i have one script :
if (el.tags.includes(selectedTag)) {
const itemsContent = document.createElement('div');
itemsContent.className = 'items-content';
const h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.className = 'project-title';
h2.innerHTML = el.title;
And i want to be able to add a mouseover in my 'itemsContent' div
to generate something like :
<div onmouseover="onProjectHover(...)" class="items-content"> My content</div>
Thanks ;)
itemsContent.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (event)){
// your event handler code goes here
Refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/mouseover_event
I want to do an event where the "span" tag is btn and the "main" tag disappears, but it doesn't work at all. Is using the Google icon a problem?
GenreBtn is an icon using Google icon.
let genreBtn = document.querySelector(".genreClick")
let mainBox = document.getElementsByTagName("main")
genreBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
mainBox.style.display = "none";
Use document.querySelector(".main")
<span class="genreClick" type="button"> Btn </span>
<div class="main"> Hide this </div>
Javascript -
let genreBtn = document.querySelector(".genreClick")
let mainBox = document.querySelector(".main")
genreBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
mainBox.style.display = "none";
In your code, mainBox is HTML collection, not HTML element.
You can try like this:
let mainBox = document.querySelector('main')
let mainBox = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0]
// main tag must be exist, if there isn't main tage, [ mainBox.style.display = "none" ] will return error.
I am working on a solution to rewrite links in an HTML element.
I get HTML information via a JSON string 'spanClass1'. In this string I need to rewrite a class to a link. This works wonderfully. Unfortunately, I use hash routing in Angular and can only link further via the toDocument() function. It doesn't work via a normal link name tag
Via span.className.replace(/\D/g, '') I get the ID I need to link to the page.
Unfortunately I was not able to define an Angular (click) function including the ID to the page.
Also, I can't manipulate the code in the .html, only in the .ts.
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = spanClass1;
div.querySelectorAll('[class^=doc-]').forEach(function (span) {
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = '/suche#/document/' + span.className.replace(/\D/g, '');
anchor.href = span.className.split('doc-')[1];
anchor.innerHTML = span.innerHTML;
span.parentNode.replaceChild(anchor, span);
spanClass1 = div.innerHTML;
toDocument(id) {
window.open('/suche#/document/' + id);
"spanClass1": "blablablablabla <span class=\"doc-158 \">Radleuchter,</span> blablablabla"
How do I add a (click)="toDocument(123)" function to the <a> tag inside the Component.
It seems that you want to add a event listener to a div you are creating at run time. A possible approach is to use the Renderer2 API, as provided by the Angular Team.
In this case, your code would look like the following:
In the constructor:
construct(private _renderer2: Renderer2, ...) { ... };
In the method where you create the div:
var div = document.createElement('div');
this._renderer2.listen(div, 'click', (event) => {
// Code to be run here or callback.
div.innerHTML = spanClass1;
Furthermore, I would advise some caution on changing the DOM directly. It's best to use the renderer for this since it comes with built it methods that are far safer and expose less risks.
You want to add an event listener to each a and listen for the click event. There are a few pieces of your code that I don't fully understand, but it's basically this:
function toDocument(id) {
window.open('/suche#/document/' + id);
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = spanClass1; // what is this?
div.querySelectorAll('[class^=doc-]').forEach(function (span) {
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
var id = span.className.split('doc-')[1];
anchor.href = '/suche#/document/' + span.className.replace(/\D/g, '');
anchor.innerHTML = span.innerHTML;
anchor.addEventListener('click', function() {
span.parentNode.replaceChild(anchor, span);
spanClass1 = div.innerHTML;
So, I am trying to make an element and then assign an onclick to it through JS.
Here is my code so far:
<div id = "Programs" onclick = "Cpb()">Programs</div>
function Cpb() {
document.getElementById("AllBody").innerHTML = "";
var rh = document.createElement("h2");
var rht = document.createTextNode("Recent Programs");
rh.id = "Recentt";
var rh1 = document.createElement("h4");
var rh1t = document.createTextNode("test");
rh1t.onclick = window.open('website');
So does anybody know how I can do this?
This javascript worked for me:
let h4Node = document.createElement("H4");
h4Node.innerHTML = "4th Header";
h4Node.onclick = function (){
<div class="demo"></div>
It will put an h4 element with an onclick event listener inside the demo div.
I think you want addEventListener.
rh1t.addEventListener('click', myHandlerFunction);
function myHandlerFunction () {
// ...
You can continue using onclick as you have in your code. But you'll need to do as I've done above and assign a function reference to it. Like this:
rh1t.onclick = myHandlerFunction;
function myHandlerFunction () {
Before I get in to this, I know I should learn jQuery but I haven't got to that yet, I want to learn raw JavaScript first! Well, mostly. Can someone help me without the use of jQuery please just for understanding, thank you!:
Hi, I'm new to JavaScript, not long started learning it as you can see by the first code (which works so I'm leaving it) for the navigation.
However, my problem comes on the 2nd piece of code I'm trying something from a different angle after watching videos on event listeners etc and everything I have written makes sense, to me, I'm going through it step by step, it's selecting all the right stuff, but it's still not showing the desired result!!
When you click CSS i want it to show the div with id "cs", and same for the HTML and JavaScript ones.
I really don't know JavaScript enough to solve this myself, I can not think of anything AT ALL to help with the problem!
Somebody save me, please, my mind is going crazy and I want to go to bed!
Here is the code, and here is the JS fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/pmj26o9p/2/
var htm = document.getElementById('htm');
var css = document.getElementById('css');
var js = document.getElementById('js');
htm.addEventListener("click", contentShow);
css.addEventListener("click", contentShow);
js.addEventListener("click", contentShow);
function contentShow() {
var whichOne = this.attributes["data-id"].value;
var switcheroo = document.getElementById(whichOne);
switcheroo.onclick = function() {
if (switcheroo.style.display === "none") {
switcheroo.style.display = "";
} else {
switcheroo.style.display = "none";
EDIT: On reading through the code again I don't think it will achieve what I want even if it works. This will let me show and hide whichever I'm clicking right?
I want to show the clicked one but then hide / apply display:none to all others that aren't clicked.
My example below will show the chosen block and hide the others, as per your EDIT comment.
var htm = document.getElementById('htm');
var css = document.getElementById('css');
var js = document.getElementById('js');
function contentShow(el) {
var whichOne = el.attributes["data-id"].value;
var switcheroo = document.getElementById(whichOne);
// show selected block, hide the others
switch (switcheroo) {
case htm:
htm.style.display = "block";
css.style.display = "none";
js.style.display = "none";
case js:
htm.style.display = "none";
css.style.display = "none";
js.style.display = "block";
case css:
htm.style.display = "none";
css.style.display = "block";
js.style.display = "none";
<span data-id="htm" onClick="contentShow(this)" style="margin-right:10px;color:red; cursor:pointer">Click to show the HTML Block</span>
<span data-id="css" onClick="contentShow(this)" style="margin-right:10px;color:green; cursor:pointer">Click to show the CSS Block</span>
<span data-id="js" onClick="contentShow(this)" style="margin-right:10px;color:blue; cursor:pointer">Click to show the JS Block</span>
<div id="htm">Some HTML info here</div>
<div id="css" style="display:none">Some CSS info here</div>
<div id="js" style="display:none">Some JavaScript info here</div>
you are binding a second event handler to the switcheroo element, but the click event is not triggered so nothing happens.
If you want to make a toggle function on the switcheroo variable, you should do this instead:
function contentShow() {
var whichOne = this.attributes["data-id"].value;
var switcheroo = document.getElementById(whichOne);
return toggleDisplay(switcheroo);
function toggleDisplay(elem) {
if (elem.style.display === "none") {
elem.style.display = "";
} else {
elem.style.display = "none";
Ignoring your other bad practices, change
var htm = document.getElementById('htm');
var css = document.getElementById('css');
var js = document.getElementById('js');
htm.addEventListener("click", contentShow);
css.addEventListener("click", contentShow);
js.addEventListener("click", contentShow);
function contentShow() {
var whichOne = this.attributes["data-id"].value;
var switcheroo = document.getElementById(whichOne);
switcheroo.onclick = function() {
if (switcheroo.style.display === "none") {
switcheroo.style.display = "";
} else {
switcheroo.style.display = "none";
to something more like:
var doc = document;
function E(id){
return doc.getElementById(id); // you guessed it - same as document.getElementById, without typing it every time
var htm = E('htm'), css = E('css'), js = E('js');
contentShow = (function(){ // self-executing scopes off var showing - variable style assignment requires function definition before execution
var showing = false;
return function(){ // returns unexecuted function
var ht = E('ht').style, cs = E('cs').style, jsc = E('jsc').style;
ht.display = cs.display = jsc.display = 'none'; showing = false;
ht.display = cs.display = jsc.display = 'block'; showing = true;
htm.addEventListener('click', contentShow);
css.addEventListener('click', contentShow);
js.addEventListener('click', contentShow);
See updated JSFiddle here.
If there are no other click Events on those Elements, you could even change
htm.addEventListener('click', contentShow);
css.addEventListener('click', contentShow);
js.addEventListener('click', contentShow);
htm.onclick = css.onclick = js.onclick = contentShow;
JSFiddle here
but keep in mind this technique overwrites previous Events of the same type.
Here is a variation of #K Scandrett answer which add some scalability/flexibility
var navElements = document.getElementsByClassName("nav");
//Add Event Listeners
for(var i = 0; i < navElements.length; i ++)
navElements[i].addEventListener('click', contentShow, false);
function contentShow(el) {
var whichOne = el.target.attributes["data-id"].value;
var target = document.getElementById(whichOne);
for(var i = 0; i < navElements.length; i ++)
var content = document.getElementById(navElements[i].attributes["data-id"].value)
content.style.display = content === target ? "block" : "none";
<span data-id="htm" style="margin-right:10px;color:red; cursor:pointer" class="nav">Click to show the HTML Block</span>
<span data-id="css" style="margin-right:10px;color:green; cursor:pointer" class="nav">Click to show the CSS Block</span>
<span data-id="js" style="margin-right:10px;color:blue; cursor:pointer" class="nav">Click to show the JS Block</span>
<div id="htm">Some HTML info here</div>
<div id="css" style="display:none">Some CSS info here</div>
<div id="js" style="display:none">Some JavaScript info here</div>
I know you're looking for a javascript solution here.and kudos to you for wanting to understand javascript before getting into jquery, but here is an out of the box solution for you.... pure HTML and CSS
.info {display:none;}
Click to show the HTML Block
Click to show the CSS Block
Click to show the JS Block
<div id="htm" class="info">Some HTML info here</div>
<div id="css" class="info">Some CSS info here</div>
<div id="js" class="info">Some JavaScript info here</div>
What I've done here is, leverage internal page id links and the :target selector. In my mind, this is more semantic and can also still be extended by scripting while still maintaining semantics. This option also gives your uses the option of bookmarking selections etc.
This option achieves the initial display. It is not as clean and uses absolute positioning and z-indexes. Alos note that is uses a background color to conceal the initial option.
.info {position:relative;}
.info > div {
display: none;
.info > div:target {
display: block;
Click to show the HTML Block
Click to show the CSS Block
Click to show the JS Block
<div class="info">
<div id="htm">Some HTML info here</div>
<div id="css">Some CSS info here</div>
<div id="js">Some JavaScript info here</div>
On a side note you should consider adding/removing css classes using javascript instead of the display property directly. This will enable the use of CSS transitions.
I have to create the effect of a popup using a DIV with DOM, I used an iframe, inside the frame is a form, I can not get rid of the div with Javascript in the submit button because the DOM sees only after the iframe his creation and not the div that contains it ... how should I do?
<body >
//Global variable which contain reference to divPopup's element
var divPopup;
function hideDiv() {
window.alert("Content of DIV POPUP " + divPopup );
divPopup.className = "overlayHidden";
function load_page() {
var nodoDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
divPopup = nodoDiv;
nodoDiv.className = "overlay";
nodoDiv.setAttribute("id", "popup1");
//nodoDiv.addEventListener("click", function () { hideDiv(); }, false);
document.body.appendChild( nodoDiv );
var nodoDivPopup = document.createElement("DIV");
nodoDivPopup.setAttribute("id", "popup2");
nodoDivPopup.className = "popup";
var elem = document.getElementById("popup1");
divPopup = elem;
elem.appendChild( nodoDivPopup );
var nodoDivEsami= document.createElement("DIV");
nodoDivEsami.setAttribute("id", "contenitoreEsami");
nodoDivEsami.className = "content";
var elem = document.getElementById("popup2");
elem.appendChild( nodoDivEsami );
var nodoIFrame = document.createElement("IFRAME");
nodoIFrame.className = "content";
nodoIFrame.setAttribute("src", "esami_da_importare_TEST.html");
var nodoDivEsami = document.getElementById("contenitoreEsami");
nodoDivEsami.appendChild( nodoIFrame );
//window.alert( document.body.innerHTML );
_______file css
the function hideDiv() is in the form, activated onClick on submit button.
the window.alert( ) in function hideDiv return "undefined"...
I think you're trying too hard, as iFrames are notoriously problematic. You don't need to use an iFrame, and you can predefine your DIVs in the HTML (unless you really need to create the DIV dynamically). For example:
<div id="popup1" class="overlayHidden">
<div id="contenitoreEsami" class-"content">
No code is needed for page load. When you want to display the pop-up, change its class to something that isn't hidden.