How to identify unique devices using javascript? - javascript

I was wondering how streaming service providers like Netflix, Hulu, Sling.. et identify my device when I login using web Browser on my labtop.
I couldn't find any Javascript APIs to get a GUID or so.

You can use the fingerprintJS2 library for your project too.
How this library gets fingerprints
Fingerprint.js collects all the unique features from a device/browser passing them through a hash function to provide a unique identifier.
There are many other ways to get unique browser fingerprint.
The newest method to obtain browser information is called “Canvas Fingerprinting.” Simply put, websites are written in HTML5 code, and inside that code, there is a little piece of code that takes your browser’s fingerprint.
So, how are websites doing that, exactly? Let me explain.
This new tracking method that websites employ to obtain your browser fingerprint is enabled by new coding features in HTML5.
HTML5 is the coding language used to build websites. It’s the core fundamentals of every website. Within the HTML5 coding language, there’s an element which is called “canvas.”
Originally, the HTML element was used to draw graphics on a web page.
Wikipedia provides the following explanation on how exploiting the HTML5 canvas element generates browser fingerprinting:
“When a user visits a page, the fingerprinting script first draws text with the font and size of its choice and adds background colors. Next, the script calls Canvas API’s ToDataURL method to get the canvas pixel data in dataURL format, which is basically a Base64 encoded representation of the binary pixel data. Finally, the script takes the hash of the text-encoded pixel data, which serves as the fingerprint."
In plain English, what this means is that the HTML5 canvas element generates certain data, such as the font size and active background color settings of the visitor’s browser, on a website. This information serves as the unique fingerprint of every visitor.
In contrast to how cookies work, canvas fingerprinting doesn’t load anything onto your computer, so you won’t be able to delete any data, since it’s not stored on your computer or device, but elsewhere.
Source and further reading:
By the way you can get much more information from Googling yourself.

I am using fingerprintjs.library for creating a browser fingerprint it works well with all device but when i test fingerprint in exact configuration device like laptop with exact configuration it generate same fingerprint.
Before implementation i read many blogs says canvas fingerprint generate unique base64 string but when i tested in device with same configuration it generate same canvas fingerprint. The canvas fingerprint is not unique in exact or similar device.
While using fingerprint.Js libary, i made some option disable like plugins, enumerate device, browser version because this are dynamic in nature on adding headphone in device fingerprint will read headphone information or generate fingerprint accordingly or same with browser version. fingerprint will vary if any of this thing change in future.
My requirement was to create a unique & constant fingerprint that donot change even after opening browser after somedays.

I suggest using localStorage and store a unique white-listed ID that gets verified on every login attempt.
localStorage.setItem('laazaz_id', '4587ff526d');
localStorage.getItem('laazaz_id'); //returns 4587ff526d


HTML5: get device camera information (focal length,...)

Is it somehow possible, in javascript, to retrieve technical information about the device camera, such as focal length?
NB: my goal is not to extract EXIF tags from an existing file (like in Read meta data from image file with javascript) but to find information about the current device camera.
Coming to a Firefox browser near you (apparently in version 39):
The MediaDevices.enumeratedDevices() method collects information about
the media input and output devices available on the system.
Doesn't look like it will contain the information you want, but potentially will be available in the future. W3C Editors Draft.

Is it possible to load an image inline from camera in JS?

Is it possible, using javascript, to allow a user to take a picture with their device and embed it into a svg for further processing without uploading image to a server? I'd like to allow a user to take a picture with their device, display it in an svg element so they can add annotations. Once they are done, they could push the whole svg, including the embedded image to the server.
It depends where the javascript is running. With HTML5 you can grab a files contents prior to it being uploaded using the FileAPI and there are libraries available that will convert an image to SVG, the problem you have is with gaining access to the camera.
In a users browser? No, you don't have access to their camera without utilizing Flash/Java
In a Cordova mobile app? Yes, you can gain access to the users camera.
In a Chrome App? Yes, you can get access to a lot of low-level APIs via Javascript.
What you need is the new JavaScript API getUserMedia/Stream API:

How can I generate and download a large file clientside using Javascript?

I have an application that displays a large set of data using Slickgrid. The dataset may be 30-50MB in size. I would like users to be able to download the current view of the data displayed. What is the best way to set this up?
I have considered the approach described here using data URIs, but the maximum size of a URI is much too small.
I have also considered the approach described here where the client posts arbitrary data to the server, which the server echos back as a download. I worry that the documents may exceed the maximum POST size.
Since you want to do this on client side and If HTML5 is an option why not HTML5 File System API
One option is to use the HTML5 FileWriter API. As of today it's only supported in Chrome (and the BlackBerry browser of all things).

Is there a way to save images in offline mode and HTML5?

We need to build a mobile app that works in offline mode. We can do everything we need to except we need to be able to take pictures (on a phone) and upload them later. It would be cool to add them to the datastore, but most cameras take big pictures now days.
Is it possible to save a picture in the datastore? (javascript?)
Can it be a link to the phone that is uploaded later?
Has anyone done something like this?
Access camera on device requires special API. You cannot do it on standard browser (i.e. Mobile Safari/Webkit on iPhone/Android). The API is however is available on frameworks/webView wrappers such as PhoneGap.
Depend on the implementation of such custom API, you might be able to save the output of camera as a file directly, or you might need to save the data as a variable (blob, base64 string, typed array, whatever) in LocalStorage. Need to figure out how to do (1) first.

Does anyone know of a GUI-less application that can be called from JavaScript to create and save desktop screen shots?

While the subject could sound like I'm looking to do something shifty, I'm not; I maintain an internal web site used by several hundred phone operators, and would like to add the following functionality:
I would like to add a control in the header of all of the web pages that would capture an image of the entire desktop and save the image as a file to a shared network drive to assist in troubleshooting production problems. This screen capture app would be called by JavaScript.
I've researched many threads on this site pertaining to capturing screenshots, and all of the offered applications don't meet my need in one of two ways:
The screen capture application has a GUI that pops up and the user sizes some sort of capture control or interacts with a window to do the capture. The users are not very computer literate, and could not be trusted with using a "pop-up" application correctly-- and it would be impossible to enforce them to save the image file with a common file naming convention. I would like the user to press a single UI control on a web site and have JavaScript make the calls to obtain a screen shot and save the image without any further user interaction.
Some automated applications save the HTML by re-posting to the site and "re-assembles" the individual HTML elements into an image. This will not work as the input data that the operator has typed in needs to be in the image, the site uses AJAX so the visual "state" of the web page will be different from one re-obtained from a POST, and some applications have had (active directory) security issues when trying to interact with our (secured) web sites.
If there isn't an application that will meet this need, I'll just roll my own control in C#. But I'd rather obtain a third-party control. so I don't have to support my own control for life. :-)
Javascript does not provide access to the local system for this functionality due to the security risk.
I believe the only way of doing this on a web page is possibly via an active X control or Java applet (similar to screencast-o-matic) but even then security may be an issue.
I also image unless your own c# control is in a windows forms application it would not work as c# controls that are part of a web site will be run on the server and not the client.
Hope this is of some help.
Well to do that you'll need something to interact with the desktop which can't be done by javascript alone.
You'll need to have an Active X Object to be able to interact with the client's machine. Once you have that, it is easy to just have the object take a picture and save it to the directory.
I believe I have the C# code to take a screen shot. If you want I'll post it.
Some alternatives to ActiveX / Java:
You can create a flash program to do the screen capture. I haven't done this and don't know the details, but I'm fairly sure it can be done.
You can setup a custom protocol for screen capture (eg. screencapture:// ), and in your header include a
Screen Capture
link. You'll need to find a gui-less screen capture program to do the actual capturing and set it up as the handler for that custom protocol.
Did it once. I couldn't find a direct way so did it rendering HTML to canvas, then canvas to image using html2canvas. Canvas to image is a much more common theme so you'll find many tutorials about.
HTML to Canvas
Canvas to image
NOTE: rendering from HTML to canvas may leave some elements behind, like SVG. But overall it did as much as expected.
PSR (problem step recorder) is a great tool for debugging purposes on client machines and it is available on all windows machines by default.
Try below and see if it works for you.
Go to Start->Run and type psr.exe (or just psr) this should open the recorder. This is fairly easy to use, so even users/clients can use it. If it works then try below steps to setup.
Step 1: Register PSR protocol. This tells the browser what to do when a link on the page is referring to PSR protocol (which we will use to open this recorder).
- Create registry values as below
(Default) "URL:PSR Protocol"
URL Protocol ""
(Default) psr.exe
If you are not comfortable with creating registry values, download and double click this file.
Use this link for more information.
Step 2: Now create an example html file to test launching PSR.
Save the below code to index.html file and open it.
Start Recording
Or download this file and open it.
This should open your PSR. It is easy to use and can record all the information you need for debugging.

