Dynamic lookup from React's state in material-table - javascript

I'm using the material-table component, which I fill with dynamic data coming from Redux (an array of objects), but then I do other things with that data inside my component's state. To create column dropdown filters, there's an element inside each column's array of options, lookup, that receives an object and creates the dropdown based on it's values.
I am extracting some items from my data and putting them inside an element in my component's state. This is an object, the same kind that lookup receives. The thing is that the component shows an empty dropdown, as if the object was empty, but it's not. I'm logging it in into the console and the object is filled with the data I need.
I initially thought it was a render problem, that the object is empty at the beggining, and then it's filled with data, but the component renders every time.(Yeah, React is reactive).
This is only the code needed to help me solve this problem:
Table component
import React, { Component } from "react";
import MaterialTable from "material-table";
class CustomTable extends Component {
state = {
column1: "",
column2: "",
column3: "",
column1FilterList: {}
columns: [
title: "Column1",
field: "column1",
editable: "onAdd",
filtering: true,
lookup: { ...this.column1FilterList }
title: "Column2",
field: "column2",
editable: "onAdd",
filtering: true,
title: "Column3",
field: "column3",
editable: "onAdd",
filtering: true
componentDidMount() {
filterColumn1ExistingKeys = () => {
return this.props.elements.map(element => {
return this.setState(prevState => ({
column1FilterList: {
[element.name]: element.name
render() {
return (
search: false,
actionsColumnIndex: 4,
filtering: true
title="Search by"
export default CustomTable;

The problem is how you save that data. You create a new object in the constructor with { ...this.column1FilterList }. This will create a new object which will act as the lookup object, which is filled with the initial data of column1FilterList (empty). Updating the column1FilterList later does not change that lookup object, because it is disconnected (new object). You have to update the lookup within the columns as well like this:
const filterColumn1ExistingKeys = () => {
const column1FilterList = this.state.column1FilterList;
this.props.elements.forEach(element => column1FilterList[element.name] = element.name)
columns: [{
title: "Column1",
field: "column1",
editable: "onAdd",
filtering: true,
lookup: { ...column1FilterList }
title: "Column2",
field: "column2",
editable: "onAdd",
filtering: true,
title: "Column3",
field: "column3",
editable: "onAdd",
filtering: true
Hope this helps. Let me know, if that works for you. If you have any questions, let me know. Happy coding.


VueGoodTable filter dropdown options vue2

I'm trying to populate possible dropdown options on vue good table. The idea is that I conduct an API call to the server to bring back what values can possibly go into the drop down and I'm trying to assign it to the column filter. However, I can't seem to get it to work.
enabled: true
styleClass="vgt-table striped bordered"
Fairly standard vgt set up.
columns: [
label: 'some column',
field: 'column1'
label: 'Customer',
field: 'customerName',
filterOptions: {
enabled: true,
placeholder: 'All',
filterDropdownItems: Object.values(this.customers)
label: 'other columns',
field: 'column234'
and the API call
methods: {
async load () {
await this.getTableOptions()
async getTableOptions () {
try {
var response = await axios.get(APICallUrl)
this.customers= []
for (var i = 0; i < response.data.customers.length; i++) {
this.customers.push({ value: response.data.customers[i].customerId, text: response.data.customers[i].customerName})
} catch (e) {
console.log('e', e)
The only thing that I thought of is that the table has finished rendering before the load method is complete. However just creating a static object in my data and assigning it to a filterDropDownItems yielded no better results. The result whenever I try to set it to an object is that the box is a type-in box rather than a dropdown.
You can make the table update after it's rendered by making columns a computed property. The other problem you have is this.customers is an Array but Object.values() expects an Object. You could use the Array.map function instead
this.customers.map(c => c.value)
Although according to the VueGoodTable docs an array of objects like you have should work just fine
computed: {
columns() {
return [
label: 'some column',
field: 'column1'
label: 'Customer',
field: 'customerName',
filterOptions: {
enabled: true,
placeholder: 'All',
filterDropdownItems: this.customers
label: 'other columns',
field: 'column234'

A component is changing the uncontrolled value state of Select to be controlled error in ReactJS datagrid singleSelect

I hope someone will be able to help me with this problem.
I have a react datagrid table that has, as one of it's columns, a singleSelect type. The valueOptions for this column are taken from another .jsx file which returns a map, e.g.
return [{"value": 'cat', "label": 'cat'}, {"value": 'dog', "label": 'dog'}];
The drop down within the column displays the values, however, when I select one of the value, say Cat 1, I get the following error:
"A component is changing the uncontrolled value state of Select to be controlled.
Elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa).
Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled Select element for the lifetime of the component.
The nature of the state is determined during the first render. It's considered controlled if the value is not undefined."
The creation of the column is in myExample.jsx:
export default function myView() {
const [data] = useState(getData());
const columns = [
field: "name",
headerName: "Name",
width: 100,
type: "text",
editable: true,
align: 'left',
field: "type",
headerName: "Type",
type: "singleSelect",
width: 100,
editable: true,
valueOptions: data,
align: 'left',
and the data comes from another file myData.jsx
export const getData = () => {
return [{"value": 'cat', "label": 'cat'}, {"value": 'dog', "label": 'dog'}];
I'm new to React, so if anyone can help with this problem then I'd be very greatful.
Many thanks in advance.

API JSON formatting to bootstrap-vue table

I am a student working on a VueJS dashboard displaying scientific research data from clinicaltrials.gov. The issue is the JSON response value is in the form of an array and as such prints with brackets and quotation marks in the table. I am trying to display the data without the brackets and quotations. In addition, when there are multiple items as in the Condition field, I am trying to display each item seperated by commas.
The data comes from the API as an axios response in the following format:
"DataVrs":"2021:03:18 22:20:36.369",
"Infliximab [infliximab biosimilar 3]"
"Crohn's Disease",
"Ulcerative Colitis"
"December 21, 2020"
Axios Call in mounted:
var APIurl = "https://clinicaltrials.gov/api/query/study_fields?expr=" + TrialSearch + "%0D%0A&fields=OrgFullName%2CAcronym%2CInterventionName%2CCondition%2CPhase%2CLastKnownStatus%2CResultsFirstPostDate%2CLastUpdatePostDate&min_rnk=1&max_rnk=999&fmt=json"
.then(response => {this.items = response.data.StudyFieldsResponse.StudyFields})
.catch(function (error) {
//eslint-disable-next-line no-console
HTML of b-table:
<b-table :items="items" id="table-list" responsive :per-page="perPage" :current-page="currentPage" :fields="fields" :sort-by.sync="sortBy" :sort-desc.sync="sortDesc" >
js data function:
data: function() {
return {
sortBy: 'name',
perPage: 10,
PipeperPage: 5,
currentPage: 1,
sortDesc: false,
sortByFormatted: true,
filterByFormatted: true,
sortable: true,
fields: [
{ key: 'Acronym', sortable: true },
{ key: 'InterventionName', sortable: true },
{ key: 'Condition', sortable: true },
{ key: 'Phase', sortable: true },
{ key: 'LastKnownStatus', sortable: true },
{ key: 'ResultsFirstPostDate', sortable: true },
{ key: 'LastUpdatePostDate', sortable: true },
items: [],
screenshot of current table format
Sorry for the long post; I am really trying to learn but am lost.
Like you said all the properties of the response are arrays instead of primitives values like string, boolean, or number. b-table expects that the items data is an array of rows (that is good) with properties and primitives values like you are passing arrays is printing the whole value as a string.
What you need to do is add a computed property (that will change when items change) mapping that item with a new item, choosing the values you use (to keep it simple) and joining the array in a string.
You can choose to join the array arr.join(', ') or to select the first item arr[0] || "".
Life example https://codesandbox.io/s/api-json-formatting-to-bootstrap-vue-table-r91cw?file=/src/components/Dashboard.vue:1095-1586
export default {
data() {
return {
// your data
computed: {
simpleItems() {
return this.items.map((item) => {
return {
Acronym: item.Acronym.join(", "),
InterventionName: item.InterventionName.join(", "),
Condition: item.Condition.join(", "),
Phase: item.Phase.join(", "),
LastKnownStatus: item.LastKnownStatus.join(", "),
ResultsFirstPostDate: item.ResultsFirstPostDate.join(", "),
LastUpdatePostDate: item.LastUpdatePostDate.join(", "),

CellValueChanged event in master detail of ag-grid

I am developing an ag-grid with master-detail set to true, the first row of master-detail has a editable cell i.e. "contractID", I want to populate other cells of the master-detail depending upon the fetched contractID.
I tried adding cellValueChanged in the columnDef and also tried to set params.api.rowModel.gridApi.cellValueChanged explicitly in onFirstDataRendered method for the detailGrid, but found no luck.
Master detail grid code:
detailCellRendererParams = {
detailGridOptions: {
columnDefs: [
{ headerName: "Contact ID", field: "contractId", editable: true, [cellValueChanged]: "cellValueChanged()" },
{ headerName: "Contact Name", field: "contractName" },
{ headerName: "Category", field: "category" }]
onFirstDataRendered(params) {
params.api.rowModel.gridApi.cellValueChanged = function (params) {
In case someone still wonders, in detailGridOptions add:
onCellValueChanged: function ($event) {
// your code here
This will be triggered every time you change cell value.
Fixed the problem using custom cellRenderer and added an eventListener for change event. I just wanted to have this functionality on the first row of the grid, so added a condition to the rowIndex.
detailCellRendererParams = {
detailGridOptions: {
columnDefs: [{headerName: "Contact ID",field: "contractId",editable: true,
cellRenderer: (params) => {
params.eGridCell.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
{headerName: "Contact Name", field: "contractName"},
{headerName: "Category",field: "category"}]
getDetails(id): void {
.subscribe(result => {
this.gridApi.detailGridInfoMap.detail_0.api.forEachNode(node=> {
if(node.rowIndex == 0){
node.data = result;

Store calculated data in Column of Kendo Grid

What I'm trying to do is store some data in a specific column that is calculated by using the data from another column.
I currently have a function that returns the number of available licenses for the given Id in JSON
function getAvailableLicenses(id) {
var url = "/Host/Organization/AvailableLicenses/" + id;
$.get(url, function (data) {
return data.AvailableLicenses;
How do I go about storing this number in a column named "AvailableLicenses"?
Here is my current Grid:
dataSource: viewModel.get("orgDataSource"),
filterable: {
extra: false
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "Id", hidden: true },
{ field: "Name", template: "<a href='/Host/Organization/Detail/#:Id#'>#:Name#</a>" },
{ field: "LicenseNumber", title: "Number of Licenses" },
{ field: null, title: "Available Licenses", template: "#= getAvailableLicenses(Id) #" },
{ field: "LicenseExpiration", title: "License Expiration", format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" },
{ field: "State" },
{ field: "Active" }
editable: false
As you can see, I tried to create a null column with a template that calls the function for the given Id.
By using Fiddler I can see that the function is indeed being called for all of the rows, but the AvailableLicenses column just displays Undefined for every row.
Is there something I'm missing here to get this to work?
I think the better way to do this is on dataSource parse() function
First: you column configuration must change like this:
{ field: "AvalableLicenses", title: "Available Licenses" },
You alaways can use you template .
And second, inside your dataSource() you can add:
schema: {
parse: function(response) {
for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
response[i].AvalableLicenses= null;
response[i].AvalableLicenses = getAvailableLicenses(response[i].Id)
return response;
If you prefer using you way, I dont see any problem in your configuration, probably your $.get is returning undefined, or something you don't expect.
For conviniance I did an example working.
Hope this help

