I am using the Star Wars API https://swapi.co/ I need to pull in starships information, the results for starships span 4 pages, however a get call returns only 10 results per page. How can I iterate over multiple pages and get the info that I need?
I have used the fetch api to GET the first page of starships and then added this array of 10 to my totalResults array, and then created a While loop to check to see if 'next !== null' (next is the next page property in the data, if we were viewing the last page i.e. page 4, then next would be null "next" = null) So as long as next does not equal null, my While loop code should fetch the data and add it to my totalResults array. I have changed the value of next at the end, but it seems to looping forever and crashing.
function getData() {
let totalResults = [];
.then( res => res.json())
.then(function (json) {
let starships = json;
let next = starships.next;
while ( next !== null ) {
.then( res => res.json() )
.then( function (nextData) {
next = nextData.next;
Code keeps looping meaning my 'next = nextData.next;' increment does not seem to be working.
You have to await the response in a while loop, otherwise the loop runs synchronously, while the results arrive asynchronously, in other words the while loop runs forever:
async getData() {
const results = [];
let url = 'https://swapi.co/api/starships/';
do {
const res = await fetch(url);
const data = await res.json();
url = data.next;
} while(url)
return results;
You can do it with async/await functions more easily:
async function fetchAllPages(url) {
const data = [];
do {
let response = fetch(url);
url = response.next;
} while ( url );
return data;
This way you can reutilize this function for other api calls.
I have an API js file which I call with a POST method, passing in an array of objects which each contains a site url (about 26 objects or urls) as the body, and with the code below I loop through this array (sites) , check if each object url returns a json by adding to the url the "/items.json" , if so push the json content into another final array siteLists which I send back as response.
The problem is for just 26 urls, this API call takes more than 5 seconds to complete, am I doing it the wrong way or is it just the way fetch works in Node.js?
const sites content looks like:
[{label: "JonLabel", name: "Jon", url: "jonurl.com"},{...},{...}]
code is:
export default async (req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST') {
const body = JSON.parse(req.body)
const sites = body.list // this content shown above
var siteLists = []
if (sites?.length > 0){
var b=0, idd=0
while (b < sites.length){
let url = sites?.[b]?.url
if (url){
let jurl = `${url}/items.json`
try {
let fUrl = await fetch(jurl)
let siteData = await fUrl.json()
if (siteData){
let items = []
let label = sites?.[b]?.label || ""
let name = sites?.[b]?.name || ""
let base = siteData?.items
var c = 0
while (c < base.length){
let img = base[c].images[0].url
let titl = base[c].title
let obj = {
url: url,
img: img,
title: titl
let object = {
id: idd,
name: name,
label: label,
items: items
res.send({ sites: siteLists })
EDIT: (solution?)
So it seems the code with promises as suggested below and marked as the solution works in the sense that is faster, the funny thing tho is it still takes more than 5 secs to load and still throws a Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out) error, since Vercel, where the app is hosted passed to a max timeout of 5 secs for serverless functions, therefore never loading the content in the response. Locally, where I got no timeout limits is visibly faster to load, but it surprises me that such a query takes so long to complete where it should be a matter of ms.
The biggest problem I see here is that you appear to be awaiting for one fetch to complete before you loop through to start the next fetch request, effectively running them serially. If you rewrote your script to run all of the simultaneously in parallel, you could push each request sequentially into a Promise.all and then process the results when they return.
Think of it like this-- if each request took a second to complete, and you have 26 requests, and you wait for one to complete before starting the next, it will take 26 seconds altogether. However, if you run them each all together, if they still each take only one second to complete the whole thing altogether will take just one second.
An example in psuedocode--
You want to change this:
const urls = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3'];
for (let url of urls) {
const result = await fetch(url);
...into this:
const urls = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3'];
const requests = [];
for (let url of urls) {
(results) => results.forEach(
(result) => process(result)
While await is a great sugar, sometimes it's better to stick with then
export default async (req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST') {
const body = JSON.parse(req.body)
const sites = body.list // this content shown above
const siteListsPromises = []
if (sites?.length > 0){
var b=0
while (b < sites.length){
let url = sites?.[b]?.url
if (url) {
let jurl = `${url}/items.json`
// #1
const promise = fetch(jurl)
// #2
.then(async (fUrl) => {
let siteData = await fUrl.json()
if (siteData){
return {
// #3
id: -1,
name: name,
label: label,
items: items
// #4
.catch(err => {
// console.log(err)
// #5
const siteLists = (await Promise.all(siteListsPromises))
// #6
.filter(el => el !== undefined)
// #7
.map((el, i) => ({ id: i, ...el }))
res.send({ sites: siteLists })
Look for // #N comments in the snippet.
Don't await for requests to complete. Instead iterate over sites and send all requests at once
Chain json() and siteData processing after the fetch with then. And should your processing of siteData be more computational heavy it'd have even more sense to do so, instead of performing all of it only after all promises resolve.
If you (or someone on your team) have some troubles with understanding closures, don't bother setting the id of siteData elements in the cycle. I won't dive in this, but will address it further.
use .catch() instead of try{}catch(){}. Because without await it won't work.
await results of all requests with the Promise.all()
filter out those where siteData was falsy
finally set the id field.
So I am trying to do multiple API requests with different URLs, add all the responses to an array, then return the array and use it. My code:
const getData = (dataURLs) => {
let returnData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataURLs.length; i++) {
getFetch(dataURLs[i]).then((response) => {
return response;
return returnData;
So this is the function that makes the requests, here is what the getFetch function is:
const getFetch = async (url) => {
return fetch(url)
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
// get error message from body or default to response status
const error = (response && response.message) || response.status;
return error;
return response.json();
.catch((error) => {
return error;
This just makes the request and returns the JSON which is what I want, and this function works as I use it in other places.
My issue is, when i make the request using the getData function, it will return a blank array '[]', however when I click on this array in inspect element, it displays this.
[] ->
0: {nodes: Array(5), edges: Array(5), self: Array(1)}
length: 1
If I try to access anything in this array in js it just doesn't let me. But if I look at it in Inspect Element, it will be a blank array that I can expand and it displays the requested data inside it
Just wondering if anyone knew a fix to this?
Thanks :)
The issue you're running into here is that the function returns the array before the promises have resolved (and put the data that you want into the arrays). You will need to wait for the promises first. There are a few ways you can do this, but one way is to put the promises into the array and use a Promise.all() to get all of the values when they are available.
const getData = (dataURLs) => {
let returnPromises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataURLs.length; i++) {
return Promise.all(returnPromises);
From here on you will continue to use this function's result as a promise.
getData([...]).then(([result1, result2, ...resultN]) => {...})
I am sending chained Fetch requests. First, I retrieve data from database and request pictures related to every title I got.
The HTML code won't be loaded to results div before image requests are sent. So it takes long time to see articles. How can I make the text to load before image requests starting to be sent?
async function getArticles(params) {
url = ''
url2 = 'https://api.unsplash.com/search/photos?client_id=XXX&content_filter=high&orientation=landscape&per_page=1&query='
const article = await fetch(url + params).then(response => response.json());
const cards = await Promise.all(article.results.map(async result => {
try {
let image = await fetch(url2 + result.title).then(response => response.json())
let card = // Creating HTML code by using database info and Splash images
return card
} catch {
let card = // Creating HTML code by using info and fallback images from database
return card
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = cards.join("")
I have tried using them separately but I was getting Promise Object.
If you don't want to wait for all the fetches, use an ordinary for loop and await each one sequentially.
async function getArticles(params) {
url = ''
url2 = 'https://api.unsplash.com/search/photos?client_id=XXX&content_filter=high&orientation=landscape&per_page=1&query='
const article = await fetch(url + params).then(response => response.json());
for (let i = 0; i < article.results.length; i++) {
let result = article.results[i];
let card;
try {
let image = await fetch(url2 + result.title).then(response => response.json())
card = // Creating HTML code by using database info and Splash images
} catch {
card = // Creating HTML code by using info and fallback images from database
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML += card;
However, this will be slower because it won't start each fetch until the previous one completes.
It's hard to run all the fetches concurrently but display the results in the order that they were sent, rather than the order that the responses were received. You could do it by creating a container DIV for each response before sending, then filling in the appropriate DIV when its response is received.
I have say 300 items 10 show to a page. The page loads the JSON data and is limited to 10 (this cannot be changed)
I want to scrub through the 30 odd pages pulling each item and listing it.
url.com/api/some-name?page=1 etc
The script ideally will use the above URL as a rule and scrub through increments of 1 until all 10 from each page is populated.
Can this be done? How would I go about it? Any advice or assistance to this would help me greatly in learning and looking at methods people suggest.
const getInfo = async function(pageNo) {
const jsonUrl = "https://website.com/api/some-title";
let actualUrl = jsonUrl + `?page=${pageNo}`;
let jsonResults = await fetch(actualUrl).then(response => {
return response.json();
return jsonResults;
const getEntireList = async function(pageNo) {
const results = await getInfo(pageNo);
console.log("Retreiving data from API for page:" + pageNo);
if (results.length > 0) {
return results.concat(await getEntireList(pageNo));
} else {
return results;
(async () => {
const entireList = await getEntireList();
I can see some issues in your code.
the initial call to getEntireList() should be initialised with the index of first page, maybe like const entireList = await getEntireList(1);
The page number will need to be incremented at some point.
results.concat() probably won't have the desired effect. json() returns an object, list, or value (depending on the server) and results will be one of those type. concat() operates on strings; so calling json() is (at best) redundant.
I got some data which I'm calling from API and I am using axios for that. When data is retrieved, I dump it inside of a function called "RefractorData()" just to organize it a bit, then I push it onto existing array. The problems is, my array gets populated inside forEach and I can console.log my data there, but once I exit the loop, my array is empty.
let matches: any = new Array();
const player = new Player();
async (match: any) => {
try {
const result = await API.httpRequest(
if (!result) console.log("No match info");
const refractored = player.RefractorMatch(result.data);
matches.push({ match: refractored });
} catch (err) {
throw err;
Now the first console.log inside forEach is displaying data properly, second one after forEach shows empty array.
Managed to do it with Promise.all() and Array.prototype.map()
const player = new Player();
const matches = result.data;
const promises = matches.map(async (match: any) => {
const response: any = await API.httpRequest(
let data = response.data;
return {
data: player.RefractorMatch(data)
const response: any = await Promise.all(promises);
You must understand that async functions almost always run later, because they deppend on some external input like a http response, so, the second console.log is running before the first.
There a few ways to solve this. The ugliest but easiest to figure out is to create a external promise that you will resolve once all http requests are done.
let matches = [];
let promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
let complete = 0;
data.forEach((match: any) => {
API.httpRequest(...).then((result) => {
// Your logic here
if (complete === data.length) {
console.log(matches); // still logs empty array
promise.then(() => console.log(matches)); // now logs the right array
You can solve this using other methods, for example Promise.all().
One very helpful way to solve it is using RxJs Observables. See https://www.learnrxjs.io/
Hope I helped you!