React - Returning data from API - javascript

I know there are similar questions, but I can't find the answer.
First, please tell me if I'm doing something really wrong
I need to populate my state with data from an API call. This was working fine with code above:
export const GetPlanets = async () => {
const planets = await axios.get(`${BASE_URL}`).catch((e) => {
But then I needed to make a second call to several links from one json response filed, and I managed to make it work (don't know if it is the correct approach, though)
const GetPlanets = async () => {
let planetas = {}
await axios.get(`${PLANETS_URL}`)
.then((p) => {
planetas =
return axios.get(`${FILMS_URL}`)
}).then((f) => {
planetas.films.forEach((v, i) => {
planetas[i].film = f
.catch((e) => {
return planetas
This is my component file, where I try to get the object, like I was doing before
useEffect(() => {
const fetchPlanetas = async () => { // ME TRYING...
const planetas = await GetPlanets()
}, [])
But all I get is undefined

You're getting an array of undefined because .map() needs a return value. In both your .map() callbacks, you are not returning anything.
const results = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const results2 = => {
elem = elem + 1
But, even if you did return something in your .map() callback, GetFilms(f) is asynchronous, so you would not get the results of GetFilms() mapped into the array as you would expect.
You have a couple of options:
If you have access to the API, send the films data along with the rest of the data when you do your first request.
Use async/await and Promise.all() to get responses.


How to concat multiple responses and set all response in an array [React JS]

I am doing an API call which is returning IDs and based on number of ids I am doing another call and trying to combine the responses but I am stuck with async issues.
const SearchUser = async () => {
try {
const response = await getSearchUsers();
const ids = => user.userId);
await ids.forEach(async (id) => {
const result = await getUserInfo(id);
// combine result in one state
} catch (error) {
useEffect(() => {
console.log('RNOUsers', RNOUsers); // this is empty and runs even before callng api
}, []);
How can handle this?
You can use Promise.all to wait for all responses, and then set them together with setRNOUsers
const SearchUser = async () => {
try {
const response = await getSearchUsers();
const ids = => user.userId);
const responses = await Promise.all( => getUserInfo(id)))
setRNOUsers(...responses.flatMap(x => x));
} catch (error) {
useEffect(() => {
console.log('RNOUsers', RNOUsers);
}, []);
Side note, the problem with console.log('RNOUsers', RNOUsers) is setRNOUsers (initialized by useState) is asynchronous. Besides that, your API calls are also asynchronous, so you cannot get values from RNOUsers immediately in useEffect. If you want to see data in that log, you should wait until the state is updated and your component gets re-rendered with your latest data.

Can't iterate through array from an async Javascript function?

I'm stuck on an issue where I'm parsing the results from an API in getSubscriptions(). This calls getUserSubs() which returns the following object:
When I call on subscriptions I get the expected array console (See "Works") snippet.
But when I try to iterate on the array subscriptions (See "Doesn't work"), then the contents of the function are not even called.
userSubs() is called for API data
async function getUserSubs(userId) {
const ref = collection(db, "users", userId, "subscriptions")
let subList = []
try {
const subIds = await getDocs(ref)
subIds.forEach(subRef => {
const docRef =
getDocData(docRef.product).then(product => {
return subList
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error in getting subscriptions: ", e)
return []
function getSubscriptions(userId) {
getUserSubs(userId).then(subscriptions => {
console.log(subscriptions) // Works as intended
Doesn't work
function getSubscriptions(userId) {
getUserSubs(userId).then(subscriptions => {
subscriptions.forEach(x => {
console.log(x) // ISSUE: This isn't called
Also doesn't work
let a = []
getUserSubs(userId).then(subscriptions => {
subscriptions.forEach(x => a.push(x))
I know there are similar questions asked but after reading them I'm still not able to resolve my issue.
Similar issues:
How to access the value of a promise?
Using async/await with a forEach loop
getUserSubs(userId).then(subscriptions => {
console.log(subscriptions) // Works as intended
No it doesn't. It only appears so because you are inspecting the live array that was mutated after it has been logged to the console.
Also doesn't work:
let a = []
getUserSubs(userId).then(subscriptions => {
subscriptions.forEach(x => a.push(x))
Yes, for rather obvious reasons: the array is logged before you fill it. It would need to be either
getUserSubs(userId).then(subscriptions => {
let a = []
subscriptions.forEach(x => a.push(x))
let a = []
const subscriptions = await getUserSubs(userId)
subscriptions.forEach(x => a.push(x))
But none of these will solve your core problem: getUserSubs returns an empty array before it gets filled, in the lines
subIds.forEach(subRef => {
const docRef =
getDocData(docRef.product).then(product => {
return subList
you never wait for the getDocData promise. If you change that to
let subList = []
for (const subRef of subIds) {
const docRef =
const product = await getDocData(docRef.product)
return subList
or just
return Promise.all( => {
const docRef =
return getDocData(docRef.product)
it would work, as described in the question you already found.
(This might still not work. subIds looks suspiciously like a firebase snapshot, which is not an array and can neither be iterated nor does it have a .map method. In that case, you'll need to use forEach+push manually).
Honestly I wouldn't use the forEach() method. I think all you need to do to fix this is iterate over the results in a normal for loop.
for(let subscription of subscriptions) {
for(let index in subscriptions) {
If this doesn't do the trick, I'll open up a sandbox and look more in depth.

Returning results in their order from multiple api queries

I want to make multiple API calls from an array of values. I would like to resolve the first call, then the second, third, and so on in the order in which the API request receives the data. everything I've tried gets me to the point of logging the final data in the console or resolving the data but not necessarily returning the array of data in the format with which the requests were made. Below is one of the solutions I was recently playing with. It definitely does not work (and there are a lot of issues with it) but I do see the unresolved data in the console. The console.logs just show the points where some sort of accurate data is returned as an unresolved promise
const sendTrackingData = (storeKey, deliveries) => {
const trackingUrl = (delivery) => {
const urlData = [] (parcel) => {
const {trackingData} = parcel;
const carrier = trackingData.carrier.toLowerCase();
const trackingCode = trackingData.trackingId;
urlData.push(await getTrackingUrl(storeKey, carrier, trackingCode))
return urlData
return Promise.all(trackingUrl)
It is called here for now in a use effect
const test = await sendTrackingData(storeKey, deliveries)
console.log(test,'the test url data =========>')
API call
export const getTrackingUrl = (storeKey, carrier, trackingCode) => {
return`random-url-address/returnedData`, {
You need to call Promise.all on the main asynchronous requests - the getTrackingUrl - for the order to be preserved:
const sendTrackingData = (storeKey, deliveries) => (
Promise.all( => (
Promise.all( => {
const { trackingData } = parcel;
const carrier = trackingData.carrier.toLowerCase();
const trackingCode = trackingData.trackingId;
return getTrackingUrl(storeKey, carrier, trackingCode);
When you want to preserve order, .push after an asynchronous request is almost never the right approach.
you can try (parcel , index) => {
const {trackingData} = parcel;
const carrier = trackingData.carrier.toLowerCase();
const trackingCode = trackingData.trackingId;
urlData.splice(index, 0, await getTrackingUrl(storeKey, carrier, trackingCode));
return urlData

How to get fetch api results in execution order with async/await?

After an input change in my input element, I run an empty string check(if (debouncedSearchInput === "")) to determine whether I fetch one api or the other.
The main problem is the correct promise returned faster than the other one, resulting incorrect data on render.
//In my react useEffect hook
useEffect(() => {
//when input empty case
if (debouncedSearchInput === "") autoFetch();
else searchvalueFetch();
}, [debouncedSearchInput]);
searchvalueFetch() returned slower than autoFetch() when I emptied the input. I get the delayed searchvalueFetch() data instead of the correct autoFetch() data.
What are the ways to tackle this? How do I queue returns from a promises?
I read Reactjs and redux - How to prevent excessive api calls from a live-search component? but
1) The promise parts are confusing for me
2) I think I don't have to use a class
3) I would like to learn more async/await
Edit: added searchvalueFetch, autoFetch, fetcharticles code
const autoFetch = () => {
const url = A_URL
const searchNYT = () => {
const fetchArticles = async url => {
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
//set my state
This is an idea how it could looks like. You can use promises to reach this. First autoFetch will be called and then searchvalueFetch:
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
await autoFetch();
await searchvalueFetch();
}, []);
You can also use a function in any lifecycle depends on your project.
const fetchData = async () => {
await autoFetch();
await searchvalueFetch();
} catch(e){

How do I combine two fetch request into the same array?

I am trying to combine two fetch requests in one call so I can get all the data in the same array.
I have tried the Promise.all method but I don't know if it is the right way to do it.
getWeather = async (e) => {
const city =;
//const api_call = await
const promises = await Promise.all([
const data = promises.then((results) =>
Promise.all( => r.text())))
The code actually works and I'm getting data back but I can't understand the json response.
(2) ["{"coord":{"lon":-5.93,"lat":54.6},"weather":[{"id"…7086601},"id":2655984,"name":"Belfast","cod":200}", "{"cod":"200","message":0.0077,"cnt":40,"list":[{"d…on":-5.9301},"country":"GB","population":274770}}"]
How should I set the state?
My state was set like this, with only one call.
if (city) {
temperature: data[0].main.temp,
city: data[0].name,
Is there a better way to do it?
I'd do:
getWeather = async (e) => {
const fetchText = url => fetch(url).then(r => r.json()); // 1
const /*2*/[weather, forecast] = /*3*/ await Promise.all([
this.setState({ temperature: weather.temp, /*...*/ });
1: By using a small helper, you don't have to call Promise.all twice. With this both requests are done in parallel (and you should use .json() as you want to parse it as JSON).
2: Through array destructuring you can easily get back the promises results.
3: Through awaiting you get the actual benefit from async functions: You don't need nested .then chains
You can write in following way which is cleaner approach and will have your data categorised
const success = res => res.ok ? res.json() : Promise.resolve({});
const weather = fetch(`${city}&units=metric&APPID=${API_KEY}`)
const forecast = fetch(`${city}&units=metric&APPID=${API_KEY}`)
return Promise.all([weather, forecast])
.then(([weatherData, forecastData]) => {
const weatherRes = weatherData;
const ForecastRes = forecastData; // you can combine it or use it separately
.catch(err => console.error(err));

