how to adjust text height to div using javaScript - javascript

I have some articles on the block. Some of them cut in the middle of their hight like on the picture:
I tried to fix this problem by using the function below, but it still doesn't work.
const setSameHeightToAll = function() {
const all = document.querySelectorAll('.text_blog')
let maxHeight = 0
var length = all.length
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (all[i].getBoundingClientRect().height > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = all[i].getBoundingClientRect().height
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
all[j].setAttribute('style', 'height:' + maxHeight + 'px')
in html:(this is pug.js)
!= post.content.full
a(href='/blog/'+post.key) leia mais >>
this is css:
.text_blog {
overflow: hidden;
height: 112px;
How can I change my function to work correctly.

You're setting the max-height to 0 in your javascript code.
Not knowing the full context of your code, because you only posted the javascript part, You may either have a constant height for all '.text_blog' elements or use
height: auto;
overflow: scroll;
const setSameHeightToAll = function() {
const all = document.querySelectorAll('.text_blog')
let maxHeight = all.firstElementChild.offsetHeight;
let maxHeight = '500px';
var length = all.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
all[i].setAttribute('style', 'height:' + maxHeight + 'px')
You are also forgetting to include the closing ';' at the end of some lines.


Using nested setTimeout to create an animated selection sort

I am working on a basic sorting visualizer with using only HTML, CSS, and JS, and I've run into a problem with the animation aspect. To initialize the array, I generate random numbers within some specified range and push them on to the array. Then based on the webpage dimensions, I create divs for each element and give each one height and width dimensions accordingly, and append each to my "bar-container" div currently in the dom.
function renderVisualizer() {
var barContainer = document.getElementById("bar-container");
//Empties bar-container div
while (barContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
var heightMult = barContainer.offsetHeight / max_element;
var temp = barContainer.offsetWidth / array.length;
var barWidth = temp * 0.9;
var margin = temp * 0.05;
//Creating array element bars
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var arrayBar = document.createElement("div");
arrayBar.className = "array-bar"
if (barWidth > 30)
arrayBar.textContent = array[i];
//Style = "center"; = array[i] * heightMult + "px"; = barWidth; = margin;
I wrote the following animated selection sort and it works well, but the only "animated" portion is in the outer for-loop, and I am not highlighting bars as I traverse through them.
function selectionSortAnimated() {
var barContainer = document.getElementById("bar-container");
var barArr = barContainer.childNodes;
for (let i = 0; i < barArr.length - 1; i++) {
let min_idx = i;
let minNum = parseInt(barArr[i].textContent);
for (let j = i + 1; j < barArr.length; j++) {
let jNum = parseInt(barArr[j].textContent, 10);
if (jNum < minNum) {
min_idx = j;
minNum = jNum;
//setTimeout(() => {
barContainer.insertBefore(barArr[i], barArr[min_idx])
barContainer.insertBefore(barArr[min_idx], barArr[i]);
//}, i * 500);
I am trying to use nested setTimeout calls to highlight each bar as I traverse through it, then swap the bars, but I'm running into an issue. I'm using idxContainer object to store my minimum index, but after each run of innerLoopHelper, it ends up being equal to i and thus there is no swap. I have been stuck here for a few hours and am utterly confused.
function selectionSortTest() {
var barContainer = document.getElementById("bar-container");
var barArr = barContainer.childNodes;
outerLoopHelper(0, barArr, barContainer);
function outerLoopHelper(i, barArr, barContainer) {
if (i < array.length - 1) {
setTimeout(() => {
var idxContainer = {
idx: i
innerLoopHelper(i + 1, idxContainer, barArr);
let minIdx = idxContainer.idx;
let temp = array[minIdx];
array[minIdx] = array[i];
array[i] = temp;
barContainer.insertBefore(barArr[i], barArr[minIdx])
barContainer.insertBefore(barArr[minIdx], barArr[i]);
//console.log("Swapping indices: " + i + " and " + minIdx);
outerLoopHelper(++i, barArr, barContainer);
}, 100);
function innerLoopHelper(j, idxContainer, barArr) {
if (j < array.length) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (j - 1 >= 0)
barArr[j - 1].style.backgroundColor = "gray";
barArr[j].style.backgroundColor = "red";
if (array[j] < array[idxContainer.idx])
idxContainer.idx = j;
innerLoopHelper(++j, idxContainer, barArr);
}, 100);
I know this is a long post, but I just wanted to be as specific as possible. Thank you so much for reading, and any guidance will be appreciated!
Convert your sorting function to a generator function*, this way, you can yield it the time you update your rendering:
const sorter = selectionSortAnimated();
const array = Array.from( { length: 100 }, ()=> Math.round(Math.random()*50));
const max_element = 50;
// The animation loop
// simply calls itself until our generator function is done
function anim() {
if( ! ) {
// schedules callback to before the next screen refresh
// usually 60FPS, it may vary from one monitor to an other
requestAnimationFrame( anim );
// you could also very well use setTimeout( anim, t );
// Converted to a generator function
function* selectionSortAnimated() {
const barContainer = document.getElementById("bar-container");
const barArr = barContainer.children;
for (let i = 0; i < barArr.length - 1; i++) {
let min_idx = i;
let minNum = parseInt(barArr[i].textContent);
for (let j = i + 1; j < barArr.length; j++) {
let jNum = parseInt(barArr[j].textContent, 10);
if (jNum < minNum) {
barArr[min_idx].classList.remove( 'selected' );
min_idx = j;
minNum = jNum;
barArr[min_idx].classList.add( 'selected' );
// highlight
barArr[j].classList.add( 'checking' );
yield; // tell the outer world we are paused
// once we start again
barArr[j].classList.remove( 'checking' );
barArr[min_idx].classList.remove( 'selected' );
barContainer.insertBefore(barArr[i], barArr[min_idx])
barContainer.insertBefore(barArr[min_idx], barArr[i]);
// pause here too?
// same as OP
function renderVisualizer() {
const barContainer = document.getElementById("bar-container");
//Empties bar-container div
while (barContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
var heightMult = barContainer.offsetHeight / max_element;
var temp = barContainer.offsetWidth / array.length;
var barWidth = temp * 0.9;
var margin = temp * 0.05;
//Creating array element bars
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var arrayBar = document.createElement("div");
arrayBar.className = "array-bar"
if (barWidth > 30)
arrayBar.textContent = array[i];
//Style = "center"; = array[i] * heightMult + "px"; = barWidth; = margin;
#bar-container {
height: 250px;
white-space: nowrap;
width: 3500px;
.array-bar {
border: 1px solid;
width: 30px;
display: inline-block;
background-color: #00000022;
.checking {
background-color: green;
.selected, .checking.selected {
background-color: red;
<div id="bar-container"></div>
So I thought about this, and it's a little tricky, what I would do is just store the indexes of each swap as you do the sort, and then do all of the animation seperately, something like this:
// how many elements we want to sort
const SIZE = 24;
// helper function to get a random number
function getRandomInt() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(100));
// this will hold all of the swaps of the sort.
let steps = [];
// the data we are going to sort
let data = new Array(SIZE).fill(null).map(getRandomInt);
// and a copy that we'll use for animating, this will simplify
// things since we can just run the sort to get the steps and
// not have to worry about timing yet.
let copy = [];
let selectionSort = (arr) => {
let len = arr.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let min = i;
for (let j = i + 1; j < len; j++) {
if (arr[min] > arr[j]) {
min = j;
if (min !== i) {
let tmp = arr[i];
// save the indexes to swap
steps.push({i1: i, i2: min});
arr[i] = arr[min];
arr[min] = tmp;
return arr;
// sort the data
const container = document.getElementById('container');
let render = (data) => {
// initial render...
data.forEach((el, index) => {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.classList.add('item');`i${index}`; = `${2 + (index * 4)}%`; = `${(98 - (el * .8))}%` = `${el * .8}%`
let el1, el2;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
// get the next step
const {i1, i2} = steps.shift();
if (el1) el1.classList.remove('active');
if (el2) el2.classList.remove('active');
el1 = document.getElementById(`i${i1}`);
el2 = document.getElementById(`i${i2}`);
[,] = [,];
[,] = [,]
if (!steps.length) {
document.querySelectorAll('.item').forEach((el) => el.classList.add('active'));
}, 1000);
#container {
border: solid 1px black;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 20px;
height: 200px;
width: 100%;
background: #EEE;
position: relative;
#container .item {
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: 3%;
height: 80%;
background: #cafdac;
border: solid 1px black;
transition: 1s;
#container {
background: green;
<div id="container"></div>

Div's unresponsive to styles when using JavaScript to position elements

I'm trying to create a "grid" using nested for loops. When I inspect the elements in browser they are receiving the styles i'm giving them, yet they aren't actually being positioned. Even when I go in and manually change the css in browser after the JS has loaded they wont change position.
Also, would this be better solved if i used css grid instead?
var nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.square');
const nodeArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for (let j = counter; j < (counter + 3); j++){
nodeArray[j].style.right = leftPos.toString() + "%";
nodeArray[j] = topPos.toString() + "%";
nodeArray[j].style.background = 'red';
nodeArray[j].style.width = '30%';
nodeArray[j].style.height = '30%';
leftPos += 33;
counter += 3;
leftPos = 0;
topPos += 33;
/*there are 9 div's with class square*/
Maybe you just forget to set .square{ position: absolute; } on the CSS,
With the complete HTML, CSS and JavaScript we can help.
nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.square')
counter = 0,
leftPos = 0,
topPos = 0
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++){
nodeList.forEach(e =>{ = `${leftPos}%` = `${topPos}%` = 'red' = '30%' = '30%'
leftPos += 33
counter += 3
leftPos = 0
topPos += 33
position: absolute;
color: #fff;
<div class="square">Foo</div>
<div class="square">Bar</div>
<div class="square">Foo</div>
<div class="square">Bar</div>
<div class="square">Foo</div>
<div class="square">Bar</div>
<div class="square">Foo</div>
You can use forEach instead create another array const nodeArray = [];

Meeting Calendar | How to take care of the overlapping meetings to show in the calendar?

Sorry for the long question.
I have tried to create a meetings on a calendar for a day. I need help to take care of the overlapping intervals.
The code I have written in following :
<div id="timeline"></div>
<div id="calendar" class="calendar">
.calendar {
border: 1px solid black;
position: absolute;
width: 600px;
height: 1440px;
left: 60px;
.event {
position: absolute;
float: left;
width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
border: 0px solid red;
#timeline {
position: absolute;
float: left;
function getRandomColor() {
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
var color = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
return color;
function creatTimeline(tl) {
var i = 0;
while (i < tl.length) {
var divEl = document.createElement('div'); = '50px'; = '120px'; = '0px solid yellow';
divEl.innerHTML = tl[i];
var timeLine = document.getElementById('timeline');
function appendEventDivs(eventArr) {
var i = 0;
while (i < eventArr.length) {
var eventEl = document.createElement('div');
eventEl.className = 'event'; = eventArr[i].height; = eventArr[i].top; = eventArr[i].color; = eventArr[i].width; = eventArr[i].left;
eventEl.innerHTML = 'Meeting' + eventArr[i].id;
var cl = document.getElementById('calendar');
function collidesWith(a, b) {
return a.end > b.start && a.start < b.end;
function checkCollision(eventArr) {
for (var i = 0; i < eventArr.length; i++) {
eventArr[i].cols = [];
for (var j = 0; j < eventArr.length; j++) {
if (collidesWith(eventArr[i], eventArr[j])) {
return eventArr;
function updateEvents(eventArr) {
eventArr = checkCollision(eventArr);
var arr = [];
arr = {
//just to differentiate each event with different colours
el.color = getRandomColor();
el.height = (el.end - el.start) * 2 + 'px'; = (el.start) * 2 + 'px';
el.width = (600 / el.cols.length) + 'px';
return el;
return arr;
var events = [{
id: 123,
start: 60,
end: 150
}, {
id: 124,
start: 540,
end: 570
}, {
id: 125,
start: 555,
end: 600
}, {
id: 126,
start: 585,
end: 660
var timeline = ['9AM', '10AM', '11AM', '12Noon', '1PM', '2PM', '3PM', '4PM', '5PM', '6PM', '7PM', '8PM', '9PM'];
function getEvents (eventArr) {
eventArr.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.start - b.start;
eventArr = updateEvents(eventArr);
//PART 1 - function returning the eventArr with all the required attributes
return eventArr;
Working fiddle here
Can anybody guide me how to take care of the overlapping intervals so that they appear side-by-side and not on top of each other.
Thanks in advance.
You need to figure out in which column each of the events should be before you can determine their width or left-position. To do this, you need to also store which of the colliding events came before each event:
function checkCollision(eventArr) {
for (var i = 0; i < eventArr.length; i++) {
eventArr[i].cols = [];
for (var j = 0; j < eventArr.length; j++) {
if (collidesWith(eventArr[i], eventArr[j])) {
if(i>j) eventArr[i].colsBefore.push(j); //also list which of the conflicts came before
return eventArr;
Now, we can figure out the column of each event. Once we've done that, we can figure out how wide they should be, and with that, the horizontal positioning should be easy. This should be done inside your updateEvents function. I've got more detailed explanation commented in the comments of the code below.
function updateEvents(eventArr) {
eventArr = checkCollision(eventArr);
var arr=eventArr.slice(0); //clone the array
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
var el=arr[i];
el.color = getRandomColor();
el.height = (el.end - el.start) * 2 + 'px'; = (el.start) * 2 + 'px';
if(i>0 && el.colsBefore.length>0){ //check column if not the first event and the event has collisions with prior events
if(arr[i-1].column>0){ //if previous event wasn't in the first column, there may be space to the left of it
for(var j=0;j<arr[i-1].column;j++){ //look through all the columns to the left of the previous event
if(el.colsBefore.indexOf(i-(j+2))===-1){ //the current event doesn't collide with the event being checked...
el.column=arr[i-(j+2)].column; //...and can be put in the same column as it
if(typeof el.column==='undefined') el.column=arr[i-1].column+1; //if there wasn't any free space, but it ito the right of the previous event
var column=0;
for(var j=0;j<el.colsBefore.length;j++){ //go through each column to see where's space...
if(arr[el.colsBefore[el.colsBefore.length-1-j]].column==column) column++;
}else el.column=0;
//We need the column for every event before we can determine the appropriate width and left-position, so this is in a different for-loop:
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
if(arr[i].cols.length>1){ //if event collides
var conflictGroup=[]; //store here each column in the current event group
var conflictingColumns=[]; //and here the column of each of the events in the group
function addConflictsToGroup(a){
if(conflictGroup.indexOf(a.cols[k])===-1){ //don't add same event twice to avoid infinite loop
addConflictsToGroup(arr[a.cols[k]]); //check also the events this event conflicts with
arr[i].totalColumns=Math.max.apply(null, conflictingColumns); //set the greatest value as number of columns
return arr;
Working Fiddle:
I added a few other events to test different scenarios.
Oh, and by the way, absolutely positioned elements can't float.
You already know the top and height of every event, so you could map the calendar and check an event already exist within the area it will occupy, then offset the left value by the number of existing events.

Gradient only on one section

On my previous post I asked how I'd get the gradient set up. Now the problem is that the gradient "spreads" out. Here's What I'm using
function generateCSSGradient(colours) {
var l = colours.length, i;
for( i=0; i<l; i++) colours[i] = colours[i].join(" ");
return "linear-gradient( to right, "+colours.join(", ")+")";
var cols = [
]; = generateCSSGradient(cols);
With this. What I want to do is say you fill in one input. And the bar goes to 33%, then that could be a red color. Then the next would be a blue and so fourth. Not like this. Any ideas? I'd also avoid using div
I think you want it like this ... See the source code
I'v edited the HTML code and added another div called colors inside the div top ...
<div class="top">
<div class="colors"></div>
Also I edited the CSS of .top and added to it overflow:hidden; and create .colors style
/*background: #009dff;*/
background:linear-gradient(to right,#009dff 0,#00c8ff 100%);
transition:all 1s;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
height: 4px;
Then edited the JavaScript and made the CSSGradient to colors not top , and let the JavaScript set the width of colors to fit the window width , and changed the colors percentage..
document.querySelector(".colors").style.background = generateCSSGradient(cols);
var window_width = window.innerWidth + "px";
document.querySelector(".colors").style.width = window_width;
var cols = [
Hope this will help you ...
if you want to change the color of the bar like this , See the source code ...
just edit the JavaScript to be like this
function cback(e) {
var t = [];
for (var n = inputs.length; n--;) {
if (!inputs[n].value.length) t.push(inputs[n]);
var r = t.length;
var i = inputs.length;
var s = document.querySelectorAll(".top");
for (var o = s.length; o--;) {
s[o].style.width = 100 - r / i * 100 + "%";
s[o].style.background = cols[i-r-1];
var forms = document.querySelectorAll(".form"),
inputs = [];
for (var i = forms.length; i--;) {
var els = forms[i].querySelectorAll("input, textarea, select");
for (var j = els.length; j--;) {
if (els[j].type != "button" && els[j].type != "submit") {
els[j].addEventListener("input", cback, false);
var cols = ["red","yellow","green"];

How to automatically adjust content fontsize to fit its span

EDIT: Ok, so I approached the problem the wrong way: to do what I intended to, I just needed to check if there was an overflow.
Here is the code (if it can help anyone):
<script type="text/javascript">
function textfit(){
var spans = document.body.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var i = 0, l = spans.length; i < l; i++){
var span = spans[i];
var font = window.getComputedStyle(span, null).getPropertyValue('font-size');
var fontSize = parseInt(font);
do { = (fontSize --) + "px";
} while (span.scrollHeight > span.clientHeight || span.scrollWidth > span.clientWidth);
$(document).ready(function() {
My problem is simple: I have a HTML page with a lot of span but not all of them have the same content. Regarding that, I want to adapt the fontsize of each content to fit perfectly its span; please note that I don't want to cut the textcontent, or add dots if it's too long, I just want to modify the fontSize.
function = textfit(){
var spans = document.body.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var i = 0, l = spans.length; i < l; i++){
var maxHeight = spans[i].offsetHeight;
var maxWidth = spans[i].offsetWidth;
var textHeight = $(spans[i].textContent).height();
var textWidth = $(spans[i].textContent).width();
var fontSize = spans[i].style.fontSize;
do {
fontSize = fontSize - 1;
} while (textHeight > maxHeight || textWidth > maxWidth);
$(document).ready(function() {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
font-size: 20pt;
As you may see, I'm using a "for" to run through every span and a "do...while" to adjust the font size of each of them.
My problems:
it looks like I'm not able to get the textcontent size (getting a "null" instead)
same thing with the fontsize (I'm getting an empty string)
Or maybe I'm approaching the problem the wrong way and I need to do it differently...
NB: JS are a little bit "new" for me so sorry if I did rookie mistakes
you are reseting a local variable by fontSize = fontSize - 1;, on a related note, textHeight and textWidth will not be update automatically by changing the fontsize, they are local variables.
On the other hand, you will need to wrap your texts in an additional element to be able to measure its dimensions.
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
font-size: 20pt;
<span class='wrapper'><span>SMALL</span></span>
<span class='wrapper'><span>MEEEEEEEEEEEEEDIUM</span></span>
<span class='wrapper'><span>HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE</span></span>
function = textfit(){
var spans = document.body.getElementsByClassName("wrapper");
for(var i = 0, l = spans.length; i < l; i++){
var span = spans[i];
var maxHeight = span.offsetHeight;
var maxWidth = span.offsetWidth;
var fontSize = parseInt(;
do {
var textHeight = span.firstChild.offsetHeight();
var textWidth = span.firstChild.offsetWidth(); = (fontSize --)+"pt";
} while (textHeight > maxHeight || textWidth > maxWidth);
//PS I suggest a binary-search-like algorithm to save time
$(document).ready(function() {

