Advice for a web application which references images/fonts/files/etc - javascript

I have been working on an interactive, static web application project at work, and I've completed everything I want, with a few tiny last hurdles. I've written everything in HTML, CSS and JS with no frameworks. Everything runs smoothly client-side, and I even put it on Github Pages and it works well there too. The issue is this: currently, I have some data hard-coded into a String in the JS file, and I would rather the JS reference some kind of excel sheet (.csv, .xlxs or Google sheet) or text file with the data.
I know that this violates security policies when the user does not directly select the file (via input), so I was thinking about using Google Sites (which, if I'm not mistaken, can reference an embedded Google Sheet?). However, I'm fairly certain that this doesn't give me the freedom of using everything that I want to (i.e. images, custom fonts, as well as css and js).
All of the code is in this repo, but I don't think that showing code is helpful to what I'm asking.
I guess the real question is, we want the program to be continuable for the future, and that people other than me (who don't necessarily know how the code works) can update the data. Bottom line, we don't want that data hard-coded, and we need a solution that encompasses everything in the directory.
Side note, I would like to try to stay away from servers and databases, but if that might be my only solution, then I guess I have no choice.

Security policies are only an issue if your web application is being ran over file:// protocol - so long as you have any kind of minimal web server (app being static makes this easier) to run it, or host the app on GitHub pages, you'll be able to pull your data files from relative paths via Ajax.
Using CSV is probably the most straightforward choice here - virtually every sheet-related application can import/export the format, and the overhead to parse it on JS side is minimal.


Client-side Website Localization Using URL Path

I'm working on localizing a website that I recently built -
The project is rather small, and I mostly use it to teach myself javascript along with Webpack and other web-related technologies/frameworks.
The website is 100% browser-based and does not have a lot of content. For that reason, I decided to go with this approach to translate the content itself.
The replacement of the placeholders with the 'real' content happens via javascript that is at the bottom of the HTML. Ultimately I want to have the content ready before the page renders. Just so that that search engines can index the new pages nicely.
What I want to achieve is that the page itself detects the language code (e.g., for Spanish) from the URL and then performs the translation based on that value.
What I'm struggling with is how to handle the part of the URL in the web page itself as the directory itself does not exist on the server directly.
So far, I tried redirecting all HTTP 404 codes to the index.html file itself (on the hosting side) - As suggested for SPAs.
This leads me to problems loading the resources as the relative paths now include the language code part of the URL.
Two ideas came to mind.
Improve the current Webpack build so that I only deliver a single file including all assets. That way I would not have problems with relative paths and I should be good. (Is Single page application just one page using for entire web application?)
Should I introduce a routing framework like Vue?
What I'm not asking for is
How to parse the URL itself.
For SEO reasons I also don't want to use URL parameters.
Hacky ideas or workarounds. I have no time pressure and want to know how this is done best.
Any help/ideas are greatly appreciated.
Under the circumstances that you have no time pressure, I'd personally recommend to use a JavaScript framework - or more specifically - Vue.js. Since you already mentioned it, I assume you have basic knowledge of it.
I see various ways to benefit from choosing this path:
The actual problem you're facing will no longer be an issue. The application will handle all the routing, so all you have to do is return the index.html and you're good to go
The developer experience (build process, hot reload, deployment, ...) will dramatically improve your daily work
Your bundle size will very likely reduce
You're prepared for future growth of your application
Best of all: you're challenging yourself by using a technology you probably have not much experience with. Speaking for myself, that should be reason enough. :-)
Happy coding!

PHP template system vs javascript AJAX template

My PHP template looks like this:
"{title}"=>"Title of my webpage",
"{other}"=>"Other information",
foreach(replace AS $search=>$replace){
echo $html;
I am considering switching to a javascript/ajax template system. The AJAX will fetch the $replace array in JSON format and then I'll use javascript to replace the HTML.
The page would then be a plain .html file and a loading screen would be shown until the ajax was complete.
Is there any real advantages to this or is the transition a waste of time?
A few of the reasons I think this will be beneficial:
Page will still load even if the Mysql or PHP services are down. If the ajax fails I can handle it with an error message.
Bot traffic (and anything else that doesnt run JS) will cause very little load to my server since the ajax will never be sent.
Please let me know what your thoughts are.
My 2cents is it is better to do the logic on the template side (javascript). If you have a high traffic site you can off load some of the processing to each computer calling the site. Maybe less servers.
With Javascript frameworks like AngularJs the template stuff is pretty simple and efficient. And the framework will do caching for you.
Yes, SEO can be an issue with certain sites. There at proxy tools you can put in place that will render the site and return the static html to the bot. Plus I think some bots render javascript these days.
Lastly, I like to template on the front-end because I like the backend to be a generic data provider (RESTful API). This way I can build a generic backend that drives web / mobile and other platforms in a generic way. The UI logic can be its separate thing in javascript.
But it comes down to the design needs of your application. I build lots of Software as a service applications so a single page application works well for me.
I've worked with similar design pattern in other projects. There are several ways to do this and the task would involve managing multiple project or application modules. I am assume you are working with a team of developers and not using either PHP or JavaScript MVC framework.
PHP Template
For many reasons, I'm against using “search and replace” method especially using server-side scripting language to parse HTML documents as a templating kit.
As you maintain business rules and project becomes larger, you will
find yourself reading through a long list of regular expressions,
parse HTML into DOM, and/or complicated algorithms for searching
nodes to replace with correct text(s).
If you had a placeholder, such as {title}, that would help the
script to have fewer search and replace expressions but the design
pattern could lead to messy sharing with multiple developers.
It is ok to parse one or two HTML files to manage the output but not
the entire template. The network response could be slower with
multiple and repetitive trips to server and that's just only for
template. There could be other scripts that is also making trips to
the server for different reason unrelated to template.
Initially, AJAX with JavaScript might sound like a neat idea but I'm still not convinced.
You can't assume web browser is JavaScript-enabled in every mobile
or desktop. You might need to structure the HTML template in few
ways to manage the output for non-JavaScript browsers. You might
need to include <noscript> and/or <iframe> tags on every page. And,
managing alternative template for non-JavaScript browser can be
Every web browser interpret JavaScript differently. Most developers
should know few differences between IE, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, and
to name few. You might need to create multiple JavaScript files to
detect then load JavaScript for that specific web browser. You
update one feature, you have to update script for all web browsers.
JavaScript is visible in page source. I wouldn't want to display
confidential JavaScript functions that might include credentials,
leak sensitive data about web services, and/or SQL queries. The idea
is to secure your page as much as possible.
I'm not saying both are impossible. You could still do either PHP or JavaScript for templating.
However, my “ideal” web structure should consist of a reliable MVC like Zend, Spring, or Magnolia. Those MVC framework include many useful features such as web services, data mapping, and templating kits. Granted, it's difficult for beginners with configuration requirements to integrate MVC into your project. But in the end, you could delegate tasks in configurations, MVC concepts, custom SQL queries, and test cases to developers. That's my two cents.
I think the most important aspects you forgot are:
SEO : What about search engine bots ? They wont be able to index your content if it is set by javascript only.
Execution and Network Latency : When your service is working, the browser will wait until the page is loaded (let's say 800ms) before making the extra Ajax calls to get your values. This might add an extra 500ms to get it (depending on network speed and geographic location...). If you have sent all the generated data by your server, you would have spent only ~1ms more to prepare the complete response. You would have a lot of waiting on a blank page.
Caching : You could cache the generated pages on your web app. That way your load will be minimized as well. And also, if you still want to deliver content while your backend services (MySQL/PHP..) are down you could even use Apache or Nginx caching.
But I guess it really depends on what you want to do.
For fast and simple pages, which seems to be your case, stick with backend enhancements.
For a dynamic/interactive app which can afford loading times, and doesn't care about SEO, you can delegate most things to the front-end. But then use an advanced framework like Angular, to handle templating, caching, etc...

Is content in an encrypted Flash container file more safe than as plain HTML/Javascript?

The current task is as follows:
It's about publishing spreadsheet tables online and making them accessible only to registered subscribers. The access to these spreadsheets is meant to be a paid service. Subscribers may access them online from wherever they are and do their calculations related to expenses or working hours and so on. These spreadsheets are developed in MS Excel. They are then converted into HTML/Javascript files via a macro app. The resulting Javascript code contains all the important formulas which need to be protected.
I know about Javascript "obfuscation" and scrambling" but would like to find a better solution since the two mentioned methods can be reversed.
The idea is to place the spreadsheet tables and the formulas for calculation inside of a Flash container file for protection. This Flash container file is not meant to link to or access any other external sources. The data which the users input into the spreadsheet would be saved in XML format.
Here is one tutorial which explains how to encrypt a Flash container file in order to prevent decompilers from making the content accessible:
Here is a tool which claims to do the same, but it may be that it just obfuscates and does not go as far as the process in the tutorial above:
There are some downsides of using Flash which I know. I will not list them here, they are discussed in this forum. Consider that in this case the security aspect outweighs the downsides of Flash. The conversion of the HTML/Javascript content into Flash format will add more effort to this project.
I would like to ask these questions to this community:
Is there a converter that could help to translate Javascript into Actionscript?
Would it be necessary to translate the Javascript into PHP in order to use it within Flash?
Would the effort be worth it?
No this won't be worth the effort as the client will have full control over the runtime of flash. This means that it would not be difficult to extract the functions used. If you must protect your formulas then you should only perform the calculations on your server (or any kind of well protected cloud, if such a thing exists).
If you think that your code will run fine in flash or a browser, then it should not be hard to run the code in a well protected backend server.

Generate Static HTML From Client-Side JavaScript Generated Site

I'm generating an entire site using just an index.html with JS scripts.
The JS creates the HTML content based on JSON data received via the server-side API. This works great client-side and makes the site load speed and interaction very fast but there is a snag... when a crawler comes to index the page it will see a blank page.
The obvious solution is to provide an XML site map with static versions of all the pages. The problem is... how to generate static versions of each page when they are only generated client-side and all logic and templates are client-side?
This is not a new issue... I'm sure anyone generating pages dynamically client-side has hit this issue and solved it but I thought I'd ask the dev community before diving in and trying to solve this.
2019 Update
Tech has moved on significantly. I would encourage anyone looking to create SSR (server-side rendered) and client-side web apps in one isomorphic code base to take a look at the excellent Next.js.
Next.js wraps React with a server-side routing and rendering system built in Node.js, defines a standard interface to getting data for pages on server and client, and comes with some out of the box features that make it one of the best choices (IMHO) for both SSR and CSR web applications.
Oh... and they have a great tutorial too!
2013 Answer
I've managed to generate static pages from the client-side output by using PhantomJS and capturing the HTML output after the page and all JS has finished loading/executing. This method is slower than I would like and unlikely to scale well but it's the only option that I can think of so far.
The site already receives over 10,000 page views a day with over 8,000 unique visitors so pages get updated regularly as new comments / posts are created and then these changes are added to a queue which gets process in a separate server to generate static pages with Phantom.
The only other way I can think of doing this is to create a Node.js process that uses the same jsRender library and builds HTML output from the template files based on some data, but this would be time consuming to set up and would not generate the exact same output that the dynamic site creates. Google may frown on me serving it static pages that don't really represent the dynamic version that "normal" visitors can see.
This seems like an unsolvable issue. Either I generate the pages entirely server-side, or crawlers cannot index the pages. :(

Pure Javascript and HTML app & deployment via CDN ... good idea?

A big and general question, though NOT a discussion
Me and a friend are discussing a web application being developed. Currently it uses PHP, but the PHP doesn't store anything and it is all OAuth based. The whole thing talks to an independent API. The PHP is really just mirroring alot of the Javascript logic for browsers without Javascript support.
If it were decided to enforce Javascript as a requirement (let's not go into that ... whole other issue)
Are there any technical, fundamental problems serving the app as HTML+Javascript hosted on a CDN? That is, 100% Static javascript and HTML with no server-side logic. As the Javascript is just as capable of doing all the API calls as the PHP. Are any existing sites doing this?
We can't think of any show-stoppers, but it seems like a scary thought to make a "web" app 100% client side ... so looking for more input.
(To clarify, the question is about deploying using ONLY javascript and HTML and abandoning server-side processing outside the JSON API or whatever)
Thanks in advance!
One issue is with search engines.
Search engine crawlers index the raw HTML source code of a web-page. If you use JavaScript to load new data and generate new content, crawlers won't come into play, so your content won't get indexed.
However, Google is offering a solution for this - read here:
Other than this, I can't think of any other issue...
Amazon has been offering the service on its S3 for a little while now. . Essentially this allows you to specify a default index page and error pages. Otherwise you just load up your html on the S3 and point your www CNAME on your domain to the Amazon S3 bucket or cloudfront CDN.
The only thing that is not possible this way is if a user ends up typing instead of, you need to ensure that you have your DNS correctly forward these to www. Also the S3 will not be able to handle a naked domain (
Regarding how good an idea it is, it sounds good to us as well. And we are currently exploring the option. So far it appears to work fine. What we have done is to setup to point to a CDN hosted site (S3) and are testing to see if it gives us everything we need. Performance is great though !

