', 2);
// create a scroller series with the mapped data
return <AnyChart
AnyStock supports the float position mode of the tooltip only. So, you can simply remove that line.

SAP UI5 Gantt Chart color based on condition

How can I set the fill color of a Gantt chart shape based on the value of a property in the bound json model?
Here's the code I am using to configure the sap.gantt.config.Shape :-
var oRectangle = new sap.gantt.config.Shape({
key: "Rectangle",
shapeDataName: "schedule",
shapeClassName: "sap.gantt.shape.Rectangle",
shapeProperties: {
time: "{startTime}",
endTime: "{endTime}",
height: 32,
fill: "green",
title: "{name}",
level: 0
The use case I am trying to address is :-
If there are 4 or more schedules, then fill the shape with GREEN else fill YELLOW.
I have already tried expression binding like :
fill: "{= ${data>/schedule}.length > 4 ? 'green' : 'yellow' }"
But that didn't give any result and filled the shape with the default BLACK color.
Is there some other way of getting it possible?
Also, is there a way we can configure Gantt shapes in XML views itself ratherer than doing all these configurations the in controller?
delete the attribute from your shape definition.
Before you define the oRectangle, put the following code segment:
sap.ui.define(["sap/gantt/shape/Rectangle"], function (Rectangle) {
var shapeRectangle = Rectangle.extend("sap.test.shapeRectangle");
shapeRectangle.prototype.getFill = function (oRawData) {
return oRawData.color;
return shapeRectangle;
}, true);
After that, you have to provide the property color to the order in your data model on the same level as startTime, endTime, etc...

How to create custom legend in ChartJS

I need to create custom legend for my donut chart using ChartJS library.
I have created donut with default legend provided by ChartJS but I need some modification.
I would like to have value above the car name. Also I don't like sticky legend I want to have it separate from donut so I can change the style for fonts, boxes (next to the text "Audi" for example)
I know there is some Legend generator but I'm not sure how to use it with VueJS - because I'm using VueJS as a framework
This is how my legend looks like now -
My code:
From Vue component where I import a donut component:
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="chart-box">
<p class="chart-title">Cars</p>
<donut-message id="chart-parent"></donut-message>
import { Doughnut } from 'vue-chartjs'
export default Doughnut.extend({
ready () { = false; = false;
labels: ['Audi','BMW','Ford','Opel'],
datasets: [
label: 'Cars',
backgroundColor: ['#35d89b','#4676ea','#fba545','#e6ebfd'],
data: [40, 30, 20, 10]
responsive: true,
cutoutPercentage: 75,
legend: {
display: true,
position: "right",
fullWidth: true,
labels: {
boxWidth: 10,
fontSize: 14
animation: {
animateScale: true
I'm having the same problem trying to understand the documentation and this link might clarify the process of customize the legends:
The trick is to track a callback to build your own HTML structure and return this new structure to ChartJS.
Inside the options object:
legendCallback: function(chart) {
var text = [];
text.push('<ul class="' + + '-legend">');
for (var i = 0; i <[0].data.length; i++) {
text.push('<li><span style="background-color:' +[0].backgroundColor[i] + '">');
if ([i]) {
return text.join("");
Second, you need a container to insert the new html and using the method myChart.generateLegend() to get the customized html:
After that, if you need, track down the events:
$("#your-legend-container").on('click', "li", function() {[0].data[$(this).index()] += 50;
console.log('legend: ' + data.datasets[0].data[$(this).index()]);
$('#myChart').on('click', function(evt) {
var activePoints = myChart.getElementsAtEvent(evt);
var firstPoint = activePoints[0];
if (firstPoint !== undefined) {
console.log('canvas: ' +
else {"New");[0].data.push(100);[0].backgroundColor.push("red");
myChart.options.animation.animateRotate = false;
myChart.options.animation.animateScale = false;
Another solution that I found, if you don't need to change the HTMl structure inside the legend, you can just insert the same HTML in your legend container and customize it by CSS, check this another link:
Hope it works for you.
You can extract the legend markup.
data () {
return {
legendMarkup: ''
ready () {
this.legendMarkup = this._chart.generateLegend()
And in your template you can output it.
<div class="legend" ref="legend" v-html="legendMarkup"></div>
this._chart is the internal chartjs instance in vue-chartjs. So you can call all chartjs methods which are not exposed by vue-chartjs api over it.
However you can also use the legend generator. The usage is the same in vue. You can pass in the options, use callbacks etc.
please check this documentation
Legend Configuration
The chart legend displays data about the datasets that area appearing on the chart.
Configuration options
Position of the legend. Options are:
Legend Item Interface
Items passed to the legend onClick function are the ones returned from labels.generateLabels. These items must implement the following interface.
// Label that will be displayed
text: String,
// Fill style of the legend box
fillStyle: Color,
// If true, this item represents a hidden dataset. Label will be rendered with a strike-through effect
hidden: Boolean,
// For box border. See
lineCap: String,
// For box border. See
lineDash: Array[Number],
// For box border. See
lineDashOffset: Number,
// For box border. See
lineJoin: String,
// Width of box border
lineWidth: Number,
// Stroke style of the legend box
strokeStyle: Color
// Point style of the legend box (only used if usePointStyle is true)
pointStyle: String
The following example will create a chart with the legend enabled and turn all of the text red in color.
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: data,
options: {
legend: {
display: true,
labels: {
fontColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)'
Custom On Click Actions
It can be common to want to trigger different behaviour when clicking an item in the legend. This can be easily achieved using a callback in the config object.
The default legend click handler is:
function(e, legendItem) {
var index = legendItem.datasetIndex;
var ci = this.chart;
var meta = ci.getDatasetMeta(index);
// See controller.isDatasetVisible comment
meta.hidden = meta.hidden === null? ![index].hidden : null;
// We hid a dataset ... rerender the chart
Lets say we wanted instead to link the display of the first two datasets. We could change the click handler accordingly.
var defaultLegendClickHandler =;
var newLegendClickHandler = function (e, legendItem) {
var index = legendItem.datasetIndex;
if (index > 1) {
// Do the original logic
defaultLegendClickHandler(e, legendItem);
} else {
let ci = this.chart;
ci.getDatasetMeta(1)].forEach(function(meta) {
meta.hidden = meta.hidden === null? ![index].hidden : null;
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: data,
options: {
legend: {
Now when you click the legend in this chart, the visibility of the first two datasets will be linked together.
HTML Legends
Sometimes you need a very complex legend. In these cases, it makes sense to generate an HTML legend. Charts provide a generateLegend() method on their prototype that returns an HTML string for the legend.
To configure how this legend is generated, you can change the legendCallback config property.
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: data,
options: {
legendCallback: function(chart) {
// Return the HTML string here.

kendo chart legend : label at left, color at right

I have kendo-chart at my js code.
By default, the legend area layout is that, there is list of colors, and the right of every color - there is label with series name. I want to reverse the order: put label first, and color second, and align it to right.
I think the best way to do it is by legend.item, but I don't know how to do it.
see the current state:
and here is demo of what I want will be:
You can create a custom legend visual using the Kendo legend methods.
legend: {
item: {
visual: function (e) {
// get the default color for the legend shape
var color = e.options.markers.background;
// get the default color for the legend text
var labelColor = e.options.labels.color;
// bounds of the legend
var rect = new kendo.geometry.Rect([0, 0], [100, 50]);
var layout = new kendo.drawing.Layout(rect, {
spacing: 5,
alignItems: "center"
// Recreate the legend shape (can be any shape)
var marker = new kendo.drawing.Path({
fill: {
color: color
}).moveTo(10, 0).lineTo(15, 10).lineTo(5, 10).close();
// recreate the label text
var label = new kendo.drawing.Text(, [0, 0], {
fill: {
color: labelColor
// This is the key part: it draws the label first then the shape
layout.append(label, marker);
return layout;
The important part of this code is this part:
layout.append(label, marker);
Because we're specifying the label first, then the marker, the label should appear first.
I don't have a jsFiddle setup for this, but Kendo has an example in their dojo:
In this case you'll have hide the legend.
legend: {
visible: false
And create your own legend in html.

c3.js - c3 graph that has a tooltip with a c3 graph inside

I have a c3.js line graph that represents the evolution of 2 values. I need that the tooltip of the line graph to be a pie chart (tooltip = another c3.js graph).
Here is what I succeeded:
// c3 - custom tooltip
function generateGraph(data1,data2) {
console.log( + '\t' + data1.value + '\t' + + '\t' + data2.value);
var chart1 = c3.generate(
bindto: "#t",
data: {columns : [[, data1.value],[, data2.value]],
type : 'pie'}
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['data1', 1000, 200, 150, 300, 200],
['data2', 400, 500, 250, 700, 300], ]
tooltip: {
contents: function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
generateGraph(d[0], d[1]);
var divt = document.getElementById("t");
return '';
As you can see I'm binding the "tooltip" with an already existing div so this is not really what I want from c3.js.
Any idea is welcome.
Adding a Chart inside a C3 Tooltip
You can use the tooltip element that c3 already has. In your contents function call the generateGraph function (see next step). Pass in the tooltip element available in this.tooltip in addition to the data.
tooltip: {
contents: function (d) {
// this creates a chart inside the tooltips
var content = generateGraph(this.tooltip, d[0], d[1])
// we don't return anything - see .html function below
Your generateGraph function basically creates a c3 chart in your tooltip element (bindto supports a d3 element). We do a bit of optimization (if the data is same, the chart is not recreated) and cleanup (when a chart is recreated it is destroyed and removed from the DOM)
function generateGraph(tooltip, data1, data2) {
// if the data is same as before don't regenrate the graph - this avoids flicker
if (tooltip.data1 &&
( === && (tooltip.data1.value === data1.value) &&
( === && (tooltip.data2.value === data2.value))
tooltip.data1 = data1;
tooltip.data2 = data2;
// remove the existing chart
if (tooltip.chart) {
tooltip.chart = tooltip.chart.destroy();
// create new chart
tooltip.chart = c3.generate({
bindto: tooltip,
size: {
width: 200,
height: 200
data: {
columns: [[, data1.value], [, data2.value]],
type: 'pie'
// creating a chart on an element sets its position attribute to relative
// reset it to absolute (the tooltip was absolute originally) for proper positioning'position', 'absolute');
Note that we set the chart size so that it's more like tooltip content instead of a subchart.
The last bit is a bit hacky - since c3 requires that we set a HTML (which we don't want to do) and because we don't have any other callbacks we can easily hitch onto after the content handler, we have to disable the function that c3 uses to set the html content on the tooltip (this will affect only this chart's tooltip) i.e. .tooltip.html
// MONKEY PATCHING (MAY break if library updates change the code that sets tooltip content)
// we override the html function for the tooltip to not do anything (since we've already created the tooltip content inside it)
chart.internal.tooltip.html = function () {
// this needs to return the tooltip - it's used for positioning the tooltip
return chart.internal.tooltip;
Fiddle -
Tooltip Positioning
Instead of using c3's tooltip positioning you could also size and position the tooltip at the bottom of the chart. Just style .c3-tooltip-container.
Note that c3 also support subcharts ( and data.mouseover ( which could also be a cleaner avenues worth exploring.

