React Spring: dynamic values in useTransition() when using it alongside react-router - javascript

In this example you can see some nice transition between pages triggered by the route change. (took from LevelUp Tutorials' React Animation course, thanks a lot Scott Tolinski).
Now I'd like to make these transitions happen in both directions, depending on which page it's transitioning to (and from), for instance:
Page One -> Page Two (both pages transition from left to right)
Page Three -> Page One (both pages transition from right to left)
From that first example I created this example where the value of x is dynamic and should be evaluated to either 100 or -100, based on the direction of the transition.
I haven't fundamentally understood how useTransition() works, and the documentation is rather limited. The examples look amazing but are quite hard to understand.
This example seems to do a similar thing to what I'm trying to achieve but the code feels like black magic: the y property of each object returned from appears to be related to the y value on the functions assigned to enter and update properties because if I remove that I get the error: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined. How does that work?

This problem has two part.
determining the direction
change the animation
I created an example for solving the second part. When the user click page one I reverse the animation.
const reverse = location.pathname === '/';
const transitions = useTransition(location, location => location.key, {
from: { opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${reverse ? '-100%' : '100%'},0,0)` },
enter: { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0,0,0)" },
leave: { opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${reverse ? '100%' : '-100%'},0,0)` },
// "initial: null" should only disable the 'from' initial transition, not the subsequent 'leave' transition (on the first manually triggered transition)
initial: null
Here is the sandbox:
For the first part to determine when to reverse the animation, I would store the path at each click and compare the next one to the previous. There is an example of storing the path here: Check history previous location before goBack() react router v4
I hope it helps.


Problem synchronizing DOM manipulation with style changes in carousel

I built a basic picture carousel a while back, and I'm finally getting around to transferring it from MooTools over to jQuery so I can drop MooTools. I've got the script completely functional, but for whatever reason when the carousel slides in one direction, you can see a "pop" where it resets itself.
I've tried playing around with the order it handles everything, but no matter what it seems to always desync for just a fraction of a section.
Here's a copy of my code:
The offending section of code is this:
styles['position'] = 'absolute';
styles[self.params.axis] = -32768;
$(self.list[conf.mi]).css(self.params.axis, ('%');
styles = {};
styles['position'] = 'relative';
styles[self.params.axis] = 'auto';
Issue is that $.fadeOut() sets display:none on the element, which causes some strange rendering issues in your setTimeout() callback. Works better if you use $.fadeTo() instead:
if (self.params.direction) {
// Go forward
self.carousel.css(self.params.axis, '-''%');
$(self.list[0]).fadeTo(400, 0);
$(self.list[conf.mi]).css(self.params.axis, '100%').fadeTo(400, 1);
} else {
// Go backward
$(self.list[conf.mi-1]).fadeTo(400, 0);
self.list.last().css(self.params.axis, '-''%').fadeTo(400, 1);
For simplicity I used a 400ms duration, but you can set this to whatever you need.

Decide order of CSS Transitions

Funky problem i'm having, although i bet theres a slick way to solve it.
The circumstance is that i have a table that has three column sort states: completely unsorted, in which case i dont want any icon present, sorted ascending, in which i want an up arrow, and sorted descending, in which i want a down arrow.
clicking the column header should take you through these three states.
starts off => click => ascending => click => descending => click => back to off
This all works fine and dandy, except for the fact that i want to use the same Caret element, and then use css transition's to fade it in from opacity: 0 to opacity: 1 , then on click rotate it 180deg to show a down arrow for descending, then finally when clicked again to remove the sort, i want it to fade out WITHOUT ROTATING BACK TO 0 DEG
That last part is where the problem lies.
I have only recreated the behavior in the sandbox, but i am really using react-table, so there are only three possible states since it is controlled by the package:
initial state: {showCaret: false, flipped: false}
first click: {showCaret: true, flipped: false}
second click: {showCaret: true, flipped: true}
third click, back to initial: {showCaret: false, flipped: false}
the state changes are controlled by react-table, so i cant setTimeout on the flipped variable.
I am looking for a purely CSS way to achieve this goal without manipulating the way the state changes, if possible
I've attached a codesandbox to demonstrate. First click Show Caret, then Flip Caret, then Hide Caret. The css is set up basically the same as mine is currently in my actual project too.
It sounds like what you want is for the arrow to disappear, but not to rotate back to its starting orientation as it disappears.
Since you are handling and tracking all this with React state, you could just set those two states separately, timed .3s apart (since that is your CSS transition time).
You could do this in a number of ways. To demonstrate it, in this fork of your example I have you just setting the on/off visibility to off, and then separately, in componentDidUpdate, I have it watching for whenever it's turned off, at which point it waits 300ms (.3s) and then sets the rotate state back.
componentDidUpdate(oldProps, oldState) {
if (oldState.showCaret && !this.state.showCaret) {
//it was just hidden
setTimeout(() => {
flipped: false
}, 300);
EDIT, with CSS only solution
/* flipped taking care of rotating the img tag */
.image {
transition: transform 0.3s linear 2s;
.flipped {
transform: rotate(180deg);
transition: transform 0.3s;
onClick={() => this.setState({ showCaret: false, flipped: false })}
onClick={() => this.setState({ showCaret: false })}
and it should work.

Slidein element is visible before the animation

I'm trying to recreate the animations when loading from this website:
I think they are using velocity.js to do the animations.
I tried to recreate some of this and kind of succeeded (though not sure if doing it properly). There is one problem though, that the elements are there and then they animate (slidein), whereas correctly they should be hidden and then they slide in so they become visible (like on the website). I looked into documentation and i think that should be expected behaviour? But here in my example it does not work like that.
The sequence of animation I run is the following:
And they should imitate the animation of that website im trying to imitate.
var loading = [
{ elements: $(".logo-line-before"), properties: {width: '100%'}},
{ elements: $(".logo-line-after"), properties: {width: '100%'}, options: { sequenceQueue: false }},
{ elements: $(".ttl"), properties:"transition.slideDownIn"},
{ elements: $(""), properties:"transition.slideDownBigIn"}
That's all using Velocity V1 so there's limited help available (it's not supported any more), however you do need to pre-load the elements for opacity:0, there's no need for changing the display property on them as it's just a "get it visible" animation on an element that should still take up space.
I'd suggest simply adding a style="opacity:0;" on each of those elements in the HTML source and going from there. - Is it possible to move tileSprite.tilePosition to a particular target with a tween?

I am creating a simple slot machine and currently using TileSprite to achieve the effects that I want - for the spinning. So far, everything works. However, after the timer stops the initial spin, I want to smoothly scroll the texture to the correct 'result' position:
R1TimerTrigger: function()
R1Scroll = false;
game.add.tween(SpriteReel[0].tilePosition).to( { y: R1Result }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Bounce.Out, false);
There are some immediate problems, in that apparently the native tween does not recognize properties of children. Is there a way to solve this, or an alternative approach that does not use tween to achieve the result?
You code looks fine to me and the tween should work on the tile sprite as expected.
Are you starting the tween? You can start the tween automatically using 'true' as the 'autoStart' parameter
to(properties, duration, ease, autoStart, delay, repeat, yoyo)
game.add.tween(SpriteReel[0].tilePosition).to( { y: R1Result }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Bounce.Out, true);
Working example here
Look in the Play and Create tabs

React Native Card Carousel view?

Does anyone know how can we achieve this kind of view in React Native, or is there any available components out there that can help on this issue?
I've seen in F8 2016 app too, been searching on how to achieve the transition and the carousel-like view with horizontal scrolling.
I know that the question is old, but a co-worker and I recently had to create a component that answers this particular need. We ended up open-sourcing it, so it's all yours to try: react-native-snap-carousel.
The plugin is now built on top of FlatList (versions >= 3.0.0), which is great to handle huge numbers of items. It also provides previews (the effect you were after), snapping effect, parallax images, RTL support, and more.
You can take a look at the showcase to get a grasp of what can be achieved with it. Do not hesitate to share your experience with the plugin since we're always trying to improve it.
Edit : two new layouts have been introduced in version 3.6.0 (one with a stack of cards effect and the other with a tinder-like effect). Enjoy!
You can achieve this using ScrollView with paging enabled on iOS and ViewPagerAndroid on Android.
F8 being an open source app,
you can see that's what it's actually using:
This component renders all pages.
If you only want to have the visible and left and right pages rendered to save memory, there's another component built on top of it that does it:
There are various other similar implementations available:
However I'm not recommending as I've had several issues with it.
Speaking about the swiper-component claiming the best of the world, it still does not work out of the box (as of November 2018) as described in the official swiper-react-native documentation. The issue and a workaround is described in the swiper issue 444:
The error message (on Android) states console.error: "fontFamily 'Arial' is not a system font and has not been loaded through Exponent.Font.loadAsync.
Zach Dixon provided an elegant quick-fix which I repeat here for everybody's convenience. Simply use the following JSX-snippet inside your render()-function to avoid that a new font is required:
<Swiper style={styles.wrapper} showsButtons={true}
nextButton={<Text>></Text>} prevButton={<Text><</Text>}>
<View style={styles.slide1}><Text style>Slide 1</Text></View>
<View style={styles.slide2}><Text style>Slide 2</Text></View>
<View style={styles.slide3}><Text style>Slide 3</Text></View>
For those interested in explanations on how to implement carousel with Scroll-View only, I recommend a tutorial on a simple image carousel with ScrollView. The tutorial is straight forward and elaborates on the things one has to take care of, but you cannot use it out of the box within or on top of other View-elements. In particular the snapping does not work to well (on Android).
You can create your own custom carousel. The Carousel end result looks like this-
goToNextPage = () => {
const childlenth = this.getCustomData().length;
selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 1;
if (selectedIndex === childlenth) {
this.scrollRef.current.scrollTo({ offset: 0, animated: false, nofix: true });
selectedIndex = 1;
animated: true,
x: this.props.childWidth * selectedIndex,
// pushing 1st element at last
getCustomData() {
const {data} = this.props;
const finaldata = [];
return finaldata;
This is the main logic used behind looped carousel.
Here we are pushing the first item at last in the list again and then when scroll reaches at last position we are making the scrollview to scroll to first position as first and last element are same now and we scroll to first position with animation like this
this.scrollRef.current.scrollTo({ offset: 0, animated: false, nofix: true });
For further reference go through the link provided.

