How to make certain part of an background image clickable - javascript

I have a Homepage Takover running on our website. and I have already written code for displaying the image as background image and it is clickable.
But I need certain part of image needs to clickable to another URL.
<!DOCTYPE html>
if (top == self) {
var interWindow = window;
var interDoc = window.document;
} else {
try {
var interWindow = window.parent;
var interDoc = window.parent.document;
} catch (e) {
/* The creative cannot escape the iframe. Show an appropriate alternative. The alternative will remain inside of the iframe. */
var timeDelay = 0;
var backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
function initBackground() {
high = window.screen.height;
size = window.screen.width;
if (size <= 1280) { = none;
} else if (size > 1280 && size < 1440) { = "url(";
} else { = "url(";
if (backgroundColor != '') { = backgroundColor;
} = 'no-repeat'; = 'top center'; = 'fixed';
interDoc.onclick = backGroundClick;
var backGroundClick = function (e) {
if (document.all) {
if (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3) {
return false;
} else {
if (e.button == 2 || e.button == 3) {
return false;
var link = '';
EE = e ? e : event;
if (!EE) {
var t = ? : EE.srcElement;
if (t.tagName == "BODY" || t.tagName == "HTML" || t.tagName == "HEADER" || t.tagName == "SECTION" || t.tagName == "FOOTER") {
var ad ="" + link);
} else {
console.log('link click event: ' + t.tagName);
interDoc.onmouseover = function (e) {
EE = e ? e : event;
if (!EE)
var t = ? : EE.srcElement;
if (t.tagName == "BODY" || t.tagName == "HTML" || t.tagName == "HEADER" || t.tagName == "SECTION" || t.tagName == "FOOTER") { = 'pointer';
} else { = 'auto';
window.setTimeout("initBackground();", timeDelay);
The Red highlited part in the background image needs to redirect to another URL when onclick.


JavaScript - The function only execute after set breakpoint

Here is my jQuery for dynamic attached elements. The jq-select-ring button can be multiple on the DOM. Basically, it was attached through an Ajax call.
let cKeyTabShift = false;
$("body").on("keydown", ".jq-select-ring", function (e) {
if (!isMobileSite) {
var keyCode = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (keyCode == 9) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
cKeyTabShift = true;
} else {
cKeyTabShift = false;
$("body").on("focusout", ".jq-select-ring", function () {
if (!isMobileSite) {
const parentIndex = $(this).closest('.flex-item').index();
const $elmSliders = $(this).closest('.container').find("div[id^='touchCarousel-'][role='tabpanel']");
const $nextArrow = $(this).closest('.touch-carousel').find('.touchcarousel-next');
const $prevArrow = $(this).closest('.touch-carousel').find('.touchcarousel-prev');
if (typeof ($elmSliders) != "undefined" && $elmSliders.length > 0) {
if ($elmSliders.length > 1) {
if (parentIndex == 1 && cKeyTabShift == false) {
if (!$nextArrow.hasClass('endArrows')) {
if (parentIndex == 0 && cKeyTabShift == true) {
if (!$prevArrow.hasClass('endArrows')) {
cKeyTabShift = false;
The issue is the trigger click is called when I add breakpoint only.

The color will not change on a div, generated by a script

var BGLinks = (function() {
var that = {};
// can be set like BGLinks.parameter
that.version = 'NIV';
that.clickTooltip = false;
that.apocrypha = false;
that.showTooltips = true; = '';
var showTimer = 0;
var hideTimer = 0;
var container;
var addedCSS = false;
var setupRun = false;
var delay = 1000;
var bgHost;
var toolsHost;
var cdHost;
var browser = navigator.appVersion;
var book_string = 'Genesis|Gen?|Gn|Exodus|Exod?|Ex|Leviticus|Le?v|Numbers|Nu?m|Nu|Deuteronomy|Deut?|Dt|Josh?ua|Josh?|Jsh|Judges|Ju?dg|Jg|Ru(?:th)?|Ru?t|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Samuel|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?S(?:a|m)|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Sam|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Kin(?:gs?)?|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Kgs|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Chronicles|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Chr(?:o?n)?|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Cr|Ezra?|Nehemiah|Neh?|Esther|Esth?|Jo?b|Psalms?|Psa?|Proverbs|Pro?v?|Ecclesiastes|Ec(?:cl?)?|Song (?:O|o)f Solomon|Song (?:O|o)f Songs?|Son(?:gs?)?|SS|Isaiah?|Isa?|Jeremiah|Je?r|Lamentations|La(?:me?)?|Ezekiel|Eze?k?|Daniel|Da?n|Da|Hosea|Hos?|Hs|Jo(?:el?)?|Am(?:os?)?|Obadiah|Ob(?:ad?)?|Jon(?:ah?)?|Jnh|Mic(?:ah?)?|Mi|Nah?um|Nah?|Habakkuk|Hab|Zephaniah|Ze?ph?|Haggai|Hagg?|Hg|Zechariah|Ze?ch?|Malachi|Ma?l|Matthew|Matt?|Mt|Mark|Ma(?:r|k)|M(?:r|k)|Luke?|Lk|Lu?c|John|Jn|Ac(?:ts?)?|Romans|Ro?m|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Corinthians|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?C(?:or?)?|Galatians|Gal?|Gl|Ephesians|Eph?|Philippians|Phil|Colossians|Co?l|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Thessalonians|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Th(?:e(?:ss?)?)?|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Timothy|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Tim|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?T(?:i|m)|Ti(?:tus)?|Ti?t|Philemon|Phl?m|Hebrews|Heb?|Jam(?:es)?|Jms|Jas|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Peter|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Pe?t?|(?:1|i|2|ii|3|iii) ?J(?:oh)?n?|Jude?|Revelations?|Rev|R(?:e|v)';
var apoc_books = '|Tobit?|To?b|Judi(?:th?)?|Jdt|(?:1|2) ?Mac(?:cabees)?|(?:1|2) ?Ma?|Wi(?:sdom)?|Wi?s|Sir(?:ach)?|Ba(?:ruc?h)?|Ba?r';
that.linkVerses = function() {
if (that.showTooltips === true) {
var updateURLs = function() {
bgHost = window.location.protocol + '//' +;
toolsHost = bgHost + '/share/tooltips/data';
cdHost = bgHost + '/public/link-to-us/tooltips';
var insertBiblerefs = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
var new_nodes = searchNode(node,0);
return new_nodes;
else if (node.tagName != undefined && node.tagName.match(/^(?:a|h\d|img|pre|input|option)$/i)) {
return null;
else {
var children = node.childNodes;
var i = 0;
while(i<children.length) {
var new_nodes = insertBiblerefs(children[i]);
i += new_nodes +1;
return null;
var searchNode = function(node, inserted_nodes) {
var apoc_string = that.apocrypha === true ? apoc_books : '';
//finds book and chapter for each verse that been separated by &,and,etc...
var book_chap = '((?:('+book_string+apoc_string+')(?:\.)? ?)?(?:(\\d*):)?(\\d+(?:(?:ff|f|\\w)|(?:\\s?(?:-|–|—)\\s?\\d+)?)))([^a-z0-9]*)';
var regex_string = '(?:'+book_string+apoc_string+')(?:\.)? ?\\d+:\\d+(?:ff|f|\\w)?(?:\\s?(?:(?:(?:-|–|—)\\s?(?:(?:'+book_string+apoc_string+')(?:\.)?\\s)?)|(?:(?:,|;|&|&|and|cf\\.|cf)))\\s?(?:(?:(?:vv.|vs.|vss.|v.) ?)?\\d+\\w?)(?::\\d+\\w?)?)*';
var regex = new RegExp(regex_string,'i');
var verse_match = node.nodeValue.match(regex);
if (verse_match == null) {
return inserted_nodes;
} else {
var text = node.nodeValue;
var before_text = text.substr(0,text.indexOf(verse_match[0]));
var after_text = text.substr(text.indexOf(verse_match[0])+verse_match[0].length);
if (before_text.length > 0) {
var newTxtNode = document.createTextNode(before_text);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newTxtNode, node);
var book_chap_regex = new RegExp(book_chap, 'gi');
var book;
var chapter;
var verse;
while (matched = book_chap_regex.exec(verse_match[0])) {
// break up what may be multiple references into links.
if (matched[2] != '' && matched[2] != null) {
book = matched[2];
if (matched[3] != '' && matched[3] != null) {
chapter = matched[3];
verse = matched[4];
var newLinkNode = document.createElement("a");
newLinkNode.className = 'bibleref'; = '_BLANK';
var passage = book+' '+chapter+':'+verse;
newLinkNode.href = bgHost+'/passage/?search='+passage+'&version='+that.version+'&src=tools';
newLinkNode.innerHTML = matched[1];
if (that.clickTooltip === true) {
newLinkNode.onclick=function() {return false};
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newLinkNode, node);
if (matched[6] != '') {
var newTxtNode = document.createTextNode(matched[5]);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newTxtNode, node);
// do we need to update inserted_nodes with this?
if (after_text.length > 0) {
var newTxtNode = document.createTextNode(after_text);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newTxtNode, node);
inserted_nodes = searchNode(newTxtNode,inserted_nodes+1);
else {
return inserted_nodes;
var addCSS = function() {
if (!addedCSS) {
var css = document.createElement('link');
css.type = "text/css";
css.rel = "stylesheet";
if ('MSIE 6.0') != -1) {
browser = 'ie6';
css.href = cdHost+'/theme/bglinks-ie.css';
} else {
css.href = cdHost+'/theme/popover.css';
} = "screen";
var n1 = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].childNodes[0]
addedCSS = true;
var addBiblerefListeners = function() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for ( var i = 0;i< links.length;i++) {
var link = links[i]
if (link.className && link.className == 'bibleref') {
if (that.clickTooltip !== true) {
addListener(link,'mouseover', linkMouseover);
addListener(link,'mouseout', linkMouseout);
} else {
addListener(link,'click', toggleTooltip);
var addListener = function (listen_object, action, callback) {
if (listen_object.addEventListener) {
if (action == 'mouseover') {
} else if (action == 'mouseout') {
} else if (action == 'click') {
} else if (listen_object.attachEvent) {
if (action == 'mouseover') {
} else if (action == 'mouseout') {
} else if (action == 'click') {
} else {
if (action == 'mouseover') {
listen_object.onmouseover = callback;
} else if (action == 'mouseout'){
listen_object.onmouseout = callback;
} else if (action == 'click') {
listen_object.onclick = callback;
var toggleTooltip = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
link = || e.srcElement;
var reference;
var bibleref;
if (bibleref = link.getAttribute('data-bibleref')) {
reference = bibleref;
} else {
reference = link.href.match(/search=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/)[1];
var id = reference.replace(/%20| /g, '');
var id = reference.replace(/:/g, '_');
var tooltip = document.getElementById('bg_popup-'+id);
if (tooltip === null || == 'none') {
} else {
var showTooltip = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
link = || e.srcElement;
var reference;
var bibleref;
if (bibleref = link.getAttribute('data-bibleref')) {
reference = bibleref;
} else {
reference = link.href.match(/search=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/)[1];
var id = reference.replace(/%20| /g, '');
id = id.replace(/:/g, '_');
id = id.replace(/ /g, '');
var tooltip = document.getElementById('bg_popup-'+id);
if (tooltip === null) {
tooltip = getTooltip(reference, link);
} else {
tooltip_loc = tooltipLocation(link); = tooltip_loc.offsetX+'px'; = tooltip_loc.offsetY+'px'; = 'block';
var hideTooltip = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
target = || e.srcElement;
var reference;
var bibleref;
if (bibleref = link.getAttribute('data-bibleref')) {
reference = bibleref;
} else {
reference = link.href.match(/search=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/)[1];
reference = reference.replace(/%20| /g, '');
reference = reference.replace(/:/g, '_');
var tooltip = document.getElementById('bg_popup-'+reference);
if (tooltip) { = 'none';
var hideAllTooltips = function(e) {
var divs = container.children;
for (var i = 0;i < divs.length;i++) {
divs[i].style.display = 'none';
var linkMouseover = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
if ( == 'a') {
showTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {showTooltip(e)}, delay);
var linkMouseout = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
if ( == 'a' && showTimer) {
hideTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {hideTooltip(e)}, delay);
var tooltipMouseover = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
var relNode = e.relatedTarget || e.fromElement;
while (relNode && relNode != null && (!relNode.className || relNode.className.indexOf('bg_popup-outer') == -1) && relNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
relNode = relNode.parentNode;
if (relNode && relNode.className && relNode.className.indexOf('bg_popup-outer') != -1) return;
var tooltipMouseout = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
var relNode = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
while (relNode && relNode != null && (!relNode.className || relNode.className.indexOf('bg_popup-outer') == -1) && relNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
relNode = relNode.parentNode;
if (relNode && relNode.className && relNode.className.indexOf('bg_popup-outer') != -1) return;
hideTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {hideAllTooltips(e)}, delay);
var createContainer = function() {
container = document.createElement('div'); = 'bg_popup-container';
var getTooltip = function(reference, link) {
var tooltip = document.createElement('div');'none';
tooltip.className = 'bg_popup bg_popup-outer';
var tooltip_loc = tooltipLocation(link); = tooltip_loc.offsetY+'px'; = tooltip_loc.offsetX+'px';
var id = 'bg_popup-'+reference.replace(/%20/g, '');
id = id.replace(/:/g, '_');
id = id.replace(/ /g, '');;
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference.replace(/%20/g, ' ')+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-spinner"><img alt="loading" src="'+cdHost+'/theme/images/tools/spinner.gif"/></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>'; = 'block';
tooltip = container.appendChild(tooltip);
if (that.clickTooltip !== true) {
addListener(tooltip,'mouseover', tooltipMouseover);
addListener(tooltip,'mouseout', tooltipMouseout);
var remote_passage = document.createElement('script');
remote_passage.type = 'text/javascript';
remote_passage.src = toolsHost+'/?search='+reference+'&version='+that.version+'&callback=BGLinks.updateTooltip'; = 'bg_remote_passage_script-'+reference.replace(/%20/g, ''); =, '_'); = /g, '');
var hook = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
hook.parentNode.insertBefore(remote_passage, hook);
return tooltip;
that.updateTooltip = function(tooltip_content) {
var id = 'bg_popup-'+tooltip_content.reference.replace(/%20/g, '');
id = 'bg_popup-'+tooltip_content.reference.replace(/:/g, '_');
id = id.replace(/ /g, '');
var tooltip = document.getElementById(id);
var reference_display = tooltip_content.reference_display.replace(/%20/g,' ');
if (tooltip_content.text == undefined) {
if (tooltip.text == undefined) {
tooltip_content.text = 'Retrieving Passage...'
else {
tooltip_content.text = tooltip.text;
reference_display = tooltip.reference_display;
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference_display+' '+tooltip_content.version+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-content-bible"><p>'+tooltip_content.text+' <a class="bg_popup-copyright" href="'+bgHost+tooltip_content.version_url+'" target="_blank">('+tooltip_content.version+')</a> <a class="bg_popup-more" href="'+bgHost+'/passage/?search='+tooltip_content.reference+'&version='+tooltip_content.version+'&src=tools" target="_blank">More</a></p></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>';
var addCloseButton = function(tooltip) {
var divs = tooltip.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length;i++) {
if (divs[i].className == 'bg_popup-header_right') {
addListener(divs[i], 'click', hideAllTooltips);
var tooltipLocation = function(link) {
var tooltip_height = 234;
var tooltip_width = 362;
if (typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number') {
width = window.innerWidth;
height = window.innerHeight;
} else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) {
width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) {
width = document.body.clientWidth;
height = document.body.clientHeight;
var display_loc = {};
var offsetPos = getOffsetPos(link);
var leftPos = offsetPos.leftPos;
var topPos = offsetPos.topPos;
if (link.offsetWidth/link.parentNode.offsetWidth >.5) {
leftPos = getOffsetPos(link.parentNode);
leftPos = leftPos.leftPos;
if ((leftPos + tooltip_width+5) > width) {
leftPos -= tooltip_width;
if ((leftPos + tooltip_width + link.offsetWidth) <= width) leftPos += link.offsetWidth;
if (leftPos + tooltip_width + 25 <= width) leftPos += 25;
if (leftPos - (link.offsetWidth/2) >= 0) leftPos -= (link.offsetWidth/2);
} else {
if (leftPos + (link.offsetWidth/2) <= width && link.offsetWidth/link.parentNode.offsetWidth <=.5) leftPos += (link.offsetWidth/2);
if (leftPos - 35 >= 0) {
leftPos -= 35;
var scrollY = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0;;
if ((topPos+link.offsetHeight+tooltip_height+15) <= height +scrollY || topPos-tooltip_height+5 <0) {
topPos += link.offsetHeight + 10;
} else {
topPos -= tooltip_height + 10;
display_loc.offsetY = topPos;
display_loc.offsetX = leftPos;
return (display_loc);
var getOffsetPos = function(linkObj) {
var topPos = leftPos = 0;
do {
topPos += linkObj.offsetTop;
leftPos += linkObj.offsetLeft;
if(document.all) {
} while ((linkObj = linkObj.offsetParent) != null);
return {'topPos' : topPos, 'leftPos' : leftPos};
var setup = function() {
if (!setupRun) {
if (that.showTooltips === true) {
addListener(document, 'click', hideAllTooltips);
setupRun = true;
return that;
$(document).ready(function() {
This is the script, located at, that I am encountering an error with css, this script was copied from and is not made by me. The issue I am encountering is via the css page (MediaWiki:Common.css) when changing the color of the script by
.bg_popup-content-bible {color:#000000}
The font color of the p tag within that div does not change. Originally I had it set to the p tag specifically of that div, but a css checker said that styling would be overqualified, and it was not functional nevertheless. What the script does is take all Bible verses listed on a page, and automatically links them to Biblegateway and creates a preview popup when hovering. However, the font is very unreadable and so I have tried to change it to black.
The popup currently has a near-white font (that blends with the popup)
and needs to have a black font, with the rest of the page content needs the near white font. When the script runs through it generates a div surrounding each bible verse, and the js applies to it (the div in which the Bible verse text appears is in the bg_popup-content-bible with a <p> tag), making it popup like so.
I have noted that in the script there is a section that calls for a "addedCSS"
var addCSS = function() {
if (!addedCSS) {
var css = document.createElement('link');
css.type = "text/css";
css.rel = "stylesheet";
if ('MSIE 6.0') != -1) {
browser = 'ie6';
css.href = cdHost + '/theme/bglinks-ie.css';
} else {
css.href = cdHost + '/theme/popover.css';
} = "screen";
var n1 = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].childNodes[0]
n1.parentNode.insertBefore(css, n1);
addedCSS = true;
I do not believe it is possible to change the url that the addedCss pull from, from the MediaWiki:Common.css, as this script was not made for the specific system being used (when removing or altering the variable the script does not work). I don't know if this is not happening because of a javascript issue (which is beyond me, and it's difficult to alter the script without breaking it) or if it's just a matter of incorrect css, but I have been working on this for several months here and there, and would like to get this final detail to work.
Try changing it to
.bg_popup-content-bible {color:#000000 !important;}
Ignore the CSS specificity checker. I have tested the below css on your site and it works. Make sure to put it in your site.css.
.bg_popup-content-bible p {
color: #000000;
It needs to be written as above because it has to override the <p> styling you've already set earlier in site.css:
p {
color: #f5f5f5
It is not a problem with the script. Based on what you have said in the comments it seems like you are unable to actually edit / output css. So the other option is just to modify the script you've posted above:
Change this:
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference_display+' '+tooltip_content.version+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-content-bible"><p>'+tooltip_content.text+' <a class="bg_popup-copyright" href="'+bgHost+tooltip_content.version_url+'" target="_blank">('+tooltip_content.version+')</a> <a class="bg_popup-more" href="'+bgHost+'/passage/?search='+tooltip_content.reference+'&version='+tooltip_content.version+'&src=tools" target="_blank">More</a></p></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>';
to this:
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference_display+' '+tooltip_content.version+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-content-bible"><p style="color:#000000">'+tooltip_content.text+' <a class="bg_popup-copyright" href="'+bgHost+tooltip_content.version_url+'" target="_blank">('+tooltip_content.version+')</a> <a class="bg_popup-more" href="'+bgHost+'/passage/?search='+tooltip_content.reference+'&version='+tooltip_content.version+'&src=tools" target="_blank">More</a></p></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>';
Given the way Stack formats the code above, to make it very clear you are editing the part of the line above that says:
and making it:
<p style="color:#000000">'+tooltip_content.text+'

multiple functions onclick addeventlistener

I have the following code that works when triggered by an onclick for example: onClick="change('imgA');"
function change(v) {
var target = document.getElementById("target");
if (v == "imgA") {
target.className = "cast1";
} else if (v == "imgB") {
target.className = "cast2";
} else if (v == "imgC") {
target.className = "cast3";
} else if (v == "imgD") {
target.className = "cast4";
} else {
target.className = "chart";
as soon as this result is stored to the id 'target', How do I perform this same function again but with different classNames ('bio1' instead of 'cast1', etc). then save the results to a different id?
Everytime I've tried hasn't worked to this point.
You could try:
function change(v, id) {
var areas;
if( id == 'target' ) {
areas = 'cast';
} else {
areas = 'bio';
var target = document.getElementById(id);
if (v == "imgA") {target.className = areas+"1";}
else if (v == "imgB") {target.className = areas+"2";}
else if (v == "imgC") {target.className = areas+"3";}
else if (v == "imgD") {target.className = areas+"4";}
else {target.className = "chart";}

Easy Smooth Scroll Plugin: How do I offset scroll?

I am using the Easy Smooth Scroll Plugin for Wordpress.
Below is the .js file that the plugin uses:
var ss = {
fixAllLinks: function() {
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++) {
var lnk = allLinks[i];
if ((lnk.href && lnk.href.indexOf('#') != -1) && ((lnk.pathname == location.pathname) || ('/' + lnk.pathname == location.pathname)) && ( == {
ss.addEvent(lnk, 'click', ss.smoothScroll);
smoothScroll: function(e) {
if (window.event) {
target = window.event.srcElement;
} else if (e) {
target =;
} else return;
if (target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a') {
target = target.parentNode;
if (target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a') return;
anchor = target.hash.substr(1);
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var destinationLink = null;
for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++) {
var lnk = allLinks[i];
if ( && ( == anchor)) {
destinationLink = lnk;
if (!destinationLink) destinationLink = document.getElementById(anchor);
if (!destinationLink) return true;
var destx = destinationLink.offsetLeft;
var desty = destinationLink.offsetTop;
var thisNode = destinationLink;
while (thisNode.offsetParent && (thisNode.offsetParent != document.body)) {
thisNode = thisNode.offsetParent;
destx += thisNode.offsetLeft;
desty += thisNode.offsetTop;
cypos = ss.getCurrentYPos();
ss_stepsize = parseInt((desty - cypos) / ss.STEPS);
ss.INTERVAL = setInterval('ss.scrollWindow(' + ss_stepsize + ',' + desty + ',"' + anchor + '")', 10);
if (window.event) {
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
window.event.returnValue = false;
if (e && e.preventDefault && e.stopPropagation) {
scrollWindow: function(scramount, dest, anchor) {
wascypos = ss.getCurrentYPos();
isAbove = (wascypos < dest);
window.scrollTo(0, wascypos + scramount);
iscypos = ss.getCurrentYPos();
isAboveNow = (iscypos < dest);
if ((isAbove != isAboveNow) || (wascypos == iscypos)) {
window.scrollTo(0, dest);
location.hash = anchor;
getCurrentYPos: function() {
if (document.body && document.body.scrollTop) return document.body.scrollTop;
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) return document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (window.pageYOffset) return window.pageYOffset;
return 0;
addEvent: function(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) {
if (elm.addEventListener) {
elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
return true;
} else if (elm.attachEvent) {
var r = elm.attachEvent("on" + evType, fn);
return r;
} else {
alert("Handler could not be removed");
ss.STEPS = 25;
ss.addEvent(window, "load", ss.fixAllLinks);
The live page is here:
I have the smooth scroll scrolling to an anchor, but I would like to offset it by the height of my fixed header (120px)
I am no javascript expert, I'm hoping this is easy for someone, but I can't decipher where to add the offset in my .js file?
I had a similar issue and found that the following solution worked for me.
Change the line:
var desty = destinationLink.offsetTop;
to read:
var desty = destinationLink.offsetTop - 120;
(where '120' is the height in pixels of your fixed header)
Then, remove the line:
location.hash = anchor;
(otherwise, the page will scroll to your 120px offset but then return back to the location of the anchor)
Hope this helps!

Navigate up and down in scrollable div with keycodes

I have a searchable textbox which populates a div with the search results. The div is scrollable. What I am trying to achieve, is to navigate through the result items with page up and down (keycode 38 & 40). But as soon as I try this, the whole div scrolls, and the result item itself does not take on the new selected css class.
Below is some of my code
this.TagNavigation = function (event) {
var div = $("#TagSearchResults");
var anchors = $("#TagSearchResults a");
var selectedAnchor = $("#TagSearchResults a.selected");
var position = anchors.index(selectedAnchor);
if (event.keyCode == "13" && anchors.length > 0) {
FRAMEWORK.AddUpdateInterventionTags(selectedAnchor.attr("id").split("-")[1] + "|" + selectedAnchor.text(), "add");
if (event.keyCode == "13" && anchors.length == 0 && $("#txtTagSearch").val() != "Start typing to search Tags") {
else if (event.keyCode == "38") {
if (position > 0) {
canClose = false;
var newSelectedAnchor = $(anchors.get(position - 1));
else if (event.keyCode == "40") {
if (position <= anchors.length) {
canClose = false;
var newSelectedAnchor = $(anchors.get(position + 1));
this.AjaxSearch = function (text) {
var div = $("#TagSearchResults");
var anchors = $("#TagSearchResults a");
var selectedAnchor = $("#TagSearchResults a.selected");
var position = anchors.index(selectedAnchor);
if (event.keyCode == "13") {
else if (event.keyCode == "38") {
else if (event.keyCode == "40") {
else if (text.length >= 3) {
else {
As you can see in the TagNavigation function (keycode 40), I tried to set the focus on the active element, but still no success.
Any help please.
You need to check weather the newly selected element has a higher Y value that the bottom of the containing div. If so, then scroll the div by the height of the new element. Change your 'if (event.keyCode == "40")' statement to the following:
this.TagNavigation = function (event) {
var div = $("#TagSearchResults");
var anchors = $("#TagSearchResults a");
var selectedAnchor = $("#TagSearchResults a.selected");
var position = anchors.index(selectedAnchor);
if (event.keyCode == "13" && anchors.length > 0) {
FRAMEWORK.AddUpdateInterventionTags(selectedAnchor.attr("id").split("-")[1] + "|" + selectedAnchor.text(), "add");
if (event.keyCode == "13" && anchors.length == 0 && $("#txtTagSearch").val() != "Start typing to search Tags") {
else if (event.keyCode == "38") {
if (position > 0) {
canClose = false;
var newSelectedAnchor = $(anchors.get(position - 1));
var newSelectedAnchorPosistion = newSelectedAnchor.offset();
var divPosition = div.offset();
divPosition =;
if ( + 1 > divPosition) {
var newPos = div.scrollTop() - newSelectedAnchor.outerHeight();
else if (event.keyCode == "40") {
if (position < anchors.length - 1) {
canClose = false;
var newSelectedAnchor = $(anchors.get(position + 1));
var newSelectedAnchorPosistion = newSelectedAnchor.offset();
var divPosition = div.offset();
divPosition = + div.outerHeight();
if ( + 1 >= divPosition) {
var newPos = div.scrollTop() + newSelectedAnchor.outerHeight();

