Reading values from input fields created in an array with document.createElement() - javascript

I'm trying to build a table that the user can hit "new line" to create a new row of the table. I do this by foo.push(document.createElement("INPUT"));
function newLine() {
sArr[sArr.length-1].setAttribute("type", "text");
gArr[gArr.length-1].setAttribute("type", "text");
tArr[tArr.length-1].setAttribute("type", "text");
//alert(sArr.length+", "+gArr.length+", "+tArr.length);
var x = document.createElement("br");
function calc(){
var temp = 0;
var total = 0;
for(i = 0; i<sArr.length; i++){
total = total + calc2(i);
var o = document.getElementById("output");
o.value = total;
function calc2(i){
var s = document.getElementById(sArr[i]);
var g = document.getElementById(gArr[i]);
var t = document.getElementById(tArr[i]);
var VO2walkmin = 3.28;
var VO2rest = 3.05;
var C1 = 0.32;
var C2 = 0.19;
var C3 = 2.66;
var Cdecline = 0.73;
var s2 = s.value;
var g2 = g.value;
var t2 = t.value;
var negGrade = g.value;
if(g2 < 0){g2 = 0};
VO2move = ((C1 * g2)+VO2walkmin)+((1+(C2*g2))*(C3*(s2^2)));
VO2inc = VO2rest+(t2*VO2move);
VO2dec = VO2rest+(Cdecline*(t2*VO2move))
//var o = document.getElementById("output");
return VO2inc;
When run, I get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
from line 66. Specifically, this line:
var s2 = s.value;
I'm struggling to find my mistake here... and all help is appreciated.

You create a new element, but it has no ID. And so you can't fetch it by ID. The result of document.getElementById(sArr[i]) will be null.
Check this answer to see how ID can be assigned to a newly created element:
Create element with ID

There's no need to use document.getElementById. sArr[i] is the input element itself, not its ID, so you can just read its value directly.
var s = sArr[i];
var g = gArr[i];
var t = tArr[i];


How to use the result of an IF statement as a variable

I have a code as follows:
function DetailFacture2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var DetailDEVIS = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailDEVIS'));
var FACTUREDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('FACTUREDevis'));
var DetailFactureDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailFactureDevis'));
var lastrowpaste = FACTUREDevis.getLastRow();
var numrow = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,13).getValue()
var lastrowpaste2 = DetailFactureDevis.getLastRow() - numrow +2;
var data = DetailDEVIS.getDataRange().getValues();
var DetailD = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,2).getValue();
for(var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
var firstrowcopy = i+1;
return (firstrowcopy)
It does return the correct value, but how do you use "firstrowcopy" as a fixed var?
I would like to use as follows:
function DetailFacture2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var DetailDEVIS = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailDEVIS'));
var FACTUREDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('FACTUREDevis'));
var DetailFactureDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailFactureDevis'));
var lastrowpaste = FACTUREDevis.getLastRow();
var numrow = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,13).getValue()
var lastrowpaste2 = DetailFactureDevis.getLastRow() - numrow +2;
var data = DetailDEVIS.getDataRange().getValues();
var DetailD = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,2).getValue();
for(var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
var firstrowcopy = i+1;
var source = DetailDEVIS.getRange(firstrowcopy,1,numrow-1);
var destination = DetailFactureDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste2,3);
But, as one would expect, it cannot work as it loops...
Not sure if I understand your question too. The code doesn't look well. Here is just my guess. Try to change the last lines this way:
// ...
var firstrowcopy = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
firstrowcopy = i+1;
var source = DetailDEVIS.getRange(firstrowcopy,1,numrow-1);
var destination = DetailFactureDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste2,3);

JSON-array and forEach issue

So... The problem I have according to the console is:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of undefined
at custom.js:42, at Array.forEach (), at custom.js:39"
How is "title" undefined? What's wrong with my .forEach? (sad noises)
Example of first of six objects in the JSON-array I've built:
var newReleases = [
"title":"Honor - Defending the motherland",
"author":"Mark Thomas",
"description":"In legislation and formal documents the suffix shire was generally not used: for example, Bedfordshire was referred to as the administrative county of Bedford and the Northamptonshire council as the county council of Northampton.The 1888 Act did not contain a list of administrative counties: it was not until 1933 and the passing of a new Local Government Act."},
For loop with forEach function:
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
newReleases.forEach (function (newReleases) {
var bookTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('card-header')
var t = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].title);
var bookAuthor = document.getElementsByClassName('card-title')
var a = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].authors);
var cardGenre = document.getElementsByClassName("card-subtitle");
var genre = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].genre);
var cardDescr = document.getElementsByClassName('card-text');
var p = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].description);
}) //end of forEach
} // end of for-loop
Use either for or forEach(), not both.
for (var i = 0; i < newReleases.length; i++) {
var bookTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('card-header')[0]
var t = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].title);
var bookAuthor = document.getElementsByClassName('card-title')[0]
var a = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].authors);
var cardGenre = document.getElementsByClassName("card-subtitle")[0];
var genre = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].genre);
var cardDescr = document.getElementsByClassName('card-text')[0];
var p = document.createTextNode(newReleases[i].description);
newReleases.forEach(function(release) {
var bookTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('card-header')[0]
var t = document.createTextNode(release.title);
var bookAuthor = document.getElementsByClassName('card-title')[0]
var a = document.createTextNode(release.authors);
var cardGenre = document.getElementsByClassName("card-subtitle")[0];
var genre = document.createTextNode(release.genre);
var cardDescr = document.getElementsByClassName('card-text')[0];
var p = document.createTextNode(release.description);
When you use forEach() you don't need to subscript the array variable, you just use the parameter to the callback function.

TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined variables

I have worked with code that pulls table information off a site and then places into Google Sheets. While this had worked great for months, it has come to my attention that is has randomly stopped working.
I am getting the message "TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined." From code:
for (var c=0; c<current_adds_array.length; c++) {
I have done extensive searching but cannot come to conclusion as to what is wrong.
Full code seen here:
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Get Data')
.addItem('Add new dispatch items','addNewThings')
function addNewThings() {
// get page
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch("#").getContentText();
// bypass google's new XmlService because html isn't well-formed
var doc = Xml.parse(html, true);
var bodyHtml = doc.html.body.toXmlString();
// but still use XmlService so we can use getDescendants() and getChild(), etc.
// see:
doc = XmlService.parse(bodyHtml);
var html = doc.getRootElement();
// a way to dig around
// Logger.log(doc.getRootElement().getChild('form').getChildren('table'));
// find and dig into table using getElementById and getElementsByTagName (by class fails)
var tablecontents = getElementById(html, 'formId:tableExUpdateId');
// we could dig deeper by tag name (next two lines)
// var tbodycontents = getElementsByTagName(tablecontents, 'tbody');
// var trcontents = getElementsByTagName(tbodycontents, 'tr');
// or just get it directly, since we know it's immediate children
var trcontents = tablecontents.getChild('tbody').getChildren('tr');
// create a nice little array to pass
var current_adds_array = Array();
// now let's iterate through them
for (var i=0; i<trcontents.length; i++) {
// and grab all the spans
var trcontentsspan = getElementsByTagName(trcontents[i], 'span');
// if there's as many as expected, let's get values
if (trcontentsspan.length > 5) {
var call_num = trcontentsspan[0].getValue();
var call_time = trcontentsspan[1].getValue();
var rptd_location = trcontentsspan[2].getValue();
var rptd_district = trcontentsspan[3].getValue();
var call_nature = trcontentsspan[4].getValue();
var call_status = trcontentsspan[5].getValue();
//saveRow(call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status);
current_adds_array.push(Array(call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status));
function saveRow(current_adds_array) {
// load in sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
// find the current last row to make data range
var current_last_row = sheet.getLastRow();
var current_last_row_begin = current_last_row - 50;
if (current_last_row_begin < 1) current_last_row_begin = 1;
if (current_last_row < 1) current_last_row = 1;
var last_x_rows = sheet.getRange("A"+current_last_row_begin+":F"+current_last_row).getValues();
var call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status;
// iterate through the current adds array
for (var c=0; c<current_adds_array.length; c++) {
call_num = current_adds_array[c][0];
call_time = current_adds_array[c][1];
rptd_location = current_adds_array[c][2];
rptd_district = current_adds_array[c][3];
call_nature = current_adds_array[c][4];
call_status = current_adds_array[c][5];
// find out if the ID is already there
var is_in_spreadsheet = false;
for (var i=0; i<last_x_rows.length; i++) {
//Logger.log(call_num+" == "+last_15_rows[i][0]);
if (call_num == last_x_rows[i][0] && call_time != last_x_rows[i][1]) is_in_spreadsheet = true;
if (!is_in_spreadsheet) {
Logger.log("Adding "+call_num);
function getElementById(element, idToFind) {
var descendants = element.getDescendants();
for(i in descendants) {
var elt = descendants[i].asElement();
if( elt !=null) {
var id = elt.getAttribute('id');
if( id !=null && id.getValue()== idToFind) return elt;
function clearRange() {
//replace 'Sheet1' with your actual sheet name
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
function getElementsByTagName(element, tagName) {
var data = [];
var descendants = element.getDescendants();
for(i in descendants) {
var elt = descendants[i].asElement();
if( elt !=null && elt.getName()== tagName) data.push(elt);
return data;
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("C:C");
range.setValues(range.getValues().map(function(row) {
return [row[0].replace(/MKE$/, " Milwaukee, Wisconsin")];
Please be careful when instantiating a new array. You are currently using var current_adds_array = Array(). You're not only missing the new keyword, but also, this constructor is intended to instantiate an Array with an Array-like object.
Try changing this to var current_adds_array = []

Can't change inner HTML

function order(){
var i = 1;
while(i != 0){
var p1 = sessionStorage.getItem("taska"+i);
var p2 = sessionStorage.getItem("price"+i);
var a = document.createElement('td');
a.innerHTML = sessionStorage.getItem("id"+i);
var b = document.createElement('td');
var b1 = document.createElement('img');
b1.src = '/obrazky/taska_'+p1+'.png';
var c = document.createElement('td');
c.innerHTML = p1;
var d = document.createElement('td');
d.innerHTML = ''+p2+' Kč';
var e = document.createElement('td');
var e1 = document.createElement('input');
e1.type = 'number';
e1.setAttribute("id", i);
e1.onclick = totalPrice(this);
var f = document.createElement('td');
f.setAttribute("id", "total"+i);
f.innerHTML = ''+p2+' Kč';
function totalPrice(nofitems){
var x =;
var y = nofitems.value*Number(sessionStorage.getItem("price"+x));
document.getElementById('total'+x).innerHTML = y+' Kč';
I've created function order to insert some html elements. I want to change the element var f when qty of the item is increased. I'm using the totalPrice function to do this, but whenever it's calledm, the console pops up:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
I think, that it isn't able to find the created element by id.
Thanks for your help.
Well first, I see something is not right in this line of code:
e1.onclick = totalPrice(this);
this will not attach totalPrice function to the onclick event of the e1 element. Also, the keyword this in the current context refers to the window object, so there is no meaning to send it as a parameter to the totalPrice function It should be like this instead:
e1.onclick = totalPrice;
You should also adjust your totalPrice function to get the totalnumber of items and calculate the price accordingly
Edit: the function shall look like this
function totalPrice(){
var x =;
var y = this.value*Number(sessionStorage.getItem("price"+x));
document.getElementById('total'+x).innerHTML = y+' Kč';
try creating a text node and adding it to element f
if that isn't sufficient then try swapping out this line:
f.setAttribute("id", "total"+i);
for this line: = "total"+i;
setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

how to use an event object to dispaly information about a DOM element

I want to be able to click on a box (the boxes are created through code, and receive values from a form) in the webpage and display information about the box. I am working on a display() function that uses an event object and an alert to display information about the box. So far, I've had multiple odd failures in my attempt to do this, which leads me to believe that I'm not accessing object attributes correctly. I'm a beginner, so this could be really obvious, but thanks for the help.
constructor function:
function Box (counter, name, color, number, coordinates) {
this.counter = counter; = name;
this.color = color;
this.number = number;
this.coordinates = coordinates;
Global variables:
var boxes = [];
var counter = 0;
Init function:
function init() {
var generateButton = document.getElementById("generateButton");
generateButton.onclick = getBoxValues;
var clearButton = document.getElementById("clearButton");
clearButton.onclick = clear;
Function that gets values from the form:
function getBoxValues() {
var nameInput = document.getElementById("name");
var name = nameInput.value;
var numbersArray = dataForm.elements.amount;
for (var i = 0; i < numbersArray.length; i++) {
if (numbersArray[i].checked) {
number = numbersArray[i].value;
var colorSelect = document.getElementById("color");
var colorOption = colorSelect.options[colorSelect.selectedIndex];
var color = colorOption.value;
if (name == null || name == "") {
alert("Please enter a name for your box");
} else {
var newbox = new Box(counter, name, color, number, "coordinates");
/*for(m = 0; m < boxes.length; m++) {
counter.newbox = boxes[m];
var data = document.getElementById("dataForm");
function that assigns attributes to the boxes:
function addBox(newbox) {
for (var i = 0; i < newbox.number; i++) {
var scene = document.getElementById("scene");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className += " " + "box";
div.innerHTML +=; = newbox.color;
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetWidth-101));
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetHeight-101)); = x + "px"; = y + "px";
div.onclick = display;
//shows all of the property values of newbox in the console
//console.log(div); shows that it is an object in the console
//console.log(div.hasAttribute(number)); says false
display function:
function display(e) {
// alert(; says its an html object
//alert(; works - says "box"
//alert(; says false
I've included some of the things i've found in comments.
The event object only gives you the name not a reference to the element. So... a couple of things.
First if you want to be browser agnostic you want something like (e.srcElement is for IE):
var x =||e.srcElement;
Then get a reference to the element and do what you want:
var refToElement = document.getElementById(;

