How to notify without websocket - javascript

I want to integrate a simple notification system in my react application. I want to notify for example:
- new post (when the user post the system need time to transcode the media attached and the publication)
- missing settings (the user need to compile some information)
- interesting posts etc..
There is a simple way to add a websocket, like, to a reactjs app with an aws lambda backend?
All the notification not need to be read in real time, maybe an ajax call every 2 minutes can solve my problem, but, in this case, someone can help me avoid ajax call if the app isn't used(like if the app remain opened in a foreground tab...)
componentDidMount() {
setInterval(this.liveUpdate, 120000);
liveUpdate() {
axios.get(endpoint.posts+'/live/', cfg)
.then(res => {
// ...
This code is in the footer component, the call happen every 120 seconds, but the call will still happen also if a user leave the application opened in the browser and not use it, this on a lambda backend mean a waste of money.

There are 3 main ways of notifying that I can think of at the moment...
Long polling (using ajax etc)
Push Notification
Push (though) requires permission from the user


How detect changes of an api

I have a api that returns if the building is open and how much peapole are in there.
Now i want my Discord Bot to send a message when the Building opens.
How do i do that?
if the api recives a request the response is looks this :
state: {
open: false/true
It may be helpful to clear out the terminology: the "API" in this context is the endpoints exposed by the server and their request/response schemas (you can think of it as the fields you send and receive back). Now, this doesn't change in your case: it's the same endpoint, and the same fields. What changes is the value.
Now, you are probably doing a HTTP request to a given URL, where the server is. And in HTTP world, we say that we are requesting a resource. The resource behind is the homepage of this website. The resource behind the endpoint you are calling is a building's state. This resource changes overtime, it may open or closed at any time, people going in and out. But the API doesn't change in this case.
Let's reword your question, so it can be clearer: How can a client know when a HTTP resource changes? If your server only exposes this endpoint to know the state of the building, the answer is a sad "it can't". Let's say that I close the building, the server knows it somehow and now the building's state is {"open": false}. But the server doesn't have any mechanism to say to your client that the state changed, the server just waits for the client to ask what the state is, and returns. Allowing a server to send data to your client without the client requesting first adds some complexity to your architecture, and although there's a bonus (the client will know of state changes as soon as possible), in your case, it may not be necessary.
One alternative is long polling, in long polling your client makes a request to the server and the server doesn't respond immediately, it... waits. Waits for an update, like a change in building's state. When an update happens, then it sends a response. The client, in turn, requests again! And waits for the server to send an update... In practice, the client will keep up with the server state. The mentioned article for long polling gives a good example:
The one caveat is that the server must also support long polling. If the server just returns whatever the resource's state is, then the client will keep receiving the same state over and over. Another valid solution is instead of waiting for updates, the client keeps requesting the server for every few seconds. You may miss some updates! But in some cases, it's fine to lose track of a few updates.
Ok, enough theory. What about your case? If you want to know if a door is open or closed, but don't care to know when it happens, you can just request the server every five seconds or so:
In some pseudo javascript code, and very inspired by the long polling article mentioned before:
async function subscribe() {
let buildingState = null
while (true) {
const response = await fetch("/subscribe")
if (response.status != 200) {
// An error - let's show it
// Get and show the message
const message = await response.json()
// a function that returns true/false if the state is different
if (stateChanged(message, buildingState)) {
buildingState = message
// wait five seconds and repeat
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
This works fine. But if you want for your client to immediately know when a door is opened or closed, this is not enough: opening and closing a door is a quite fast action, and even if you request the server every second, you may lose updates. In this case, the server needs to change. Either by implementing long polling, or something like websockets... you didn't mention that the server is in your control, but if it doesn't, it may be helpful to talk with who maintains it to work out a solution.
If you only have pull access to that API then the only way to detect state change is to periodically send a request, store response, and trigger your bot on stored response change.

How can you guarantee that a PWA is fully up-to-date using only built-in functionality, without reloading the page? [duplicate]

I'm working on adding a requested feature to my SPA. We have some users who leave their tabs open to our application for long periods of time. We also push out frequent updates (sometimes 5x a day, as we're pre-revenue). I'm wondering if it's possible to modify the serviceWorker that comes installed with Create-React-App to run a polling loop (maybe every 10 minutes) to poll for new updates to the application, instead of only on initial page load.
This way, a user who leaves their tab open could receive update notifications without having to refresh.
Has anyone achieved something like this before, and know how I might implement that into the CRA serviceWorker?
Figured it out! In the registerServiceWorker.js file, I added a simple setInterval inside the callback for the navigator.serviceWorker.register() function:
// poll for live updates to the serviceWorker
pollingLoopInterval = setInterval(async () => {
await registration.update();

Get real time updates from Microsoft Graph API (beta) Communication API

I am current using Microsoft Graph API (beta) to get Presence Status e.g. Online, away etc. in an spfx webpart (using React) using GraphClient:
this.props.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient().then(async (client: MSGraphClient) => {
let response = await client
console.log("Communication API Response: "+ response);
this.usersWithPresence = response.value;
This is working fine, but to get updated status of a user, I have to refresh the page so another API call is made and updated presence status. I want to do it like this happens in 'Skype'.
What I need is suggestions about a mechanism that I can apply to get
real time updates in user's presence status, so as soon as user
updates the status this is reflected in my webpart. I know I can use
setInterval or setTimeout functions to request for presence status
after specific intervals but for learning purposes i don't want to
request API this way again and again but rather getting updated
message from server like this happens using web sockets. How a web
socket sort of stuff can be applied with this API?
your suggestions are welcome.
Today this API doesn't support any kind of subscription mechanism to when the status changes. There is a uservoice entry you can upvote for it. That means the only way to get any changes is to periodically poll it. As for socket io, the only support today is for SharePoint lists, for any other resource you need to stand up your own infrastructure to relay the message.

How to run asynchronous tasks for multiple users

So I've this project for school who is about "triggers" for social networks.
Let me explain:
- A user can register for our application and login
- He can sign in for multiple services like Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Then their is what we call triggers, once he signed in on our application and registered his services, everytime he will post something on twitter for example my server will see it and post it on Facebook aswell.
I knew nothing about node.js a month ago so I'm kinda new to all this async stuff but I took some course to help myself. So far so good I can now manage users etc, (I've again some research to do with oauth).
My biggest problem is this "real-time" update on our server.
I mean I searched on the internet and saw this what we call polling (?), the idea to make request frequently to a server every X seconds.
So with a bit a sudo code this what I tought it would look like:
For each User
asynchronously watch for every update on Facebook and Twitter for
this User
So I did some research about performing request every each second and found about setInterval and setTimeout
const watchSocialMedia = setInterval(function(){
Users.forEach(user => {
User.watchAndPostAnyNewPost() //
}, 60000);
So I put some dummy data to illustrate.
Problem is I don't think It'll be done asynchronously ?
I mean the ideal is if I could put one time for each user a 'watcher' like saying
For each User
where watchAndPostAnyNewPost() look like this
class User () {
const watchAndPostAnyNewPost = setInterval(function(){
}, 60000);
So each user have his own setInterval function running on him to check if he posted anything
Anyone can tell me if it's even possible ? :-)
Thanks a lot for reading me !!!

Delay an HTML5 notification?

I've been looking at the state of HTML notifications and service workers, and was wondering - is it possible to show a notification on a delay? Basically, I would like to be able to say "remind me in 30 minutes" (or whatever), then push a notification to the user 30 minutes later. That could be scheduled immediately, but I'm not seeing any functionality that allows it.
Am I missing something or is it impossible in the current state of (particularly) Chrome APIs?
This is possible but not straightforward with service workers, at least in their present form. It's not straightforward because a service worker can't keep itself awake for half an hour or wake itself up with a setTimeout or setInterval. The browser will just shut the worker down and will keep no record of any timeouts or intervals. You could wake it up with a message from an open tab, but you said that you don't want to have to have to keep an open tab, and if you assume an open tab then why even bother with the service worker anyway? As Jeff Posnick suggested in a comment, you could perhaps eventually use the Sync or PeriodicSync APIs, but, as he also points out, they aren't implemented yet and aren't really intended for this anyway.
You can accomplish what you want in current versions of Chrome using the Push API, but you'll have to include the server in the loop and set yourself up with a push notification service (i.e. GCM). Here's how it would work, roughly:
When you decide to delay a notification, let the server know about it
After a delay, the server sends out a push message for your user
The service worker is woken up in response to the push and creates a new notification
This last part will be a hassle, because currently you can't actually send any kind of payload with a push, so your service worker will need some way of figuring out what the notification is supposed to be. Maybe the server has a list of snoozed notifications and the service worker can get it from there, or maybe you saved them in IndexedDB.
Adapted from
var Notification = window.Notification || window.mozNotification || window.webkitNotification;
function show() {
window.setTimeout(function () {
var instance = new Notification("Hello World!");
}, 5000);
return false;
Notify me!

