How to reload a page once using angular or javascript - javascript

I need to reload a page after routing to a new component
I have tried location.reload() option but it keeps on reloading without stoping
Expected result :
I need to reload a page only oncee
Actual result :
It is reloading many times

I don't understand your use case but there is lot of way to make what you want.
I propose you a way with localStorage.
Check if a localStorage exist. By default the key don't exist, so you create it and reload the page too.
After the refresh you check the same key (that exist now). So you don't reload the page and remove the key for the next time
ngOnInit() {
if (!localStorage.getItem('foo')) {
localStorage.setItem('foo', 'no reload')
} else {

you should save (for example) "IsLoadedBefore" boolean in a variable and check it before reloading your page. but a variable that keeps data after page reloaded! (not local ones)
localStorage is a good choice:
function reloadIfNecessary() {
var isLoadedBefore = localstorage.getItem("IsLoadedBefore");
else {
/*use your reload method*/

If you want to reload child component use this.ngOnInit(); (on child component which may be refreshed) to reload just this child component.
#ViewChild(ChildComponent) child: ChildComponent;
refreshed = false;
ngAfterViewInit() {
if (!refreshed)
refreshed = true;
refresh() {

you can import location
constructor(location: Location)
then call reload method to reload the page

Create a service to store the previous route. Get the previous route in your component if it has route or the route you define in condition, then reload.
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Router, NavigationEnd } from '#angular/router';
export class PreviousRouteService {
private prev: string;
private curr: string;
constructor(private router: Router) {
this.currentUrl = this.router.url; => {
if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
this.prev = this.curr;
this.curr = event.url;
public getPreviousUrl() {
return this.prev;
Use it in your component:
if (this.previousRouteService.getPreviousUrl() {
Use the service as provider and instantiate it in the constructor.
constructor(private previousRouteService: PreviousRouteService){}

Here you can make use of local-storage like below
const firstTime = localstorage.getItem('key')
}else {

In javascript, you can use
for page reload


How to display a navbar component after logging in without reloading the page in angular 12

My landing page does not show a navbar, but I want to display a navbar after logging in successfully. Currently, I'm able to show navbar if I do a full page reload after logging in successfully. I'm very sure that there is a better way than this approach.
this.credentials = this.myForm.value;
.subscribe(data => {
this.storageService.setLocalStorageItem('auth', JSON.stringify(data)); = true;
.subscribe(metadata => {
this.storageService.setLocalStorageItem('projectMetaData', JSON.stringify(metadata));
}, err => console.log(err));
} else {
console.log('Please enter your username and password');
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { IGlobal, IMessage } from '../../Shared/interfaces';
import { MessageCallback } from '../../Shared/types';
providedIn: 'root'
export class DataService {
constructor() { }
date: string = (new Date()).toString();
global: IGlobal = {
showNav: false,
sessionTimedOut: false,
projectMetaData: {
name: ''
isAdmin: false,
auth: {
roles: {
admin: false,
developer: false
private handler: Subject<IMessage> = new Subject<IMessage>();
broadcast(type: string, payload: any){{type, payload});
subscribe(type: string, callback: MessageCallback): Subscription {
return this.handler.pipe(filter(message => message.type === type), map(message => message.payload))
<mat-toolbar fxLayout="row" color="primary" *ngIf='showNavbar'></mat-toolbar>
export class NavbarComponent implements OnInit {
user: IAuth = {};
showNavbar: boolean;
progressbar: number = 0;
private storageService: StorageService,
private dataService: DataService
) {
this.showNavbar =;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.user = JSON.parse(this.storageService.getLocalStorageItem('auth'));
this.showNavbar = true;
Please help me out. Your help is highly appreciated. Thank you.
The problem lies here,
once authentication is completed successfully in login() function, it is not communicated to navbar.component.ts
showNavbar in navbar.component.ts is used to display/hide navbar template.
Though is set to true, it will not trigger change detection in navbar components. Since it is copied to `showNavbar' only in constructor.
So before login, navbar is already loaded, probably with showNavbar evaluated as false, and never recomputed until page reload.
During pagereload value is read from localStorage which provides latest value to showNavbar
I have two suggestions{S1,S2} to fix this.
1.broadcast via subject from login component about successful login status
2.And subscribe for that status in navbar component and upon subscription , control rendering of navbar template
3. Looks like as per your business logic,broadcast and subscribe functions in dataservice does that for you in IMessage type subject.
4. Consider example code below and update according to your application.
For eg:
in navbar.component.ts
OnInit() {
setShowNavbar() {
This is not a clean approach and difficult for tracking, but it works for quick and dirty solutions.
<mat-toolbar fxLayout="row" color="primary" *ngIf=""></mat-toolbar>
This case will run change detection whenever value in is updated and evaluate ngIf accordingly.
Note: Better to add a small working proto in stackblitz/jsfiddle/codesandbox etc when posting questions in public forum. So it will be easier for everyone to identify exact problem and arrive on specific solutions quickly.

Angular 6 - Back button press trigger more than once

I have the following code to detect the back button press using angular 6.
import { Location } from '#angular/common';
export class ProductsComponent implements OnInit {
constructor( private location: Location){
handleBackButtonPress() {
this.subscribed = true;
this.location.subscribe(redirect => {
if (redirect.pop === true) {
alert('this is a backbutton click');
This is working and we got alert on back button press. The problem is If we visit the same page more than once it will trigger the alert with the number of time we visited the route with the same component.
I have checked for a solution like this.location.unsubscribe(), But failed to find a function like that for location.
You just need to unsubscribe when the component is destroyed by the ngOnDestroy lifecycle hook.
import { Location } from '#angular/common';
import { SubscriptionLike } from 'rxjs';
export class ProductsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public subscription: SubscriptionLike;
constructor(private location: Location){
ngOnDestroy() {
handleBackButtonPress() {
this.subscription = this.location.subscribe(redirect => {
if (redirect.pop === true) {
alert('this is a backbutton click');
As mentioned by briosheje in the comments the lifecycle hook does not run on browser refreshes. For that you'll need to handle the unsubscription on the document's onbeforereload event.
The problem, I analyzed here is, every time whenever constructor will run. It will call your function for sure. So you have to check whether this function has been run previously or not.
Simplest answer is
constructor( private location: Location){
const PopCalled = localStorage.getItem('PopCalled')
handleBackButtonPress() {
this.subscribed = true;
this.location.subscribe(redirect => {
if (redirect.pop === true) {
localStorage.setItem('PopCalled', true);
alert('this is a backbutton click');
Basically, you have to manage the state of PopCalled its up to you which way you want to choose, as per my knowledge this is the simplest way.

Changing value in one component affects another

I have an angular 6 application, which has a top bar and a content area below this. These are different component and I am currently developing the user profile page. Name of the user is also displayed in the top bar.
My problem is like whenever I have updated the user's name in EditUser page, it successfully saves, but the same is not updated on the top bar. In Vue.js, I can simply handle this with a Vuex store; but how can I handle this in Angular 6.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Next time post a bit of code. Since there isn't, I'll show you how to do it with an example.
Let's assume we have two component, A and B. And the changes will be reflected on both of two components.
Service :
export class YourService{
private data$ = new BehaviorSubject<string>(null);
data =$.asObservable();
public setData(data: string){$.next(data);
Component A/B.html :
Component A/B.ts :
isAlive = true;
something: string;
private service: YourService
) { }
.takeWhile(() => this.isAlive)
.subscribe( res => {
this.something = res;
this.isAlive = false;
Component that change the status:
export class AnotherComponent{
private service: YourService
) { }
private changeData(data: string){
Now everything is working fine. BehaviorSubject allow the communication between components. whenever the function changeData is fired, you will see the changes on both of your components.
takeWhile is for unsubscribing when the component die.
If you have more question, feel free to ask them to me and I will edit this answer.
You can create service to exchange data between components. It could be UserService that provide access to current user information.
export class UserService {
user: UserInfo;
// define user here (load from backend or somehow else)
In user-profile.component.ts
export class UserProfileComponent {
constructor(public userService: UserService) { }
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="">
In header.component.ts
export class HeaderComponent {
constructor(public userService: UserService) { }
<span>{{ }}</span>
So the anggular DI will create a singleton UserService and injects the same object to both components. And when you change it in any of them the changes will be shown in other.

Data sharing between component with data servive not working in angular 5

I, am using data service to share the data between the component. However, this seems not working for me.
Got the reference from here
Angular to update UI from the child component reflect the value to the parent component
I tried the same logic as above but seems to not work for me.
Here is the html binding for the angular material
<mat-progress-bar mode="indeterminate" *ngIf="commonViewModel.showProgressBar()"></mat-progress-bar>
Parent component
export class AppComponent {
constructor(public commonViewModel: CommonViewModel) { }
ngOnInit() {
isLoding() {
console.log("app=" + this.commonViewModel.showProgressBar());
return this.commonViewModel.showProgressBar();
Child Component
export class HomeComponent {
private GetHomeItemUrl: string = "Home/GetHomeItem";
private _homeItemService: GenericHttpClientService;
constructor(public commonViewModel: CommonViewModel) {
private getHomeItemHttpCall(): void {
this.commonViewModel.setProgressBarShow = true;
this._homeItemService.GenericHttpGet<GenericResponseObject<HomeViewModel>>(this.GetHomeItemUrl).subscribe(data => {
if (data.isSuccess) {
this.commonViewModel.setProgressBarShow = false;
console.log("home=" +this.commonViewModel.showProgressBar());
}, error => {
This is my service class which hold the value as true and false
export class CommonViewModel {
progressBarShow: boolean = true;
public showProgressBar(): boolean {
return this.getProgressBarShow;
set setProgressBarShow(flag: boolean) {
this.progressBarShow = flag;
get getProgressBarShow(): boolean {
return this.progressBarShow;
The console output
In the console I,can see the output as True and False. But the app never hides as I can see the app component value is always true
Where I, am doing mistake. Can please someone let me know. I, dont want to use Input and Output to share the data.
Please let me know how can I resolve this issue.
it's possible that your parent component and your child component are being injected with two different instances of the service, depending on where you "provide" it. Try providing it from your app module.
Also, if the child is a direct child of the parent, you don't need the service, you can have an EventEmitter (an #Output) in child, and communicate through that.
See the documentation at
I think, that GSSWain's answer must be work. If not, try use a getter
<mat-progress-bar *ngIf="isLoading"></mat-progress-bar>
get isLoading(){
return this.commonViewModel.showProgressBar();

Unable to get variable outside subscribe in Angular

Well, maybe my issue sounds similar to the few questions here about Angular2-EventEmitter-Subject-Observable-Subscribe-stuff... but it's quite different.
My goal (in short):
Be able to go from route ItemsList to route AddNewItem and then push on the custom 'back' button and find myself in ItemsList WITH ALL SETTINGS THAT I HAD HERE. For a example - search params. So... the only way (afaik) in Angular2+ to store that params between non-related components is to use shared service. So... My code:
ItemsList ts\html (very briefly):
export class ListComponent implements OnInit {
public addItem(allSettings: ISettingsTable) {
this._shService.returnToList = true;
this._shService.allCurrentSettings = allSettings;
this._router.navigate(['someRoute', 'add']);
ngOnInit() {
this._settings = {
search: /* .. */,
/* .. */
this._shService.getSettings().subscribe((settings: ISettingsTable) => {
this._settings = settings;
<button (click)='addItem(_settings)'>
<mat-icon svgIcon='add'></mat-icon>
Service (in short):
export class SettingsService {
private _returnToList: boolean;
private _settingsChanged$: Subject<ISettingsTable> = new Subject();
public emitSettings(val: ISettingsTable) {
public getSettings(): Subject<ISettingsTable> {
return this._settingsChanged$;
AddEditItems ts\html (very briefly as well):
export class EditComponent implements OnInit {
public back(par: ISettingsTable): void {
if (this.returnToList) {
this._router.navigate(['someRoute', 'list']).then(() => {
ngOnInit() {
if (this._shService.returnToList) {
this.returnToList = true;
this._p = this._testS.allCurrentSettings;
<button mat-raised-button (click)='back(_p)'>Go back</button>
So! When I go to the Add route I store the current params in service. Fine. Then on the Add route I get them from service. Fine. Then when I wanna go back I pass that params to the emit method of Subject\Event Emitter... Fine! But on the List route this._settings exists only INSIDE subscribe... It's undefined outside. Yeah, I know about asynchronous behavior and stuff... But how to resolve my issue properly??? Anyone! Please. Hope I made myself clear.
Obviously I always on all routes have some settings. The issue is I dunno how to code If I've got some settings from observable - use them, if not - use default this._settings ...

