Function inside functional component in React hooks - Performance - javascript

Need suggestion on having function within a functional component in react Hooks.
As far as I researched, many are saying it is bad practice
because it creates nested/inner function every time we call re-render.
After doing some analysis,
I found we can use onClick={handleClick.bind(null, props)} on the element and place the function outside the functional component.
const HelloWorld = () => {
function handleClick = (event) => {
return() {
<input type="text" onChange={handleClick}/>
Please advise if there is any alternative way.
Thanks in advance.

Don't worry about it
Don't worry about creating new functions on each render. Only in edge cases does that impede your performance.
Setting onClick handlers are not one of those, so just create a new function on each render.
However, when you need to make sure you use the same function every time, you can use useCallback
Why not use useCallback for onClick
Here is a reason why you shouldn't bother with useCallback for onClick handlers (and most other event handlers).
Consider the following code snippets, one without useCallback:
function Comp(props) {
return <button onClick={() => console.log("clicked",}>Text</Button>
and one with useCallback:
function Comp(props) {
const onClick = useCallback(() => {
}, [])
return <button onClick={onClick}>Text</Button>
The only difference in the latter is that React doen's have
to change the onClick on your button if remains the same.
Changing the callback is a very cheap operation, and it's not at all
worth complicating your code for the theoretical performance improvement it gives.
Also, it's worth noting that a new function is still created on every render
even when you use useCallback, but useCallback will return the old one
as long as the dependencies passed as the second argument are unchanged.
Why ever use useCallback
The point of using useCallback is that if you compare two functions with reference
equality, fn === fn2 is true only if fn and fn2 point to the same function in memory.
It doesn't matter if the functions do the same.
Thus, if you have memoisation or otherwise only run code when the function changes,
it can be useful to use useCallback to use the same function again.
As an example, React hooks compare old and new dependencies, probably using
Another example is React.PureComponent, which will only re-render when props or state have changed. This can be useful for components that use a lot of resources to render. Passing e.g. a new onClick to a PureComponent on each render will cause it to re-render every time.

many are saying it is bad practice because it creates nested/inner function every time we call re-render
No, inner functions / closures are so common, there is no problem with them. The engine can heavily optimize those.
The point here is that you pass the function as a prop to the child component. And as the function was "recreated", it does not equal the previous function passed, annd thus the child does rerender (and that's whats bad for performance).
You can resolve that with useCallback, which memoizes the function reference.

Interesting question, me and my coleagues had some worries about this, so I did a test.
I have created 1 Component with Hooks and 1 Component with Class, put some functions there and then render it 1000x times.
The Component with Class looks like this:
export class ComponentClass extends React.PureComponent {
click1 = () => {
return console.log("just a log");
render() {
return (
<span onClick={this.click1}>1</span>
The Component with Hooks looks like this:
export const ComponentHook = React.memo((props) => {
const click1 = () => {
return console.log("just a log");
return (
<span onClick={click1}>1</span>
I have added more click handlers to the components and then rendered them some 1000s times, the Class is faster as it does not define the functions each render, if you increase the number of functions defined, then the difference will be bigger:
Here it is a codesandbox so you can test the performance Class vs Hooks :

You can use useCallback feature :
const HelloWorld = ({ dispatch }) => {
const handleClick = useCallback((event) => {
dispatch(() => {console.log(});
return() {
<input type="name" onChange={handleClick}/>
useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only
changes if one of the dependencies has changed. This is useful when
passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference
equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).
For further details visit react documentation reference: React useCallback
Old Solution
First solution:
To pass the your handleClick function to your functional component.
const HelloWorld = (props) => {
return() {
<input type="name" onChange={props.handleClick}/>
Second solution:
To define your function outside of your functional component.

Inspired by #tibbus 's benchmark, I made this one that tests the perfomance using or not the useCallback hook. After several executions, it seams that the use of useCallback can be very important for high frequency rendering.
Execution 1
Execution 2
Execution 3

As per React Documentation (ending part),
The problem with latter syntax is that a different callback is created
each time the LoggingButton renders. In most cases, this is fine.
However, if this callback is passed as a prop to lower components,
those components might do an extra re-rendering. We generally
recommend binding in the constructor or using the class fields syntax,
to avoid this sort of performance problem.
Class field syntax:
class LoggingButton extends React.Component {
// This syntax ensures `this` is bound within handleClick.
// Warning: this is *experimental* syntax.
handleClick = () => {
console.log('this is:', this);
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
Click me
arrow function in the callback syntax:
class LoggingButton extends React.Component {
handleClick() {
console.log('this is:', this);
render() {
// This syntax ensures `this` is bound within handleClick
return (
<button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>
Click me

I would honestly just use a class component in these cases. I'm aware of premature optimization, but creating a new function each time does just seem like extravagant wastefulness without much of a maintainability upside. tibbus has demonstrated the perf hit, and inline functions are arguably less readable than class methods. All you're losing out is the slick feeling of writing a functional component.

Just useCallback
Why would you need to define a function inside a component and not anywhere else? Because you either have to pass it to another child compononent, or you have to use it in an effect, memo, or another callback. For any of those cases if you dont wrap your function in useCallback you will be passing a new function and causing the component to rerender, the memo to re-run, the effect to re-run, or the callback to re-define.
You can never avoid the performance hit of redefining the function itself, but you can avoid the performance hit of performing any computation that has that function as a dependency to know if it has to run or not (be it a component or hook).
So... just wrap every function in your component in useCallback and forget about it, never seen a single in case in which this would cause any harm. If you can define the function outside the component, thats always better.


what's the difference between these two functions in react?

I understand this works but I'm after a good explanation as to what the difference is and which one is preferable and why
what's the difference between
<Test onClick={() => myFunction()} />
<Test onClick={myFunction} />
is the second one always preferable ?
It's the difference between:
const onClick = () => myFunction();
const onClick = myFunction;
That is, the first one creates a function (on every render) that calls myFunction with no arguments when it (the wrapper function) is called, and uses that as the click handler. The second just uses myFunction as the click handler directly, meaning it'll receive the event object from React's synthetic event system.
Avoiding unnecessary function creation is generally a good thing, and may affect whether the component you're providing the function to can avoid re-rendering or not (via React.memo or by implementing shouldComponentUpdate in a class component [directly, or via PureComponent]). (If you provide it the same function from one render to the next, maybe it can; if you provide a different function on each render, it can't.)
They're the same in this case, except myFunction doesn't get the click event since you don't pass it in. But say you had a generic function and you wanted to pass in more arguments to myFunction, when you would use the first one and give it extra arguments.
Preference for first or second without extra args or needing click event is a matter of opinion, but the first one adds unnecessary complexity.
In your first case, the function passed to the onclick handler is an anonymous function which calls myFunction inside it.
In the second case, the reference of myFunction is directly passed to the onclick handler.
You should prefer the second solution unless you have to add something else than myFunction() in the anonymous function.
Note that creating an anonymous function allocates memory for the closure scope of that function, so if the role of that closure is just to wrap another one then you lose memory performance for nothing...
they are indeed not the same, the one on the left is ot able to receive an event object. The last one can. It was confusing for me when I begun coding.
Typically the two have the same effect but there MAY be differences in the context of React.
The first function will have a unique new identity every time the component is rendered, the second one may have the same identity every time the component is rendered depending on what the original definition of myFunction looks like.
const myFunction = () => {}
// same referential identity on every render
export const Component1 = props => <Button onClick={myFunction} />
// different referential identity on every render
export const Component1 = props => <Button onClick={ () => myFunction() } />
// different referential identity on every render
export const Component1 = props => {
const myFunction = () => {}
return <Button onClick={myFunction} />
// different referential identity on every render
export const Component1 = props => {
const myFunction = () => {}
<Button onClick={ () => myFunction() } />
// same referential identity on every render
export const Component1 = props => {
const myFunction = useCallback(() => {}, [])
return <Button onClick={myFunction} />
// different referential identity on every render
export const Component1 = props => {
const myFunction = () => {}
<Button onClick={ () => myFunction() } />
Why does this matter? Well, when React performs the reconciliation and diffing algorithm, it will render a virtual DOM and then compare the previous virtual DOM with the new result. If the elements differ, it will switch the elements altogether in the real DOM and if attributes differ, it will just change the attributes of the corresponding existing element in the real DOM. For functions, the identity of the function is used to determine if the attribute is the same or not.
When it comes to rerendering (e.g. not the resulting changes in the DOM but the generation of the virtual DOM in React), it can also play a role if React.memo is used:
Example 4:
const myFunction = () => {}
const MemoButton = React.memo(Button)
// does not trigger MemoButton to rerender when parent rerenders
export const Component1 = props =>
<MemoButton onClick={myFunction} />
// does trigger MemoButton to rerender when parent rerenders
export const Component1 = props =>
<MemoButton onClick={ () => myFunction() } />
There might be cases when you run into odd problem related to the above phenomenon, even though this is more likely when the identity of functions that return DOM elements are at stake, as opposed to the identity of functions used as attributes, even though I bet there is some use-case for this, even though it's hard to come up with a toy scenario.
I would not by definition prefer one of those, but it's important to understand the difference.

useCallback usage on arrow function as prop

I'm confused with below code
<Signup onClick={() => {}} />
Then in the in the Signup component, I saw the usage of useCallback like so
const Signup = ({onClick}) => {
const handleClick = useCallback((e) => {e.preventDefault();},[e])
return <a onClick={handleClick}>signup</a>
what is the intention of using the useCallback? can't it just be
const Signup = ({onClick}) => <a onClick={(e) => e.preventDefault();onClick()}>signup</a>
The main purpose of useCallback is that on each render of the parent component it does not create a new reference to a function that does the exact same thing as the old function. And creating this new reference will mean that the old function and the new function are not the same - even though they do the same thing, which causes a render.
With useCallback It's still the same reference to the same function on a render (assuming it's dependencies didn't change). So anything that depends on this function does not re-evaluate (ie if it's a dependency in useEffect, useMemo, a prop to a component, etc.).
So in the example case Signup will only re-render if onClick changes. But otherwise, it's good.
In your example, Signup will always re-render because the function to onClick will always be a new reference anytime the parent re-renders. To be clear, in <Signup onClick={() => {}} /> the function () = {} should also use useCallback to make what I said true.
I've seen a lot of articles on how the extra processing of useCallback and useMemo isn't worth it always, and you should only use it when you know it will create a benefit. This is 100% academically true. But in my humble experience, not using it leads to re-renders and sometimes infinite loops in useEffect in complex components. If I'm unsure, I use it. If I were smarter, I'd be sure I guess. But I don't use useCallback when I know I don't need it. Otherwise, I do. (As opposed to I only use it when I know I need it)

What does useCallback/useMemo do in React?

As said in docs, useCallback
Returns a memoized callback.
Pass an inline callback and an array of inputs. useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the inputs has changed. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(
() => {
doSomething(a, b);
[a, b],
But how does it work and where is the best to use it in React?
P.S. I think visualisation with codepen example will help everyone to understand it better. Explained in docs.
This is best used when you want to prevent unnecessary re-renders for better performance.
Compare these two ways of passing callbacks to child components taken from React Docs:
1. Arrow Function in Render
class Foo extends Component {
handleClick() {
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return <Button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>Click Me</Button>;
2. Bind in Constructor (ES2015)
class Foo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return <Button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
Assuming <Button> is implemented as a PureComponent, the first way will cause <Button> to re-render every time <Foo> re-renders because a new function is created in every render() call. In the second way, the handleClick method is only created once in <Foo>'s constructor and reused across renders.
If we translate both approaches to functional components using hooks, these are the equivalents (sort of):
1. Arrow Function in Render -> Un-memoized callback
function Foo() {
const handleClick = () => {
console.log('Click happened');
return <Button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
2. Bind in Constructor (ES2015) -> Memoized callbacks
function Foo() {
const memoizedHandleClick = useCallback(
() => console.log('Click happened'), [],
); // Tells React to memoize regardless of arguments.
return <Button onClick={memoizedHandleClick}>Click Me</Button>;
The first way creates callbacks on every call of the functional component but in the second way, React memoizes the callback function for you and the callback is not created multiple times.
Hence in the first case if Button is implemented using React.memo it will always re render (unless you have some custom comparison function) because the onClick prop is different each time, in the second case, it won't.
In most cases, it's fine to do the first way. As the React docs state:
Is it OK to use arrow functions in render methods? Generally speaking,
yes, it is OK, and it is often the easiest way to pass parameters to
callback functions.
If you do have performance issues, by all means, optimize!
useCallback and useMemo are an attempt to bypass weak spots that come with the functional programming approach chosen with React hooks. In Javascript, each entity, no matter if it is a function, variable, or whatever, is created into the memory when the execution will enter the function's code block. This is a big issue for a React that will try to detect if the component needs to be rendered. The need for rerendering is deducted based on input props and contexts. Let's see a simple example without useCallback.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = () => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Note that the handleClick -function instance will be created on each function call inside the block, so the event handler's address on each call will be different. The React framework will always see the event handler as changed because of this. In the example above, React will think handleClick as a new value on each call. It simply has no tools to identify it as the same call.
What useCallback does, it internally stores the first introduced version of the function and returns it to the caller, if the listed variables have not changed.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, [])
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Now, with the code above, React will identify the handleClick -event handler as the same, thanks to useCallback -function call. It will always return the same instance of function and React component rendering mechanism will be happy.
Storing the function internally by the useCallback will end up with a new problem. The stored instance of the function call will not have direct access to the variables of the current function call. Instead, it will see variables introduced in the initial closure call where the stored function was created. So the call will not work for updated variables. Thats why you need need tell if some used variables have changed. So that the useCallback will store the current function call instance as a new stored instance. The list of variables as the second argument of the useCallback is listing variables for this functionality. In our example, we need to tell to useCallback -function that we need to have a fresh version of counter -variable on each call. If we will not do that, the counter value after the call will be always 1, which comes from the original value 0 plus 1.
const Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, [counter])
return <div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>+1</button>
Now we have a working version of the code that will not rerender on every call.
It is good to notice that the useState -call is here just for the same reason. Function block does not have an internal state, so hooks are using useState, useCallback and useMemo to mimic the basic functionality of classes. In this sense, functional programming is a big step back in history closer to procedural programming.
useMemo is the same kind of mechanism as useCallback but for other objects and variables. With it, you can limit the need for component rerender, as the useMemo -function will return the same values on each function call if the listed fields have not changed.
This part of the new React hooks -approach is definitely the weakest spot of the system. useCallback is pretty much counterintuitive and really error-prone. With useCallback-calls and dependencies, it is too easy to end up chasing internal loops. This caveat we did not have with the React Class approach.
The original approach with classes was more efficient after all. The useCallback will reduce the need to rerender, but it regenerates the function again every time when some of its dependant variables will change, and matching if the variables have changes itself will make overhead. This may cause more rerenders than necessary. This is not the case with React classes.
I've made a small example to help others understand better how it behaves. You can run the demo here or read the code bellow:
import React, { useState, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
const App = () => {
const [state, changeState] = useState({});
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => Math.random(), []);
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => console.log(memoizedValue), []);
const unMemoizedCallback = () => console.log(memoizedValue);
const {prevMemoizedCallback, prevUnMemoizedCallback} = state;
return (
<p>Memoized value: {memoizedValue}</p>
<p>New update {Math.random()}</p>
<p>is prevMemoizedCallback === to memoizedCallback: { String(prevMemoizedCallback === memoizedCallback)}</p>
<p>is prevUnMemoizedCallback === to unMemoizedCallback: { String(prevUnMemoizedCallback === unMemoizedCallback) }</p>
<p><button onClick={memoizedCallback}>memoizedCallback</button></p>
<p><button onClick={unMemoizedCallback}>unMemoizedCallback</button></p>
<p><button onClick={() => changeState({ prevMemoizedCallback: memoizedCallback, prevUnMemoizedCallback: unMemoizedCallback })}>update State</button></p>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
An event handler gets recreated and assigned a different address on every render by default, resulting in a changed ‘props’ object. Below, button 2 is not repeatedly rendered as the ‘props’ object has not changed. Notice how the entire Example() function runs till completion on every render.
const MyButton = React.memo(props=>{
console.log('firing from ';
return (<button onClick={}>{}</button>);
function Example(){
const [a,setA] = React.useState(0);
const unmemoizedCallback = () => {};
const memoizedCallback = React.useCallback(()=>{},[]); // don’t forget []!
return (<React.Fragment>
<MyButton id="1" eh={unmemoizedCallback}/>
<MyButton id="2" eh={memoizedCallback}/>
<MyButton id="3" eh={()=>memoizedCallback}/>

React functional component reinitialises local functions and variables on re render (React Hooks)

So I have started using React hooks now. I have been experimenting with the API for some time now. i really like the idea of bringing the state to functional components. but there is this one thing which keeps on bothering me and it doesn't feel right in the gut when i am trying to use it. I tried posting on RFCs but it's too crowded there now. everything seems lost there.
Here is a piece of code from my example.
import React, { useState } from "react";
function Counter() {
const [counterState,incrementCounterState] = useCommontState(0);
function doSomething (){
// does something and then calls incrementCounterState
// with the updated state.
return (
<button onClick={incrementCounterState}>increase</button>
.... // some jsx calling local scoped functions.
function useCommontState(defaultValue){
var [state, setState] = useState(0);
function increment(){
return [state, increment]
export default Counter;
I can easily take out state and setState methods out and create a custom hook but my problem is with the local functions that are used by the component. since state is now part of the component there will be cases where some logic will decide what to do next with the state.
Also, when the component re-renders on state change everything gets reinitialized. which is my problem. I know that useState has its own way of handling the issue. but my problem is with my own functions. the click handlers. on change events, callbacks for child components etc. all that will be reinitialized everytime the component renders. this doesn't feel right to me.
Are there any ways by which we can work around it. it's a new API. we are not even sure if it will make into react 17. but has anyone come across any better way to do it?
I had the same concerns as well when I first saw the proposal, but this was addressed in the React Docs Hooks Proposal FAQ:
Are Hooks slow because of creating functions in render?
No. In modern browsers, the raw performance of closures compared to classes doesn’t differ significantly except in extreme scenarios.
My takeaway is that although you have additional overhead now in the repeated declarations per render, you have additional wins elsewhere:
Hooks avoid a lot of the overhead that classes require, like the cost of creating class instances and binding event handlers in the constructor.
Idiomatic code using Hooks doesn’t need the deep component tree nesting that is prevalent in codebases that use higher-order components, render props, and context. With smaller component trees, React has less work to do.
Overall the benefits might be more than the downsides which makes hooks worth using.
You can always simplify the code to take functions out so that they aren't initialised always, by passing the required values as constants.
import React, { useState } from "react";
function doSomething (counterState, incrementCounterState){
// does something and then calls incrementCounterState
// with the updated state.
function Counter() {
const [counterState,incrementCounterState] = useCommontState(0);
return (
<button onClick={incrementCounterState}>increase</button>
.... // some jsx calling local scoped functions.
function increment(defaultValue, setState){
setState(defaultValue + 1);
function useCommontState(defaultValue){
var [state, setState] = useState(0);
return [state, increment]
export default Counter;
Also in my opinion the function design being suggested in all the demos and docs is for people to get comfortable with it and then think about the re-initialization aspects. Also the cost that re-initialization would significanly be overpowered by the other benefits that it provides.
I'm using createOnce helper function to prevent reinitialises, But I'm not sure if it's correct or not.
import { useMemo } from 'react';
export const createOnce = toCreate => useMemo(() => toCreate, []);
const someFunction = createOnce((counter) => {
// whatever
return counter + 1;

How unperformant are anonymous functions in React component attributes?

You're not supposed to use anonymous functions in react attributes, e.g.
<a onClick=()=>doIt('myId')>Aaron</a>
I understand why this creates a performance problem for React's reconciliation because that anonymous function is recreated on every render pass and will thus always trigger a real DOM re-render of some kind. My question is, for a small component (i.e. not table where every row has a link) is this insignificant? I mean, React is smart enough just to replace the handler, not to re-render the DOM, right? so the cost is not that high?
I feel obliged to inform you that using an Anonymous function and Function.bind(this) in the render triggers a new render. This is because both
doIt.bind(this, 'myId') === doIt.bind(this, 'myId') // false
() => doIt('myId') === () => doIt('myId') // false
are FALSE!
If you want to bind something to a function, use partial application with a method in the React class.
class myComponent extends Component {
doIt = (id) => () => {
// Do Something
render() {
<a onClick={this.doIt('myId')}>Aaron</a>
small components: you are ok (almost no performance issues)
large components: the deeper you get the more try to avoid it
In React documentation about event handling, you can find:
In most cases, this is fine. However, if this callback is passed as a prop to lower components, those components might do an extra re-rendering. We generally recommend binding in the constructor or using the class fields syntax, to avoid this sort of performance problem.
Note: React is not handling callback props differently than other props. It always compares the old and new prop. Thus it re-renders when anonymous function is present because the anonymous function is always newly created.
Your JSX code sample should actually look like this:
<a onClick={ ()=>doIt('myId') }>Aaron</a>
Using an anonymous fat arrow function like this is perfectly valid. You are supposed to use anonymous functions in react attributes. That's okay.
Yes, it's not a best practice. If you want to solve the this context issue when using the ES6 class extends React.Component syntax I would advise you to bind the function in the class constructor.
No, for a 'small' component (i.e. not table where every row has a link) this is not a significant performance issue. You are safe.

