How repair npm run build in webpack - javascript

Hello I started work with javascript, nodejs, babel and webpack. When I use npm run build I have some error. I use Windows 10.
I try install depedencies again and again. I looking information amout 'rm' and gulp.
A fragment with build of webpack looks like:
In this picture is error of using rm -rf build
And when I remove this line I got problem with gulp:
Without it I can't iport files.
Thank you in advance.


Getting Node Module Error (Cannot find module)

I am learning the Automated tests by using selenium web driver + Javascript and node.js.
Everything is working fine when I ran that script.js from the Visual Studio code terminal(by using node main.js)
I want to schedule this script in the scheduler which automatically tests the login functionality. But when I try to run it from the task scheduler then it gives Error: Cannot find module
Does anybody know how to get rid of this.
To fix Cannot find module errors, install the modules properly by running a npm install command in the appropriate directory as your project's app. ... or delete the node_modules folder and package-lock. json file and re-install it again using the npm install command.
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json

why does NPM start give me the error of Module Not Found

I am using vs code right now. So I first did npm init, then I installed parcel and sass. Using npm i parcel#next -D and npm i sass#next -D. No errors until now.
Then I went into the package.json file and replaced the test in the scripts object to 'start':'parcel index.html'. And after that, I wrote this script in terminal npm start, I got this weird error, that says [module_not_found]here is the image.
Here is a screenshot. I have some SASS files, and I want to make then into 1 CSS file.

WebStorm not running project, Command `start` unrecognized

I'm very new to React Native, barely two weeks into it. I've installed node.js (ver 10.15.0), I've also installed yarn and downloaded WebStorm.
The problem is that I can't run a simple project created by WebStorm, it throws an error
Command start unrecognized. Make sure that you have run npm install and that you are inside a react-native project.
I've cd into my WebStorm projects folder and run npm install in command prompt countless times but it's still throwing the error. Some online suggestions said I should set my path correctly, but I don't really know how to go about it.
Any help will be appreciated.
You should know The best IDE for react native is VSCode (visual studio code) and don't create project with IDE (you should use commands for create project. just use IDE for manage codes)
use CMD or PowerShell (Recommended) for commands
Create a folder for your project and in the project directory run this commands :
npm install -g expo-cli
expo init Yourprojectname
cd Yourprojectname
npm start
For run android project
react-native run-android
For run android project
react-native run-ios
Also its better to read this tutorial :

React native with expo: ‘react-navigation does not exist in the haste module map’

I’m a beginner working on my first app with react native and expo. I’m having trouble getting the navigation to work. When I run the app, I get the error ‘react-navigation does not exist in the haste module map’. I’ve installed react navigation through the command line and ran install npm to install dependancies.
I also had the same problems few weeks back , please follow the steps below :
Open terminal and navigate to project root directory.
write 'rm -rf node_modules' in the terminal to remove the node modules.
write 'npm install' in order to install the node modules again
write 'cd ios'.
write 'rm -r build' to clear the old build.
come back to the root folder of project again and run the project.
Your code will run smoothly.

Gulp.js GUI with Electron

I have been planning to start working on a new application for my current college project. What I would like to do is create an electron app that will start specific tasks based on a gulpfile.js.
This is mostly to let people start the gulp tasks even if they aren't used to work with the terminal .
Now the question is: If I package the application (macOS) and the final user don't have any node/gulp.js installed globally, will this work? Is it possible to package an electron app with gulp and fire some gulp taks anyway?
I don't have enough time to start the project without knowing if it will work, that's why I'm addressing this to you guys, I need your help in the subject :)
I have also searched on Google for some solutions, but I didn't find any.
Thank you!
I don't know about gulp in particular, but as it seems to be an npm module, you'll be able to install it locally with your electron app. In the terminal cd to your electron/resources/app folder and run
npm install gulp-cli -g
npm install gulp -D
(as shown on
You then should see a node_modules folder in the same directory, which contains the install of gulp. This can then be packaged in the same way as any other electron app.

