Is it possible to modify a value in a Set - javascript

Using a JavaScript Set, is it possible to modify a value previously added?
For example:
const mySet = new Set()
mySet.set(0, 69)
.set is made up, I just want to modify the set at index 0. Is there any way to do this or should I be using a regular array or even a Map?

No, you have to remove it and readd the appropriate value. Sets only contain values, nothing more.
Sets don't have an index. You can use a Map or object, as you suggested.


JS is changing 2d-array values, might it be another function interfering?

Short summary: I have written some code that fills up a 2-dimensional array. When I display this array, everything is perfect. Now I give this 2d-array as a parameter to a function. When I call the function inside of
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = myFunction(int, array);
it shows exactly the right values. However, I don't want to display them, I want to further use them. As the function returns an array (one dimensional), I tried
var my_result_array = myFunction(int, array);
I have also tried push() and pre-defined arrays or accessing just single elements.
The thing is, as soon as I have the function called in my document, the array I am giving to the function as a parameter is changing! I took care that there are no similiar names, but I just can`t figure out, why it is always changing my parameter array, therefore destroying the calculation but working fine if I use it in the document.getElementbyId part.
Any suggestions?
Edit for more code:
I try to keep it short and explainatory. I am creating an empty array with a dimension given by mat_dimension_js
var berechnungs_array = new Array(mat_dimension_js);
for (var i = 0; i < mat_dimension_js; i++){
berechnungs_array[i] = new Array(mat_dimension_js);
I then fill this array up with values. If I print the array, everything is fine, the values are where they belong. I then feed this array to myFunction()
Sorry for the mess, I have also tried it without creating an array A again.
I then try to grab the output of myFunction() as told above, but as soon as I do that, somehow the array I have given as a parameter changes.
Arrays in JavaScript are passed by reference, meaning that any changes you do to the array passed inside the function will also be saved in the actual array.
In addition, A = mat_array; does not create a copy of mat_array, but another pointer to it (meaning that both variables refer to the exact same array object internally).
To properly make a copy of a 1D array, calling .slice(0) should do the trick. However, for 2D arrays, you need to do this recursively.
See Javascript passing arrays to functions by value, leaving original array unaltered
What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?

JQuery Selectors for Dropdowns

this is not exactly a programming problem but more of a quest for more clarity on DOM manipulation using JQuery or Javascript. Any help will be appreciated.
i have a couple lines below i just need to understand how they are treated in the browser. the idea is just understand a little more
I know this line creates a reference to an Object, but what Object??
var child = $("select[Title='Country'], select[Title='Country Required Field'],select[Title='Country possible values']");
Does line empty the value property in this object? Why do you need this?
var options = <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>;
i know this is supposed to append the variable to the child object but what happens if there is already other values in the child object. What if you need to replace the values already in the child object with new the values in the option variable.
the question is just for more clarity any answers will be welcomed thanks
Not sure if that what you mean but if you want to override the current options in the select fields by the options you've in the options variable without using empty you could use .html() :
Hope this helps.
$(child).empty(); this line doesn't empty the value property of the object but it clears all the inner HTML of this object. This means it clears all the option tags inside the object. If you need to modify an existing value of an option with some other value you can do this:
`$("option[value='oldvalue']", child).val('new value');
The above code selects the option whose value you need to modify and then set its value to new value.

duplicate the object and then update a value in JSON object

I have a array of json objects in jquery . I want to duplicate a object and then replace key value in original object on the basis of if condition . but every time i replaced the value in single object then it replaced the values in both objects . I only want to replace in one i.e original
I have used break and return false statements but dont work.
var index=getIndex(class_id,teacher_id);
function getIndex(class_id,teacher_id){
for(var it in finalJson){
if(finalJson[it]['class'] == class_id && finalJson[it]['type'] == 'c'){
return it;
please anybody help here is if condition .
Thanks in advance.
When you do finalJson.push(finalJson[it]) you are pushing the reference to old object again in the array. So, any operation done on one reference will be performed on the object to which new reference is pointing to. Which is why you need to create a new object using the properties of old one (using Object.create) and then push it.
with (don't use this option)
or a slower but deep-copy option
When you copy the object to a new variable, you are creating a reference. You need to create a new object to prevent this, otherwise the changes applied to one object will apply to the other.

handling splice with associative arrays in javascript

I have an array called as wcs declared using var wcs= new Array();.
I do add items like this, wcs[indx] = value. where i will keep on changing the indx value, so at times, my array will be looking like this
wcs[2] ='a'; wcs[5]=')';
when i call the splice method on this array, all the created indices are re-indexed, meaning they become reset from 0...
how to avoid this in javascript & jQuery
Write your own splice method that works the way you want. If you specify the input, processing and expected output, you might get some help with that.
If you simply want a copy of the array, you may be after the concat method.

How come setting value in one array key is setting in another key?

I have an array of objects with various objects within to hold UI values. I wanted to have a button so that element 0's values are replicated through the whole array. However I noticed that setting one set them all. Here is an example without using any looping:
console.log('manual 3: ', lis[3].spacer.divider.type); // prints 'none'
lis[1].spacer.divider.type = 'bananas';
console.log('manual 3: ', lis[3].spacer.divider.type); // prints 'bananas'
I am completely baffled how setting lis[1] also set lis[3]
They must both be references to the same object.
If they're DOM nodes, you can copy them using cloneNode().
Watch out for IE bugs - it has a habit of not cloning properly (for example cloning a <select> doesn't maintain the selectedIndex).
See also What is the most efficent way to clone a JavaScript object? for cloning objects.
Because the variables are reference variables and they all reference the same object and as a result it looks like changing one changes all of them, really they are all the same underlying object.
If you want lots of unique arrays they should all be created as a fresh or be clones of each other.
It turns out I was referencing the same object. Thanks. It didn't click to me since all the other objects above (spacer,lis) were unique. I accidentally was setting divider to a member default of spacer instead of a function returning the default.

