Passing React Refs in a Higher Order Components - javascript

I have a component architecture in which there is a Navigation component that contains several unique Navigation Button components. The Navigation Button components each contain a Nav Item component made of an A-tag and an I-tag.
It looks like:
Navigation > Navigation Button > Nav Item > A-tag/I-tag
I'm tasked with implementing some DOM manipulation functionality and will need to access unique Refs placed on a Nav Item component's A-tag and I-tag.
The Refs on both the A-tag and the I-tag will need to be unique and relevant to their parent Navigation Button component.
Lastly, I will need to eventually store all of these Refs in an array-like structure and send them back to the top-level Navigation component for state management.
I've tried creating a ref at the Button Component level and passing it down as a prop to be placed on the A-tag and I-tag, but the value becomes null.
It seems that there are many situations in which Refs are overwritten and generating them dynamically is proving to be challenging.
QUESTION : Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can successfully give the Nav Item's A-tag and I-tag unique refs, which can later be stored in a data structure with Refs from other A-tags and I-tags, which will be used by the parent Navigation component?
Though I've simplified the code a lot, the general component architecture looks like this:
Several unique button components that look like:
class ButtonOne extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Some state stuff happens here
this.buttonOneRef = React.createRef();
buttonRef = { this.buttonOneRef }
export default ButtonOne
A NavItem component that looks like
class NavItem extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Some state stuff happens here
const dropdownIcon = (
<i ref={`${this.props.buttonRef}-${this.props.label}-i`/>
const link = (
<a ref={`${this.props.buttonRef}-${this.props.label}-a`>{this.props.label}</a>
return (
export default NavItem
And a Navigation component that looks like
class Nav extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Some state stuff happens here
render() {
const childrenItems =, (child, index) => {
return (
React.cloneElement(iteem, {
// Some Props here
return (
</nav >
export default Nav


Inserting a element into REACT child

I am rendering a chart with react, and I would like to add an element to the title of that chart. Unfortunately, I am using a shared chart component, and majorly modifying the component would be difficult to justify.
I have tried using refs; however, I'm running into difficulty figuring how to actually append a virtual dom element as a child element.
Specific Chart Class:
class ChartWithInfo extends React.Component {
this.chartWrapperElement = React.createRef();
componentDidMount() {
const infoInsertion = (
this.chartWrapperElement.current.insertBefore(infoInsertion, this.chartWrapperElement.current.firstChild);
render() {
return (
Generic Chart Class
export default class EmbeddedChart extends PureComponent {
// Random methods //
render() {
return (
<div ref={this.props.ref} id={'chartDiv'}>
The expected result would essentially be:
<div id='chartDiv'>
What is the most react way to do this? Am I missing something with refs?
React is meant for components and if you follow the separation of concern and component architecture. You can segregate all your components and individual reusable components. Create your button component separately and import anywhere else. Bind your events and business logic respectively.

Mutating child components based on parent component's state, without re-rendering

I'm trying to manage mouseenter and mouseleave events from a parent component, for a collection of child components that keep getting re-rendered.
I'm building a reusable component for the collection of listings, that does several things like pagination, and a few other things when a listing is hovered.
So to make this reusable, I have to maintain the state of the hovered listing from the parent CollectionComponent, and mutate each individual listing component based on the state of the parent.
Here are the components I'm using (I stripped them all down to their most basic forms):
Listings Component:
import React from 'react'
import $ from 'jquery'
import CollectionComponent from './CollectionComponent'
import Listing from './Listing'
export default class Listings extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
listings: this.props.listings,
render() {
return (<section className="listing-results">
{ listing =>
<CollectionComponent results={this.state.listings} IndividualResult={Listing} perPage={this.props.perPage} options={options}/>
Collection Component:
import React from 'react'
export default class CollectionComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
results: this.props.results,
hoveredId: null
componentDidMount() {
this.$listings = $('.result-card')
toggleInfoIn = e => {
var { target } = e
var infoId = $(target).data('id')
this.setState({hoveredId: infoId})
toggleInfoOut = e => {
this.setState({hoveredId: null})
render() {
const {results, IndividualResult, perPage, options} = this.props
return (
<div className="paginated-results">
{ result =>
<IndividualResult key={} result={result} options={options}/>
Individual Listing Component:
import React from 'react'
export default class Listing extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const { listing, hoveredId } = this.props
return (
<div className="result-card" data-id={}>
<div className={hoveredId === ? 'hovered' : ''}>
Listing Content
I know I can probably structure the CollectionComponent a little cleaner with a higher order component, but I'll leave that for refactoring later once I get it working properly with this basic setup.
My problem is that every time I hover and change the state of the parent component, it re-renders the child components, because their props are dependent on the parent's state. Once this happens, the reference to my jQuery collection of listings is no longer valid. So the mouse events are attached to old DOM elements that no longer exist.
How can I structure this differently, so that either:
the child elements' props update without re-rendering, or
the jQuery collection reference doesn't change
I'd really like to avoid getting a new the jQuery collection every time the component updates.
The behavior of hover should be confined to the individual listing component and not the Collections component.
As the Collections component maintains the state of currently hovered item, it is good idea to pass an handler as part of props and then render the list again based on the change in state set by the Collections component.
Use react based event handlers where ever necessary which makes it for a controlled component. It is not a good idea to put state in the DOM where react can take care of it for you.
import React from 'react'
export default class Listing extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.onMouseEnter = this.onMouseEnter.bind(this);
this.onMouseLeave = this.onMouseLeave.bind(this);
onMouseEnter() {
this.props.onMouseEnter({ listingId: });
onMouseLeave() {
render() {
const { listing, hoveredId } = this.props
const listingId =;
const isHovered = this.props.hoveredId ===;
return (
<div className="result-card" onMouseEnter={this.onMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave}>
<div className={isHovered ? 'hovered' : ''}>
Listing Content
import React from 'react'
export default class CollectionComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
results: this.props.results,
hoveredId: null
onMouseEnter({ listingId }) {
this.setState({ listingId });
onMouseLeave() {
this.setState({ listingId: null });
render() {
const {results, IndividualResult, perPage, options} = this.props
return (
<div className="paginated-results">
{ result =>
<IndividualResult key={} hoveredId={this.state.hoveredId} result={result} options={options} onMouseEnter={this.onMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.onMouseLeave}/>

React hiding components without react router

I have 4 components. The app component which has everything, a menu component which has two link options: General and reviews, and the two components I’m trying to hide/show: General component and reviews component.
How can I make it so that the menu component originally shows the General component and if I click on the reviews link, it would hide the General component and show the reviews components. Then if you click on the General component link, it would hide the reviews component and show the General component. I don’t need to use router since I’m not changing links, I just need to hide and show components.
I have the idea of adding an active state on the app state but not sure how it would work.
In your App component, have a state item currentView, which would hold the page you would like to display, Either by using an if and else, or just hiding them when they are not the option selected
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
currentView: 'general' // general|reviews|etc...
this.changeView = this.changeView.bind(this);
changeView(viewName) {
currentView: viewName
render() {
return (
<div className="menu">
{this.state.currentView !== 'general' && (
<a onClick={() => this.changeView('general')}>
{this.state.currentView !== 'reviews' && (
<a onClick={() => this.changeView('reviews')}>

React router pass callback with current route to child component

I am using react with react router. Some of my components have sub-routes defined so I want to pass them a callback that enables to returning to a specific route/component. I want to avoid passing a string to a specific route (because of the dependency when routing changes happen in the code). So i prefer passing a callback and populating it with the value of match.url.
But this does not work: Instead of passing the value, match.url always refers to the current route.
Parent component (simplified):
export class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
const { history, match, contentId } = this.props;
return (
<div>Block 1</div>
<div>Block 2</div>
<div>Block 3</div>
{contentId && <MyChildComponent content={contentId} goBack={() => history.push(match.url)} />}
My child component (simplified):
export class MyChildComponent extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
return (
<div role="dialog" onClick={this.props.goBack} />
My router:
const Routes = () => (
<Router history={createBrowserHistory()}>
<Route path="/result/:contentId?" component={ParentComponent} />
So when I go to /result I see - as expected - all but the child component. When navigating to /result/someId I see the child component but the goBack only refers to the current page instead of the previous one.
this.goBack = this.goBack.bind(this);
this.props.history.goBack(); // You're not calling it from history
<button onClick={this.goBack}>Go Back</button>
I think that you are using push to navigate to another route. So when you do history.push('/result/someId') you are adding another entry to history stack so goBack will navigate to the previous entry in the stack which is /result. It works as if you were a regular website and clicked a link - you could still go back even if what had changed was some dynamic parameter.
If you don't want to add up to history stack use - history.replace('/result/someId')
See navigating with history.
I figured out my core-problem was that I needed at least one part of the child routes in the parent component. This lead to changing path props also in the parent component when child-routes were changing.
My solution: Store the current location in the constructor of the parent component and pass this as prop to child components to refer back. It works but has the drawback that one can not directly access child component routes because they will not refer back to the right parent path. For my use case this is fine but improvements are welcome.
Parent component
export class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.location = this.props.location.pathname;
render() {
return (
{contentId && <MyChildComponent content={contentId} goBack={() =>
history.push(this.location)} />}

How to add a class on React component mount?

My React app has a base div like so:
<div id="root">
In my Welcome container, I would like to add a class to the div w id="root and then on Welcome container unmount, remove the class.
class Welcome extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
With jQuery I could do something like
What is the equivalent in React for adding and removing a class on a div after finding it by its ID?
This makes no sense. You shouldn't be adding classes to root from React components. The root div should just exist to inject React in to using ReactDOM.
Instead of modifying the html root, create a react class called App or something and render a <div className="app" /> that wraps all of your components. You can then use React state or props to modify the className.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
appClass: 'myClass'
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ appClass: 'newClass' });
render() {
return (
<div className={this.state.appClass}>
// Render children here
If you want to modify the appClass from a child component such as Welcome which is further down in your application then you will need to use a state management like Redux or Flux to modify the className from a child component otherwise it will get messy fast.
EDIT: removed semicolon from this.state object

