How do I attach placeholder to the button through JS' DOM? - javascript

I am trying to figure out how to attach button 'Delete' to the each list element making so in advance that I will be able to make more buttons for additional list elements later.But when I create buttons,they appear without the text,just tiny rectangle box near the text.I wanted to fix through command 'document.getElementByClassName[list_number + "_button"].placeholder = "Delete",but I got an error even earlier trying to attach classnames to the buttons:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of undefined
at addButton (script.js:74)
at script.js:82
But what's strange is that this error shows only at the [1] list object,not the the [0].For some reason with [0] object everything goes OK,although I didn't succeed in attaching name to it.I thought that the problem laid in list numeration,because the first button is actually "Send',but when I changed the value of var list_number = 0 from 0 to 1,it only got worse and gave an error right away.
How do I attach text in the buttons so they will look normal?
Note:the commands related to the buttons are at the end,everything earlier are command to add new elements to the list trhough input and make the elements line-through
var button = document.getElementById("button");
var modify_list = document.getElementById("userinput");
var ul = document.querySelector("ul");
var li = document.querySelectorAll("li");
var all_buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var i = 0; //Attach classes to the li
while (li.length > i) {
//Toggle the line-through function(later we will cal the function that will toggle once more when clicked on element of the list.
var n = 0
while (li.length > n) {
//Command to add new elements to the list and make line-thorugh when clicked.
function inputLength() {
return modify_list.value.length;
function addToTheList() {
var li = document.createElement("li");
modify_list.value = '';
function addAfterClick() {
if (inputLength() === 0) {
alert("Please,don\'t enter the empty list");
} else {
function addAfterEnter(key) {
if (key.keyCode === 13 && inputLength() > 0) {
button.addEventListener("click", addAfterClick);
modify_list.addEventListener("keypress", addAfterEnter);
function toggle(number) {
ul.addEventListener("click", whenClicked);
function whenClicked(event) {
var li_number =[0];
//In JS it doesn't matter in some occasions if it's a string or number,I suppouse.
// var li_number = Number(li_number_string);
// console.log(li_number);
// Create buttons and their functions
function addButton(list_number) {
var button = document.createElement("button");
li[list_number].appendChild(button); //append button near the respective li objects
all_buttons[list_number].classList.add(list_number + "_button") //create class for the button
// document.getElementByClassName[list_number + "_button"].placeholder = "Delete"
var list_number = 0 // because under number 0 we have "Send" button
while (li.length > list_number) {
// console.log(list_number);
.done {
color: red;
text-decoration: line-through;
.cursor {
cursor: pointer;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<h1>What plans do I have till the end of the summer?</h1>
<p>They are:</p>
<input type="text" name="add activities" id="userinput" placeholder="add activities">
<button id="button">Send</button>
<li>Learn German</li>
<li>Learn Japanese</li>
<li>Learn Java Script</li>
<li>Physical activities</li>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>

The text you want to be displayed on a programatically generated HTMLButtonElement can be set using it's .innerText property. The .placeholder property serves a different purpose.
Let's take a closer look at your addButton function:
function addButton(list_number){
var button = document.createElement("button");
li[list_number].appendChild(button); //append button near the respective li objects
all_buttons[list_number].classList.add(list_number + "_button") //create class for the button
// document.getElementByClassName[list_number + "_button"].placeholder = "Delete"
The first two lines are okay. Trouble starts here:
all_buttons[list_number].classList.add(list_number + "_button");
all_buttons is a HTML collection of buttons you initialized before you started adding dynamically generated button elements to the DOM thus it just contains the buttons set up via HTML. That means this array is outdated and would need to be updated every time you add or remove buttons.
Furthermore you don't need to use that array at all if you want to manipulate properties of your freshly generated button - you can directly access it using the variable button. I'd also recommend giving those buttons an unique id, so you can reference them later on and give it a click event listener for example. Also since there is already a global variable named button you should give the variable inside the function a different name e.g. localButton.
Here's an example:
var button = document.getElementById("button");
var modify_list = document.getElementById("userinput");
var ul = document.querySelector("ul");
var li = document.querySelectorAll("li");
var all_buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var i = 0; //Attach classes to the li
while (li.length > i) {
//Toggle the line-through function(later we will cal the function that will toggle once more when clicked on element of the list.
var n = 0;
while (li.length > n) {
//Command to add new elements to the list and make line-thorugh when clicked.
function inputLength() {
return modify_list.value.length;
function addToTheList() {
var li = document.createElement("li");
modify_list.value = '';
function addAfterClick() {
if (inputLength() === 0) {
alert("Please,don\'t enter the empty list");
} else {
function addAfterEnter(key) {
if (key.keyCode === 13 && inputLength() > 0) {
button.addEventListener("click", addAfterClick);
modify_list.addEventListener("keypress", addAfterEnter);
function toggle(number) {
ul.addEventListener("click", whenClicked);
function whenClicked(event) {
var li_number =[0];
//In JS it doesn't matter in some occasions if it's a string or number,I suppouse.
// var li_number = Number(li_number_string);
// console.log(li_number);
// Create buttons and their functions
function addButton(list_number) {
var localButton = document.createElement("button");
localButton.innerText = "Delete"; = "myButton" + list_number;
var list_number = 0 // because under number 0 we have "Send" button
while (li.length > list_number) {
.done {
color: red;
text-decoration: line-through;
.cursor {
cursor: pointer;
<h1>What plans do I have till the end of the summer?</h1>
<p>They are:</p>
<input type="text" name="add activities" id="userinput" placeholder="add activities">
<button id="button">Send</button>
<li>Learn German</li>
<li>Learn Japanese</li>
<li>Learn Java Script</li>
<li>Physical activities</li>


To-do list application: Why does my code prevent me from deleting the most recently added list element?

I'm trying to create a to-do list application. I'm using JS to dynamically create list elements on the web page when a user clicks on the submit button along with their user input.
Here's what I have so far:
const inputTXT = document.querySelector('.inputText'); //input element
const submitBUTT = document.querySelector('.submitButton'); //button element
const listITEMS = document.querySelector('.items'); //list element
function createListElement(inputString){
const newListItem = document.createElement("li");
const newEditButton = document.createElement("button");
const newDeleteButton = document.createElement("button");
const listText = document.createTextNode(inputString);
const editText = document.createTextNode("Edit");
const deleteText = document.createTextNode("Delete");
//assign class to each list element for line below:
newDeleteButton.className = "deleteCLASS";
newEditButton.className = "editCLASS";
//delete function:
var deleteButtonArray = document.querySelectorAll(".deleteCLASS");
for(var i=0; i < deleteButtonArray.length ; ++i){
deleteButtonArray[i].onclick = function(){
return newListItem;
function addTask(){
const ITEM = createListElement(inputTXT.value);
inputTXT.value = ''; //Resets user input string
submitBUTT.addEventListener("click", addTask);
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: sans-serif;
background: #e7e7e7;
text-align: center;
margin: 15px;
padding: 20px;
margin-top: 20px;
font-size: 35px;
list-style: square;
margin-left: 275px;
display: none;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-left: 4px;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> "To-do List" </title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<meta charset = "UTF-8"/>
<div class = "container">
<div class = "main-header">
<h1>My To-do List</h1>
<input type="text" placeholder = "Enter Item" class= "inputText" required>
<button class = "submitButton">Submit</button>
<ul class ="items hidden">
<script src="script.js"></script>
This works for the most parts, but I cannot delete the last list element for some reason.
The only debugging I've done to figure out what is happening is print out the "deleteButtonArray" variable, which uses the keyword "querySelectorAll". From this, I found out that when the user hits the submit button, an empty NodeList printed. When the user hits the submit button a second time, only then do we get a NodeList with 1 element. When the user hits the submit button a third time, we get a NodeList with 2 elements.
It looked like the problem had something to do with querySelectorAll not properly updating in time when the user hits the submit button. I replaced it with getElementsByClassName, and still the same issue.
Now, I think the problem has something to do with the way I'm trying to implement the delete function within the createListElement function.
The way I think my code works:
Every time a user hits the submit button, a list element is created along with an array (actually a NodeList) that contains all the list elements present so far. This means that if I delete list elements, the array will update with the correct number of list elements.
And, it does update correctly, for the most parts. I just don't know why the array is empty when we first create an element. Shouldn't querySelectorAll or getElementsByClassName return a non-empty NodeList when the user first hits the submit button?
All right, so here's a solution I've tried and tested it, and it seems to be working.
I removed the delete item portion out of the createListElement function, made it its own function, and added an event listener to each delete button that's created, so it will run the now separate delete function when clicked.
No changes were made to the HTML or the CSS.
const inputTXT = document.querySelector('.inputText'); //input element
const submitBUTT = document.querySelector('.submitButton'); //button element
const listITEMS = document.querySelector('.items'); //list element
function createListElement(inputString){
const newListItem = document.createElement("li");
const newEditButton = document.createElement("button");
const newDeleteButton = document.createElement("button");
const listText = document.createTextNode(inputString);
const editText = document.createTextNode("Edit");
const deleteText = document.createTextNode("Delete");
//Here is the new addEventListener
newDeleteButton.addEventListener("click", deleteStuff);
//assign class to each list element for line below:
newDeleteButton.className = "deleteCLASS";
newEditButton.className = "editCLASS";
return newListItem;
//Here is the new delete function. The onclick function that was there before has been removed because, in this case, it's not needed.
function deleteStuff() {
//delete function:
var deleteButtonArray = document.querySelectorAll(".deleteCLASS");
for(var i=0; i < deleteButtonArray.length ; ++i){
function addTask(){
const ITEM = createListElement(inputTXT.value);
inputTXT.value = ''; //Resets user input string
submitBUTT.addEventListener("click", addTask);

How to toggle a button to an active state using vanilla JS?

I have a list of 20 buttons on a page. When I click on a button I want it to switch to an "active" state. In this active state it will be a different color. I would like to do this using only vanilla javascript and css.
I have the following code to create the buttons:
var button;
function createButtons() {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
//creates a new button
button = document.createElement('Button');
//sets correct button number and button text
var index = i + 1;
var text = document.createTextNode('Button ' + index);
button.className += "button";
button.className += " default-button";
Modern browsers support the classList API now.
In order to use the classList API, try adding the following to your code:
var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('button'), function (button) {
button.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
If you want to only turn the active state on, switch the toggle method of classList to add. Read more on classList.
Breakdown of code example:
First I select all .button elements and store them in a NodeList data type.
Then I call array's forEach function (another way of doing the same would be [] but that creates new Array instance every time it runs). I add an event listener for click event upon which I toggle a new class name.
For a direct CSS manipulation, you can use = 'red' - but I discourage you from this approach to keep your code maintainable.
Note from Phil (in the comments to this answer):
You can use NodeList.prototype.forEach() which shortens the line into buttons.forEach(function (button) {. Bear in mind that Internet Explorer does not support this.
CSS alternative without JavaScript:
input[type=checkbox] { display: none; }
input[type=checkbox] + label { background-color: cyan; }
input[type=checkbox]:checked + label { background-color: red; }
<input type=checkbox id=t1><label for=t1> Toggle 1 </label><br>
<input type=checkbox id=t2><label for=t2> Toggle 2 </label><br>
<input type=checkbox id=t3><label for=t3> Toggle 3 </label><br>
<input type=checkbox id=t4><label for=t4> Toggle 4 </label><br>
<input type=checkbox id=t5><label for=t5> Toggle 5 </label><br>
Assuming you only want one button "active" at a time, I would just use the CSS :focus / :active pseudo-class. For example
for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
let btn = document.createElement('button')
btn.textContent = `Button ${i}`
btn.classList.add('button', 'default-button')
.button {
background-color: blue;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
.button:active, .button:focus {
background-color: red;
You can use button.onclick = function(){ // do things here. };
I have included the code in a snippet below. Good luck.
var button;
function createButtons() {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
//creates a new button
button = document.createElement('Button');
//sets correct button number and button text
var index = i + 1;
var text = document.createTextNode('Button ' + index);
button.className += "button";
button.className += " default-button";
// --------------------------------------------------------
// on click check if it contains the class for the color
// and toggle it on or off.
button.onclick = function() {
if (this.classList.contains("enableColor")) {
} else {
// --------------------------------------------------------
.enableColor {
background: red;
color: white;
.focus(), but most browsers actually block button click type behavior for security purposes. What you can do is set the button elements disabled = true attribute then when you get whatever action you are looking for toggle that attribute to disabled = false.
Here's a snippet you could adapt:
// enables submit button iif inputs meet validation contraints
function attachKeyupListenerToInputElements(){
var inputs = doc.querySelectorAll('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].addEventListener("keyup", keyupHandler);
function keyupHandler() {
if(this.value === ''){
this.setCustomValidity('Required Field');
} else {
//for dialog inputs
//dialog is open
var thisSection = this.parentElement.parentElement;
var theseInputs = thisSection.querySelectorAll("input");
var inputsFull = true;
for (var i = 0; i < theseInputs.length; i++) {
inputsFull = false;
doc.getElementById("dialog-accept-button").disabled = false;

HTML list, Adding JQuery to cross selected item.

I have a little app that adds items to a list. The items appear with a button next to them, I want to be able to press that button to add a (text-decoration: line-through). I have tried a few different things but nothing seems to work (the Javascript to add items, delete the last item, add classes to the new li elements, etc. All that works fine, my problem is only with the JQuery part, more comments on the code itself).
<h1> Shopping List </h1>
<button id="add"> Add </button>
<input type="text" id="input" placeholder="Enter Items"> </input>
<button id="remove"> Remove Last </button>
<ul id="list">
document.getElementById("add").addEventListener('click', function() {
var check = document.createElement("button");
var input = document.getElementById("input").value;
var newEl = document.createElement("li");
var newText = document.createTextNode(input);
var buttonText = document.createTextNode("Check");
newEl.className = "liEl";
check.setAttribute("class", "checked");
/* Problem starts here */
$("button.checked").on('click', function() {
$('li.liEl').css('text-decoration: line-through');
/* It should get the button with the class "checked" and on click, make the li elements with class "liEl" to have that css... */
var position = document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
document.getElementById("input").value = "";
document.getElementById('input').onkeypress = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
document.getElementById('add').click(); /* adds an event listener to the submit text, keyCode 13 equals the enter key so when it's pressed it presses the add button. */
/* Delete last item function: */
document.getElementById("remove").addEventListener('click', function() {
var els = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
var removeEl = els[els.length - 1]; // <-- fetching last el, If els is an array, it has indices from 0 to els.length - 1. 0 is the first, els.length - 1 is the last index.
var containerEl = removeEl.parentNode;
Use style like $('li.liEl').css('text-decoration','line-through');
Your jQuery css function is wrong, you need to provide two parameter to set css value (see this: css-property-name-value).
Your selector syntax ($('li.liEl')) is not right, it would return all <li> element, not the one the clicked button is located.
You can use this: $(this).parent().css('text-decoration', 'line-through');.
Your code contain some bug, the last added button would not trigger the function. It is because your click function is added before the new element added to DOM. And it would cause your click function to be triggered multiple time for earlier added button.
Here's the snippet for fixed code. Since you already using jQuery, I change several native java script native element query and event handler whith jquery syntax.
$(function () {
$("#add").click(function(evt) {
var input = $('#input').val();
var check = $('<button class="checked">Check</button>');
var newEl = $('<li class="liEl"></li>');
$(check).click(function(evt) {
$(this).parent().css('text-decoration', 'line-through');
$('#remove').click(function(evt) {
var lastEl = $('li.liEl').last();
$('#input').keypress(function(evt) {
if (evt.keyCode === 13) {
<script src=""></script>
<h1> Shopping List </h1>
<button id="add"> Add </button>
<input type="text" id="input" placeholder="Enter Items" />
<button id="remove"> Remove Last </button>
<ul id="list"></ul>

How to leave one active button in the JavaScript?

I am beginner.
I have four buttons and I want to leave one active button every time with expression operator (if). One button must have active every time .
I tried to do it something like that. I am open to your ideas, if you can do without (if) .Help me!
var count = 4;
var flag = true;
function select(currentColor, changeColor){
if(count > 1 && flag === true){
var currentElement = angular.element(document.getElementsByClassName(currentColor));
console.log('From minus: ' + count);
flag = false;
if(count < 4 && flag === false) {
var currentElement = angular.element(document.getElementsByClassName(currentColor));
console.log('From plus: ' + count);
flag = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
color: red !important;
color: #07888A;
color: #07888A;
color: #07888A;
color: #07888A;
display: inline;
margin-right: 20px;
<h1 class="first" onClick="select('first', 'changeColor')">First</h1>
<h1 class="second" onClick="select('second', 'changeColor')">Second</h1>
<h1 class="third" onClick="select('third', 'changeColor')">Third</h1>
<h1 class="fourth" onClick="select('fourth', 'changeColor')">Fourth</h1>
Add this bit:
function select(currentColor, changeColor) {
// Get the list of the `.changeColor` elements.
changed = document.querySelectorAll(".changeColor");
// Loop through all the elements with `changeColor` class.
for (i = 0; i < changed.length; i++)
// Remove the changeColor class from their class list.
// Rest comes your code.
if(count > 1 && flag === true){
are you trying to get one button disabled when any three buttons are enabled ? if so, perhaps this could help. I highly suggest not to use the h1 tags for this purpose, and use something like a button or div, and removing the onclick attributes from your elements and incorporate them in your main js file similar to the js snippet found below.
(function() {
//an empty array to track the number of elements currently colored
var numberOfElesColored = [],
eles = document.querySelectorAll('h1'),
//the number of active elements allowed at once
numberOfActiveElementsAllowed = eles.length - 1;
//loop though all the elements and attach click event
[], function(ele, i) {
ele.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var currentEle =;
//is there at least two other elements avaliable still ?
if (!(numberOfElesColored.length === numberOfActiveElementsAllowed)) {
//is the current clicked element not active already ?
if (!currentEle.classList.contains('changeColor')) {
//add 1 to tracking array
//activate element
return currentEle.classList.add('changeColor');
} else {
//remove 1 from tracking array
//deactivate elements
return currentEle.classList.remove('changeColor');
//are all the elements active already ?
} else if (numberOfElesColored.length === numberOfActiveElementsAllowed) {
//is the current element an active one ?
if (currentEle.classList.contains('changeColor')) {
//remove 1 from tracking array
//deactivate element
return currentEle.classList.remove('changeColor');

javascript function onclick with new elements

I work on a website, and I have a js problem.
I resume the situation:
I made a dynamic form with some tabs in.
I can switch tabs with a js click function
When I click on the "+" tab , it creates a new tab ( new <li> on the <ul>, and new <div> on main div )
But when I want to go on the new tab freshly created, the click function don't answer.
I put a console.log on the first line of the click function, and no log output.
the click function works well with static content, but with fresh content don't work.
How can I make it works with dynamic content ?
$("#tabs_menu_n1").on('click', 'a', function(e)
the problem was on registering the event, you should attach it to parent first, and then on every child.
change the line $(".tabs_menu_n1 a").click(function(e) { to $(document).on('click', ".tabs_menu_n1 a", function (e) {
when the elements are being added to DOM dynamically you must register the for the events every time the element is added. So instead of doing this process every time simply register events like below, therefore you don't want to register the events fro dynamically created elements
$(document).on('click', ".selector", function (e) {));
Now i can add elements with selector class dynamically and can handle click event on the element without registering the click event every time i add the element.
Note: You can use parent selector in place of document
A bit simplified sample without jQuery.
But idea same: add click handler to ul and check inside that clicked a tag.
var x = 2;
var original = document.getElementById('H1_n1');
function a(content, href) {
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.textContent = content;
link.setAttribute('href', href);
return link;
function li_a(id, content, href) {
var listItem = document.createElement("li");
listItem.setAttribute('id', id);
listItem.appendChild(a(content, href));
return listItem;
function div(id, textContent) {
var d = document.createElement("div");
d.setAttribute('class', 'tab_content_n1')
d.setAttribute('id', id)
d.textContent = textContent;
return d;
function add_rec() {
var i = x++;
var mdiv = document.getElementById("tab_n1");
mdiv.appendChild(div('H1_n' + i, '\nHello world from n' + i + '.\n'));
pbtn = document.getElementById('pbtn');
var ul = document.getElementById("tabs_menu_n1");
ul.insertBefore(li_a("hn" + i, "H" + i, "#H1_n" + i), pbtn);
document.getElementById('tabs_menu_n1').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var el =;
if (el.nodeName !== 'A') return;
if (el.hash == "#+") add_rec();
else {
var current = document.querySelectorAll("#tabs_menu_n1 .current, #tab_n1 .current");
for (var i = 0, len = current.length; i < len; i++) {
}, false);
.tab_content_n1 {
display: none;
.tab_content_n1.current {
display: block;
animation: fadeIn 1s;
a.current {
color: red;
#keyframes fadeIn {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
<div class="tab_space">
<ul id="tabs_menu_n1" class="nav nav-tabs tabs_menu_n1 tab_body">
<li><a class="current" href="#M_n1">mai</a>
<li id="hn1">hor
<li id="pbtn">+
<div id="tab_n1" class="tab_n1">
<div class="tab_content_n1 current" id="M_n1">mai</div>
<div class="tab_content_n1" id="R_n1">red</div>
<div class="tab_content_n1" id="H1_n1">hor</div>

